Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Appleton Mission Vision

Tim and Ski have a dream, a vision,
SMART goals.

"We'll buy some de-lousing spray at Lowe's."

Historic St. John Lutheran Church, Milwaukee.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Appleton Mission Vision":

What a juxtaposition! Both physically and theologically, The Core and Historic St. John Lutheran Church are polar opposites.

Fail-o-Blog Should Call Himself the Real Calvin

From Lito Cruz:
I posted on Fake Ichabod let's see if they do not moderate it.

The Real Calvinists are the UOJers. I tell you why...

1.) UOJers follow the same paradigm as Calvinists. Like Calvinists, UOJers equate the Atonement with Justification only in the case of Calvinism, the Calvinist conclude Atonement is limited. While the UOJers conclude justification is for all.

2. Here is where UOJers are also similar in paradigm but in the opposite direction. When the pronouns "we", "our" are used for all people in Scripture, Calvinists think these refer to the elect. When the pronouns "we", "our" are used for the saints in Scripture, UOJers think these refer to the world. JBFA people are the ones who get these pronouns correct. The point is that it is your paradigm and method of interpretation that make you Calvinistic and in fact UOJers are crypto-Universalist.

So you do not believe since you are Universalists you can not be a Calvinists? Sure you can be, just look at Karl Barth and the present Unitarians, they all began in Calvinism.


GJ - Karl Barth was profoundly influenced by Schleiermacher, the Halle Pietist who pioneered faith without belief.

I will post more on Calvin tomorrow.

The Barth Home
Who is standing close to the old goat Karl? - Charlotte Kirschbaum.
and who is standing farthest away? - his wife.
Truly Karl was the model for the Church Growth leader,
just as he was the official theologian for Fuller Seminary.

Are Some of Those UOJ Fanatics Really Justification by Faith Guys - In Substance?

LCMS and ELCA pastors who join Rome or Eastern Orthodoxy
have this comfort awaiting them.

Someone theorized that some UOJ cheerleaders are justification by faith alone - deep down. I am sure that some are confused and really JBFA, but most are not. 

Furthermore, their ambiguous language deceives many people. One must account for their belligerent name-calling and attacks against faith itself. In addition, some--like Rolf--switch sides when convenient and switch back again. That is not a confession but opportunism. The Preus clan is famous for that - The Two Natures of Jack Preus, etc.
Most of the UOJ tribe suffer from top-doggism. Each one  wants to be more UOJ than the others. Knapp's original formula is flexible enough to appease mild Lutherans, but it gets more ridiculous with each generation. The Sodomites are righteous Christ? Guilt-free saints in Hell?
My doctrinal test is this - If someone cannot articulate the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace, then he is not an orthodox Christian. He has no grasp of Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Chytraeus, Leyser, or Gerhard.
The people who fail the test are really unionistic Pietists. They have taken on the patina of Lutherdom but they are Calvinists on the inside, in substance. That is why Pentecostalism and Church Growth grew so fast in Missouri, CG in WELS and the Little Sect on the Prairie.

The answer is Eastern Orthodoxy or joining the Church of Rome - proof that Missouri pastors are devoid of Lutheran doctrinal discernment.

WELS pastors are so starved for the Gospel that the Babtists draw  them like Velcro attracts lint.

Rolf Preus is UOJ, except for brief JBFA vacations.

Mid-Week Lenten Service

Mid-Week Lenten Vespers

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Worship, 6 PM Phoenix Time

The Hymn #347 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 2:77
The Order of Vespers p. 41
The Psalmody Psalm p. 123
The Lection The Passion History

The Sermon Hymn #175 When I Survey 2:43  

The Sermon –   The True Vine

The Prayers
The Lord’s Prayer
The Collect for Grace p. 45

The Hymn #558 All Praise 2:8

 KJV John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. 9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

The True Vine

Spring is a good time to speak about Jesus as the True Vine.

The Bible is filled with Creation metaphors, which are impossible to forget. The Song of the Vineyard is from Isaiah.

KJV Isaiah 5:1 Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill: 2 And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes. 3 And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge, I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. 4 What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes? 5 And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down: 6 And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it. 7 For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry. 8 Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth! 9 In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant. 10 Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah.

The Kingdom of God is compared to yeast growing in dough, a treasure buried in a field, the pearl of great price, and seed being sown.

The more we learn about Creation, the more we understand about these comparisons.

Many of us have grown roses, rather than grapes. A whole group of plants are just like grapes in the way they produce and grow. So I will use the rose bush as the example.

John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.

Verse one shows Jesus as the True Vine, the eternal-life giving source for all those who believe. The Father-Son relationship is described with the Father as the vine-dresser (gardener or farmer).

The True Vine is similar to the Good Shepherd. While the Good Shepherd is compared to all shepherd, the Good Shepherd is the shepherd above all shepherds, Who does what no mere human would do – He lays down His life for the sheep and takes it up again.

The True Vine has characteristics of the rose, so we remember better. Since Jesus is the Lord of Creation, all the characteristics described are those He imbued in them at the beginning.

2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

This is the yes or no of the Christian faith. One is a believer or not. The unbeliever bears no fruit and is taken away. The believer bears fruit and is pruned to bear even more fruit.

Fruiting plants want to bear seed, and they begin with a flower. Even lawngrass grows a flower. The rose blooms so it can set seed in its fruit, the rose hip. The roses that have productive hips are used to produce Vitamin C and rose hip tea.

Rosarians are like vinedressers. They prune their plants to make them more fruitful. There are two reasons to prune roses. Deadwood is pruned away. Any deadwood on a rose plant will hamper it from growing. The moment it is pruned, the rose will grow better and faster. Pruning the right way is a skill, but amateurs do not prune at all and have non-bearing roses.

Here He says “every branch in Me” which means those who were with Him but have lost faith. Judas has just departed from Jesus at this point, so he is the unfruitful one who will be taken away.

The disciples are the fruitful branches that will be cleansed to become more fruitful.

This is the two-fold pruning of the rose (or grapevine). The deadwood is cut away, and the productive parts are also pruned to grow even more.

There is a way to prune a rose where the right cut will produce 4 roses (not the whiskey) the cut.  Even a bad cut will help, but a judicious cut will help, beautify, shape, and stimulate the bush.

That by itself should give us pause. Why is this good for the plant? The answer is – because the Creating Word designed it that way, in His wisdom.

John 15:3 Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you.

So the Vinedresser knows how to cleanse us through contrition and forgiveness, to make us more fruitful for the Kingdom.

God’s forgiveness, love, and compassion makes us eager to serve Him. Likewise, when this is part of our lives, everything is improved by the presence of this Gospel forgiveness and love and compassion in what we do.

John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

We have no eternal-life apart from Christ. The branch separated from the rose bush is dead and cannot bear anything. When we abide (remain, stay with) Christ through the Means of Grace, He abides in us.

This three-fold use of “abide” reminds us that this is the action of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

We are branches of the True Vine, so all our life comes from Him. Therefore, simply remaining in Him, believing in Him, studying the Gospel, receiving Holy Communion, dwelling on His Promises – these Instruments of His grace will make us very fruitful.
Apart from Him we can do nothing.

Without faith, everything is a sin. In faith, everything glorifies Him.

John 15:6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

This is about apostasy, having faith and falling away from Him. If someone stops believing in Jesus, he is like the deadwood that is cut away, withers up, gathered up, thrown into the fire and burned.

Gardeners do not leave deadwood on the ground after pruning, because it promotes disease and harmful insects. When apostates are tolerated in the visible church, they are harmful. It is a sign of the Endtimes that apostates are rewarded and promoted while the faithful are punished by their own clergy – not by unbelievers of the outside world – by the unbelievers who remain in the visible church but no longer abide in the True Vine.

John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

After all these Gospel promises, this great promise is given us. The basic Gospel truths build up our faith. But the Son of God promises even more. Those who remain in Him are encouraged to ask whatever they want it will be done. That is a remarkable promise, one which is made many times over in the Bible.

John 15:8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

This is another turn on this passage. Bearing fruit glorifies the Father, not us, and makes us His disciples. This is done in such a miraculous way that people can only say, “God accomplished this.” Thus we can describe Paul, Augustine, and Luther the same way. It was not human reason but the overwhelming power of the Word that converted them and made them fruitful.

John 15:9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

For good reason the Gospel of John has been called the Gospel of love, for its emphasis upon God’s love.

John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

Keeping Jesus’ Word is abiding in His love and following His example.

Tim Reveals His Mequon Textbook on Counseling

Jackson, Krohn, and Meyer Are All Calvinists

Jackson, Krohn, and Meyer Are All Calvinists - From Fake-o-Blog

Jay E. Adams is a Reformed, Calvinistic writer who published a land-mark book on Christian counseling in 1970 entitled, Competent to Counsel. Adams is a Calvinist who belongs to the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. On page 70 of his book, published by Baker Book House of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Adams wrote this:

"Counselors must not tell any unsaved counselee that Christ died for him, for they cannot say that. No man knows except Christ himself who are his elect for whom he died."

This is Calvinism at its finest. Adams' statement reflects the Calvinistic teaching of limited atonement, the "L" in the acronym "TULIP." this is the same sort of drivel that we hear from Dr. Gregory L. Jackson and his two disciples Joe Krohn and Brett Meyer.

Are Jackson, Krohn and Meyer Calvinists? The evidence tells us, "Yes, they are!"


GJ - Readers may wonder why Tim Glende is quoting Jay Adams, since no one ever accused him of being studious or going to a library. If someone wants a quiet place to study at The Sausage Factory, the library is ideal. No one ever uses it.

Jay Adams is the main author for counseling at Mequon. Yes, the Calvinist. I have never read a page of Jay Adams, but all the WELS smoky links are cured in Jay Adams' Calvinism.

I will publish a post on Calvinism later, but I want to leave everyone with an anecdote from a WELS MDiv. He looked over my library and said, "All your books are Lutheran! All my books, from required reading lists, are Reformed!"

Many Mequon students said, "You read German?"

I said, "You are getting Lutheran degree and you don't?"


Fake-o-Blog just wrote:

Brett, we have never had the acquaintance of knowing someone as disingenuous and hypocritical as you! You write on our blog and ask to have a debate, and then you run over to Jackson's blog and he posts what you wrote on ours. When we respond to you, you have Jackson post our response, then you call us anti-Christian, anti-Trinitarian and everything else under the sun. Go peddle your Calvinistic spiritual poison somewhere else.


GJ - No one "has me" do anything. I simply post almost everything I receive. I cannot help it if Brett provokes a hilarious outburst from Tim Glende.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Tim Reveals His Mequon Textbook on Counseling":

That's a funny little diatribe from The Glory Is Departed. There isn't anything disingenuous or hypocritical in what I wrote or posted on either blog.

I posted what the request for a debate on Ichabod myself. It was simply an effort to communicate to a much wider audience that an offer to debate UOJ was extended to the anonymous bloggers at the anti-Ichabod site.

I also didn't run over, I merely moved the cursor a quarter inch on my monitor and clicked the real Ichabod site and with a deft copy/paste a gazillion people could read the request. If it was only visible on the anti-Ichabod site maybe 3 people would know that they had been extended an invitation to defend their central doctrine.

Odd that they would get so agitated because someone judges them to be anti-Christian. I've made my confession clear when stating that UOJ is a false gospel. Christ delcares that those who teach false gospels are accursed in Galations. But it is understandable when the (W)ELS, LCMS and ELCA all consider the Antichrist's church to be Christian that they would be offended when not being included in the same ranks. Interesting that they consider a denomination Christian even though it's adherents are damned to Hell for believing in perfect harmony with it's teachings. They would say that makes me a legalist. I say it makes me someone who doesn't believe there are Christians in Hell. I digress... Going to move my cursor now and post this comment on the anti-Ichabod site. done.


GJ - It's a bit deceptive to adopt a similar title and claim to be Real. But that comes from a lazy student who copies Groeschel and calls it his sermon or Ski's.

Take a Deep Cleansing Breath,
Then Read Fake-o-Blog's Response Without Laughing

Brett wrote to the Fake-o-blog:

Would the lead anonymous blogger of this site (Real Ichabod) be willing to debate me concerning the (W)ELS doctrine of Universal Objective Justification? It's clear from your posts and comments that you feel you are firmly grounded in its Scriptural and Confessional origins and are in a position to judge other discussions' participants concerning their grasp of the doctrine. This will be an extremely good opportunity for you to prove your contentions in a public forum. All the better if you would provide your real name seeing that you have the majority of (W)ELS and LCMS synods firmly confessing this same doctrine. But that is not a requirement to accept and engage in this discussion.

Sincerely submitted,
Brett Meyer

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Challenge to Fake-o-Blog":

Received this response from "The Glory Is Departed" blogsite

Real Ichabod said...
Not on your life, Brett. We won't reveal our identities because we don't want our names and faces plastered all over the internet with Jackson's slander and lies about us. We won't debate you either because the position of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions are clear, which we've proved on this blog: Christ justified the world when he died on the cross. He proved this justification when he rose from the dead. This justification becomes our own through faith. We refuse to use this site as a forum for your false doctrine.

March 28, 2012 8:12 AM

Cleary the theology of glory and the theology of the cross are eternally opposed. Their response is further evidence and fruit of the false gospel of UOJ. UOJ does not foster bold public confession because it is not from the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Ghost). Therefore there is great desire to look for comfort in the theology of glory and avoid the Theology of the Cross which the Holy Ghost works in believers to stand openly and publicly to declare the truth of God's Word come what may.

Brett and I could not stop laughing.
I still have Glende's graphics of his fellow WELS members
eating cat scat from a toilet, saying mmmm.
The members are named - a great testimony to Tim's concept of slander.

Challenge to Fake-o-Blog

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Fake-o-Blog Admits Poor Education and Laziness of ...":

Thanks be to God for the efforts of Joe Krohn to address the false gospel of UOJ on LutherQuest. It is a difficult thing to do when they dog pile with various statements and questions all at once.

I posted this on the fake ichabod site under the Joe Krohn/LQ post:
Would the lead anonymous blogger of this site (Real Ichabod) be willing to debate me concerning the (W)ELS doctrine of Universal Objective Justification? It's clear from your posts and comments that you feel you are firmly grounded in it's Scriptural and Confessional origins and are in a position to judge other discussion's participants concerning their grasp of the doctrine. This will be an extremely good opportunity for you to prove your contentions in a public forum. All the better if you would provide your real name seeing that you have the majority of (W)ELS and LCMS synods firmly confessing this same doctrine. But that is not a requirement to accept and engage in this discussion.

Sincerely submitted,
Brett Meyer

Dangers of an In-Bred and Limited Education

"But I have a GMI certificate.
I designed the Volt."

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Fake-o-Blog Admits Poor Education and Laziness of ...":

I have an analogy from the corporate world. General Motors operated a school called the General Motors Institute. I heard a fellow bragging about how he went there for a year and became an Industrial Engineer in the ranks of, you guessed it, General Motors. Naturally, he was no longer working for GM, but had used his gift of gab to get involved in some pyramid scheme. When I worked for a division of GM, we called those guys "GMI Wonder Boys". A real, degreed engineer would come from a school that is recognized across industry. Typically, it was four years of very intensive study at a minimum, and not one year from GMI. If you really wanted a feather in your hat, you went for the Professional Engineer exam after graduation. It allowed to insert a comma and the letters "P.E." after your name. It sort of reminds me of the Babtist preachers who say that they have a call, but no formal education.


GJ - The illiterate preachers say they graduated from "the School of the Holy Spirit." Everyone is supposed to nod in wonder and in awe.

I was thinking of ending each post with "I. Studied. Greek. Did you?" But that would get tedious.

The Use of Authority:
Logical Fallacies

"Because I'm the Mom, that's why."

When Trinity (LCMS) in Bridgeton, Missouri, first became aware of UOJ, a LaughQuest poster phoned me and asked, "Have you read the LCMS 1987 Theses?"

I said, "Yes."

He slammed the phone down. Apparently he thought, "Missouri locuta est. Causa finita est." (Missouri has spoken. The case is closed. Augustine said that about Rome, but he said Roma locuta est.)

Authorities and sources are good in a debate. Theology should begin with the Scriptures and the Confessions, but that is not true in the Synodical Conference (tm). Following Walther and the syphlitic bishop, each one is his own authority, citing the synod as the ultimate authority.

For instance, Marcus Montey wrote, "I am surprised that you have gone against the clear teaching of our synod."

Many think they can perch on the dunghill of their synod and crow that they have the truth, knowing that this is a safe position - even though synodical statements are ambiguous, blasphemous, or just plain stupid. DP Jon Buchholz signed a petition against Mark Jeske, then switched sides at the WELS convention and supported Jeske. He took both sides of the same argument, so which one did he really believe? "Here I stand; I can do no other. There I stand; I can do no other."

Recently, someone quoted F. Pieper citing Calov. Walther chose Pieper to carry the UOJ standard, so that quotation is not exactly shocking. But does anyone at LQ quote Robert Preus citing Calov? They have all chosen to ignore Dr. Preus' many quotations from the post-Concord era, all repudiating UOJ.

This was cited in Robert Preus' Justification and Rome.
Where is Jay Webber's "everyone is justified IN CHRIST"?

The funniest argument against Justification and Rome sounded like this, "Preus was not dealing with the topic of UOJ." The title of the book is... Forget that. UOJ fanatics have only one argument - the whole world is forgiven, without faith, and born forgiven.

I have watched people defend UOJ for years. Their authorities are limited to Walther and his minions, whom he either appointed or trained. The UOJ Stormtroopers refuse to admit the lack of UOJ teaching in their own tradition, such as Gausewitz, who was respected by the entire Synodical Conference (tm), mourned when he died too young.

If Missouri and WELS are 100% UOJ, then why have both synods taught the Small Catechism without UOJ? That is true of Gausewitz for all three sects, and the KJV catechism currently for the LCMS.

Few can say they know the writings of the post-Concord theologians, but no one would deny that Robert Preus is the last one to lay hold of that claim, as witnessed by his education and publications.

Two other examples are Lenski and Hoenecke. Lenski, an expert in New Testament and Lutheran doctrine, did not follow the Walther line.

Hoenecke gave a nod to General Justification in his Dogmatics, but emphasized justification by faith alone in the same section. His citation is from Burk - not a Concordist, but the son-in-law of Pietist Bengel. Hoenecke graduated from Halle University, under Tholuck (a Universalist), so we can expect his theology textbook was Knapp.

Lutherans should begin with the Scriptures and the Book of Concord, but the UOJ fanatics only like the Luther they imagine they can quote in favor of UOJ. If their interpretations were valid, it would mean Luther was as double-minded as Jon Buchholz, and twice as smooth. But Luther is known for his consistency through his career. The Reformer was highly trained and a genius, two qualities lacking in the UOJ Enthusiasts. Luther's clear explication of Scripture is acknowledged by a host of people, from his own Medieval peers to the theologians of today.

Walther's robotic obedience to Stephan and his four-year degree from Leipzig do not qualify him as the expert to teach us Luther or the Bible.

The UOJ tribe indulges in Special Pleading, something I will have to explore in more depth. They offer only one side of the argument and bypass any refutations of their errors, especially refutations from their own authorites (their synods, their teachers). One fallacy is related to the other.

I will cite my favorite authorities who advocate UOJ -

  1. Richard Jungkuntz, who chaired the first gay Lutheran seminary in America, still used in the WELS Essay Files to support their UOJ error;
  2. ELCA - all seminaries and leaders teaching that everyone is forgiven.

Fake-o-Blog Admits Poor Education and Laziness of UOJ Stormtroopers

A metaphor for UOJ argumentation.

Joe Krohn said he was done with the discussion on LQ. There are some participants, however, who still don't understand the argument Krohn started. Unfortunately, it's not just Jackson who's had a poor theological education. There are ordained pastors on LQ who don't seem to grasp the true Biblical concept of UOJ. There are others who are seminary students who apparently haven't even read Pieper's Dogmatics yet. They should stop typing and start studying, then maybe they could hold an intelligent debate and discussion on LQ.


GJ -

Concordia, Ft. Wayne, Faculty with Doctorates*

* Paul McCain, Jay Webber, and James Heiser have MDiv degrees from The Fort.

Carl C. Fickenscher II, Ph.D. - Southwestern Babtist U.

Daniel L. Gard, Ph.D. - Notre Dame

Charles A. Gieschen, Ph.D. - Michigan. Also went to Princeton.

Paul J. Grime, Ph.D. - Marquette U. Roman Catholic!

Arthur A. Just, Jr. Ph.D. - Durham. Also went to Yale. Tsk. Tsk.

Cameron A. MacKenzie, Ph.D. - Notre Dame. Also went to Chicago and Wayne State.

Walter A. Maier, Th.D. - St. Louis. But he still taught justification by faith?

Walter A. Maier III, Ph.D. - Harvard? Oh no.

Naomichi Masaki, Ph.D. - St. Louis.

John G. Nordling, Ph.D. - UW Madison.

Timothy C. J. Quill, Ph.D. - Drew. I heard that was a Methodist school.

Lawrence R. Rast, Jr., Ph.D. - Vanderbilt. Another Methodist school.

David P. Scaer, Th.D. - St. Louis.

Peter J. Scaer, Ph.D. - Notre Dame.

Klaus Detlev Schulz, Th.D. - St. Louis.

William C. Weinrich, Th.D. - Basel. Paul van Buren went there - an Episcopalian!

Dean O. Wenthe, Ph.D. - Notre Dame. The president emeritus. How could you, Rev. Dr. Wenthe?

The anonymous writer, quoted above, proved that he has no concept of higher education, especially graduate school.

Church schools are parochial. They train people to belong to their denomination, to be loyal to the standards of the day. Denominational doctorates are not highly valued. John Johnson, the former president of Concordia, St. Louis, said his Concordia doctorate was worthless outside of the LCMS. He also earned one at St. Louis U.

Although I made a point of the religious affiliation of graduate schools, they do not belong to any denomination and do not make any effort to conform students to a denominational standard. They adhere to academic, scholarly standards and flunk doctoral students out accordingly. They are also highly selective. The average ND student graduated with highest honors from his or her college.

When mediocre students, who never progressed farther than a denominational MDiv, prate about higher education, it is so much fun. Note that the fake blog comes from the Fox Valley plagiarists. What training have they had? According to their own boasts, they have:

  • Affiliated with Willow Creek (Parcher).
  • Earned a drive-buy DMin at Denver (Parcher).
  • Plagiarized various non-Lutherans (Parcher, Ski, Glende).
  • Earned a drive-buy DMin from Gordon Conwell (Witte).
  • Earned a drive-buy DMin in CG from St. Louis (Kelm).
  • Studied under Babtist Andy Stanley (Parlow, Ski, Glende, and others).
  • Studied under Methodist Craig Groeschel (Ski, Glende).
  • Plagiarized Swindoll (Bethany Lutheran Church).
  • Studied under Mark Driscoll (Ski, Glende).
  • Plagiarized Groeschel (Ski, Glende).
  • Studied at Granger Community Church (Ski, Glende).

The LaughQuest drones tried the same approach, denouncing me for graduating from Notre Dame with a PhD. When I listed their beloved Ft. Wayne faculty members with the same degree, they fell silent, as though suddenly stricken with the truth.

The Fox Valley wolves go outside the Lutheran Church to learn ministry, not theology. Fuller training yields Fuller congregations. The same is true of the other false teachers they adore and emulate.

When LQ derided me for belonging to various synods, I listed the four synods of Al Barry, whose official LCMS history is quite dishonest in that regard. I also mentioned the many synods of Rolf Preus, a number that seems to grow each year. He established the Rolf Synod, only to see everyone leave and join ELDONA. I heard he was trying to get into the LCC and then back to the LCMS. It does not matter to me, but LaughQuest has typical Pharisaical standards. In fact, they make the Pharisees look appealing.

I have never seen Tim Glende complain about Larry Olson's drive-buy D.Min. from Fuller Seminary, Valleskey's and Bivens' study at Fuller, or his uncle's study at Yale. If I went to Yale, that is some kind of black mark. If Uncle John Brug went to Yale, that is peachy.

I can hear Lito Cruz, PhD, laughing from here.

Foreign DMins in WELS


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Fake-o-Blog Admits Poor Education and Laziness of ...":




Please Pr. Greg, please more of this. We need the laugh ministry of UOJers.


"Don't laugh at us."
Katy Perry without makeup.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Fake-o-Blog Admits Poor Education and Laziness of ...":

John Johnson, the former president of Concordia, St. Louis, said his Concordia doctorate was worthless outside of the LCMS. He also earned one at St. Louis U.

This one is a kicker. I am laughing with tears because, that is really true.

Intellectual inbreeding dilutes the purity of scholarship. That is why you are doing yourself a disservice if you do not study somewhere else. You need that interaction and exposure. You get tunnel vision if all you receive are inputs coming from the same place. What is worst is that you become dependent on someone else's scholarship and methodology.