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Two-volume commentary? |
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Missing the Love, Appleton Heroes":
Glende says Icha-buddies attack UOJ and promote JbF, but this UOJers never take a break from attacking sound doctrine. Today, I see McCain is attacking Lenski's justification by faith interpretation of Romans:
What’s Coming Next in the Concordia Commentary Series? Apr 2nd, 2012:
According to R. C. H. Lenski (Romans, p. 84), “the great theme of Romans is the Sinner’s Personal Justification by Faith.” Dr. Middendorf suggests that a close reading of the letter reveals that it is more about the community than the individual.
GJ - Here is the pseudo-academic quote from McCain, in royal blue, to match the new logo. To be fair, he is just kelming the PR blurb from his employer:
Dr. Middendorf suggests that a close reading of the letter reveals that it is more about the community than the individual. Even more importantly, Paul directs our attention primarily toward God and his righteousness, which is his gift to us in our Lord Jesus Christ.
This brief bio suggests he is part of the apostate doctrinal board of the LCMS:
Michael P. Middendorf is professor of theology at Concordia University, Irvine, California. He is the author of several books and articles including The “I” in the Storm: A Study of Romans 7 and “The Bud Has Flowered: Trinitarian Theology in the New Testament.” He also serves on the Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Back in the good old days, the ALC (pre-1960 merger) did everything possible to silence Lenski, because he was a leader in orthodox doctrine. In contrast, Middendorf participates in the destruction of Lutheran doctrine. I wonder why McCain failed to mention the Commission on Bad Theology item. Could it be their odious reputation throughout the synod?
Middendor's own resume suggests that he never stepped out of the LCMS for his education: bachelor's, MDiv, STM, and Th.D. As John Johnson, a previous St. Louis president said, a Missouri doctorate is worthless outside of the LCMS.
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "CPH Will Improve on Lenski, They Claim":
Reformed opposition to Lenski can be found at: http://vintage.aomin.org/Lenskirep.html
It helps to know what your adversaries are saying.
LPC has left a new comment on your post "CPH Will Improve on Lenski, They Claim":
Thank you for this information. I had a quick read and White does acknowledge by his attempted rebuttal support my contentions I made at Steadfast Waltherians blog.
There I said that Lenski enjoys the respect of non-Lutheran Protestants.
White's labor in trying to counter Lenski proves my point, that Lenski's views are compelling exegesis admired by other Protestant. For after all, why do that hard work if Lenski is not being taken seriously.
UOJers love to malign Lenski because his exegesis has detrimental conclusions for UOJ.
So we know who is the real Calvinist. It is not the Ichabodians or Team JBFA, it is really the UOJers. Now with the recent project of CPH to counter Lenski's exegesis, we even have more evidence that the UOJers are really the ones that are aligned with the Reformed.
We have made this accusation for many years.
The truth catches up on everyone one day, it just takes a while, but the truth eventually gets there.
Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Missing the Love, Appleton Heroes":
I just wish they'd post my comments. My most recent one was in response to their claim that they can't count "Jackson's followers on one hand". I tried to comment in this simple way:
"That's because they'll be excommunicated or forced to resign faster than you can say to an openly impenitent parishioner, "You're already forgiven!"