Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Non-Book Review of Philip Hale, Ft. Wayne Graduate

Upper far left - Pastor Philip Hale, Ft. Wayne; Lower left - Georg Knapp, Halle University; Far right - John Calvin.

Pastor Philip Hale Reviews Dr. Greg Jackson's Latest Book

Pastor Philip Hale decided to send a denunciation disguised as a book review. Apparently it may appear in Christian News, which has become a lengthy obituary notice for the Synodical Conference. Hiding the true history of the 19th century, they miss the scandal of the 21st, passively supporting abortions funded and promoted by Lutherans and the ordination of gays of all genders. 

A book is supposed to be reviewed by discussing its contents, which was never done. I am flattered. Hale is so stunned by the Biblical evidence for Justification by Faith that he cannot even address the topic. He did conclude his rant by saying I picked the wrong path. The path is Biblical exegesis, so that is a telling confession of sin by Hale.

 The Path to Understanding Justification - is Biblical exegesis.
"Jackson’s foundational premise is flawed. He thinks “justification by faith,” as a slogan or summary formula, is the only way to talk about justification. A justification without mentioning faith must be a personal justification leading to salvation without faith, in his view. But justification in Scripture, according to its root, deals with righteousness." (P. Hale) How dare I quote Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz on Justification by Faith?

The back cover challenges Objective Justification fanatics to deal with Genesis 15:6 and Romans 4. The students of Scaer, Preus, and Werning should be able to deal with those two passages. Instead, they run from those passages, like little girls who just saw a big, fat garden spider.

I enjoyed his ad-ELDONA attacks. If the review were any longer, he might have involved the CLC (sic) and the OLCC. Anything to avoid the topic, eh Hale? He learned so much from Scaer.

Do not miss the ad-ELCA fallacies when the review reaches print. The fore-runners of ELCA taught Justification by Faith - and now they are so icky, louche, radical, Creation-denying (oops Concordia St. Louis), with wild and crazy worship.

But that side-show bites the dogma chihuahua in the interlinear Greek NT. To wit:

  1. One of his seminary presidents is speaking in tandem with an abortion and gay ordination advocate, Heidi and whats-his-name. Meyer, that's it.
  2. Several of the commitee (still spelled wrong) members are LCMS pastors.
  3. Two WELS pastors (more or less) are Parlow the Plagiarist, and Becker the Hand-puppet of Jeske. 
  4. Jeske is from Hale's beloved OJ tradition, although both synods originally and officially taught Justification by Faith.
LCMS-WELS is now one with ELCA, in doctrine and practice.




Samuel Huber was a Calvinist "converted" to Lutheran doctrine. Yes, he was a minor figure, because the post-Book-of-Concord Lutheran leaders destroyed his Objective Justification dogma and kicked him out.

Calvinism teaches Objective Justification, and David Scaer admitted that Robert Preus consulted Calvinist leaders to help him in arguing OJ.

Calvinism teaches Election without Faith, the dogma used by CFW Walther to split the Synodical Conference. WELS Mequon Professor John Sparky Brenner admitted that Walther used Election without Faith to support his OJ.

Halle University was founded to teach Biblical Pietism, but it quickly became rationalistic. Walther's mentor, Bishop Martin Stephan, studied at Halle and taught Walther the Easter absolution of the whole world, which Walther also taught. Walther was a cell group Pietist, educated in the union church of Lutheranism subordinated to Calvinism. Walther's father was a rationalist pastor, and Walther was trained and certified as a rationalist.

A Little Book on Justification Twists the Enthusiasts into Knots

Ft. Wayne graduate Philip Hale does not understand Justification by Faith, the Chief Article of Christianity.

"In The Path to Understanding Justification, Gregory L. Jackson continues what seems to be his singular mission in life – that of trying to convince basically all of American Lutheranism that they have been wrong on justification for at least 150 years. Though he once published in support of objective justification in an early writing (the first edition of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant), he is now convinced that it is the greatest error possible in doctrine today." Philip Hale in an email to David Becker and CN.
My answer - The false teachers always want to absorb and include anyone who pointed out their errors as actually on their side in earlier days. I have repeatedly stated that I once thought they were talking about Objective Justification being the Atonement and Subjective Justification being Justification by Faith. 

I have never believed OJ - because it is anti-Biblical - and that is what gets the Hale's knickers in a knot.

 The Path Is Biblical Exegesis, not regurgitated Calvinism.

Francis Pieper did a fine job of mixing around the terms, and his followers have aped his confusion. 
The core falsehood of every version and label of OJ is this - "God has declared the entire world righteous, forgiven - even saved," though they have a devil of a time naming the Moment of World Absolution.
The laity are driving the badly educated pastors crazy by pointing out the OJ errors and lies.
The OJ advocates return to their disgusting arguments, as the dog returns to his vomit. (Proverbs 26:11)

 The Heidis are sponsored by ELCA, LCMS, WELS, and everyone's apathy.