Monday, June 20, 2022

Switch to the Medicinal Value of Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, and Greens.
What I have Learned from Eat To Live


This Eat To Live book was in my library, unread.

 The End of Heart Disease gave me insights about blood pressure and cardio issues.

I have been discussing nutrition with members and friends. I have kept my weight loss and changed most of my horrible eating habits, and I am continuing to improve in areas of overall health.

Here are some permanent changes:

  • I no longer eat ice cream, except when it was offered to me with an apple dessert - on my recent trip. Ice cream is such a double-whammy on blood sugar and weight that it no longer appeals to me.
  • I eat much fewer desserts and typical American food items because fresh fruit is always available in abundance. I relish apples, pears, and fresh pineapple.
  • I seldom drink Diet Dr. Pepper. I do not drink diet colas for energy. Potassium from food is far better for energy.
  • I exercise more and also use the garden for additional exercise, relaxation, and superb roses.
  • I eat some chicken several times a week.
  • I really enjoy chickpeas, especially when Walmart is out of garbanzo beans.
  • Weighing myself every day helps me pick the right foods for the day. 
Thinking Ahead
I plan on eating a lot more spinach greens to further curb bad habits learned from growing up in a bakery. I do not think the Fuhrman plan is difficult to follow. It only takes switching from
  1. expensive processed salty, fat, sweetened foods to 
  2. inexpensive greens, beans, fruits, and nuts.

Fiber and Craving a Return to the 
Olde Menu

The problem of craving comes from eating fast foods and desserts. Those delights give us an instant boost and make us droop a bit later. The solution is not more sugars, fats, and salt, but vitamins, minerals, and fibers, plus the little-known plant nutrients. Fiber moving slowly through the body gives a feeling of food satisfaction, a steady supply.

 "There's a new diet out there, and they promise it will work even better than the last 37 fads. Forget Fuhrman. His books are too informative."

Petal to the Meadow

I wanted to start with someone having a hissy over my spelling. They will email each other, "Did you see that on the blog? He cannot spell pedal to the metal!" Circuit Pastor, "I think it's supposed to be peddle to the metal."

Word plays are fun, especially in the Old Testament and Shakespeare, neither one read much anymore.

Since it was Father's Day Plus One, I decided to improve the garden a little more. The weather was perfect in the morning, sunny and cool. Step by step, the sun beat down, so I decided to go petal to the meadow - pruning - as soon as possible.

The new Coconut Daisies were still in shock from their long, warm, trip in a cardboard box. I drew the last of my rainwater to give them a second day boost. Some were looking better later.

I wondered where my gardening hat went.