Saturday, February 26, 2022

Unsolicited Endorsement from a Seminary Graduate

Frau und Herr Doktor Picklepuss, aka Kurt Aland.

"This is an incredible compilation of history and arguments.  It is a yuuuge improvement on the first one."

GJ - When you are reading the KJV, you are reading the inspired Word of the Apostles and their associates.

When you read the ESV, RSV, or NIV, you are reading the insipid and dangerous opinions of apostates. 

The New KJV bows and scrapes to the Nestle-Aland UBS Greek New Testament, so I do not favor the ever-changing and sometimes very badly translated New KJV. 


A Simple, Massive Majority - The Traditional Text versus the Contradictions of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus

 Kurt Aland was not a believer, as proven by his published work, so why was he allowed to dominate New Testament text criticism? 

The New Testament professors, who mostly train future ministers, have an easy and placid life. Hardly anyone enters seminary with training in Greek, because Latin and Greek have been excluded from college, Latin from high school.

Who will be asked to support the newest Bibles? and be rewarded by those businesses for endorsements? Only those who reject the Majority Text (KJV) and support the biggest hoaxes since the Piltdown Man - Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.

Vaticanus was kept by the Church of Rome, but no one was allowed to see it. The codex (bound book) was finally allowed in hands of Tischendorf, but only for a short time. He blessed B - as they call it - and his starry-eyed followers were enchanted by this find. 

Sinaiticus (Aleph) was "discovered" by Tischendorf when he zeroed in on one particular ancient site, which was still serving as a museum and repair shop for ancient manuscripts. Tischendorf made up a story about the pages of skin (parchment) being thrown away and used to warm the library. Sure - when I am cold, I burn old shoes in the fireplace. So cozy, in spite of the stench and the smoke.

That alone shows us that Tischendorf was a pathological liar. But there is another deep dark hole of mystery. Why did no one know of Sinaiticus being there? Tischendorf gave it life, or revealed its existence, stole a section of Sinaiticus by cutting it loose from the original, and had "his pages" issued under the protection of a Roman Catholic king.

Eventually the whole codex was "borrowed" for type-setting in Russia - and never returned. The Tzar gave up some tokens and money, but he owned it. The first few pages grabbed by Tischendorf were shop-lifting. The entire codex, minus what he gave to the Catholic king, was Grand Theft Codex.

All this took many years, with Vaticanus at the end of Tischendorf's life. One man - Tischendorf - controlled the publicity on Ephraim Rescriptus (his first venture, which gives me doubts). The second and third were the stolen pages of Sinaiticus and later - the entire codex. The last stage was the Vatican allowing Tischendorf time to look over Codex  Vaticanus and publicize it.

 Two witnesses say Sinaiticus was "white and supple" leather, so how did it get ugly, almost as if deliberately stained?

Here is the indictment against Sinaiticus and Vaticanus:

  1. They contradict each other by about 40%. Neither one was date-stamped, except by Tischendorf.
  2. They have no real history, and Sinaiticus was probably born in the 1800s, as a forgery to serve as a gift to the Tzar.
  3. Best of all, Aleph and B have no children - or copies of their fabulous texts. The greatest, best, and most precise Bibles were not copied and used for scholarship, Bible translations?
  4. Time marches on, so the Tzar turned into Lenin and then Stalin. Russia was broke from all the improvements of Communism, so England bought Sinaiticus from Stalin and enshrined it in their own museum, where it remains today. 
  5. Very early versions of the Majority Text continue to be found. Their numbers are 5,000 or more against five in the Aleph-B consortium.
 Hort often gets the criticism, because his theories were radical, self-serving, and wrong-headed. Bishop Westcott supported Hort and promoted that the Incarnation is Christ meant Him becoming part of every person, creating a universal religion - like the Hinduism he admired so much. The LCMS, WELS, ELS, ELDONIA, and CLC back the fake texts via the ESV, RSV, NIV, and other compromises with the truth.

Herman Otten Promoted the "Plastic Text" of the Bible - His Attack on Kloha.
Will We Get Another Hale-Storm?
The Beck Bible Is No Different, Undermining the Gospel of Mark

Pastor Herman Otten made a special case out of Kloha and the professor's fondness for the "plastic text" of the Bible. 

 Jeffrey Kloha was at the Concordia Seminary when Voelz published his1300 page, two-volume CPH mega-commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Voelz wrote that his outsized commentary was based on the dubious Codex Vaticanus.

Voelz - "The elephant gave birth and brought forth a mouse." Professor humor.

I remember Otten making a point about William F. Beck being such a scholar - Beck read the scholarly journals that no one else on the faculty opened (uncut pages - dead giveaway).

As I am pointing out in - 

The King James Version: 

Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus 

Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations

neither Codex Sinaiticus (Aleph) nor Vaticanus (B) are reliable sources - and are most likely late forgeries. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are not the "World's Oldest Bibles" as Tischendorf bragged. They are the World's Newest Fakes.

How is Beck in the category of advocating a plastic, flexible Bible text?

He footnoted the true ending of Mark with this - 

“The two oldest manuscripts [Vaticanus, Sinaiticus] lack Mark 16:9-20…but end at verse 8.” [GJ - quite the betrayal of the text]

Like the wily and dishonest plastic text scholars, Beck established doubts about the Empty Tomb with his pernicious footnote. Mark 16:9-20 is not really part of the Bible, they think, following the Westcott-Hort example.

 Tis always funny to see how KJV opponents fall for Pietism and Calvinism, while promoting Justification without Faith