Friday, March 18, 2022

New Equipment for Live Streaming on the Way.
The King James Version: Apostolic Texts Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations - Is Starting To Arrive

Little did I know about HDMI and beyond cameras for live streaming over the Internet. Today I purchased the camera and subordinate items, plus a converter from Amazon. Sound and video are integrated in the signal. I need to find out more about sound.

I feel like a kid wandering into the Harvard Library asking, what does KJV stand for? They left a lot of us behind when video leaped ahead. I look up YouTube churches using video and they discuss setting up an entire studio for their multi-campus, multi-screen program. 

Video hardware is the new Babel, but I am having fun and learning a lot. 

In Other News
The earthworms arrived hours before our long, slow rain, and the roses were also ready for planting. The roses went into a rain barrel when temps plunged and 5 inches of snow fell. They also came into the kitchen in the barrel. 

Yesterday, I sprinkled the worms around the front and back. They were bursting to get out of the package. They are compost worms that like to make good soil even better.

I planted the roses and saw that a second planting of daffodils was starting to appear, with orange trumpets setting off the yellow flowers. Some fancier ones will be along soon.

Grecian wind flowers, which look too delicate to be real, also bloomed. My neighbor found some new bulb leaves coming up in her yard. I suggested that the squirrels dug some up from my yard to store in hers. 

Many more flowers will come up in the next few weeks. They cheer us up while waiting for the super-star roses to bloom. I enjoy hearing visitors pointing and say, "What's that? What's that?"

Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry - Alec Satin - Also the Lutheran Librarian - Print Copies


Of Faith By Grace

“It is only an effort to mislead the unwary when the cry is raised that grace is disparaged when stress is laid upon faith as indispensable to salvation. There is no such opposition between grace and faith as there is between grace and merit or works, because faith is the only means of appropriating the only merit which can avail for our justification."

From “Election and Justification” in The Columbus Theological Magazine, Vol 1, 1881, Matthias Loy, editor.


KJV Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,