Thursday, August 7, 2008

Columbus, Ohio: The Cutting Edge in Family Affairs

Senator Edwards: There are two Americas, and I have two families.

Some think Senator John Edwards should not speak at the Democrat convention because of his mistress and love child, his refusal to face the public, and his recent Father of the Year Award.

No problem, says WELS in Columbus, Ohio. We solved that problem years ago.

Suppose a man is forced out of the ministry on Saturday, his DP preaching in his stead on Sunday, because that minister was caught in the act. Suppose his wife sues for divorce and wins custody of the children. The Wisconsin Sect answer is to make that man a consultant to WELS congregations, a youth leader, and a speaker at other WELS congregations. Wait, there's more. He starts a Community Church in the name of WELS. He is so bad at all this that the district VP writes him a letter of recommendation for a Lutheran parish call.

Ask the pro-life synod about the baby.

So, taking the Wisconsin Sect's leadership into consideration, especially its advertized Biblical principles, the Democrats should make John Edwards their vice-presidential candidate. Or, he could become a mission counselor.