Sunday, August 21, 2022

Heiser's Deluxe Episcopal Finery

C. H. Almy, bishop's cross, $1632.

 C. H. Almy - $900 house cassock.

 Miter (fish hat) - $716. Crozier - $300+.

EvangelCatholic said: 
Interested in opinions on the mitre, the headgear some of our bishops wear. It seems that in some Lutheran synods/ national bodies the mitre is conspicuously not worn. The Church of Denmark/ Norway/ Iceland and probably most of Germany are examples. While bishops in the Church of Sweden/ Finland/ Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Jordan, India and some countries in Africa do wear mitres.

In north America it is a mixed bag. For example, I have never seen a photo of the presiding bishops in the ELCA/ ELCC wearing mitres but some synod bishops do. Same story in the LCMS.

Any opinions or is this a silly topic?

Heiser wrote about Dugin. It was interesting that he was on the news recently with an assassination attempt.