Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pietism and UOJ?
Jay Webber Jumps Up To Prove the Connection

UOJ is connected to Pietism via Zinzendorf and Halle University.
Bishop Stephan led his cell-group Pietists out of this congregation to America.


German Wikipedia

Johann Jakob Rambach (* February 24 1693 in Halle (Saale) , † April 19 1735 in Giessen ) was a German Protestant theologian and hymn writer .
He first served an apprenticeship as a carpenter , he was a disciple August Hermann Francke and theologian , later succeeded him as professor , son of Joachim Lange , 1731 Professor and Superintendent in Giessen, editor of a hymn book with many new songs. In the community life of the evangelical church today is primarily still Rambach "I am baptized in your name" by the song (Protestant hymnal No. 200), which is often sung following a baptism present.
Rambach was twice married. He completed his first marriage with Johanna Elisabeth († 1730), the daughter of the professor of theology Joachim Lange . That same year he married again.
Of his daughters are known Charlotte Elizabeth (born June 15, 1727 in Halle (Saale), † September 8, 1761 in Worms, married May 24, 1746 with the pastor in high school in Giessen and Worms Christian Heinrich Nebel († 1786).) [1] . Her older sister is the well-known from Goethe's poetry and truth pastor's wife Griesbach [2]


Son of Hans Ja­kob Ram­bach, cab­i­net mak­er at Hal­le, Jo­hann left school in 1706, and en­tered his fa­ther’s work­shop. How­ev­er, in the au­tumn of 1707, he dis­lo­cat­ed his an­kle, and dur­ing his re­cov­ery, he turned to his school books, and his de­sire for learn­ing re­a­wak­ened. Ear­ly in 1708, he en­tered the La­tin School of the Hal­le Or­phanage, and on Oc­to­ber 27, 1712, he ma­tric­u­lat­ed at the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Hal­le as a med­i­cal stu­dent. He soon turned his at­tent­ion to the­ol­o­gy, though, and be­came es­pe­ci­al­ly in­ter­est­ed in Old Tes­ta­ment stu­dy un­der J. H. Mi­chael­is. In May 1715, he be­came one of Mi­chael­is’ as­sist­ants, help­ing pre­pare his edi­tion of the He­brew Bi­ble, for which he wrote the com­men­ta­ry on Ruth, Es­ther, Ne­he­mi­ah, and other books. His health be­gan to suf­fer in the spring of 1719, and he ac­cept­ed the in­vi­ta­tion of Count von Henk­el to stay at Pöl­zig, near Ron­ne­burg, where he spent sev­er­al months. By Au­gust, he had re­cov­ered, and went to vi­sit Je­na, where a num­ber of stu­dents had asked him to lec­ture. He set­tled in Je­na in Oc­to­ber 1719, liv­ing in the home of Pro­fess­or Bud­de­us (J. F. Budde). He grad­u­at­ed MA in March 1720, and in 1723 was ap­point­ed ad­junct of the The­o­lo­gic­al fa­cul­ty at Hal­le; as an in­spect­or of the Or­phan­age; in 1726 ex­tra­or­din­a­ry pro­fess­or of the­ol­o­gy; and in 1727, af­ter A. H. Francke’s death, or­din­a­ry pro­fess­or and preach­er at the Schul­kirche. Here he was ve­ry pop­u­lar, both as preach­er and pro­fess­or, but his col­leagues’ jeal­ousy in­duced him to ac­cept an of­fer from Land­grave Ernst Lud­wig of Hess­en, who in 1731 in­vit­ed him to Giess­en as su­per­in­ten­dent and first pro­fess­or of the­ol­o­gy (be­fore leav­ing Halle, he received his Doc­tor of Di­vin­i­ty de­gree on June 28, 1731), and in Au­gust 1732, ap­point­ed him al­so di­rect­or of the Pae­da­go­gi­um at Giess­en. In 1734, he al­most ac­cept­ed an of­fer of the first pro­fess­or­ship of the­ol­o­gy at the new­ly found­ed Un­i­ver­si­ty of Gött­ing­en, but at the re­quest of the Land­grave, de­cid­ed to stay in Giess­en.


Jay Webber cinches his argument with a quotation from a Halle Pietist:

The 18th-century Lutheran theologian Johann Jacob Rambach makes the following observation in his Ausfuehrliche Erklaerung der Epistel an die Roemer (p. 322), regarding the Lord's payment and satisfaction of sinful humanity's "debt" to God:

"Christ was in his resurrection first of all justified for his own person, Is. 50:5, 1 Tim. 3:16, since the righteousness of God declared that it had been paid and satisfied in full by this our Substitute, and issued him as it were a receipt thereof; and that happened in his resurrection, when he was released from his debtor's prison and set free. But since the Substitute was now justified, then in him also all debtors were co-justified."

Later in that commentary Rambach also writes (in a way that shows that he has 1 Tim. 3:16 in mind):

"The justification of the human race indeed also ocurred, in respect of the acquisition, in one moment, in the moment in which Christ rose and was thus declared righteous; but in respect of the appropriation it still continues till the last day."


Rev. Webber is a smart guy, but Webber is wrong in this case. I think he is confused because UOJers mix Lutheran doctrine in with their UOJ doctrine. They speak of faith acquiring righteousness in the subjective justification step, but strictly according to their UOJ doctrine, there is no acquiring anything by faith, but instead faith only opens their eyes and they realize that they had been justified all along.

That's sound Lutheran doctrine by Rambach--that in respect to acquisition only, Christ acquired forgiveness and righteousness for the entire world (i.e., universal atonement). The point at issue with UOJ is whether the Father declared the entire world righteous at Christ's resurrection. No, he did not. The righteousness remains in heaven, as Luther's treasure quote tells us, and is only distributed to men as they come to faith, and it is taken back if they apostatize.


GJ - I would express the treasure part a different way, Bruce. The treasure of the Gospel is not locked up in heaven but always distributed by the Holy Spirit through the visible and invisible Gospel Word.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Pietism and UOJ? Jay Webber Jumps Up To Prove the...":

Webber got the Rambach quote from volume III of Walther-Baier, pp. 271-3. Here is another translation of that quote:

J. J. Rambach: “Christ was in his resurrection first of all for his own person made righteous, Isa. 50:5, 1 Tim. 3:16, then the righteousness of God declared that from this our surety may be paid out and we are fully freed, and he is like a receipt given, and this happens in his resurrection; there he leaves his shield-tower and is placed on free feet. There now the surety is justified, thus in him also all debtors will be made righteous.” (Ausführliche Erklärung der Ep. and die Römer, p. 322) 

Notre Dame Just Raised 2 Billion Dollars


Notre Dame is using its extra money to hire famous professors and give scholarships. My PhD there cost me nothing except giving up a full-time income during coursework and comprehensive exams.

The point is - a private school cannot exist anymore without a lot of extra money in endowments. WELS decided to rob the schools in order to pay for missions. Soon they will have neither.

That happens when the advice of Jesus gets turned around. The WELS leaders have been as innocent as serpents and as wise as doves.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Notre Dame Just Raised 2 Billion Dollars":

Why pay more more money into WELS education when they had that glut of Ph.Ds?! Oh wait, they hardly had one Ph.D. My bad.

Once More with Feeling:
UOJ and Church Growth Enthusiasm Go Together

The post below, about UOJ and the Intrepid Lutherans, shows how the false doctrine of UOJ is coming unraveled in WELS and the Little Sect on the Prairie.

UOJ is the natural foundation and fuel for the Church Growth Movement. As Jefferson said in another context, "It is its natural manure."

Lutherans have lost their nerve. They no longer trust the Word of God. They refuse to worship in the beauty of His Holiness. Instead, they mock the Means of Grace by copying the lowest forms of life in Evangelicalism.

Intrepids Open Up UOJ Again,
Plus Comments from Readers

Here is the classic, Knapp-Walther UOJ position:

SEPTEMBER 28, 2011 2:45 PM D. Jerome Klotz said... Pastor Rydecki,

I am not sure I am understanding you, and I do not want to misrepresent your position. Are you asserting that the forgiveness is NOT to be pronounced upon the world? Has this world of sinners not truly been reconciled to the Father by the blood and cross of His Son (I Cor. 5:19)? >[GJ - Merging of Atonement and Justification, so the entire world is absolved of sin without the work of the Holy Spirit in the Means of Grace: Enthusiasm.]

To proclaim such forgiveness is not to confuse objective with subjective justification/reconciliation. To proclaim such forgiveness is to deliver the very message of the Gospel, namely, that Christ has died FOR YOU, has risen FOR YOU, and has reconciled YOU to the Father. Repent, be baptized, and believe: YOU ARE FORGIVEN! [GJ - He should say with Walther and Knapp "Be assured you were already forgiven."]

If we, as I understand you to be arguing, are to water down this objective reality of universal objective justification, then what is it that the sinner grasps hold of and clings to in faith? Does the sinner not receive the forgiveness that has already been won for him in Christ? To speak of justification in any other way implies that our faith is in some way contributive to our forgiveness, i.e., either that our sins were not truly paid for until we believed, or that we could not possibly have known that ours sins were forgiven until we believed. The fact is, however, that we can know that our sins are objectively forgiven prior to our subjective act of faith--which is an act worked in us passive sinners by the working of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament. [GJ - Justification by faith waters down the precious "doctrine" of UOJ.]

In sum, without the objective actuality of forgiveness existing apart from faith, we are left with a faith that exists apart from objective forgiveness, i.e., a faith that clings to itself, or imagines that faith somehow actualizes the potential of forgiveness. [GJ - That is the "your faith is in faith" argument of Rolf Preus and other crypto-Universalists.]

Such preaching robs the sinner of assurance and the radical nature of the grace of the Gospel, being freely (perhaps too freely we think) pronounced upon a world of sinners. [GJ - Justification by faith, according to Paul and Luther, robs the sinner? UOJ accuses believers of heresy - very Waltherian.]

Yet, this forgiveness won in Christ is not beneficial to me the sinner until I have received it, through the Word preached, and through the Sacraments administered. Apart from faith in the actual forgiveness won for me in the crucified and risen Christ, I am cut off from Christ and His saving benefits and am condemned to eternal hell and judgment. [GJ - The second justification makes the first one effective. Everyone is absolved, but not really. Roman Catholics teach that everyone is forgiven, but the sins are never paid for. Same kind of double-talk in double-justification.]

I agree with you that we need to safeguard the doctrine of objective justification from abuse (e.g., to equate it with subjective justification). But to turn objective justification into something potential rather than actual--which is what I am understanding you to be saying--is to destroy the Gospel altogether. [GJ - It is and it is not. Do not think about it too long.]

Please correct me if I have misunderstood you, Pastor.

In Christ, Jerome


GJ - Pastor Rydecki has been irritating the UOJ Stormtroopers with his analysis. Lindee now seems to agree with the Book of Concord, too.

Lindee and Webber both imagine that UOJ came up to "combat synergism" in the 19th century.

David Jay Webber said, rather rudely: "Mr. Lindee is mistaken in about two-thirds of his historical analysis. He is correct that the terminology of objective justification was developed in opposition to synergism in the 19th century, but the context was not the election controversy, and it didn't happen first in the Missouri Synod."

I have shown and proven from the actual text that double-justification came from the Halle Pietist Georg Christian Knapp. The two volumes came from years of lectures at Halle, the German translated into English and published in America in 1831, years before the Kidnapper stepped onto the dock of New Orleans.

"His son, Leonard Woods (1807-1878), was born in West Newbury, Mass., on the 24th of November 1807, and graduated at Union College in 1827 and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1830. His translation of Georg Christian Knapp's Christian Theology (1831-1833) was long used as a text-book in American theological seminaries." SourceBishop Stephan, a cell-group Pietist, led Walther, a cell-group Pietist, to America in 1839, so the double-justification scheme preceded them at Halle, where Stephan studied, and in America.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":

Kudos to Klotz and Webber for correctly warning that Justification by Faith Alone is incompatible with Universal Objective Justification and those who reject the false gospel of UOJ have rejected the gospel of the (W)ELS completely.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":


In Curia's paper there is not one reference to the Book of Concord. Perhaps that's the reason why Schaller and Hoenecke could not come to consensus on what 2 Corinthians 5:19's "reconciling" means. I.e. does it refer to "Atonement" per Schaller/F. Pieper (the "traditional view) or to "Justification" per Hoenecke/Meyer/Kuske?

Curia's quote from W.H.T. Dau comes close to what the BoC says:

…the entire doctrine concerning the purpose, counsel, will, and ordination of God pertaining to our redemption, call, justification, and salvation should be taken together; …namely, that God in His purpose and counsel ordained [decreed]: 15] 1. That the human race is truly redeemed and reconciled with God through Christ, who, by His faultless [innocency] obedience, suffering, and death, has merited for us the righteousness which avails before God, and eternal life. 16] 2. That such merit and benefits of Christ shall be presented, offered, and distributed to us through His Word and Sacraments. 17] 3. That by His Holy Ghost, through the Word, when it is preached, heard, and pondered, He will be efficacious and active in us, convert hearts to true repentance, and preserve them in the true faith. 18] 4. That He will justify all those who in true repentance receive Christ by a true faith, and will receive them into grace, the adoption of sons, and the inheritance of eternal life. Etc. 5-8. 27] …. Now, God does not call without means, but through the Word, as He has commanded repentance and remission of sins to be preached in His name, Luke 24:47. St. Paul also testifies to like effect when he writes: We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christ's stead, Be ye reconciled to God. 2 Cor. 5:20. - Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration; Article XI “Election”

Did you catch his concluding remarks:

And so I, for one, choose to stand with Hoenecke and those who view the reconciliation in 2 Cor 5:19 and elsewhere as change of “status” before God, a part of the doctrine of justification and not of the atonement, as such. Is Hoenecke’s view the “official interpretation” of the WELS? That all depends on your definition as to what makes an interpretation “official”. If by “official,” one means the interpretation taught as most correct at our Seminary, then I would have to say, “Yes,” on the basis of my instruction there. If by “official,” one means that it is the interpretation found most often in our Synod’s publications, then I would also have to answer, “Yes.” If by “official,” one means that it is the only interpretation allowed by our Synod, then, of course, I would have to answer, “No,” for we have just recently republished Schaller’s Biblical Christology, unedited and without comment when he expounds his views quoted earlier in this paper. Likewise, an article of his espousing the traditional view, also quoted earlier in this paper, appeared unedited and without comment. translated from German Into English, in our own Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly in 1975—translated by no one less than a grandson of Adolf Hoenecke!"


Sherlock Holmes 2929 has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":

I believe that's part of the problem, Simpleman. What is the official doctrinal statement of the WELS? Is there one? If so, where? This We Believe? The WELS Seminary essay file?


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":

We know there were no righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah when God judged, condemned and destroyed them. But the UOJ gang says they are justified=forgiven.


SimpleMan has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":

I'm not sure when objective justification became an official teaching of the WELS. There's even an essay in the WELS seminary files which says that while it is taught, yet it is not an official teaching of the WELS.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":

If these men were to debate the issue, whom would you back?

Becker (20th century WELS theologian:

"If justification is universal, it must of necessity be objective. For if the sins of all men have been forgiven in the heart of God, then men are forgiven by God whether they believe it or not."

Abraham Calovius (17th century orthodox Lutheran theologian):

"Although Christ has acquired for us the remission of sins, justification, and sonship, God just the same does not justify us prior to our faith. Nor do we become God’s children in Christ in such a way that justification in the mind of God takes place before we believe."


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":

Dr. Klotz states, "To argue otherwise is as arrogant as the petulant child who refuses to believe his father's promise, "Dinner is ready!" and foolishly imagines instead that his dinner did not exist prior to entering his mouth!"

Pastor Rydecki responds, "This is just getting foolish. I don't know who's saying what you say here. I've said all along that forgiveness has been acquired by Christ for all. Faith does not "create" forgiveness."

October 11, 2011 8:20PM

To answer Pastor Rydecki - Your (W)ELS District President, Pastor Jon Buchholz teaches in his 2005 Convention keynote essay what Dr. Klotz is confessing in his defense of UOJ - which, by the way, is the official teaching of the Synod which the Intrepids are in fellowship with.

"God has declared the entire world righteous." This statement is true, as we understand it to mean that God has rendered a verdict of "not-guilty" toward the entire world. It is also true—and must be taught—that the righteousness of Christ now stands in place of the world’s sin; this is the whole point of what Jesus did for us at Calvary. However, once again we’re wresting a term out of its usual context. In Scripture the term "righteous" usually refers to believers." Page 9

It's only fair to include (W)ELS' beloved Siegbert W. Becker as one who also taught the false gospel of UOJ to it's fullest.

"If justification is universal, it must of necessity be objective. For if the sins of all men have been forgiven in the heart of God, then men are forgiven by God whether they believe it or not." Page 1


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "...":

Pastor Rydecki has been, by the grace of God, faithful in the rebuke of the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification (UOJ) and teaching of Justification by Faith Alone.

It is important to note that while he is making such a good confession he is also opposing the official teachings of the (W)ELS. Dr. Jerome H. Klotz is well versed in the teaching of UOJ and is applying every nuance of its promotion that the Sausage Factory has endorsed. His statement on Oct 11, 2011 7:26PM captures the sentiment well, "Don't they teach this stuff in the seminary???"

Steve Jobs: An impartial look at the early days « Churchmouse Campanologist

Steve Jobs: An impartial look at the early days « Churchmouse Campanologist:

Conclusion: Steve Jobs was a great front man, a shrewd businessman and on the cutting edge of technological advancement.  However, although he co-developed and owned patents, he cannot be likened to — and, yes, these comparisons have all been made in the past week — Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Johannes Gutenberg, Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison.

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Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "Testament:" Modern Bible Translations and Covenantal Theology -- Part 1

Intrepid Lutherans: The Case of the Disappearing "Testament:" Modern Bible Translations and Covenantal Theology -- Part 1:

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GJ - The Intrepids have been echoing my posts lately. The Slander Machine at the Love Shack will have to be turned up a few notches.

First Thoughts on Walther Movie – Necessary Roughness

First Thoughts on Walther Movie – Necessary Roughness:

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GJ - I asked Dan at NR about the movie. Just as I suspected, the propaganda piece is more deceitful than one of Stalin's own efforts.

There is no mention of Walther rushing to take an early ship because he was wanted by police, who had arrest warrants, for kidnapping his niece and nephew - who died in America.

He involved his lawyers, Vehse and Marbach, in hiding the children from the authorities.

He also involved his future mother-in-law, who was arrested for that very reason.

Walther organized the mob of 300 who came to Perryville to threaten, rob, and kidnap the bishop - while deposing him.

There was a plan to send Bishop Stephan across the Mississippi in a rowboat, but the flood-swollen and debris-choked river did not allow for that. Stephan reported that he was taken across on a ferry, guarded by armed men. In other words, Walther arranged a third kidnapping, unrepentant (but forgiven!) about the first felonies.

The mob stole all of the Stephan's gold coins, all his books and clothing, except for a few things. They had not paid his salary, but they decided he owed them all that money.

Portraying Walther as a brave and faithful leader is simply deceitful, because the insiders know better. Stephan probably had syphilis, which can spread to partners while the carrier is symptom-free. He had many ailments, which could have been from VD. He had three deaf daughters, suggesting that he gave it to his wife, who suffered herself and passed it on to her daughters.

The police investigated Stephan over a long period of time. Court testimony just before he went to America shows that he had multiple flings while also keeping one mistress and rejecting his wife.

Walther had to know this before leaving for America, but he had his demons, and Stephan had his own.

However, Walther's unethical and unChristian behavior became the template for the Synodical Conference. Whenever it suits a Syn Conference leader, someone is denounced as a false teacher, robbed, and driven away.

Walther alienated many Lutheran groups with this approach. Stephan was a "false teacher"? Why did the pastors crossing the ocean pledge their obedience to Stephan as their bishop?

The Missouri leaders were "schocked" about his infidelities? Please. He was famous for living with his mistress at the spa, his late-night walks with ladies, his girfriend installed in the attic - all in Dresden. He arranged for his mistress to come over on the ship but left everyone else, except his son, in Dresden.

Birthday - 90th - of Davey and Goliath Creator

Art Cloakey

Gumby Animator Art Clokey Dies At 89 In California | Fox News:

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