Saturday, July 2, 2011

We're Off To See the Wizard,
The WELSian Wizard of Change,
The LCMS Wizard of Change!

The actual wizard of WELS Church and Change is Mark Jeske.
The Daddy Warbucks and Fullerites Love His Napoleon Hill Patter.

Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "Visit Historic St. John's Lutheran Church in Milwa...":

The Synodical Conference was basically the Prussian Union with Lutherans and Reformed merged together, with Walther supplying the necessary compromised Lutheran theology. St. Marcus has always been more Reformed than most Synodical Conference churches, just as it is today, diving into CG, TV, and state educational vouchers for religion-lite parochial schools.

The Reformed are noted for their unadorned churches which are four white walls surrounding a pulpit. The walls of older WELS churches used to be white plaster (no stucco please), but now many WELS pastors are in love with white drywall.

The Reformed side of St. Marcus expressed itself in the 1950s by their tearing out the ornate darkly stained gothic altar and other furnishings, and replacing them with modern blond-stained wood paneling and blond fixtures even though this didn't exactly match the rest of the church decor. The blond color went out of style and dates churches that still use it. The Reformed element in St. Marcus cared so little for the ornate woodwork that they don't even know where it ended up--maybe the landfill. By contrast, St. John's on 8th & Vliet Streets kept their ornate altar and fixtures, but painted over the dark stain with white paint:
The congregation grew very rapidly in the next three decades and they soon resolved to build a larger worship space. The present red brick church was built in 1913. Its exterior was designed in the English Gothic style, with large square towers, limestone trim, wide windows with a flatter arch and castle-like crenelations at the tops of the two towers. The interior still utilized the German Gothic style with its dark, richly carved oak woodwork, curving balcony railing and elaborate hymn-board surrounds.

As the 75th anniversary in 1950 approached, the congregation chose to renovate and change the interior of the church. New carpeting and chandeliers were added, and the decision was made to remove the altar, pulpit, canopy, modest communion rail, baptismal font and lectern. No one knows what happened to any of those items. All that survived is the Gethsemane oil painting, which currently hangs in the second floor school hallway and the gilded dove from the canopy (symbolizing the Holy Spirit), which for 47 years was mounted in a frame and hung above the main doors to the nave.

In its place, the committee chose to install blond oak chancel furniture in the Modern Gothic style, very fashionable in the 1950's. The elaborate stenciling on the walls was painted over a tall wainscot paneling was installed on either side of the altar. During the centennial year of 1975 artist Jerome Harders, a son of the congregation, was commissioned to carve a large blond oak cross, which was then mounted in the center of the altar in front of the red velvet dossal curtains. In 1983, St. Marcus was given the historic chancel furniture from the demolished St. Jacobi Lutheran Church on 13th & Mitchell on the south side.

In 1996, the church was ready for another renovation. After the Council and Altar Guild pondered the changes needed and desired, they finally started the remodeling. The carpet was replaced and the wood floors were sanded and given four coats of water-based varnish. The pews were moved to give an additional two inches of leg-room.

AC V Updates - The Thrill of Unionism, the Agony of the Truth

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Who Broke the Franchise?Proof That Bronze Can Rust...":

This from the July 2, 2011 LCMS Reporter:

ELCA, LCMS continue talks on 'cooperation in externals'

"Harrison reported that the Synod and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Church (sic) were continuing conversations initiated while Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick was LCMS president. In WELS, Harrison said, 'there's a new wind blowing about talking with Missouri.'"

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Who Broke the Franchise?Proof That Bronze Can Rust...":

And this from the Reporter as well (you do the math on how this relates to Time of Grace):

Regarding Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs), Harrison said the LCMS would likely be more conscious of RSOs conforming to LCMS doctrine and practice. - ELCA, LCMS continue talks on 'cooperation in externals'

AC V has left a new comment on your post "AC V Updates - The Thrill of Unionism, the Agony o...":

I forgot to add a "sic" after Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran "Church." The WELS is so off the radar in Lutheranism that the author of the article (or the editor) didn't know correct name.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "AC V Updates - The Thrill of Unionism, the Agony o...":

I would like to know why LCMS would even want to be in fellowship with WELS...they are trying in some cases to become much more confessional...WELS on the other hand has become such a pietist sect ejecting the confessions for so much church growth marketing...even more so than Missouri. Management by objective has become WELS mantra since the Changers are in charge...the parasite is looking for a new host since the current host is dying...or jumping ship...or getting the left jackboot of fellowship...


GJ - Long ago Herman Otten gave me a Church Growth poster that Robert Preus had sent him. On the poster, Preus wrote, "WELS is worse than we are." That was in the 1980s and continues to be true, since WELS can leveral false doctrine so easily.

I also want to add that the younger WELS men (excluding most Boomers) are much better.

EastCoast - On the Business of WELS "Christian Academies"


Day Cares and Pre-schools have killed many a WELS church over the last few years. They are bad news. Even where they are somewhat successful, the “tail” ends up wagging the dog. Schools in general, from “day schools” to colleges are pretty much useless anymore anyway, especially in the church.


GJ - Several of us have discussed how a congregation develops a generic "Christian Academy" to gather as many customers as possible. Price competition is fierce, so the pre-school and kindergarteners get subsidized by the members. Day care is regulated so the congregation must fund certain staff members, which allow the pastor's wife and other chosen people to have jobs at the church.

Day care runs the church because their budget dominates all other concerns, and they get touchy about "their space." They may even hide the true costs from the members, but everyone can tell the congregation is bailing out the business, so the general population can have cheap day care.

Who Broke the Franchise?
Proof That Bronze Can Rust

The altar at Historic St. John's Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.
History has been kicked out of the Syn Conference.

This photo hardly does justice to the altar at St. John's in Milwaukee. Bading and SP Brenner were pastors there.

Pastor Kevin Hastings tagged (used spray paint) on a neighboring WELS church property. He was angry with them about an issue. Obviously that is not the third step in Matthew 18 - tag it to the church. However, he was repentant and paid for its removal the next day. He apologized.

The WELS District Pope chooses to encourage Church and Change leader Mark Jeske. No one in Church and Change has ever been disciplined for anything.

But this DP decided to get rid of Hastings and remove him from the WELS ministry. The congregation left with Hastings, so WELS cut off its own history. Do not hold your breath waiting for anyone from WELS to apologize. WELS leaders do not apologize because they are inerrant and infallible.

The DP is part of the Gang of Four (three Wisconsin State plus one Minnesota) that controls 75% of the church population and all of the issues. All four are on the Jeske bus, taking turns driving when he wearies from his labors for the Lord.

The hatefulness and spite directed toward this historic congregation is another indication of how the Syn Conference tore itself apart. It really began with Walther's tyranny and dictatorial attitude. The attitudes carried over with the stance that everyone else was wrong, evil, and unionistic.

Walther himself was a union theologian. Future research will show what is already evident, that he combined Pietism with Lutheran Orthodoxy and tried to make his custom blend the gold standard for everyone else. And it had to be his way.

Walther was an escaped felon, who, unrepentant for kidnapping two children, organized a mob to threaten, rob, and kidnap Bishop Stephan. A death threat, backed by a picked mob of 300 supporters, is a felony. Grand theft is also a felony. Holding Stephan against his will, forcing him out of his house, and robbing him of all his money and possessions - those are additional felonies. He was forced across the Mississippi River, which is the felony of kidnapping. Walther led the mob, stole Stephan's land, and took away the title to the 40 acres of land granted to Stephan.

Walther and his crooked felonious lawyers (Vehse and Marbach) began the Syn Conference tradition of - "We can do anything we want, because we are in charge here." To cover up these felonies, the Syn Conference has played them as justifiable because Stephan committed adultery. But the clergy knew that before they left for America with Stephan and pledged their loyalty to him.

This is another Syn Conference tradition - clergy can have sex with their members if they are popular at the moment. Discipline is not Scriptural in the Syn Conference. Walther was a bully, thug, and liar. His followers have continued that tradition.

In the Bronze Age, the old system worked. The Bronze Age clergy think everything would be fine if they could return to the days of the 1932 Brief Confession. It is funny how much they praise their men and their traditions while ignoring the Gospel. They can flog people because they imagine they have the true Gospel - the entire world is absolved of all sin, except for the people who get in their way.

"Write a letter, so we can excommunicate you for writing a letter."

"Meet with us, to tell us where we are wrong, so we can excommunicate you for trying to meet with us while we hid away and skipped the meeting."

"Let us discuss our differences in the ELS, so we can throw out the pastors who disagree with the Wayne Mueller position on ministry."

Precious few people care about rehashing the fetishes of CFW Walther, especially since his disciples only know how to quote Walther disciples.

Evidence of the weakness of this glorious Syn Conference position is everywhere. All three parts (and the micro-minis) collapsed into gross legalism and chasing the Fuller illusion.

The Lutheran school has become the Christian Academy Day-Care business. The congregation is not Lutheran, but The CORE, or CrossRoads, or CrossWalk (cute, eh?). The clergy are pals who love to golf and boat.

The Syn Conference lacks the guts to ordain women, but places them in pastoral roles anyway. Everyone knows, anything goes - with UOJ.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Who Broke the Franchise?Proof That Bronze Can Rust...":

Well said!

Walther is no better than Joseph Smith who led a mob to wreck a printing press and burn down a newspaper building in Nauvoo, Illinois. For that Joseph Smith went to jail. So Walther evaded jail time twice--once for kidnapping and one for leading a mod that committed felonies.

You wrote "40 acres" but it was "80 acres", which back then was a good sized farm. During the Civil War all farmers became prosperous since food prices were at a premium. They had been ripping off the Stephan family for decades before Walther perpetrated this final rip-off since they were basically renting that land without paying the rent! It's in the Bible that one should not hold the sons accountable for the deeds of the father, and now the Missouri synod is reaping the reward for not following that prescription.

The size of the farm doesn't come up readily in Google searches because there's a typo in the Stephan archive (aces instead of acres):

"80 aces of land in Missouri"


GJ - There were two parcels of land. The Society gave Stephan 40 acres. Walther changed the title when he "found out" about Stephan's adultery with at least two women. The evidence points to more, and Stephan was already investigated for multiple adulteries in Europe. Walther avoided Stephan as he traveled to Perry County to change the title. Martin Stephan Jr. studied at the new little seminary, and Walther tricked the son into giving up the 80 acres that the bishop bought with his own money. That land became sub-divided, so it was almost impossible to get back later. Stephan had no money, since Walther's mob stole it all, so he could not address the injustice until someone took on his case much later.

Excellent Adventures

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Excellent Adventures":

This comic is quite funny, especially where it sneakily infers that SP Harrison is related to Bishop Stephan by photoshopping Harrison's mug onto Stephan's torso.

Of course to read it, one must click on the comic to get the larger image, and maybe click on the resulting image again to enlarge it once more if one still can't read it. Then repeat for the second half of the comic.

The reason for these steps is Blogger shrinks large graphics (with "large" not being very large at all). Then the browser thinks it's being helpful by shrinking the graphic again to fit in the viewer, but that makes graphics with text unreadable, so clicking on it again "magnifies" it to 100% size.

A lot of people don't know it, but they can enlarge (or shrink) any page or graphic they are viewing in most browsers by pressing the Control and Plus (or Minus) buttons together at the same time. So a person shrink a graphic to, say, 25% its original size, or enlarge it to, say, 300% its original size, all depending on the capabilities of the browser a person is using.

Harrison's Seminary Fund

New Ager Leonard Sweet was a featured speaker at Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis. The seminary was so proud of this that they put a video up about it. Ed Preuss used to teach Hottentot justification there, before he poped.

Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting ...":

President Harrison was at a conference at St. Louis where, evidently, reps from the two LCMS seminaries, and maybe the LCC Canadian seminary, participated in strategizing their joint mission to the world, and also getting a handle on what counts as proper stewardship of resources. It seems Paul Raabe, a CLS Hebrew prof, was the M.C. and organizer, and Harrison was one of the presenters.

They should have had this meeting decades ago before tuition at the two LCMS seminaries got way out of hand, but the seminaries were like lenders of late who couldn't wait to profit off of yet another subprime interest loan of an outrageous amount for a rundown shack.

It seems to me that the seminaries turned their enterprise into a sort of world missions--where the professors have to jet off to far flung corners of the earth to teach a class at different seminaries since it's so boring to just teach at one campus for a few years straight. So just like missions in the LCMS and WELS got terribly expensive and the LCMS at least had to severely limit the number of jet-setting missionaries and jet-setting mission executives, now the synod has to pull in the reins on our jet-setting seminary professors and their administrators. Of course, all this jet-setting was put on the students' tab, and they paid for it via federal student aid at 6.6% interest, maybe for life.

Harrison talked about a joint fund he's setting up to fund the 3 seminaries (2 LCMS and the LCC) to the tune of $1 million per year. The fund might need $50 million in it to generate that much interest in today's environment, I'd guess. It was advertised on p. 31 of the May 2011 Lutheran Witness (links below).

I'm guessing Harrison wants it to be a joint fund since the LCC is basically a LCMS seminary now since LCMS students are escaping to Canada to get their M Divs at a lower price, and also the LCMS has often taken in their students on colloquy. The LCC probably feels the LCMS owes it a lot of support. I'd bet the LCMS seminaries rue that join fund since now the LCMS is basically subsidizing students to go to Canada. But the LCMS seminaries brought it on themselves.

Just think--a brand new Walther library on the lake and not many students to use it. Maybe Ft. Wayne will be the next Perry County seminary (now a log cabin museum) when Ft Wayne is mothballed.
Global Impact Meeting AKA Paul Raabe’s War Room

The final portion of the meeting discussed the funding challenge first presented in the May 2011 Lutheran Witness, “Blessings, Gifts, Challenges…” (click here for the issue) which specifically challenged the Synod to raise $250,000 for theological education (see or click here to give now to this challenge. The goal is to have $1,000,000 per year to divide between Concordia Seminary Saint Louis, Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, and the Lutheran Church Canada to provide theological education consisting of bringing future leaders to LCMS and LCC seminaries, sending seminary professors overseas to teach, and to support regional seminaries of partner churches.
Theological Education Initiatives in the May 2011 LW: