Sunday, March 7, 2021

Cascione Writes! The Biggest Event Since Brando Sings!

Brando sings! Guys and Dolls
They decided to use a more appealing concept to promote the movie.

Whenever the musical Guys and Dolls is discussed, someone recalls that a promotional banner was going to say, "Brando sings!" Wiser marketing experts prevailed.

I remembered that nugget when LutherQuest (sic) headlined - "Cascione speaks!"

Steve Schmidt (Sschmidt)
Senior Member
Username: Sschmidt

Post Number: 1409
Registered: 3-2017
Posted on Tuesday, March 02, 2021 - 11:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have posted here for four years and never recall Pastor Cascione conversing with us. What I find revelatory is a picture of an alternate LCMS in transition and what was left behind, what might have been. An alternative LCMS, if you will. Most of these quotes could deserve a thread of their own.

“The LCMS has chosen to abandon its differentiation from the broad spectrum of American congregations and surrender considerable “market share.” They have posted a sign, “Hey everybody. We are just like all the other churches.”

Here we don’t shy away from the idea of denominational marketing and “brand loyalty.” You may locate this principally in women’s suffrage. Yet we are fortunate in having the example of the WELS, which maintained this prohibition. The WELS does not display any more congregational harmony or growth than the LCMS. They may possibly have a bit more clubby esprit de corps. But the American public at large is not interested in buying into either.


GJ -  I have noticed that LQ (sic) and the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau Online Discussion Forum are equally enamored of sociology and marketing. Both are dedicated to the crypto-Universalism of Objective Justification. Both host Rolf Preus pontificating and preening in his declining years. Both sites have writers who discuss marketing trends, sociology, and comparing themselves to other denominations and volunteer groups.

Neither one pays any attention to faith in Jesus, 

  • as if the Savior never compared the good tree and the corrupt tree in Matthew 7 to faith and unbelief, 
  • as if Paul never wrote Galatians or Romans 10. 
  • I know they have never read Romans 4, because they jibber like monkeys ready to throw their Dreck at anyone who upsets them. 
  • Both sites have called me crazy for following Luther rather than their heroes, though LQ (sic) did apologize when civil law was mentioned.
Another favorite, Calvinist News, has popped off about OJ again. The cub editor, another Ft. Wayne graduate (like Cascione, Webber, Rolf, and Heiser) invoked Romans 4:25 again, but so ambiguously that I failed to see a blatant OJ spasm. But there is a reason, as Krauth explained long ago.