Monday, April 20, 2020

Sample from The Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog

"All Mankind Fell in Adam's Fall"
by Lazarus Spengler
Translated by Matthias Loy, 1828-1915

Tune - Wenn wir in hoechsten Noeten - linked here

1. All mankind fell in Adam's fall,
One common sin infects them all;
From sire to son the bane descends,
And over all the curse impends.

2. Through all man's powers corruption creeps
And him in dreadful bondage keeps;
In guilt he draws his infant breath
And reaps its fruits of woe and death.

3. From hearts depraved, to evil prone,
Flow thoughts and deeds of sin alone;
God's image lost, the darkened soul
Nor seeks nor finds its heavenly goal.

4. But Christ, the second Adam, came
To bear our sin and woe and shame,
To be our Life, our Light, our Way,
Our only Hope, our only Stay.

5. As by one man all mankind fell
And, born in sin, was doomed to hell,
So by one Man, who took our place,
We all received the gift of grace.

6. We thank Thee, Christ; new life is ours,
New light, new hope, new strength, new powers:
May grace our every way attend
Until we reach our journey's end!

Hymn #369
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Romans 3:12
Author: Lazarus Spengler, 1524, cento
Translated by: Matthias Loy, 1880, alt.
Titled: "Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt"
Tune: "Wenn wir in hoechsten Noeten"
1st Published in: "Genevan Psalter", 1547

Amish Beards and 12th Century Dogma - ELDONA's Hyper-Pietism

They lead the people to and fro, in error's maze astounded.

With fraud which they themselves invent
Thy truth they have confounded;
Their hearts are not with one consent
On Thy pure doctrine grounded.
While they parade with outward show,
They lead the people to and fro,
In error's maze astounded.

Luther: O Lord, Look Down from Heaven Above

I noticed immediately that Pastor Sullivan doth not shaveth the upper lip, which is required of his horse-and-buggy logic and confused dogma.

I have already shown how the ELDONUTs lie about suddenly discovering Objective Justification the moment Paul Rydecki was extended the Left Foot of Fellowship (in love) by Buchholz the WELS Universalist. In fact, Heiser studied at Ft Wayne, but admitted to me that he did not know how bad OJ was. At one conference, he said of a presentation - "He denied Objective Justification."

Heiser confessed, and did not deny, but confessed that OJ was wrong in 2000, when I published Thy Strong Word. He publicized the book and sold copies on his website.

However, this same James Heiser subsequently established fellowship with several OJ pastors, including Rolf One-Note Preus. What Heiser admitted on the phone and in person with me was ignored when it came to building his tiny archdiocese.

The deceptions of the ELDONUTs continue, as if Luther wrote against online worship. He wrote about pastors communing themselves, the practice exemplified by the Notre Dame president who communed himself every day, whether he was at an airport or a Democrat headquarters.

Applying Luther's words - wrongly - in a state of rage is just, plain funny when voiced by Sullivan. But it does point out the flawed education of the Ft. Whiners. ELDONA is almost 100% Ft. Whine. The rest graduated from "the other one," as they call St. Louis.

Hyper-Pietism is ELDONA's only strength.

The Lutheran seminaries no longer teach Luther or Biblical doctrine, seeming to take pride in rejecting the efficacy of the Word. What Sullivan claims as truth could be applied against radio, TV, and Internet preaching.

Sullivan's new additions to the Talmud should be noted. The place of worship must not be too large, lest electronic boosting of the Verba void the Sacrament. The elements must be distributed by the ELDONA priest, which is fairly easy with a dozen members per congregation.

LCMS Pastor Larry Beane, Ft. Wayne graduate, genuflects before the altar and teaches Objective Justification. Gottesdienst has denounced the efficacy of the Word but not the efficacy of the papal style mass.

The necessity of Internet worship has little to do with the virus du jour. The problem was caused by blatant false doctrine and the destruction of faithful congregations. When the Chinese virus arrived, pastors could not even muster an entire service with the liturgy, hymns, and sermon. They began borrowing the work of others, the best example of apostasy and laziness one could imagine.

ELDONA is on record for bearing false witness. They are so secretive that they publish nothing in print. Imagine the fun of copy and pasting their delusions and narcissism!