Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blasphemy Essay - Part Five - The Leaders Are Lying about
"Always Teaching Objective Justification" - Ha!

This is what you lust for - LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS-CLC.

This is what your synods abandoned and spat upon: The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine.

Part Five - Blasphemy

The Lutheran Leaders Are Lying about "Always Teaching Objective Justification" - Ha!

They are lying to you - Justification by Faith was taught in the early days of the synods (maybe not in the ELS), snuffed out after the Brief Statement, 1932, was canonized and gilded with fool's gold.

The Synodical Conference Small Catechism was edited by Carl Gausewitz, Wisconsin Synod, who died young, and was thrown under the bus. Try to find a copy now! They are as scarce and apologies from Mirthless Mark Schroeder.

CFW Walther was a Pietist fanatic from the start, following one Pietist guru and then becoming a disciple under Pastor Martin Stephan, after the first Pietist guru died. Walther always taught the entire world being forgiven and saved without faith. We can see in the Concordia Publishing House catechism booklets that Justification by Faith was taught in the KJV version of the catechism and also in the Synodical Conference catechism of Gausewitz.

The Norwegian Pietist brothers, Jack and Robert Preus, followed the Objective Justification error, but Robert wrote his last book, Justification and Rome, destroying Objective Justification.

Debate? They are both Objective Justification Enthusiasts.