Rain was predicted for 2 PM yesterday, but the weather remained hot, humid, and sunny. Sassy and I agree that sessions outdoors are welcome, if only for a short time. The thunderstorm arrived late, at 10 PM, and sounded like the ending of the 1812 Overture.
Sassy is always the guard dog outside. She picks the best place to see most of the cul de sac. She worries about anything different, barks at dogs being walked, and goes on full alert for children playing. Our UPS driver (now listed as a dependent for tax reasons) leaves small Milkbones on the patio table. Sassy checks out the latest supply when we are out. She also finds them in the garden, perhaps a missed toss as he passes our house.
The aerial show is ideal this time of the year. The fragrant plants (Bee Balm, Chaste Tree, Clethra, Joe Pye, Cat Mint, Mountain Mint, Veterans Honor, JP II) generate a heavy perfume that attracts bees, wasps, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Rabbits leisurely graze an abundance of foods. They are nitrogen builders and manure spreaders.
Yesterday a hummingbird came flying toward me, before I sat down. He did his aerial scan, moving up and down, left and right. That is the only bird I know who will come so close and entertain so well.
As I scanned the garden for new developments, in spite of the stingy rain, I spotted a mirage, a splash of color. I walked around to see which roses were blooming. Enchanted Peace had three sets of blooms at once, but where were those new roses? I could not believe my eyes. The new Queen Elizabeth had five roses blooming at once - no other color like it. Christina always wanted Queen E's in memory of Bethany and Erin Joy.
Enchanted Peace is very much like Double Delight, except one stem produces a bouquet of roses blooming at once. |