Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not a PhotoShop - Your Lutheran Dollars at Work, Supporting the Salvation Army Church

The Pierce-St. Croix Chapter of Thrivent for Lutherans recently presented area Salvation Army director Duana Bremer, center, with a $1,600 donation from their Care Abound Community Fund to be used in the Moola for Milk campaign. Submitted photo.

River Falls Journal


The Salvation Army in the Body of Christ

The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church with its own distinctive governance and practice. Its doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise (sic) God’s saving purposes.

The Salvation Army in the Body of Christ is an ecclesiological statement published by Salvation Books, International Headquarters. In his foreword General Clifton says of this short publication: 'It will be especially useful to those of us who are actively engaged in ecumenical relations and can readily be shared with others beyond our ranks if this will be an aid to mutual understanding. The Statement is not intended to say new things, but its purpose is to clarify and consolidate present global thinking on our identity within the wider Body of Christ.'

Candidate for Anger Management Class

Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Eberle, Shrinker, Backed Jeske":

This blog has no credibility because those who know the author know he doesn't have an ounce of personal credibility or integrity. Why would anyone take anything he says seriously? Jackson might speak the truth, but those who know him won't listen because he has lied so much before!


GJ - If Ichabod had no credibility, the Shrinkers would not write every single day, or threaten to shut it down, or invent counter-blogs to attack ad hominem.

Supposedly I invent positive comments. I imagine that I also invent the links to Ski, his guru Jeske, their Schwaermer mentors, Thrivent, ELCA, Church and Change, Charis.

Did I make up all those Church and Change listserve posts? I guess not, because they screamed like little girls when I posted them.

Did I produce videos at Martin Luther College and post them on YouTube, simply to make their students look bad? I forgive the athletes. Too many collisions with the tackle sled and too many steroids can damage IQ and cause 'roid rage. But I still find the statue fight obnoxious, offensive, and blasphemous. How many colleges are proud of having their founder fling the Bible away and take God's name in vain? Just one - Martin Luther College.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Candidate for Anger Management Class":

Funny - making the claim that Ichabod has no credibility from someone who backs up the statement with nothing and then signs it Anonymously. Talk about credibility.


Kyle Fax has left a new comment on your post "Candidate for Anger Management Class":

I forgive the athletes. Too many collisions with the tackle sled and too many steroids can damage IQ and cause 'roid rage.

Completely uncalled for, Pastor Jackson. As someone who knows several of those students, they are very intelligent individuals and simply made a bad decision in posting the video to YouTube. That issue has been made very clear. It's a shame we don't know some of your past sins and bad choices so blogs can be created that exasperate you as well.

But I still find the statue fight obnoxious, offensive, and blasphemous. How many colleges are proud of having their founder fling the Bible away and take God's name in vain? Just one - Martin Luther College.

Then use the handy little button on YouTube that says "flag as offensive" and do something about it instead of whining. Or contact Schone or Zarling and have them contact the user and have them take it off. Zarling might not even know it exists, it's before his time. Or contact the user itself and politely suggest that he take the video done, it's more than likely a student who will be willing to listen.

And honestly, why did you respond to such a mundane Anonymous post in the first place? Just to beat more dead horses?


GJ - Honestly, Kyle, as a Martin Luther College student, class of '13, why don't you go to your college president and do something about it? Or you can stop reading Ichabod. When people send comments, I get to respond to them. That is why New Ulm and Milwaukee light up my map at the bottom of the page. I would like to say that I get mature responses from the college crowd, but all of you are anxious to justify yourselves and condemn me. As I wrote several times before, the Party in the MLC video offended a member of your synod, so much that he could not watch the whole thing. The MLC/WLC response has been to attack me. In that sanctimonious editorial from The Thword, I am attacked and "forgiven."

I told one Lutheran over the weekend, "The cover story is good old fashioned WELS deception. They did not know what they were aping?" The other person agreed, since Fire Island Pines has its own Wikipedia entry, and Fire Island has been infamous for decades. No one can miss the clues in the FIP video, except the admittedly clueless MLC athletes.

The MLC "Party in the USA" video has not been lost to the Internet entirely. Here is a kid in a North Vietnamese helmet bemoaning its loss. Click here, because I do not want to embed it. The author wrote: " NemoBright, October 25, 2009. Response to Party in the MLC/ Miley Cyrus Party In The U.S.A/ MUSIC VIDEO i thought that video was hilariuos (sic)....even though i dislike hannah montana response to Party in the MLC/ Miley Cyrus Party In The U.S.A/ MUSIC VIDEO i thought that video was hilariuos (sic)....even though i dislike hannah montana." There are also many alternative websites that mention Party in the MLC.

Kyle, it is obvious that you MLC students have too much time on your hands. Perhaps you could create that blog with your friends. Call it WELS Jailbirds, and start listing church workers and the DP who have done time in the Big House. Work down to the local hoosegows and lockups across America. And then write - "Last, but not least, this guy started a blog called Ichabod, the worst crime of all. He hinted that we are less than perfect, and we know that is not so."


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Candidate for Anger Management Class":

Kyle Fax simply does not get it. The impressions left by synod and its schools either attract or repel prospects and members. Like it or not, members are customers of WELS. If I do not like what they are doing, I stop supporting them as much. Over the years I have cut way back because of the disgraceful nonsense, wastefulness, and declining confessionalism. I imagine many others feel the same way. After all, giving to WELS is not the same as giving to God.


GJ - If Martin Luther College were a citadel of Lutheran orthodoxy, they would have something to offer. However, ever since Ted Hartwig, MLC has been a citadel of feminism, unionism, and Enthusiasm. Larry Oh! got his DMin at Fuller Seminary, which qualified him to teach Church Growth - something he never accomplished in his only parish - Love' Park. Each year, MLC invites the most notorious Chicaneries to add a rinse cycle to the brain-washing there. If readers want a who's who of Enthusiasm in WELS, look at the speakers' list for their mission day, with Paul Calvin Kelm as the keynoter.

Therefore, MLC has decided to be one more mainline denominational school with high costs and limited prospects for its graduates. The promotion of tacky videos as "fun" suggests that the administration (a) wants to be cool and (b) lacks the spine to spank the children of connected WELS leaders.

Only Three Posts So Far Today - Where Is Everyone?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Eberle, Shrinker, Backed Jeske":

Where is everyone today? Looks like even Pastor GJ is busy with other venues.
In response to mjleyrer,

Who said ,"Change or die?" Who said,"Those stick churches?"
Who is deeply involved with the liberal section of the LCMS?(meaning not the Confessional LCMS folks)

Yes, Jeske made fun of Close Communion. Does he know that WELS teaches against unionism? Perhaps Pastor GJ could provide a link to that Concordia Mequon Speech.
Is he ashamed of being Lutheran? I am not ashamed of being WELS despite the issues with money, C&C, and Kokomo.

mjleyer, help us Confessional Lutherans. We will start our own C&C. How about Conservative And Confessional!

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - I linked Jeske's Mequon speech before. I repeat some information because people often stick with the front page.

Someone told me he checks the blog three times a day, so I always think of him when I am doing updates, or feeling too sleepy to do one.

I did have three posts by around 6 AM, which is about 6 hours before the Shrinkers wake up. A lot of comments came in while the grandchildren were visiting.

By the way, Shrinkers rage against the cat photos, so I added a new one from one of our resident artists.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Only Three Posts So Far Today - Where Is Everyone?...":

If you squint you can see God.

Jeske, "But if you are connected by faith to the power source of the universe, it is indeed possible. And fulfilling. And satisfying. And beautiful. And fun. God's Spirit enables you both to will and to do what is pleasing to God." (Time of Grace 17)

The murder of 150 Million people was doing work for God.

Jeske, "[T]he authority of a government ... that authority structure is built and designed by God Himself.... Even bad governments carry God's authority.... Even bad governments do God's work by keeping some semblance of order in the streets. Even the government of the Soviet Union under Stalin was doing the work of God. Even China, under Mao Tse-Tung, was doing work for God."


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Only Three Posts So Far Today - Where Is Everyone?...":

Good that an accurate quote from Jeske about Stalin and Mao??? True, the blood of martyrs is the seed for the church...and all things work together for good for those who love God...

But that quote seems to come dangerously close to saying something like "Yeah, Hitler killed a lot of people, but some of his water color paintings really weren't that bad..." FYI, Hitler as a young man studied art in Vienna.

Was this from that same video where Jeske says we should voluntarily make ourselves slaves to the state if it asks us to?

I am not sure if this represents an evil genius or a complete moron....

Eberle, Shrinker, Backed Jeske

Thrivent magazine

Winter 2009 | Volume 107 | Number 650

Live • Give • Grow

Lights, Camera, Lutheran! Shrinker!

 Rev. Mark Jeske | Photo by Kevin Miyazaki The Show: Each Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. service, the sanctuary at St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, becomes a television studio for "Time of Grace," a 30-minute TV program featuring the Rev. Mark Jeske. The senior pastor delivers his sermon not only to his congregants, but also to three TV cameras that send his words into homes across the U.S. "It's a sermon delivered by a friend," says Jeske. The show also incorporates Bible study with Jeske (pictured), filmed in a studio.
The Spark: "Time of Grace" was an idea suggested by Washington, D.C.-area businessman Bruce Eberle, who sat on the Wisconsin Lutheran College board of regents with Jeske. "Bruce said, 'Lutherans have a great message that America needs to hear,'" recalls Jeske. "So, he formed a board of directors and helped raise $750,000 to launch the project. We taped the first broadcasts in August of 2001."
The Impact: About 350,000 people view Jeske's weekly message and countless others go online to watch the show or read Jeske's blog. "The Bible tells us that all faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ," says Jeske. "By getting the Gospel message into people's homes, it will work its way into their hearts."
Read more information on "Time of Grace," including local TV listings, links to Jeske's blog and his YouTube page.


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Eberle, Shrinker, Backed Jeske":


I might not be in agreement with all their doctrinal statements but their (sic) not going to hell because of them. Thus making Jeske's work OK in my book.

Jeske Shares Everything Except His Confession of Faith

Mark Jeske is the pastor and speaker for Time of Generic Grace, a national television and media ministry based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He shares the Good News of our Savior, Jesus Christ, in a half hour Bible study format, delivering a weekly dose of straight talk and real hope.

Time of Generic Grace is heard and seen in more than 20 markets in the United States, including Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Washington D.C., and Orlando.

In addition to airing on Daystar, Time of Generic Grace is available on the American Forces Network. Besides television and radio broadcasts, Pastor Jeskes booklets, blog, daily email devotions, and YouTube video messages all are available at

May our gracious God continue to bless you as you journey through your own time of grace.

Conference of Pussycats against Habitat for Humanity, But Jeske is There To Bless

Thrivent warned their troops that WELS was against Habitat for Humanity.
Why did they invite Jeske to bless their project?

Crowds are gathering now - preparing for the home dedication service. County Executive, Scott Walker, along with leaders from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity and the Carmel Builders Crew to celebrate the dream of home ownership for the Williams Family. Pastor Mark Jeske from Time of Generic Grace Ministry gives a blessing and we all give thanks!
Thrivent's Websty


GJ - I figure Thrivent operates like those beauty contents, where money is given away but personal appearances are required as part of the indenture agreement. Jeske got plenty of loot from Thrivent, so he has to bless their ecumenical projects - not that unionism bothers him. He was also in the newspaper for speaking at a Missouri worship service where John Bauer was installed.

John Bauer, new head of Bethesda, Watertown.
Bauer earned his doctorate in education administration and supervision from Marquette University and for 22 years he served as the chief academic officer for Wisconsin Lutheran College. He was also the executive director of the CHARiS Institute, an affiliate of the college devoted to the scholarly study of challenges facing the church. advancing Reformed doctrine, unionism, and general craziness.

LCMS DP Wille graduated from Wisconsin's semary, upgrading  to Missouri.

Participants in Saturday's service include the Rev. Earl Bleke, Bethesda's chief religious life officer, and the Rev. John Wille, president of the South Wisconsin District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. The special guest speaker for the service will be the Rev. Mark Jeske of the Time of Generic Grace Ministries based in Milwaukee.
Watertown Daily Times - Mequon grads - left click on the link.


GJ - What have we learned today? The same names keep appearing together. Jeske is the secretive leader of Church and Change in WELS. John Bauer was head of Charis at Willow Creek Lutheran College, where Church and Change was born, with hefty donations from the WELS offering plate and a boost from Perish Services. WELS is the Groundhog Day Synod. The same things keep happening to the same people every day.

For example, as proven by Ichabod, Church and Change bemoaned the hub-bub over the Open Door Symposium that was canceled. Joe Krohn voiced his support on the secret listserve. Bauer thanked everyone for their support. You can find this by using the search function on this blog and putting in "John Bauer." Small world.

Here are the blind leading the blind, on the subject of fellowship.

Would it shock you if the very same books were to be found in the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Library? I see book burnings on the horizon.

John Bauer

It is interesting that we allow our pastors the opportunity of seeking theological degrees from institutions outside our circles. They sit at the "feet of heretics" in order to gain their degree. Are we saying that they should go through a colloquy before they can continue on with their ministry? After all, they could become spiritually contaminated during their training and in the process
contaminate their members. The argument that they are pastors and can tell the difference between good and false theology doesn't always stand up since there have been pastors who have gone astray.

Ron Ash