Sunday, January 12, 2020

Information Matters - Synodocrats Hate This Blog.
The Answer Is Research, Not Posturing

Profiles in Corruption is already a best-seller on Amazon. So many familiar names from the presidential campaign circus!

The Schweizer book is already #1 on the Amazon list. His last book on the Clinton Cash was epic.

The number of Iranian connections grow -

  1. FBI's Lisa Page's mother is Iranian
  2. Peter Strzok's father was in Iran (intel) and Peter speaks Farsi.
  3. Former Secretary of State and current Iran cheerleader - John Kerry's daughter married a prominent Iranian leader. 
  4. Obama's handler and counselor Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran.
  5. The children of corrupt politicians step in to gather the loot in Iran, too. More should be coming out about that soon.
Project Veritas is going to unleash another explosive video, expected this week.

Meme wars continue. Do you think Q was influenced by Ichabod graphics 13 years ago?

The art department of Ichabod simply added The Godfather theme to Patterson's own portrait in Facebook. Those who look long enough at his shades will see dollar signs appear. They call that "vision" in WELS. He had all his shills phone me to say there was no odious Patterson lobby. Don, Kudu Don, that is not convincing evidence, to have one lick-spittle after another phone me. 

 Note the symbolism - The Sausage Factory at Mequon, as named by the Little Sect on the Prairie (Jay Webber). Women's ordination! - blessed by John Brug and just around the corner. Giving Thrivent annuity salesmen a divine call as Giving Counselors. Cornerstone - another business within the synod to drain money from congregations.

 Patterson's gimmicks and strategies know no limits. God is angry with his Easter services in a cemetery - die-rect from Church Growth. Petting baby rabbits is a gimmick to bring in the kiddies and their parents with them. Patterson kept hiding the bunnies and I kept finding them, just like "Evangelism Day" at MLC.
 Information - there is no substitute for direct quotations with the citations.

He came from Outer Space, to save the human race.
What gives away Kelm - and WELS - more than the garbage he suggested for people read, mark, and inwardly digest. Valleskey is just as bad - and become Mordor president for that very reason.

 Offending alcoholics? They stole that from Ichabod!