I cannot say enough bad things about the Braaten-Jenson Christian Dogmatics. Jenson has gone to his reward but Braaten is like aged milk. The LCA first bragged that this double-decker dogmatics was used at all their seminaries, then later claimed the BJCD was not authoritative or required. Be generous, readers - the ALC/LCA enhanced their deceptive powers by taking in former WELS professors Jungkuntz and Gehrke. Many of ELCA's bishops (DPs) were graduates of Seminex.
I try not to laugh when reading Barth. I really do.
Karl seems to have confused God with the theologian - Charlotte. |
"Nothink hoppened," said Karl.
Mistresses do not always age well. This is Charlotte and the great theologian Karl. |
Christina and I met Hunsinger and his first wife at Yale Divinity. His first wife worked at the medical library. Christina and I worked at Yale Medical, she at the Child Study Center, I at the xerox machine.
Do they sell fortune cookies in Europe?
What was the middle part again?
Charlotte is next to Karl. Frau Barth is stage right. Karl's brother is glowering in the back on the left - he did not approve at all. |
Charlotte's lifetime work came to a halt when she became terminally ill. |
Or - consider Charlotte Kirschbaum's Church Dogmatics. She fulfilled everyone's dreams long before they were exposed. Little Miss Cutie not only fused her Marxism with Karl Barth's, but they also lived together - privately at first, each summer - then boldly in the dear professor's home packed with his children and wife. Karl and Charlotte toured America, explicitly sharing the same room and bed at each host's home. But decades later, everyone was "shocked, shocked" to hear about the scandal. The ELDONUTs would say, "Nothing happened!"
Charlotte let Karl write the outline to their Church Dogmatics. She did the research and writing for the "small print" - as Barthians like to say, a little breathlessly and in wonderment and awe.
The LCMS triumvirate - Calvin, Rambach, and Bishop Stephan STD. |
The LCMS finally put together their collection of pronouncements in another double-decker dogmatics book. I am not going to say no one bought it or read it. I bought it, but found it unreadable. Braaten-Jenson made their disaster an interesting read, as if bank robbers were revealed as the top executives at JP Morgan Chase. The Missouri guys never tire of praising themselves while looking over their shoulders to see if the ELCA sisterhood approves.