Friday, September 30, 2022

Lower Criticism Gave Us Higher Criticism - And Both Isms Took Over the LCMS, WELS, ELS, Christian News, and ELDONA

ELCA people are supposed to go OOH and AAH when the precious name of Braaten is spoken aloud. 

Remember Frosty Bivens making the same statement? He and Braaten imagine that the Chief Article is Universal Forgiveness without Faith.

 The Synodical Conference is together again, funded by Thrivent, blessed by ELCA.

Sick Becker got increasingly belligerent about his precious Justification without Faith as he approached the end game.

Neither the LCMS nor the Wisconsin sect began with Objective Justification. The ELS (Little Norwegians) did. Two key moves were F. Pieper becoming president of the seminary in 1887 and president of the LCMS in 1899. One could add Pieper's editing, teaching, and dominance, so much like Walther's. Wisconsin's Gausewitz died early, and his catechism lacked the precious OJ that WELS doles out like cotton candy.

The doctrinal dishonesty (not to mention historical fabrications) are in harmony with the text criticism developments of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Examining original texts of the Bible is focused on the Greek New Testament, because the Jewish rabbis are very careful about how they copy the Old Testament in Hebrew. Because copyists make mistakes, any effort to find the best original is called Lower Criticism. That is carried out in ancient manuscripts of all types. 

The Traditional, Majority, Apostolic, or Byzantine text is so overwhelmingly present (5,000 or more witnesses) that little was done to change it until Count Tischendorf and the Pope put their heads together. Suddenly the magical Codex Sinaiticus appeared, as if by magic, with no history except known fraud, and Tischendorf claimed it as the oldest and best Greek New Testament. He also blessed Codex Vaticanus, which Erasmus refused to consider since it was a Greek version of the Latin New Testament, designed to keep the Latin and Greek parts of the Church together.

Note well - the "scholars" who hate Erasmus make ridiculous claims and spin yarns to drown him in their spittle. Why? They need the fraudulent Sinaiticus and the equally pathetic Vaticanus to support their attacks on the Apostolic text of the King James Bible. 

This is your WELS, ELDONA, LCMS, ELS, ELCA snip and clip text.

And what do these scholars remove from the New Testament? - they cut out a surprising load of passages about the divinity of Christ and faith in Christ. The RSV took away the Virgin Birth in Isaiah 7:10, then put it back. And they brought the denial (young woman) back again when all of you were asleep.

And what did Concordia Publishing House do with their Gospel of Mark commentary, which used every single note card ever created by the so-called scholar? They included his words - the commentary, two volumes of baloney, is based upon Vaticanus! 

The new Lower Criticism, promoted by Tischendorf's fraudulent work, blessed by anti-Christian clergy Westcott and Hort, laid the groundwork for everything being questioned in the New Testament and Old - Higher Criticism.

Most of that was brewing through the assaults of German Rationalism, but the Revision of the KJV, which failed, provided a foothold for the destructive deceptions of Tischendorf, Westcott, and Hort.

The Missouri Synod clergy and the ELDONA platoon groove on Romanism, smells and bells, gowns too gorgeous for their own wives to wear, and expensive altar hardware. They are worshipful, bowing and scraping to kiss the bishop's ring. They are very loose on the Scriptures, as they have proven for the last 50 years. 

 Is my hair gorgeous?

 Two popes.

Alec Satin's Lutheran Library - The Latest Edition

The WELS-ELS-LCMS dimwits of the Walther-Pieper cult are so dull and deceptive that they dismiss the Reformation, the real Bible (not their snip and clip paraphrases), Luther, and Jesus Christ Himself. The same dullards promoted, funded, and defended slick Calvinistic Church Growth. Stay tuned for more Loy from the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry.