Monday, October 10, 2022

A Retired Pope Will Edit the WELS Magazine

Could the magazine get even more boring than ever? WELS and the dwindling CLC (sic) used to post their articles for a boost in Christian News. CN is now so soul-killing that anything copied from WELS might wake up the last few readers of CN - to discuss something more important than the infallibility of CFW Walther, the kidnapper.

Mirthless Mark Schroeder seems worried. The sect's Church Growth gamble was a bigger flop than the Edsel; many of us still remember that Ford beauty.

Fifty plus years ago, these clobber-heads conspired to make WELS a major customer of Fuller Seminary's expensive Church Growth nonsense. That was a prime example of the GA double-take they enjoy so much, smirking about their juvenile secret code. They denied up and down that there was such a thing in WELS. The great Wayne Mueller published that there was no such thing in their sect. 

How does Hartman's published confession of sin harmonize with Wayne Mueller's smirky denial? That reminds me of the unjust steward, who was very good at stealing and cooking the books. However, the parable is about working hard, not being a bald-faced liar.

Bivens, like Valleskey, gushed over Fuller Seminary (in his mortician style voice) when it was safe, and denied it when exposed. Anyone who said they went to Fuller Seminary was a liar!

Speaking of popes, Roger Kovaciny, who could have posed in papal robes, considered himself a pioneer in Church Growth. He specialized in ethnic jokes. Even utility poles fear him.

Pope's qualification is that he will carry out the synod's bizarre code of abuse-ministry so cherished by WELS. No, I do not know him. Hazing abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) is the foundation of WELS. One is either in it or extended the left boot of fellowship.  Just look over their overwhelming love for cross-dressing, enough to make ELCA rosy cheeked with jealousy. GA is not a part of WELS: it is WELS.

No one can top Donkey Basketball at the CLC's high-school-college-seminary.

Martin Chemnitz Was a Major Force in Re-Establishing Biblical Lutheran Doctrine.


How many shrines are in the State of Missouri for CFW Walther, kidnapping Calvinist?

 Be sure to visit the slave cabins in Perryville.

One of the creepy shrines.


The first of the nine points is an agreement to “uphold those principles which Dr. Chemnitz affirmed regarding the Superintendency.” “Those principles” do not include everything Chemnitz wrote in his Church Order. The statement is followed explicitly by the four principles from Chemnitz which we agree to uphold. None of these four principles grants the bishop the authority to decide on all matters of adiaphora (or any matters of adiaphora, for that matter) within our congregations. When Chemnitz states that “each one does not build up himself or act as lord in his congregation and do what he pleases…” this does not imply that the bishop may then act as lord in our congregations and do what he pleases. It implies that we will each be careful not to act in ways that cause offense within our own congregations or among our sister congregations, but will take one another into consideration in love and not enact practices that are likely to cause offense. 


GJ - The Joy pastor collected thousands of people who wanted entertainment and a huge staff for managing the entertainment. When the pastor had a heart attack and came to his senses, he fired the staff and the Joy church was taken over by Pentecostals. When the ELDONUTS run out of boot-lickers, they will go the same way.

Heiser established fellowship with an Objective Justification splinter group.

Heiser also pursued fellowship with the fanatical Objective Justification Rolf Synod. Rolf does not cite his father's Justification and Rome book anymore, but he lovea to sip Ovaltine with the ALPB Quasi-Rome Forum.

Matthias Loy - On Strutting Peacocks Like Jim Heiser, Matt the Fatt, Mirthless Mark. ELCA Stole a March on You All, But You Are Catching Up


Thought you might find this passage by Matthias Loy on Lutheran union strengthening and encouraging.  It's from volume 6 of his Magazine.  Have a good week everyone.  —Alec Satin

"This requires, first, the rejection of all claims to lordship in the Church by any creature, whether called pope or otherwise and on whatever plea asserted, and the recognition of Christ alone as Lord. As the Lutheran Reformation was characterized by unrelenting war against the papal Antichrist, it may be presumed that no adherent of popery would claim the Lutheran name, or desire to be included in a Lutheran union. But the popish principle has by no means lost all influence in Protestant minds, and even among those calling themselves Lutherans, it is possible to find papal power conceded to some sinful man, though the man of sin at Rome be renounced. When it is maintained, for instance, that the laity, being unlearned and incapable of judging doctrine, are bound to accept as articles of faith whatever the pastor of the congregation or the highest official in synod may think it proper to impose as such, a principle which has been the curse of Romanism is admitted, and must, although in the beginning the usurped divine authority may be used with discretion and by some even with scrupulous fidelity to the Scriptures, in the end work out the same disastrous results which it exhibits in Romanism."

Matt the Fatt's gown cost more than the plane ticket.
When in Rome, dress up!

Why be a bishop when you can be a Pope.
Ask Walther.

Why be a bishop when you can be The Pope.

Former ELDONUT Rydecki:
"But this understanding was solidified in the Episcopal Address and ensuing discussion that took place at the 2022 Synod. I am very disappointed to discover that it is, in fact, the prevailing understanding and expectation within the diocese that the bishop’s responsibility of “oversight” and “administration” “encompasses all that has been associated with this [episcopal] polity in the historic sense,” as stated in the Bishop’s Episcopal Address, including “obliging the parsons and deacons of their superintendency to conform in all things according to our ‘Church Order.’” 

No more belly button jokes, I promise. That does water down the solemnity of the masks, with two blues inside and two whites outside. Almy built a new wing, just for ELDONA finery. Did the foundation donor realize he was funding another outbreak of popery?

The Roses Are Still Blooming - Rain May Arrive Tonight


 The Paradise rose in the centeris posed on the hood of a Lincoln Town Car. Easy Does It rose is on the left.

I found a new way to protect flowers from the devouring weed-eater. I have used plastic collars, but carboard boxes are even better - shorter, flaps easily folded inward, rugged, and soil enriching. The entire yard has been covered with cardboard and wood mulch, one time or another. Rich soil is also loved by weeds, so I circulate among the plants and trim back the weeds and let them rot into the greedy soil, always looking for more organic enrichment.

White Knockout roses flourished for a time. White roses are weaker because the redness has been downplayed.

Double red Knockouts were a great way to fill in vases of flowers. We took them in plastic cups to various medical offices. Several doctors said, "You are in another league altogether." Yes - bush league.

These roses were gathered as a favor for a chiropractor's office promotion. The staff loved the bounty of roses.

 Notice the fine Limoges rose vase. No wait, that is a soft drink cup.