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Friday, July 8, 2011
Brief Confession 1932 Contradicts Itself,
Just Like the Syn Conference
AC V has left a new comment on your post "With Robert Schuller Kicked Off the Board, His Chu...":
"For the same reason also the churches at home should never forget that there is no other way of winning souls for the Church and keeping them with it than the faithful and diligent use of the divinely ordained means of grace. Whatever activities do not either directly apply the Word of God or subserve such application we condemn as 'new methods,' unchurchly activities, which do not build, but harm the Church."
- A Brief Statement of the
Doctrinal Position of the Missouri Synod; Of the Means of Grace. 1932
GJ - This is a good section and worth remembering, but the UOJ declaration in the Brief Statement simply obliterates its value. The CLC (sic) quoted this too, but let Paul Tiefel and his pal Dave Koenig promote every falsehood while openly dissing Luther's sound doctrine. Tiefel and Koenig had this wretched little newsletter called While It Is Day. When people objected, the lying CLC president said, "It is no longer being published."
That may sound familiar to WELS members, because they believed Gurgle saying the same thing about Church and Change, a lie repeated by C and C under SP Schroeder. It's over; it's gone - except for the resolution supporting Mark and Avoid Jeske. And - except for the website listing all the officers. And the website content. And all the illegitimate inbred children spawned by Church and Change: the women's ordination conference (promoted by Schroeder), Jugs of Clay, DisGrace in Action, Men of No Faith, etc. etc.
That is why I have so little regard for convention actions. People put 99% of their energy into promoting or defeating meaningless statements. Meanwhile, the apostates make merry the Garden of Good and Evil.