Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "
Eberle, Shrinker, Backed Jeske":
This blog has no credibility because those who know the author know he doesn't have an ounce of personal credibility or integrity. Why would anyone take anything he says seriously? Jackson might speak the truth, but those who know him won't listen because he has lied so much before!
GJ - If Ichabod had no credibility, the Shrinkers would not write every single day, or threaten to shut it down, or invent counter-blogs to attack
ad hominem.
Supposedly I invent positive comments. I imagine that I also invent the links to Ski, his guru Jeske, their Schwaermer mentors, Thrivent, ELCA, Church and Change, Charis.
Did I make up all those Church and Change listserve posts? I guess not, because they screamed like little girls when I posted them.
Did I produce videos at Martin Luther College and post them on YouTube, simply to make their students look bad? I forgive the athletes. Too many collisions with the tackle sled and too many steroids can damage IQ and cause 'roid rage. But I still find the statue fight obnoxious, offensive, and blasphemous. How many colleges are proud of having their founder fling the Bible away and take God's name in vain? Just one -
Martin Luther College.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Candidate for Anger Management Class":
Funny - making the claim that Ichabod has no credibility from someone who backs up the statement with nothing and then signs it Anonymously. Talk about credibility.
Kyle Fax has left a new comment on your post "Candidate for Anger Management Class":
I forgive the athletes. Too many collisions with the tackle sled and too many steroids can damage IQ and cause 'roid rage.
Completely uncalled for, Pastor Jackson. As someone who knows several of those students, they are very intelligent individuals and simply made a bad decision in posting the video to YouTube. That issue has been made very clear.
It's a shame we don't know some of your past sins and bad choices so blogs can be created that exasperate you as well.
But I still find the statue fight obnoxious, offensive, and blasphemous. How many colleges are proud of having their founder fling the Bible away and take God's name in vain? Just one - Martin Luther College.
Then use the handy little button on YouTube that says "flag as offensive" and do something about it instead of whining. Or contact Schone or Zarling and have them contact the user and have them take it off. Zarling might not even know it exists, it's before his time. Or contact the user itself and politely suggest that he take the video done, it's more than likely a student who will be willing to listen.
And honestly, why did you respond to such a mundane Anonymous post in the first place? Just to beat more dead horses?
GJ - Honestly, Kyle, as a Martin Luther College student, class of '13, why don't you go to your college president and do something about it? Or you can stop reading Ichabod. When people send comments, I get to respond to them. That is why New Ulm and Milwaukee light up my map at the bottom of the page. I would like to say that I get mature responses from the college crowd, but all of you are anxious to justify yourselves and condemn me. As I wrote several times before, the Party in the MLC video offended a member of your synod, so much that he could not watch the whole thing. The MLC/WLC response has been to attack me. In that sanctimonious editorial from
The Thword, I am attacked and "forgiven."
I told one Lutheran over the weekend, "The cover story is good old fashioned WELS deception. They did not know what they were aping?" The other person agreed, since Fire Island Pines has its own Wikipedia entry, and Fire Island has been infamous for decades. No one can miss the clues in the FIP video, except the admittedly clueless MLC athletes.
The MLC "Party in the USA" video has not been lost to the Internet entirely. Here is a kid in a North Vietnamese helmet bemoaning its loss.
Click here, because I do not want to embed it. The author wrote: " NemoBright, October 25, 2009. Response to
Party in the MLC/ Miley Cyrus Party In The U.S.A/ MUSIC VIDEO i thought that video was hilariuos (
sic)....even though i dislike hannah montana response to Party in the MLC/ Miley Cyrus Party In The U.S.A/ MUSIC VIDEO i thought that video was hilariuos (
sic)....even though i dislike hannah montana." There are also many
alternative websites that mention
Party in the MLC.
Kyle, it is obvious that you MLC students have too much time on your hands. Perhaps you could create that blog with your friends. Call it WELS Jailbirds, and start listing church workers and the DP who have done time in the Big House. Work down to the local hoosegows and lockups across America. And then write - "Last, but not least, this guy started a blog called Ichabod, the worst crime of all. He hinted that we are less than perfect, and we know that is not so."
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Candidate for Anger Management Class":
Kyle Fax simply does not get it. The impressions left by synod and its schools either attract or repel prospects and members. Like it or not, members are customers of WELS. If I do not like what they are doing, I stop supporting them as much. Over the years I have cut way back because of the disgraceful nonsense, wastefulness, and declining confessionalism. I imagine many others feel the same way. After all, giving to WELS is not the same as giving to God.
GJ - If Martin Luther College were a citadel of Lutheran orthodoxy, they would have something to offer. However, ever since Ted Hartwig, MLC has been a citadel of feminism, unionism, and Enthusiasm. Larry Oh! got his DMin at Fuller Seminary, which qualified him to teach Church Growth - something he never accomplished in his only parish - Love' Park. Each year, MLC invites the most notorious Chicaneries to add a rinse cycle to the brain-washing there. If readers want a who's who of Enthusiasm in WELS, look at the speakers' list for their mission day, with Paul Calvin Kelm as the keynoter.
Therefore, MLC has decided to be one more mainline denominational school with high costs and limited prospects for its graduates. The promotion of tacky videos as "fun" suggests that the administration (a) wants to be cool and (b) lacks the spine to spank the children of connected WELS leaders.