Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pretzel Pastor and Yeastologist Graduated from the Late, Great Seminex But Is Now an LSTC Alumnus


Rev. Ron Glusenkamp named one of 2021's Distinguished Alumni at LSTC

"The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) has named five 2021 Distinguished Alumni, including Rev. Ronald Glusenkamp, who is currently serving as Interim Pastor at Desert Hills Lutheran in Green Valley. Learn more at the LSTC website.

The Rev. Ronald Glusenkamp (Christ Seminary-Seminex, 1980, MDiv), who recently celebrated 40 years of ordained ministry, will receive the Called to Lead Award.

He has faithfully served successful, healthy congregations in Wichita, Kan., Kansas City, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., and Denver, Colo. with growing ministries and outreach. He has served the greater church with positions at the Board of Pensions in Minneapolis and at the ELCA Churchwide Office in Chicago.

Under his leadership as director, The Campaign for the ELCA: Always Being Made New, focused on congregations, hunger and poverty, global church, and leadership, exceeded its campaign goal of $198 million by more than $50 million.

Glusenkamp is an outstanding communicator of the gospel and is a frequent guest preacher and speaker at synod assemblies and other gatherings. He excels at connecting the national church to individual congregations."


GJ - I lived in the era of Seminex, so I am puzzled that the failed Seminex - by dispersing some of its faculty to the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago - could by hocus-pocus make the Pretzel Pastor an alumnus of LSTC.

However, that star-crossed seminary awards its name to anyone who went to a previous school. Augustana Seminary graduates are now LSTC graduates. Maywood graduates (ULCA) are LSTC alumni, etc. I counted up seven (7) previous schools that contributed to the dying LSTC.

+ + +

 But the kids came back the very next day,
The kids came back, we thought that they were goners.
But the kids came back, they couldn't stay away, away, away.

Oh the drama! So many self-righteous frauds and phonies lost (for several hours) to Concordia Lutheran Seminary in St. Louis. I am choking back the tears, tears of laughter.

 My English may be crippled by grading too many assignments - but - How were students exiled when they took upon themselves, with faculty guidance, the burden of leaving for a few hours and coming back to deluxe dorm rooms and tasty food?
They did not take up the cross but double-crossed the nation with tawdry publicity.


A large majority of the seminary's students voted on the morning of February 19 to continue their education under the targeted faculty at an off-campus site. Immediately after the students passed their resolution, they and the majority of the faculty staged a dramatic walkout, inviting the local press for the event.[18][19] Singing "The Church's One Foundation" [Methodist], they processed out of the seminary grounds, where students had planted white crosses bearing their names. The event attracted a great deal of media attention. However, the seminary's Board of Control subsequently accused the students of disingenuous posturing, noting that the students had returned to the seminary cafeteria for lunch immediately after their supposed departure and continued to live in student housing for the remainder of the term.


Jungkuntz became the chairman of the board of Seminex, and they became the official seminary of the Metropolitan Community Church, which no longer mentions them. Many WELS pastors of that era still remember Jungkuntz with great fondness, one with tears in his eyes. Few realize that Northwestern College - RIP - WELS - is one of the key sources for Seminex leaders.

To Share a Smile from 1832 Miles Away

The phone rang and the panel lit up - Andy. Christina was not entirely awake. I had tried to elicit a smile, but the meds were winning. Andrea (Andy) called out, "I LOVE YOU GRAMMIE!"

Christina broke out into a huge smile and listened to the mother-daughter back and forth. Andy did not want to give up the phone at all; sometimes she speed dials us.

Christina fell back to sleep with a beautiful smile on her face.


 "Sometimes staff resist my direct orders."