Thursday, January 25, 2024

LutherQuest Offers Pooled Ignorance about Their Darlings -
Objective Justification and Subjective Justification


I had to put extra details in this graphic because LCMS-WELS-CLC (sic) babblers write stuff just because they have MS Word. A scholar I know found the Knapp book in English, which was a best-seller among many denominations for many decades. The translator was a Calvinist. The Great Walther arrived in 1839, years after the English translation was printed in America. A WELS essay stated that Walther came to like the terms and the English description carried itself to Germany where it became translated there. WELS is infallible, so that must be true. I own a copy of Knapp and verified that this is an exact explanatory footnote by the Calvinist translator - Woods. One ELS pastor was bent out of shape because I did not put everything in the graphic, so that made me the bad guy.

If fingers need to be waggled, they should be pointed at F. Pieper for cleverly blending Objective Justification, Subjective Justification, and Justification by Faith. I am afraid that the young scholars do not read Knapp or Pieper or a good translation - the King James Version. 

Most people who blindly read the New NIV fail to recognize that Objective Justification is injected into Romans 3. The added "all"

New NIV Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all [<- added all] are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 

Paul is quite clear about this, contrary to the New NIV, LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic)

King James Version Romans 5

1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Erich Heidenreich (Erich)
Senior Member
Username: Erich

Post Number: 1716
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Thursday, January 25, 2024 - 10:15 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

In A Lively Legacy: Essays In Honor Of Robert Preus, Tom Hardt writes on page 65:


Another expression of considerable repute connected with Walther's theology on Easter and justification is "objective justification" versus "subjective justification." It has been investigated as to when this terminology was first used by Walther or men like him. It seems, as far as the investigations for this article permit us to see, that the terms were made known to Walther through an article in a theological paper in Germany, printed in 1867.

I was able to find this paper by Pastor H. Messerschmidt, Die christliche Lehre von der Rechtfertigung vor Gott in ihrer hohen Bedeutung für das sittliche Leben. (The Christian doctrine of justification before God in its great importance for moral life.)

I thought the entire article might be of interest to some if they can read German better than I can (Pastor Rolf Preus?). On page 66, Messerschmidt writes:

The Great Walther and the Great Valleskey are both heretics.

No wonder ELCA works so well with LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - They are united by the dogma of their Father Below, but don't tell nobody that Knapp was a Pietist, trained at Halle University, and an influential professor there. His dogmatics book in English was popular and circulated in America.

Another Refuge Church - The Fragrance of Fuller Seminary Is in the Air


IMG_3394 2 copy.jpg

"BRENTON & RACHEL FESSLER are leading the RefugeOC movement. They have three cool kids:
Aubrey (b. 2006), Micah (b. 2008), and Hannah (b. 2010).

Brenton earned a bachelor's degree in Pastoral Leadership from Vanguard University (Costa Mesa) in 2002, a Master of Arts in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena) in 2010, and is currently pursuing his Doctorate in Theological Ministry from Northern Baptist Seminary (Chicago, IL). [Didn't Sig Becker go there too? Yes, he did.]

Rachel also went to Vanguard University, graduated with a Liberal Studies degree and a teaching credential, and has been teaching elementary school since 2002. She currently teaches Kindergarten.

After spending nearly 12 years on staff at a great church in north Orange County, they learned the value of a local church and how to love and pastor a community. In 2014, Brenton & Rachel began to dream and wonder about one day starting a new church... because there is still good news to share!"

Advent Church in Oxford Massachusetts (Refuge Church) - Liberty Baptist University

WELS also dabbles in the Unstuck Church, one of the lamest ideas in church history.

Readers can bet that LCMS and ELCA are also tossing money and manpower at this new trend.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Epiphany 4 - "John 16:8: “The spirit will convict the world in respect of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment;” he says that he will not only preach, but that he will convict the whole world and what is in the world. But it is this convicting that causes such tempests and dangers to this ship."


Complete Sermon - 

Luther's Sermons - Matthew 8:23-27.
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany.
Christ stilling the Tempest, or Faith and Unbelief, and Love

12. But what does this Gospel say? There was a violent tempest on the lake when Christ and his disciples were in the ship. The sea and the wind allowed the other ships to sail in calm weather; but this ship had to suffer distress because of Christ being in it. The world can indeed tolerate all kinds of preaching except the preaching of Christ. Hence whenever he comes and wherever he is, there he preaches that he only is right and reproves all others; as he says in Matthew 12:30: “He that is not with me is against me”, and again, John 16:8: “The spirit will convict the world in respect of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment;” he says that he will not only preach, but that he will convict the whole world and what is in the world. But it is this convicting that causes such tempests and dangers to this ship. Should he preach that he would allow the world to go unpunished and to continue in its old ways, he would have kept quiet before and never have entered the world; for if the world is good and is not to be convicted then there would never have been any need of him coming into the world.

13. Now it is the consolation of Christians, and especially of preachers, to be sure and ponder well that when they present and preach Christ, that they must suffer persecution, and nothing can prevent it; and that it is a very good sign of the preaching being truly Christian, when they are thus persecuted, especially by the great, the saintly, the learned and the wise.

And on the other hand that their preaching is not right, when it is praised and honored, as Christ says in Luke 6:22-26: “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you; for in the same manner did their fathers to the false prophets. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake; in the same manner did their fathers to the prophets.” Behold our preachers, how their teachings are esteemed; the wealth, honor and power of the world have them fully under their control, and still they wish to be Christian teachers, and whosoever praises and preaches their ideas, lives in honor and luxury.

14. Hence, people have here an example where they are to seek their comfort and help, not in the world; they are not to guard the wisdom and power of men, but Christ himself and him alone; they are to cleave to him and depend on him in every need with all faithfulness and confidence as the disciples, do in our text. For had they not believed that he would help them, they would not have awakened him and called upon him. True their faith was weak and was mingled with much unbelief, so that they did not perfectly and freely surrender themselves to Christ and risk their life with him, nor did they believe he could rescue them in the midst of the sea and save them from death. Thus it is ordained that the Word of God has no master nor judge, no protector or patron can be given it besides God himself. It is his Word. Therefore, as he left it go forth without any merit or counsel of men, so will he himself without any human help and strength administer and defend it. And whoever seeks protection and comfort in these things among men, will both fall and fail, and be forsaken by both God and man.

15. That Jesus slept indicates the condition of their hearts, namely, that they had a weak, sleepy faith, but especially that at the time of persecution Christ withdraws and acts as though he were asleep, and gives neither strength nor power, neither peace nor rest, but lets us worry and labor in our weakness, and permits us to experience that we are nothing at all and that all depends upon his grace and power, as Paul confesses in Corinthians 1:9, that he had to suffer great affliction, so as to learn to trust not in himself but in God, who raised the dead. Such a sleeping on the part of God David often experienced and refers to it in many places, as when he says in Psalm 44:23: “Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? Arise, cast us not off forever.”

16. The summary of this Gospel is this, it gives us two comforting, defying proverbs, that when persecution for the sake of God’s Word arises, we may say: I indeed thought Christ was in the ship, therefore the sea and wind rage, and the waves dash over us and threaten to sink us; but let them rage, it is ordained that the wind and sea obey his will. The persecutions will not continue longer than is his pleasure; and although they overwhelm us, yet they must be subject to him; he is Lord over all, therefore nothing will harm us. May he only give us his help that we may not despair in unbelief. Amen.

17. That the people marveled and praised the Lord that the wind and sea were subject to him, signifies that the Gospel, God’s Word, spreads farther through persecution, it thus becomes stronger and faith increases; and this is also a paradoxical characteristic of the Gospel compared with all worldly things which decrease through every misfortune and opposition, and increase through prosperity and peace. Christ’s kingdom grows through tribulations and declines in times of peace, ease and luxury, as St. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9: “My power is made perfect in weakness, etc.” To this end help us God! Amen.

WELS - Refuge Churches - Almost as Bad as Unstuck


I found this one

Pastor Andy Westra - Refuge Church

They want to call it Christ Our Refuge, avoiding the toxic name Lutheran. Oh boy, if their refugees find out about physical abuse and other maladies in the WELS sect, no one will stay. They will become Unstuck, another one of the fads picked up earlier.

Here are two more of the churches.

 I like this jingle because it is such an earworm.