Saturday, April 13, 2024

Another Megachurch Southern Baptist For Lutherans To Follow - Steven Furtick


Another Example for Shepherd Sunday - the Hireling in a $2,000 pink sweater.

Steven Furtick is the newest mega-pastor in the media. Put his name in a search engine and see how little is said about him. He graduated from the Louisville, Kentucky Southern Baptist Seminary. Christina and I drove there for dissertation research. Their library gladly gave me a box of books for my project. At our alma mater Augustana, I had to beg the librarians to let me borrow some books for my dissertation. 

Furtick began his mega-church in 2006. His Elevation Church produces Elevation Music for Elevation Worship.

Furtick speaks at events all over the world including the 2011 Global Leadership Summit hosted by Bill Hybels,[9] the C3 Conference 2012 hosted by Ed Young Jr.,[10] the Hillsong Conference 2012 hosted by Brian Houston,[11] and the Presence Conference in 2012 and 2013 hosted by Phil Pringle.[12] 

 This link will provide a rich supply of links about Steven Furtick. 


These false teachers, including a Roman Catholic Archbishop and a few Baptists, are or were idolized by the Wisconsin Synod and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. District Pope Patterson (WELS) flew a bunch loyalists to a mega-gathering of fellow travelers in Florida. Was that the Exponential Conference? Email me if you were there.

WELS has spent money on The Unstuck Group, too.