Friday, July 12, 2024

The Answer Is Either Too Obvious Or Too Difficult - Our Country Is in the Dumpster


Light and Truth

Our country was established by the Christian Faith, and our founders were men of faith, against witchcraft. This has been reversed by our generations - each one worse than the previous. The witches are back but adored now for their Satanic utterances.

The contrast is so obvious that few people acknowledge it. The denominations - especially the Lutherans and the Church of Rome - despise, ridicule, and parody the Christian Faith. One example is the increasing rot of worship, hymns, and Bibles. The earlier stagnation has become a fetid swamp where unbelievers are in charge and determined to extinguish the last sparks of faith.

Can anyone imagine the President of Yale University writing a hymn today?

Timothy Dwight, the grandson of Jonathan Edwards, was ordained a minister and became President of Yale University. His hymn has continued to be used ever since, in most denominations.

Can anyone imagine a synod president writing a hymn? Honoring the liturgy? Preserving the Word of God instead of marketing a profitable quasi-Bible?

The answer is - our country is in the dumpster.

They erased "the Son of God" from Mark 1:1 and the Resurrection from Mark 16:9-20.

They hate the KJV, which is very much like Luther's translation.
Tyndale, the most important translator of the KJV, associated with Luther and was killed by King Henry VIII's agent. Nevertheless, Tyndale's work prevailed a few years later.

The Ichabod Catacomb Plan For Congregations


Free Republic

"Without pretending to offer advice to the Methodists, instead I’ll offer a bit of advice to a large spectrum of churches for these times.

Maybe it’s time for some churches to eschew owning property, buildings, etc. Maybe it’s time for churches to seek out spaces to rent, or lease — such as hotel conference room areas, for Sundays only, while finding a nearby vacant office space, such as in a strip mall, to lease for clerical needs and for meeting spaces during the week.

That way, the landlords are on the hook for insurance, also building and parking lot maintenance. The church takes out a liability policy at a comparatively small price. Then the church would have funds to share with the poor, the persecuted, and for evangelism.

It’s a model that I think would work. And it would obviate the problem stated in this article."


GJ - Worship in the spare room of a rented house - The Ichabod Catacomb Plan - offers minimal costs and flexible places for worship.

That marvel of expert buffoonery - Fuller Seminary - thinks everyone should follow their plans 

  1. to own buildings and parking lots, 
  2. to avoid associating the name of the parish while hiding its doctrinal foundation, 
  3. to aim at material wealth while ignoring the rooster crowing - Luke 26:34.
In times past, the denominations aimed at reaching people rather than bragging about buildings. The efficacious Word of God will draw people to the truth.

Daily Lutheran Sermon - Trinity 7, Second Sermon - "But he takes the Word and the true doctrine entirely away, and in their stead permits fanatical spirits and false teachers to enter among them, by whom they are led astray and deceived before they are aware of it both as to their souls and property, and for their neglect they must contribute richly and most bountifully."




6. From this then will follow the ruin of the Church, in that the parishes will stand vacant, the pulpits be neglected and again preachers arrive who seek not faithfully God’s Word nor the kingdom of Christ; but who think, as they preach, what the people will gladly hear, so that they may continue in that direction and again become rich; and in this manner things will again go to ruin. Therefore also at present the great and powerful, especially the nobility, plan to keep their pastors and preachers under their feet in order that they may not again become rich, and lord it over them as they formerly experienced and are now overcautious. But they will not be able to bring it about as they plan.

7. How shall we now act in this matter and from what source shall we obtain preachers and pastors in order that the kingdom of Christ may be perpetuated? For neither poverty nor riches is good for the Church; mere poverty, hunger and anxiety the preachers cannot suffer; great possessions and riches they cannot stand. Poverty hinders the development of their personality; riches are in the way of them performing the duties of their work and office. But wherever it thus happens that support is not given, and the pulpit and the office of the pastor are left vacant, then will the world also see what it will have to enjoy because of such action.

For if each will consider the welfare only of his own house and seek how he may maintain himself and no one inquires how the Word of God and the office of the ministry are to be perpetuated, then will God also say as he said in the prophecy of Haggai 1:4-11, where the people also left the house of the Lord desolate, neglected God’s Word and the service of the temple, so that the priests and servants of the temple had to resort to work as farmers and learn to do other things, by which they could support themselves because nothing was given for their office and service.

Therefore he speaks thus: “Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your ceiled houses, while this house lieth waste? Now therefore thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Consider your ways. Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts:

Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith Jehovah.

Ye looked for much, and lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith Jehovah of hosts. Because of my house that lieth waste, while ye run every man to his own house. Therefore for your sake the heavens withhold the dew, and the earth withholdeth its fruit. And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the grain, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labor of the hands.”

8. Behold, this is the punishment for despising the office of the ministry, when such punishment was the most gracious as it has been still in our day, and I would to God, that it might continue so. But when we esteem the Word of God so lightly and the ministers and preachers are so poorly supported that they are compelled to forsake their office and seek their bread through other occupations, and thereby also discourage others from entering this office, who otherwise are gifted for it and inclined to it; God not only sends famine and other great national calamities as now appear before our eyes, in order that no one’s purse may retain anything and no blessing and no provisions remain. But he takes the Word and the true doctrine entirely away, and in their stead permits fanatical spirits and false teachers to enter among them, by whom they are led astray and deceived before they are aware of it both as to their souls and property, and for their neglect they must contribute richly and most bountifully.