Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Christian Message: Part 1: The false teaching which molests the faith of Christians

The Christian Message: Part 1: The false teaching which molests the faith of Christians:

By Pastor Nathan Bickel


Part 1: The false teaching which molests the faith of Christians

What is a major false teaching which molests the faith of Christians?

"Universal objective justification" is that false teaching which makes Christ's Atonement [Cross sacrifice] and subsequent Resurrection, a “be all” and “end all.” The false teaching essentially says that because of Christ’s all-encompassing sacrifice for human sin; that (by that action) God wiped the “world’s slate” free from sin and its eternal consequences.

Therefore, God no longer holds against the individual sinner, his sins. And, since, by Calvary’s supreme sacrifice, Christ made full satisfaction [atonement] for all human sin; past, present and future; therefore the individual sinner is acquitted of God's eternal judgment on account of his sins against God, his fellowman and all of God’s commandments.

This teaching comprises a forensic and judicial aspect. It is philosophical in nature and not practical. It’s a simplistic tool (devoid of faith) of explaining certain Scriptures which don’t jive with other Scriptures. But, that does not matter to these Universalism enthusiasts; because the Scriptures which deal with faith, belief and the Holy Spirit, are only sub level Scriptures subservient to this almighty pedestal universal [objective] justification teaching of God’s acquittal of the sinner by Christ’s sacrifice.

How is this this false Universalism teaching disseminated?

First of all, it is disseminated from youth up. Christian elementary (parochial) schools seed this teaching from pre-school on. Children are continually reminded that Jesus loves them no matter what they do; no matter how bad they've been. Coupled with this [eternal security type of "sovereign immunity" environment] there is little if no teaching about sorrow over personal sin; repentance over it or faith and belief. The central teaching always returns to the forgiveness aspect; without any personal responsibility taught and laid upon the child. If faith is even mentioned, it is pushed into the background as it isn't something of necessity or something to be cherished. This web author and emeritus pastor has documented such at his [own] grandson's school. This parochial school is a fine Christian school and much better alternative than a public school; but, the central teaching of the Christian Faith is diminished as Luther modeled it be taught, - grace through faith; and that we are justified (before God) by faith alone:

"Pastor Nathan Bickel on UOJ in WELS......."

Secondly, this Universal justification teaching is subtly and weekly reenacted in umpteen Christian church services. Sung (“liturgy”) portions have the congregation singing: "Oh Lamb of God; you take away the sin of the world; have mercy on us....." [Note: Mind you - "take away" – is not the best translation from the New Testament Greek; rather - "take up; bare"] This part of the liturgy (singing worship service), in some churches, follows the congregational assembly, confessing their sins in the corporate confessional prayer; followed by the pastor's announcement of forgiveness to them, - i.e., “in the stead and by the command of the Lord; ‘I forgive you all your sins.’”

Next, the attending church members hear the "universal objective justification" enthusiast, pastor's sermon; laced with an average sermon’s usual illustrations; sometimes one, in particular (right at the beginning) which is carried throughout the sermon as a non Scriptural theme, from the beginning, to the bitter end of the homily.

During the sermon the pastor expresses the “UOJ” (universal objective justification) "forgiveness" part. This aspect is especially appealing to the church member who puts on his Sunday best foot forward after neglecting God all week in his work, home environment and entertainment play. This grabs his particular attention as he then can forget about buying all those winless lottery tickets which weekly frustrates him as he covets his neighbors' and others' financial successes.

As the sermon winds down and the church member looks at his cell phone digital time; he readies himself to rise from his pew seat. This is about the point where the pastor ends the sermon appealing to the church member to do something. After spending most of the sermon time preaching cheap Universalism grace to the audience; the pastor quickly finishes off his sermon by exhorting his church members to proclaim "the universal forgiveness message" to (their) neighbors that God has forgiven them their sins. This is how church members are to be Christian witnesses in their local sphere of influence; at work and in the marketplace; – especially their next-door neighbors.

Can you imagine telling some of your troubled, agitating and harassing neighbors that God has already forgiven them of all their sins? I know one thing. If I would do that with certain of my neighbors; - that (simplistic) message would only reinforce their recalcitrant untoward (sinful) behaviors! In short, Christian witness to the Universalist, is reduced to a formula driven pronouncement - not a Holy Spirit / Scriptural led and driven type of witness.

Following the sermon, congregational members receive the Lord's Supper (Communion). Translation: (with the aforementioned context) - i.e, they are good to go for the rest of the week; or, until they repeat the same, two week's later, suited up in their Sunday best.

The Universalism (objective justification) teaching doesn’t mesh with Christ’s encounter with the Jewish religious leaders of His day

John 8:1f – Jesus to the religious Jews

Jesus speaks very plainly with these unbelieving Jews. [John 8:1f] He tells them point blank that they will not be going where He will be going. He ends up telling that that they will be damned in their sins if they do not believe that He is the promised Messiah.

Acts 2:1f – Peter’s Sermon

Fast forward now, to Peter speaking, after the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost. [Acts 2:1f] I think that it can be assumed that in this crowd were some of the same unbelieving Jews whom Jesus had encountered. Peter directs his sermon to this (non-born from above) unbelieving crowd.

What did the Holy Spirit blessed, Apostle Peter, say to these unbelieving Jews?

37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. 39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. 40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation. 41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. [Acts 2:37-41]

Keep in mind what Jesus had said to these same Jews or similar unbelieving Jews:

"Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." - John 8:23-24

Now, please tell me - you who advocate and promulgate universal objective justification; how could these Jews ever "die in their sins" if they were [had been] forgiven and acquitted of the eternal judgment of those sins by Christ's Atonement and subsequent [certifying] Resurrection? Please don’t tell me that Christ had not been sacrificed as yet; and, had not risen from the dead yet - because the Apostle Peter encountered some of these same Jews, and / or similar unbelieving Jews, following Christ's (sacrifice) death and resurrection.

Furthermore, why would these [supposed] “universally justified” [acquitted of their sins] Jews, need to be preached to by the Apostle Peter? [Acts 2:1f] Why would they need to "repent?" Why would they need to be baptized to wash away sins of which they had been supposedly "acquitted?" [Been, absolved of; forgiven] Why would the Apostle Peter earnestly urge them to "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins," if they had [already] possessed God's (previous) acquittal?

Jesus encounter with Nicodemus

Look now at John 3: 1-21 – a chapter with which universal objective justification adherents have a difficult time. In fact, I haven’t witnessed them touching this string of passages [verses] in context. They won’t; else they would have to acknowledge personal belief [faith] and the Holy Spirit’s paramount role and activity creating that faith:

John 3:3 – “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Note: “Born again” is not the best translation for "again." Better yet, is “born from above.” Or, "born, anew"]

"....Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit....." - John 3:5-8 - [KJV]

Now, we have the “transitional verse:”

"Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?" - John 3:9

It is here where Jesus ends up telling Nicodemus “how” all this takes place:

".....And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:14-15

The “individuals” who, looked up at that brazen serpent, did not die from their poison snake bites, because they heeded the instruction of Moses [Numbers 21:8-9]. And, in like manner, those, who, in faith, believe in Christ, [looking to him] will not spiritually die; but have eternal life! How does this take place? Back up to the previous verses and the whole account of Jesus and Nicodemus.

See also: Acts 8:37 – what Philip tells the Ethiopian eunuch about believing. Also: Acts 16:30-31 ; Hebrews 10:39 ; 1 John 5:1 ; 1 John 5:11-13

The falsehood promulgated by Universalism Justification Disciples is compounded because they do not understand the Holy Spirit’s work in the sinner and His “time-line.” They, rather, make up their own, when explaining how a human soul is justified [made right / forgiven / acquitted by God]

I like what the post Martin Luther protestant reformer, stated:

“Although Christ has acquired for us the remission of sins, justification and sonship, God just the same does not justify us prior to our faith. Nor do we become God's children in Christ in such a way that justification in the mind of God takes place before we believe.”

[Abraham Calov - as he is quoted in: Apodixis Articulorum Fedei, Lueneburg, 1684


Note: Part 2 is to follow the above topical message:

Above Message and Related Scriptures [below] -- Intended to be utilized in a simpleworship format:

Also: For a couple of other (more formal) worship formats:
The Order of Morning Service
The Order of Matins

Related Scriptures

Please note the above Scriptures - The saving of one's soul, is entirely, the work of the gracious Good Lord.


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The Christian Message: Part 2: How does the false teaching of universal objective justification molest Christians’ faith?

The Christian Message: Part 2: How does the false teaching of universal objective justification molest Christians’ faith?:

Part 2: How does the false teaching of universal objective justification molest Christians’ faith?

By Pastor Nathan Bickel

In Part 1 of this short topical message series, this emeritus Christian pastor described as best he could (under the circumstances and time constraints) the false “Christian” teaching of “universal objective justification.” Hence, I will not repeat myself. Please access that topical message if you have a difficult time with understanding this Part 2:

First of allthe Universalist teaching of “objective justification” presents a false security. No matter what the behavior of the person; all is [supposedly] forgiven. Why [according to them]? Because all has been forgiven. Why has all been forgiven? Because Christ suffered and died and rose from the dead for the purpose of bringing forgiveness to all human [souls] beings. And, the Universalists think they have it all figured out how this forgiveness to everyone, is effected.  Somehow they overlook what the blessed Christian Reformer, Martin Luther, stated in his explanation of the words of the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed:

“……..In which Christian Church He [the Holy Spirit] daily and richly forgives sins to me and all believers…….”

Remember Jesus encounter with Nicodemus in John 1:1-21 – in context? Being “born from above” just doesn’t entail Christian Conversion; it entails what comprises that conversion – “the forgiveness of sins!”  And, what did Martin Luther say about “the forgiveness of sins?” He said:

“Where there is the forgiveness of sins; there is life and salvation.”

By being born from above by God, the Holy Spirit’s initiating activity; brings with that, the forgiveness of sins. Hence, genuine spiritual “life” is conveyed – the “salvation” of one’s soul; and heaven to come. [Titus 3:5] I quote from Luther’s Catechism [CPH – 1943]:

163. What is the work of the Holy Ghost?

The Holy Ghost sanctifies me, that is, He makes me holy, by bringing me to faith in Christ and by imparting to me the blessings of redemption (Sanctification in the wider sense includes everything that the Holy Ghost does in me.)

419 – But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11

Universal objective justification’s false sense of spiritual security is fostered at a young age

When children are being taught in their Christian parochial schools the Universalist message; their behavior bends in the same direction. When they are disobedient to their parents; unruly; bully other classmates; - that, is okay. All is forgiven. No need to be sorry; no need to repent; not even a need to ask God for help in loving one’s neighbor. Only thing needed; that is, to be reminded of Christ’s all encompassing sacrifice for sin. Jesus died for all these untoward behaviors. Therefore, all is well! Children (and, for that matter), adults don’t need to feel bad; because they are already forgiven and acquitted of their sins against their fellowman. There is no need to experience contrite sorrow over sin as King David did over his sins, as expressed in various Psalms; especially Psalm 38:1f and 51:1f.

Secondly, the teaching of universal justification not only entails a false sense of security; it conveys a false hope. Why? Because the emphasis to trust God, is removed. Rather, the [false] emphasis is on reminding oneself about what Christ did on the Cross – atoning for the world’s sins. It becomes a mental thing; not a faith and belief thing; not reliance upon God, Christ and His Holy Spirit, but reliance upon the work of remembering and assenting to the universal objective justification formula:

“Jesus died for my sin; I am therefore forgiven; there is no need to trust God; no need to fight the good fight of faith as the Apostle Paul did; because we are better than that 1st Century Neanderthal.”

Hence, the following Scripture means little to the universal objective justification enthusiast:

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith……” - 2 Timothy 4:7

Third, for adults, personal faith is something unneeded. It’s easier to faithfully attend church services and be told that your sins are forgiven, partake of the Lord’s Supper; and go home. Why bother with trusting Christ throughout the week for even the most mundane details of one’s life? It’s so much easier to repeat the mantra Universalist formula that “Christ has forgiven me,” than to actually trust Christ, Himself.

Fourth, to the one who embraces universal objective justification, - that, belief in Christ’s Atonement to continually make one right with God, 24/7, becomes an automatic ritualistic rosary type of assurance. This ritualistic rosary type comfort does not engender personal belief and faith in Christ, but rather a non spiritual reliance upon formula. That formula is that “Jesus died for all my sins. Jesus takes all my sins away.” “Jesus died for all my sins. Jesus takes all my sins away.” “Jesus died for all my sins. Jesus takes all my sins away.”

However, this rosary ritualistic type of [false] assurance grasped by objective justification enthusiasts erodes the reliance upon the continued life giving Word of God.  Jesus stated to his disciples: 

"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." John 15:3

"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, if ye continue in my word, and then are ye my disciples indeed..." John 8:31

Jesus never stated that “if you continue in your particular belief regarding My crucifixion atonement, then are you my disciples indeed.” No, he did not. He would not. Christ desires that His disciples place their present and continuing trust in Him; not His past crucifixion death that was offered to all for the forgiveness of sins.

Furthermore, it has been my experience with some universal objective justification enthusiasts that they eventually end up accusing those who disagree with them, of being “synergistic.” In other words, that others and I believe and teach that a person can, in participation with God, affect one’s right standing with Him. They will even outright suggest and / or say that those who disagree with them, are attempting to help secure for themselves, their own right standing before God; forgiveness; and belief in Christ.

It is very difficult, if not impossible for universal objective justification  theorists, to conceive that a person’s Christian faith is that person’s personal faith – and, at the same [paradoxical] time, totally the faith of Christ, imparted to that person, initiated and bestowed upon that soul, by God’s grace through the operation and power of the Holy Spirit.   Ephesians 2:8;9 ; John 3:1-21

Finally, in summary, the objective justification belief detracts from theexercise of personal faith. Objective justification belief becomes to its enthusiastic follower disciples as those who claim that they’ve “made a decision for Christ.” Objective justification enthusiasts, like those who claim they made a decision for Christ, are as those who keep going back to the altar to recommit “their” decision to follow Christ. In essence “their” discipleship to Christ is not by God’s grace through faith; but, a one-way relationship with God, on the merits of their “good work” of reminding themselves that Christ’s sin sacrifice to bare the sins of the whole world is their entrance pass into heaven, regardless of faith.

Universal objective justificaion enthusiasts do not allow Scripture to upset their thinking

To these hell-bent universal objective justification adherents, having the faith of Christ, is inconsequential; because they have replaced the order set by Scripture of grace through faith, alone. Instead, they supplant the grace of God through faith with their machination over-emphasis of God’s grace and Christ’s Atonement for all human sin at the expense and exercise of personal faith. They then, [sadly and pathetically] go on the warpath accusing those who believe in God’s grace through faith, of being anti-Scriptural; anti-Christian; and even anti-faith. Sometimes they are difficult to follow, as they become ambiguous and even blind to various Scriptures which don’t fit within the framework of their rationalistic presuppositions. Oftentimes, it is best to leave them alone.

Friend, - if you have been caught up in this false and destructive teaching of “universal objective justification; I pray that God, the Holy Spirit turn you from that destructive teaching which ends up insulting His Holy Spirit who is the author of saving faith. The reliance upon the teaching of universal objective justification not only insults the Third Person of the Trinity [Triune God], but this damning false notion and teaching molests genuine faith that only God the Holy Spirit can initiate and foster within the individual’s soul.

Finally, it is my continued hope and prayer that all you who would read and hear this message; that you would come to faith in Christ. That faith can only come about by His means; not some fixed and ritualistic doctrine of reminding oneself of Christ’s atonement sacrifice, and going through the prescribed weekly church service motions.

The Bible tell us that the faith required to rescue one’s soul from sin and eternal death comes by way of His written revelation. Don’t allow yourself and your family to be subject to a church service cycle of only being told you are the subject of Christ’s forgiveness; and, all will be well. That simplistic message is a half-truth. And, deception is best wrought when half-truths are employed and accepted; hook, line and sinker.

Friend, if you are caught up in this type of false teaching Sunday after Sunday; or, if you are not even a church goer; I urge you be very concerned about your priceless soul! I urge you to know that Scripture teaches that a person is justified [made right with God] by faith alone, divine compliments of God’s Holy Spirit! It is by God’s grace that He is merciful to grant you His Holy Spirit to bestow faith within your soul, and to transform your sinful life which is headed to eternal damnation. [Titus 3:5 ; Ephesians 2:1-9 ; John 3:1-21 ; John 1:11;12] Read and hear God’s Word as it is found in the Holy Scriptures. It is in the divine revelation where the Holy Spirit then works to create and sustain saving faith. Romans 10:17 ; Romans 1:16 ; 2 Timothy 3:14-17 ; Acts 8: 26-39


Above Message and Related Scriptures [below] -- Intended to be utilized in a simpleworship format:

Also: For a couple of other (more formal) worship formats:
The Order of Morning Service
The Order of Matins

Related Scriptures

Please note the above Scriptures - The saving of one's soul, is entirely, the work of the gracious Good Lord.


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Question and answer | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
Softball Question for UOJ Advocate F. Bivens,
Since All Babies Are Born Forgiven According to WELS Dogma

Question and answer | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS):

I assume unborn and little children who die go to heaven. Am I correct? What happens to aborted, miscarried, or stillborn children or those who die in infancy unbaptized—through no fault of their own? "

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Behold - A Cloud of False Witnesses - 
Two of Them Echoing the Roman Catholic Ed Preuss

Back to the beginning | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
How To Write about Luther without Mentioning Justification by Faith.
By a Martin Luther College Professor.
Celebrate the Reformation by Mocking the Reformer

Back to the beginning | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS):

"In Luther's name, some modern theologians have developed "new insights" into the church's doctrine. [GJ - That fits Wauwatosa and UOJ perfectly.] Consider especially how some Lutheran theologians have reinterpreted the historic and biblical teaching on such issues as marriage and sexuality. They champion their cause by saying that Luther taught about Christian freedom. With that, whether consciously or not, they make Luther into an innovator. From what we know about Luther, how would he have approached this issue? For Luther the answers to all questions about God—his will and his ways—could only be found in what he revealed to the world in the Bible. Those eager to gain Luther as an ally must confront his lifelong stance as an advocate for biblical theology that did not change. Freedom for Luther was found in what the Bible clearly taught—the triumph of grace over sin. It was, therefore, not a license to depart from the authoritative Word but an invitation to follow it in faith."

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GJ - The hypocritical author hints that ELCA is an innovator but fails to mention how many projects WELS works on with ELCA.

Did anyone list all the ELCA projects funded by Mark Jeske's vote on the Thrivent board? Not likely.

This adage, used in the article, is quite popular among the Baptists and Mennonites:

What should we think about the adage: "The reformed church is always being reformed"? The perspective has some merit if we understand it to mean that each generation needs to make the truths of God's Word its own—in a sense to rediscover them. Believers also must communicate clearly God's truth to the next generation. Luther would support whatever it takes to do just that—adjustments in language or style but never a departure from the doctrine of the Word.

St. Marcus model offers hope for Milwaukee schools.
Live by Tax Support, Die by Tax Support

St. Marcus model offers hope for Milwaukee schools:

"These are controversial beliefs - for one thing, anything involving voucher schools remains highly charged. Tyson says politicians should focus less on such disputes and more on how to offer quality through whatever schools offer it.

Tyson, who is single, turns 40 this week. What's ahead for him? He says he doesn't know, except for two things: He will stay in Milwaukee. And: "We're going to win this. This city is going to win this. I just believe this at an incredibly deep level.""

'via Blog this'

The tele-tubby sequel bombed, but this one goes on forever -
with funding from WELS, Thrivent, and your tax dollars.

Forwarded from a Reader:

This is the latest movement which is popping up everywhere with the school choice movement.  As you know, Milton Friedman and his wife were the godfather and godmother of the voucher idea which spawned the euphamism, school choice which had more appeal, and was/is the "bucket" for vouchers, charter schools, and now the idea of government money following the child where ever the parent chooses to send the expanding that idea to post secondary institutions. 

There are two salient considerations all taxpayersand citizens, need to consider with this fine sounding idea as should parents who strive to honor the consitution.   1) Government funded public schools do not belong to the parents or the teachers for that matter,  but public schools belong to the stakeholders who pay the bill through taxation.   With the ideas proposed as below (money following the student with individual parents and or students themselves taking the money as if it were their own private bank account), the  idea of accountability to the taxpayer or any elected entity disappears.  It appeals  to the fine idea of competitive free enterprise, but the the analogy is faulty if not downright deceptive.  Competitive free enterprise can only be practiced or strived for when non governmental money or commerce is involved.

The analogy completely breaks down when the money source is taxation.  2)  Money following the student for parents to choose any school which attracts them is the perfect model  to destroy any semblance of any form of existing private schooling.  Any private or religious school accepting students who used such government provided vehicles to pay tuition or other expenses, would be subject to government regulations whose stipulations would be set by the same nest of bureaucrats who have presided over the deliberately dumbed down schools parents  are wanting to flee.  Even home schooling financed by such accounts would forfeit their autonomy.  It is the "nature of things", and rightfully so. 

For conceptually, taxpayers are due accountability of how their dollars are spent. Should the idea of public money following the student become the norm it can be predicted that hews and cries will increase with ire and objections heard about such schools as Gulan Charter Schools.   That would be magnified as schools of any kind compete for the government money in the fists of parents waiting to be "courted".   Oh that won't be allowed to happen, because the government will have to step in and set some standards? BINGO!   Exactly why no school which accepts government money either directly or indirectly as this idea provides, will be exempt from government regulation.  Mission accomplished, all in the name of school choice.

How Did McCain Go So Terribly Wrong About Mary?

A reader just had to add McCain to the painting Paul posted on his own blog -
St. Bernard getting a miraculous fill-up from the statue of Mary.
There is so much irony in McCain quoting Sasse on Mary:
This back-and-forth hall of mirrors approach is common today. There is no honest confession of faith, but a desire to be on both sides of every issue.

False teachers have never been known for their honest promotion of the cause of apostasy.

UOJ - God's Word contains concepts such as Universal Objective Justification that can only be wrung from the verses using human reason.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Jesuit Jack Kilcrease Shows Signs of Stress from H...":

Rev. Bickel, from my experience all true UOJists (those cognizant of establishing another way to righteousness outside of faith alone in Christ) relish subjecting Scripture to their reason and philosophy. It always drove Dr. Kilcrease mad when I simply quoted Scripture in defense of One Justification Solely by Faith Alone. He would retort that I wasn't helping the discussion at all since I wasn't explaining the concept that the Scripures or I was supposed to be advancing or proving. Scripture to a UOJist is not God's pure Word with each word specifically and divinely chosen to combine with others to form direct and clear sentences and statements and thereby communicating what God wants us to know, believe and teach. To a UOJist God's Word contains concepts such as Universal Objective Justification that can only be wrung from the verses using human reason. That's why they always wind up making assumptive statements with "if...", "it must mean...", "God could only...", "He couldn't...", "He must have..." Which in their minds all come from Scripture because they've subjected Scripture to their reason and not their reason to Scripture.

Rejecting the Holy Spirit's faith they cannot understand Scripture correctly because God is not with them. Romans 10:2, "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."


GJ - Philosophy and rationalism are the key elements feeding UOJ dogmatism - thus - "If Christ paid for the sins of the world, the entire world is forgiven and saved...without faith."

Some of these thinkers must be too subtle for me, because that seems to be their only dogma, their One Great Truth, their Helen of Troy, the unfaith that launched a thousand books and toppled the topless towers of Ilium.

Luthererism is dead in Europe and America, thanks to these brave warriors of rationalism.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "UOJ - God's Word contains concepts such as Univers...":


UOJists (those cognizant of establishing another way to righteousness outside of faith alone in Christ) relish subjecting Scripture to their reason and philosophy. It always drove Dr. Kilcrease mad when I simply quoted Scripture in defense of One Justification Solely by Faith Alone.

Indeed, Kilcrease never studied Calvin and so he does not know if he is being Calvinian in his theological method.

Rationalism or reason is quite an important and predominant feature in Calvinism. Even the Westminister Confession of Faith (Presbyterian) has a section on the use of reason as a method.

UOJers are funny and just like Huber their father, these people accuse anti-UOJers of Calvinism when in fact they are the ones who are true to Calvin's methods.

Notice how the stupidity goes, when you deny that all men have been justified or forgiven already, they then claim you must believe in Limited Atonement.
This is False Dichotomy fallacy. There believe there is no third middle ground.

There should be a disclaimer first when someone is using reason in his theological method, a warning - before you use reason, first be knowledgeable of fallacies. Unfortunately no UOJist I have encountered shows no clue of what a fallacy is.



Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "UOJ - God's Word contains concepts such as Univers...":

Brett Meyer -

You spot on, say:

>>>>>>> ....To a UOJist God's Word contains concepts such as Universal Objective Justification that can only be wrung from the verses using human reason. That's why they always wind up making assumptive statements with "if...", "it must mean...", "God could only...", "He couldn't...", "He must have..." Which in their minds all come from Scripture because they've subjected Scripture to their reason and not their reason to Scripture...... <<<<<<<<

I can only conclude that these universalists are like the evolutionists who speak in such non definite terms. If these universal objective justification enthusiasts would actually believe and teach according to the Word, they would be able to say: "Thus saith the Lord" - without all the ifs, ands, and buts.......

Secondly, you say:

>>>>>> ......Rejecting the Holy Spirit's faith they cannot understand Scripture correctly because God is not with them. Romans 10:2, "For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." <<<<<<<<

Sadly, I would have to conclude that you are correct. How can one who claims to be a Christian, reject the Holy Spirit? If one rejects the faith He bestows; he is rejecting the giver.

Nathan M. Bickel