Friday, August 9, 2024

John 1 - Installment 3 - Basics

Augsburg Confession


Nils Dahl - "What do we know for sure? The text! The text!"

Basics of John - 

Capstone of the Synoptics (Matthew-Mark-Luke)

  1. Three year mission v. one year in the Synoptics.
  2. John has valuable details in harmony with Synoptics
  3. The Gospel simple in language, soaring in perspective - the Eagle. 
  4. Slight difference to the Baptism and Holy Communion.

The Trinity and the Creating Word - Genesis

KJV John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Limitations of Moses and Jesus the Exegete

KJV John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him (exegesis).

The Prophet Isaiah

KJV John 1:23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

Holy Spirit - Creation and Isaiah - Disciples

KJV John 1:32 And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

Gathering Disciples

KJV John 1:42 And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.

Whac-A-Mole Continues To Serve the Faithless Five -


The scape-goat has been replaced by the Whac-A-Mole, a fun toy to teach the next leader on the path of getting-away-with-crimes. 

For instance, Matt the Fatt stirred up his entire sect by attacking one person and waving the bloody shirt of "alt-right." That came from the same SP wannabee who once serenaded the late Herman Otten in his first quest to become synod president. That worked so well that the target victim had already left that congregation but was excommunicated by the congregation after the fact. That should be counted as post-mortem disciple, ideal in pushing the sect president over the top.

The same "Dr." Harrison wrote and sang a song slandering the same person he once praised (Otten). Harrison's attack was covered by photos and the actual script, which included Matt's diagnosis that Otten was crazy. 

WELS is far more consistent - their managers lie all the time, the fruit of a system of hazing which begins at the "prep level" (high school), then the college level and  finally introduces students to seminary life. The primary tool is using both sides of every argument and denying the crime.

  • "I drank a lot of beer with Larry in seminary."
  • "My father is the second highest person in WELS."
  • "Do you know who his father is?"
  • "I don't know anything about this."
  • "Are you saying our leaders are not trustworthy?"
  • Synod President - "If we go over the $8 million to do this, we will pull the plug."
  • Part 2 - "The bulldozers have already started so we can't stop." ($30 million)
  • "That's the way we are."

They love every doctrine but their own.

They continue to sing their own praises while denying their fetid attachment to Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek Community Sex Scandals, Trinity Divinity, and other aberrations, funded by Thrivent and lining their pockets.

The Faithless Five have proved themselves to be utterly self-destructive. The more the bishops, district presidents, and circuit Jesuits run the show for their own benefit and rewards, the faster they will all go downhill.

The property is being consumed as a way to keep the sects afloat. A typical old congregation has a huge bank account and two extra large women pastors guiding the last 20 members into another congregation, calling it a merger. The Waltherians are adding women's ordination, step by step, so do not get your fellowship hackles up. Fuller Seminary only accepts those who agree with women's ordination, and they will soon openly endorse gay ordination.

Remember, Thrivent merged Lutheran Brotherhood and Aid Association for Lutherans. They were in trouble, ahead of the game. Now they are more ecumenical than ever.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 11 - "Now he comes and praises himself that he is just. He has a poisonous, wicked heart, who praises himself most gloriously on account of his pretended good works, how he fasted and gave the tenth of all he had."


Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Luke 18:9-14. 

A Picture and an Example of a True Saint

21. Further, since he has now blasphemed God and lied to him, because he is unwilling to confess his sins, he falls further and sins against love to his neighbor, in that he says: “Even as this publican.” He could not bear his presence without blaming and condemning him. Here all commandments are abolished and transgressed, for he denies God and does his neighbor no good. In this way he goes to ruin, because he has not obeyed a letter of the law. For if he had said: Oh God, we are all sinners, this poor sinner is also like myself and all the rest: and had he joined the congregation and said: Oh God, be merciful unto us! then he would have fulfilled God’s commandment, namely, the first, in that he gave God the honor and the praise, and had he afterwards said: Oh God, I see this one is a sinner, in the jaws of the devil; dear Lord, help him! and had he thus brought him to God and prayed to God for him, he would then also have obeyed the other commandment of Christian love as Paul says, Galatians 6:2, and teaches: “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

22. Now he comes and praises himself that he is just. He has a poisonous, wicked heart, who praises himself most gloriously on account of his pretended good works, how he fasted and gave the tenth of all he had. Hence he is so full of hatred to his neighbor, if God allowed him to judge, he would plunge the poor publican down into the deepest hell. Behold, is not this a wicked heart and terrible to hear, that I would all men should go to ruin, if only I be praised? Yet all this is so finely decorated and adorned by external conduct, that no one can censure it. Here we see how we are to know the tree from its fruits. For when I view his heart with spiritual eyes, I recognize it is full of blasphemy and hatred to his neighbor. From these fruits I know that the tree is evil. For works would not be evil in themselves, but the evil root in the heart makes them evil. This is set before us that we may beware and guard ourselves against it.

23. Again, on the other hand, examine the heart also of the publican. Here we find that he believes. Hence his works are good and of service to the whole world, for he teaches that a man should humble himself and praise God. On the contrary the other with his works makes saints who are puffed up and proud of heart; for he is entrapped in sins, his soul is condemned, and is fast in the jaws of the devil, and the high minded knave steps forth and praises himself, because his neighbor over there is a sinner. To sum up all, he misleads the whole world with his hypocritical life. Thus we must judge the fruits with spiritual eyes as we have now judged these two; then we will know the tree whether it be good or evil.

24. Now, where did I obtain this judgment? Here: God has given me his law like a mirror, in which I see what is good and evil. It says: Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself,” Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37. ‘Now the works of the publican praise God and benefit the whole world, because they teach us to know, and show us the way of God our Savior. Therefore they are good because they praise God and benefit our neighbor. On the other hand, the hypocrite struts forth and blasphemes God, and with his corrupt life misleads the whole world.

25. I should also speak of the great and shameful vice of slander, when one belies another, exposes him and speaks evil of him; while we are all alike after all, and no one has a reason to exalt himself above another. But that the government judges and punishes crime, it does by virtue of its office.

For it wields the sword to make the transgressor fear. For God will not tolerate sin, and desires that the wicked have no rest, as the prophet Isaiah says, Isaiah48:22: “There is no peace, saith Jehovah, to the wicked.”

Therefore where God does not internally disturb sinners, he will wipe out sin by fire and water, that they can have no peace from without. When such sins are to be punished, the officers, judges and people should think thus:

Oh God! although I myself am a poor sinner and a much greater one than this person, and a much greater thief and adulterer than this one; still I will execute my office and leave him no rest in his sins and belabor him; for this is thy divine command. Concerning this I have said more on other occasions, especially in my book on the Civil Government, which you can read yourself; for the present let this suffice, and pray God for grace.