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(2 months ago)
To what cultural aspersions do we owe the phenomenon of remaking the remakes of music videos? The Fire Island Pines boys, who created the Miley Cyrus send-up "Party In The F.I.P," receive their own homage with "Party In The MLC" fro...
Kyle Fax has left a new comment on your on your on your post "
More Puerile Behavior":
"The excuses for "Party in the MLC" were so flimsy that they deserved the gaydar graphic."
They deserved it? Wow. That's absolutely spectacular of you to say. Even two months later they apparently deserve to be mocked? You have no concept of the term constructive criticism. And really, is asking them to provide a public apology constructive criticism? Someone like you shouldn't be given such an honor if it is. It probably wouldn't satisfy your harsh tongue. You are a poor example to Christians everywhere, Reverend Jackson. Absolutely shameful.
P.S. to Brett Meyer: You're not funny.
GJ - PPS to Kyle - you are!
I am glad everyone can see the WELS damage-control operation at work: humorless, thin-skinned, and caustic. Heaven forbid they would find anything wrong with their athletes prancing around on the Internet, getting the attention of Queerty and having their image above posted on Google Images.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Clueless in the MLC":
Here's a few reasons for MLC to post a retraction and clarifying statement concerning their confession on homosexuality. Then again it's currently a hate crime to speak out against homosexuality. Is this why MLC won't correct the impression given to 86,000++ with their pro homosexual video?
"Some (str8?) students at Midland Lutheran College in Nebraska were so enamored with the Fire Island gays' tribute to Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA", they made their own. Must be some of those liberal Lutherans."
"Nice job Andy --- you just posted a video of guys "fagging" it up for the camera as a joke. Sadly the orignal video did not realize what a sad joke it was. This group knew they were making fun of a target. BTW this does show how "queeny" behavior is an affectation and easily adopted. Many homosexual adopt it to "fit in" with those they feel safe with IMHO."
Posted by: RJP3 | Oct 20, 2009 1:53:01 PM
"I wouldn't say they were enamored by the Fire Island version. This video seems to be more mocking and poking fun of the first one. They are for sure over exaggerating their movements to be "more gay" and queeny. Nobody hits a beach ball like that unless they're a gay cliche on a Fox television show"
Posted by: James | Oct 20, 2009 1:27:39 PM
"I prefer the Lutheran "fagged-up" version."
Posted by: Frank L | Oct 20, 2009 2:24:05 PM
Some (str8?) students at Midland Lutheran College in Nebraska were so enamored with the Fire Island gays' tribute to Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA", they made their own.
Must be some of those liberal Lutherans.
"Cherry Grove is one of two gay communities on the long barrier island of Fire Island. The other is
Fire Island Pines...."
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Clueless in the MLC":
In all of the publicity the MLC video received and widespread discussions the only voices heard from MLC were those of the students and some parents. The fact that this homosexual video, parody or not, was allowed to exist after initial editing, viewing by the parents and faculty of MLC at homecoming and then distribution on the WWW begs the question: Who is making the decisions at MLC. It's as if the students are governing themselves. Anonymous at 4:30am may have touched on a key element to these issues. Just as the Lutheran Emergent Church Growth shrinkers are teaching congregations to 'break the rules' in supposed spreading of the gospel, they are teaching the same to the students and glibly watching the students exercise their new freedoms.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Clueless in the MLC":
Kyle Fax, my opinion is that an apology is not needed as much as a public retraction. How can anyone fix the full responsibility on the children who created the homosexual video when their parents approved and the MLC faculty condoned it. It's appropriate that they are contrite over making the video. The most important issue is that 86,000++ people have been given the impression that homosexuality is good, fun and enjoyable. Even if MLC was a secular school they should still publish a retraction because homosexuality is a sin and should not be promoted but condemned. The fact that MLC calls itself Lutheran (pledging themselves to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions) makes it imperative that they publicly retract the impression that homosexuality is good and right, for the benefit of everyone who views the retraction.
Their refusal to publish a retraction and doctrinal clarification using a method and mode at least equal to that used to publicly publish the offensive video (I recommend using YouTube - the same distribution channel) is a clear confession that they don't care about the sinful impression they gave to 86,000++ people and makes their claim to 'love the lost in Christ' a complete sham.
In my opinion the lack of a public retraction is not surprising since they they continue to confess the false doctrine of Universal Objective Justification which is contrary to Scripture, the Lutheran Confessions and Christ. When they destroy the central doctrine of Scripture you have nowhere to go but down.
GJ - I read
The Thword front-page editorial as an expression of their resentment, not as an apology:
But once the video left the context of the MLC campus, it came under unforeseen criticism from some who failed to see the humor in the video.
The most pronounced critic of the video was independent Lutheran pastor and blogger Gregory Jackson. Posts from Jackson, as well as comments left by the blog's readers, labeled the actions of the MLC students featured in the video unbecoming to future WELS pastors and teachers.
These claims were based on the video from which the creators of "Party in the MLC" took their inspiration--a previous YouTube video known as "Party in the FIP." Set to the tune of "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus, "Party in the FIP" shows a group of men performing choreographed routines on a beach while lip-synching the lyrics of the song."
"Party in the MLC" is a parody of the video, using the same soundtrack and many of the same routines.
The controversy over MLC students parodying "Party in the FIP" is derived from the lifestyle associated with "the FIP."
But makers of the "Party in the MLC" agree with other viewers that none of the actions in the "Party in the FIP" video would be considered blatant homosexuality. They also admit no previous knowledge of the reputation of Fire Island Pines. Ben Reichel, MLC student and video contributor, revealed, "We didn't find out until two or three days after we posted it that that's what it stood for. After we learned that we were kind of taken aback."
After learning of the offense caused by the video, the students decided to remove the video "out of Christian love" for those who found the video inappropriate. The decision to remove the video was a personal decision made by the creators of the video.
Reichel stated, "We all got together as a group --the guys who were in the video--and we realized that this caused way too much commotion and way too much negativity, and we all decided together that we were going to take it down."
After meeting amongst (sic) themselves, the students sought the advice of college administration. Reichel continued, "We went and talked to the administration here at MLC--the president and vice-president--and we got their thoughts on it too. But we knew before we even talked to them that we were going to take it down."
Matt Rothe, classmate of Reichel and video contributor, along with the rest of the students involved with the video, are ready to put "Party in the MLC" and the attention it has received in the past; "The group of guys who made this video only wished for good to come out of this video, and I must express firmly we wish for no more negative attention from it."