ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Thursday, December 6, 2012
Brett Meyer and Dr. Lito Cruz Answer Simpleman
Simpleman Jones has left a new comment on your post "The Keys Quotation Again":
GJ, does your response mean that I am correct in my assessment?
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Keys Quotation Again":
I know of at least 4 different versions of UOJ that are currently being taught, confessed and defended in the Lutheran Synods. Each of them contradict the others and all contradict Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. UOJ does not have a BOC style confessional document to which they must hold.
I can tell you that your comparison is only 10% of the differences between UOJ and Christ's Gospel. Every aspect of UOJ is false and contradicts Scripture.
For instance you state, "OJ-SJ'ers say: When Christ died/rose, God declared all people forgiven and righteous." It is more involved than that. In general most UOJists will state that when Christ paid for the sins of the whole world, God removed the sin from the whole world and placed it on Christ. Therefore the world has no more sin, God the Father sees them as guiltless and sinless by His Divine verdict. Buchholz currently teaches that the whole world died to sin the moment Christ died to pay for their sins - this is rejected by most UOJists. UOJists are undecided as to when God declared the unbelieving world forgiven. Some believe it was when Christ declared, "It is finished" on the cross. Others believe it was when He died on the cross and others believe it was when Christ rose victorious from the grave.
You state, "Because God is timeless, this applied to Adam as well as to all people today." No, some UOJists believe Abraham was justified by faith alone but that following Christ's atonement it all changed. UOJists believe Abrahams faith was created by trusting the promise of forgiveness of sins through Christ. Modern UOJists teach that faith cannot be created by a promise. They teach faith can only be created by something that is already true - therefore the preaching that your sins are already forgiven to an unbeliever is the only thing which will create faith. The object of UOJ's faith is the declaration that your sins are already forgiven before you ever believed. The object of the Holy Spirit's faith is Christ and Him crucified.
I could go on and on through the entire UOJ confession.
I recommend reading (W)ELS Siegbert W. Becker's essay on Justification for a foundational view of UOJ. Most UOJists subscribe to what he writes. Buchholz is only publishing his version of UOJ to defend his excommunication and persecution of Christ's Church and is still trying to convince clergy and laity that his version is preferable to other weaker versions.
Becker's essay can be read here:
LPC has left a new comment on your post "The Keys Quotation Again":
My advice to you is not to say things in your own words rather, let the UOJer say things as they are and let the Scripture say also things as they are.
The reasons is because you could be misrepresenting UOJ in your head. For you can eventually conclude as some others that this difference is just semantics and there is really no harm to it.
So my advice is that you take the teaching of UOJers at face value and match them with Scripture and see where they fall. This is a more accurate procedure and a safe method to follow.
I have a different rendition than you.
For example, according to C F W Walther, father of US UOJ teaching, you are saved to believe. That is you are saved already, you just need to believe that you are.
JBFA people say what Scripture says. For example, St. Paul says, to the Philippian jailer, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
Acts 16:31
Also, Rom 3:
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
This passage clearly shows that faith in the atonement results in justification.
This is not the same in UOJ, in UOJ faith in justification as a finished fact is what they teach, so faith results in nothing.
To the UOJer justification has no present nor future aspect. To the JBFA justification is present and has a future aspect, consistent with Scripture.
UOJ is a complete opposite from Scripture.
Justification by Faith,
The Keys Quotation Again
Simpleman Jones has left a new comment on your post "Left Behind - UOJ from Knapp Turned into Open Univ...":
Went to Lutherquest to check out any debates on UOJ, but only saw one that ended in April (I think). But I saw this quote from Luther (volume 40):
"Even he who does not believe that he is free and his sins forgiven shall also learn, in due time, how assuredly his sins were forgiven, even though he did not believe it."
This quote was not picked up on in the discussion, I don't think, but this surely sounds like Martin Luther taught an objective justification. Am I missing something here? I haven't seen any OJ spoken of in the Lutheran Confessions, so I was wondering about this quote.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Left Behind - UOJ from Knapp Turned into Open Univ...":
Good question. I believe this quote from Martin Luther can be found in Luther's Works vol. 40, 363-369 Treatise Concerning the Keys
Most UOJists will turn to this quote to prove that Luther taught that the whole unbelieving world was declared forgiven by God before and without faith in Christ.
This quote is taken completely out of context and contradicts the Lutheran Confessions and Scripture.
Luther was speaking about the Office of the Keys in this quote. It doesn't support UOJ at all. This is a discussion about the application of the keys in regard to a person who is distraught over their sins and turning to Christ for forgiveness. From the Small Catechism, What is Confession? "Confession embraces two parts: the one is, that we confess our sins; the other, that we receive absolution, or forgiveness, from the confessor, as from God Himself, and in no wise doubt, but firmly believe, that our sins are thereby forgiven before God in heaven." And, "Furthermore: Dost thou believe that my forgiveness is God's forgiveness? Answer. Yes, dear sir. Then let him say: As thou believest, so be it done unto thee. And by the command of our Lord Jesus Christ I forgive thee thy sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Depart in peace."
The office of the Keys in regard to loosing sin is not to be used for unrepentant sinners as the UOJ promoters would have us believe by their false use of Luther's quote. It is reserved for those who in true repentance are contrite over their sin and turn to Christ for forgiveness. The UOJ promoters are will stop at nothing to pervert Christ's true doctrine to achieve their justification and righteousness before God and men outside of and without faith in Christ.
The Lutheran Confessions teach the following:
"6] Let any one of the adversaries come forth and tell us when remission of sins takes place. O good God, what darkness there is! They doubt whether it is in attrition or in contrition that remission of sins occurs. And if it occurs on account of contrition, what need is there of absolution, what does the power of the keys effect, if sins have been already remitted?…"
Both faithful quotes from the Confessions reject the UOJists blatant lies concerning what Luther taught. Note the fact that by teaching Luther’s statements concerning the Office of the Keys was a declaration that the whole unbelieving world was forgiven by God when Christ paid for the world’s sins – then the Key to Retain sin becomes obsolete. Who then could retain a sin that was already forgiven and absolved by Christ before the person ever believed. In fact, sins that were forgiven even if the person never believes. UOJ contradicts Scripture and the faithful Confessions 100%.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Left Behind - UOJ from Knapp Turned into Open Univ...":
Simpleman, here are a few links to extensive UOJ discussions including one from Lutherquest in 2008.
Correction: 2008 Lutherquest UOJ discussion link is
Jones has left a new comment on your post "The
Keys Quotation Again":
So when Luther said that "his sins were forgiven even though he did not believe it," he was talking about a man who was a believer, and who was given absolution, but was doubting his forgiveness because of guilt??
So actually, the man had faith, but was dealing with unbelief, and was therefore, through that weak faith, forgiven??
GJ - That is a good summary, Simpleman. Luther's grasp of justification was profound, as shown in his Galatians Commentary. The foundational sin is unbelief. See the graphic below. The UOJ Enthusiasts would have everyone declare a universal absolution without the Gospel or faith, yet insist that the first justification was not effective without the second. That bizarre explanation reminds me of Roman Catholics saying sin are forgiven (through Christ) but not paid for (by man). Enthusiasm always finds a new or old stupidity to grasp and defend, because they divorce the Holy Spirit from the Word.
Jones has left a new comment on your post "The
Keys Quotation Again":
Just to be sure I've got this debate down, I need to put it in my own words:
OJ-SJ'ers say: When Christ died/rose, God declared all people forgiven and righteous. Because God is timeless, this applied to Adam as well as to all people today. We could never tell people that they are forgiven if God had not declared all people forgiven and righteous, and therefore the Holy Spirit would never be able to bring a person to faith without us being able to tell the person they are forgiven. For He only works through the gospel message.
J'ers say: When Christ died/rose, He did this for all people so that all people's sins from Adam to people today have been atoned for. We say that Jesus' atonement has done this for all people, but we do not tell an unbeliever that he is personally forgiven until the Holy Spirit has brought him to faith through the teaching of Jesus' atonement for all people.
If I am correct on this, then the practical difference I see in this is that the OJ-SJ'ers tell an unbeliever who has been made to feel guilt over his sin: "You are forgiven of all your sins because of what Christ has done for you. Believe!"
Just to be sure I've got this debate down, I need to put it in my own words:
OJ-SJ'ers say: When Christ died/rose, God declared all people forgiven and righteous. Because God is timeless, this applied to Adam as well as to all people today. We could never tell people that they are forgiven if God had not declared all people forgiven and righteous, and therefore the Holy Spirit would never be able to bring a person to faith without us being able to tell the person they are forgiven. For He only works through the gospel message.
J'ers say: When Christ died/rose, He did this for all people so that all people's sins from Adam to people today have been atoned for. We say that Jesus' atonement has done this for all people, but we do not tell an unbeliever that he is personally forgiven until the Holy Spirit has brought him to faith through the teaching of Jesus' atonement for all people.
If I am correct on this, then the practical difference I see in this is that the OJ-SJ'ers tell an unbeliever who has been made to feel guilt over his sin: "You are forgiven of all your sins because of what Christ has done for you. Believe!"
While J'ers would tell that same unbeliever: "Jesus died for the sins of the whole world to reconcile us to God. Believe and you, too, will be forgiven!"
I would like to hear from both sides if I've got this correct. Thanks.
GJ - UOJ Enthusiasts are on a constant rampage against faith, and they cannot tolerate justification by faith alone. I have preserved many of their most foolish statements. One is posted below as a graphic. It is normal for UOJ and not extreme - for them.
![]() |
The "comfort" of UOJ. No wonder WELS and Missouri love working with ELCA. |
Justification by Faith,
Left Behind - UOJ from Knapp Turned into Open Universalism in the Mainline Pietistic Denominations
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Grammar Is Good But the Plain Word of God in Any L...":
The WELS and LCMS plus the other mini-Synods are very peculiar - they are the only ones who believe that in Romans 4:25, all human beings have been already justified - note in the past tense, a finished event already.
When you swallow one false teaching, you do not only swallow one, you start to swallow the implications that go with that teaching which again are fasle doctrines themselves.
The reason why you feel as if you were missing something is because they have placed something in the passage that is not there. Remember the teaching in the Book of Revelations, cursed is everyone who adds something to the word of God.
If they added something then of course, you are missing something, but which one is faithful to God's word?
One of the false conclusions you get when you swallow UOJ is that you do not even know if you have faith - you become an ignoramus in many ways. Whereas Calvinism makes you look inside you, UOJ does not even want you to look anywhere not even the Word of God. UOJ wants you to teach you all else is irrelevant because you have already been justified by default. So you become indifferent to faith itself, yet it is the most precious thing that God holds in all the universe.
Here is the test.
To know if you have faith just ask the question - did Jesus die on the Cross for you? Yes or No. What sayeth Scripture? If you say yes, you have faith.
GJ - This morning I was thinking about the paragraph that I marked in blue, above. Dr. Cruz has an admirable way of re-stating the problem. That probably comes from his background in math (PhD) and logic, plus his experience in various confessions.
Many have had the same experience, being tossed to and fro as they looked for the truth. They value the Word alone and the classic Lutheran works because a few words of the Gospel are far more valuable than volumes of to-ing and fro-ing.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Extra Nos: Hunnius proves Steadfast Waltherians ar...":
Simpleman, you'll get a rabid response if you care to post your statements on Lutherquest or Steadfast Lutherans. Lutherquest will allow it in order to give their UOJ pack something to chew on. Steadfast's probably won't because they are a closed UOJ shop. I don't know Greek so I cannot address that portion of your contention. Your statement overall is faithful to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions and that is always appreciated. In the eternal conflict between UOJ and Christ's Gospel the water is warm - jump right in.
GJ - Brett is always willing to plow through the tedious UOJ material to extract the basic errors. UOJ stylists still post here from time to time, but they have given up trying to sell their bad arguments and faulty documentation.
That is their white flag of surrender - they ban justification by faith on their blogs but do not even try to market their toxins where the debate is wide open.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Believing in Christ Is Forgiveness - Too Complicat...":
2 Corinthians 13:5, "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"
This verse is the very point that Dr. Cruz establishes: that a Christian's comfort comes from the faith of the Holy Spirit of which Christ is the author and finisher of, Hebrews 12:2, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
We should all send (W)ELS District President Jon Buchholz a thank you card. It's incredible to think of all the well spent time and effort that has gone into refuting the false gospel of UOJ in each of it's tenets as it attacks the work of Christ, the righteousness of Faith, the work of the Holy Spirit through the Means of Grace, the doctrine of the Adoption of Sons, the singular reality of God the Father (more needs to be said of UOJ's New Age teaching of multiple realities) etc etc. Yet in a few minutes Buchholz boiled the whole contention between Universal Objective Justification and Christ's one Justification Solely by Faith in Him Alone down to the simplest and most easily understood terms: IF YOU BELIEVE THAT SINS ARE FORGIVEN SOLELY BY FAITH IN CHRIST ALONE: YOU ARE DAMNED.
Not to say that the (W)ELS hasn't condemned people for this before. The Kokomo families were excommunicated for rejecting the version of UOJ which (W)ELS theologian Siegbert W. Becker embraced. Joe and Lisa Krohn were excommunicated from Holy Word in Austin, Texas.
Jon Buchholz' excommunication of faithful Pastor Paul Rydecki from the (W)ELS in September of 2012 was just another example of the similarities between the Lutheran Synods and the Roman Catholic Church's official teaching in the Council of Trent. The Antichrist, Jon Buchholz and the Lutheran Synods declare anathema (condemn to Hell) anyone who believes they are Justified solely by faith in Christ alone.
Question is, when will Buchholz and Schroeder distribute the next (W)ELS Papal Bull regarding their version of the wholly perverse false gospel of Objective Justification which wars against Christ and His Church and when will anyone in the Lutheran Synods stand up and publicly oppose the false gospel of UOJ?
GJ - Brett, I am sure they are going to rely on bamboozling the laity and clergy with their New NIV:
- Great scholars.
- United effort by Biblical translators.
- Voted up by our own brilliant faculty.
- Must adopt immediately.
Thus a laughable paraphrase promoted by atheists, scoundrels, lesbians, and English-language-destroyers will be their basis for UOJ forever.
Many clergy have no grasp of Hebrew and Greek, in spite of what they claim at Mequon. I saw no Greek ability at all in the Columbus WELS coven. DP Nitz' son and Paul Kuske could not translate 1 John from Greek to English with advance notice. No one wanted to work on Hebrew except Schumann and me. Schumann started and dropped out of graduate school - OT.
When WELS brags about their great grasp of Hebrew and Greek, try not to smile. Tears squirt out of my eyes from the pain of holding back.
Justification by Faith,
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Believing in Christ Is Forgiveness - Too Complicated for UOJ Stylists
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Grammar Is Good But the Plain Word of God in Any L...":
The WELS and LCMS plus the other mini-Synods are very peculiar - they are the only ones who believe that in Romans 4:25, all human beings have been already justified - note in the past tense, a finished event already.
When you swallow one false teaching, you do not only swallow one, you start to swallow the implications that go with that teaching which again are fasle doctrines themselves.
The reason why you feel as if you were missing something is because they have placed something in the passage that is not there. Remember the teaching in the Book of Revelations, cursed is everyone who adds something to the word of God.
If they added something then of course, you are missing something, but which one is faithful to God's word?
One of the false conclusions you get when you swallow UOJ is that you do not even know if you have faith - you become an ignoramus in many ways. Whereas Calvinism makes you look inside you, UOJ does not even want you to look anywhere not even the Word of God. UOJ wants you to teach you all else is irrelevant because you have already been justified by default. So you become indifferent to faith itself, yet it is the most precious thing that God holds in all the universe.
Here is the test.
To know if you have faith just ask the question - did Jesus die on the Cross for you? Yes or No. What sayeth Scripture? If you say yes, you have faith.
![]() |
"What was that part about the iota subscript proving that everyone in Sodom is a guilt-free saint?" |
WELS Pastor Joel Lillo, Fox Valley has left a new comment on your post "Believing in Christ Is Forgiveness - Too Complicat...":
OK, I give up, what does the Groucho graphic have to do with this post?
GJ - When someone said the right word during the show, the contestant won some money. It was funny because it made no sense - like UOJ.
And I knew someone would ask.
Justification by Faith,
Lito Cruz,
John Lawrenz and Steve Witte - Recent Faves on Ichabod
A new president was installed and three students graduated during a special service at Asia Lutheran Seminary (ALS) in Hong Kong Nov. 1.
Dr. Steven Witte, who arrived at ALS in October 2009, will start in his new position as president in January 2011. He will replace Dr. John Lawrenz, who has been serving as president since this seminary operated by WELS World Missions opened in 2005. [Witte earned a DMin in Church Growth at Gordon Conwell. He is a founder of WELS Church and Change.]
"This opportunity to serve brings me great joy and some anxiety," says Witte. "When I look at myself and the challenges of the work, I lose confidence that things will go well for ALS in the future. When I look at God and his promises and the team of workers he has provided around me, I become excited at what God has accomplished in Hong Kong and China—and what the future holds."
Witte says that future goals for ALS are many, including providing a complete seminary education—including Hebrew and Greek—for those in Hong Kong as well as building "education pipelines" to other East Asian countries. He says ALS also will continue translating Lutheran materials into Chinese as well as preparing some of its graduates to serve as professors someday.
Lawrenz, who is already beyond retirement age, says he is stepping down to provide continuity in leadership at ALS. He will continue to serve at ALS as a professor and as an advisor to Witte. He says he is thankful for his experiences as ALS president: "Starting with a mandate and little more, our team has arrived at a point where we can reach for stability with a faculty of four and the staff and learning resources to go with it."
Fifty-six students, plus two people via Skype, are taking classes at ALS. Including the three recent graduates, seven students have now graduated from ALS and are serving at congregations in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Read more about these recent blessings at ALS from Dr. John Lawrenz's viewpoint on the mission blog.
GJ - They graduate women at their seminary too. The photos are hard to kelm, but if nothing good is on QVC tonight, I may give it another try.
A new president was installed and three students graduated during a special service at Asia Lutheran Seminary (ALS) in Hong Kong Nov. 1.
Dr. Steven Witte, who arrived at ALS in October 2009, will start in his new position as president in January 2011. He will replace Dr. John Lawrenz, who has been serving as president since this seminary operated by WELS World Missions opened in 2005. [Witte earned a DMin in Church Growth at Gordon Conwell. He is a founder of WELS Church and Change.]
"This opportunity to serve brings me great joy and some anxiety," says Witte. "When I look at myself and the challenges of the work, I lose confidence that things will go well for ALS in the future. When I look at God and his promises and the team of workers he has provided around me, I become excited at what God has accomplished in Hong Kong and China—and what the future holds."
Witte says that future goals for ALS are many, including providing a complete seminary education—including Hebrew and Greek—for those in Hong Kong as well as building "education pipelines" to other East Asian countries. He says ALS also will continue translating Lutheran materials into Chinese as well as preparing some of its graduates to serve as professors someday.
Lawrenz, who is already beyond retirement age, says he is stepping down to provide continuity in leadership at ALS. He will continue to serve at ALS as a professor and as an advisor to Witte. He says he is thankful for his experiences as ALS president: "Starting with a mandate and little more, our team has arrived at a point where we can reach for stability with a faculty of four and the staff and learning resources to go with it."
Fifty-six students, plus two people via Skype, are taking classes at ALS. Including the three recent graduates, seven students have now graduated from ALS and are serving at congregations in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Read more about these recent blessings at ALS from Dr. John Lawrenz's viewpoint on the mission blog.
GJ - They graduate women at their seminary too. The photos are hard to kelm, but if nothing good is on QVC tonight, I may give it another try.
Mid-Week Advent Service, December 5, 2012 -
The Two Natures of Christ
Mid-Week Advent 1, 2012
Pastor Gregory L. Jackson
Mid-Week Advent,
Thursday, 7 PM Central
The Hymn # 61 Comfort, Comfort 221
The Order of Vespers p. 41
The Hymn # 61 Comfort, Comfort 221
The Order of Vespers p. 41
The Psalmody Psalm 100 p.
The First Lection
The Second Lection
The Sermon Hymn # 76 A Great and Mighty 2.2
The First Lection
The Second Lection
The Sermon Hymn # 76 A Great and Mighty 2.2
Natures, Old and New Testaments
The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer p. 44
The Collect
for Peace p.
Benediction p. 45
The Hymn # 558 All Praise to Thee 2.9
KJV Isaiah 7:10 Moreover the
LORD spake again unto Ahaz, saying, 11 Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask
it either in the depth, or in the height above. 12 But Ahaz said, I will not
ask, neither will I tempt the LORD. 13 And he said, Hear ye now, O house of
David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my
God also? 14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin
shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 15 Butter and
honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.
KJV Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a
child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his
shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God,
The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government
and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his
kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
KJV Romans 1:3 Concerning
his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to
the flesh; 4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to
the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:
Two Natures of Christ – Old and New Testaments
If we look at the Christian
Faith in comparison with all world religions, two basic truths emerge.
One –
Christianity is salvation by grace, not works – unlike any other religion in
the world. All the others teach that we must appease God with works of some
kind, or we are not forgiven. All of the bad versions of Christianity blend
works with grace to some extent. Sometimes that is implied but not openly
taught. Sometimes, as in Catholicism, it is plainly taught with anathemas aimed
at justification by faith alone (Council of Trent – if anyone teaches we are
saved by faith alone, let him be damned.)
Two –
Christianity teaches this grace through the Two Natures of Christ. Jesus was
completely human and completely divine, those natures united in the One Person.
There are many saviors in world religion, many teachers, but there is only One
Savior and that is Jesus. It is fitting that the others are so much alike and
that the One Savior is unique, one of a kind. Salvation by grace, through the
Two Natures of Christ.
In the Advent season we
think about the importance of the birth of Christ. The three passages for
tonight can be read for their teaching of the divine nature of Christ, but also
for their teaching of His human nature. We know that people have chosen one or
the other for their false teaching fetishes.
In the early days of
Christianity, some objected to the human nature of Jesus, that He was born of a
woman. There were several ways to deny this – either to bypass the birth or to
make Mary a divinity herself, free of all actual sin. The second part was so
embedded in Medieval Catholicism that Luther took some time to adjust. It
remains the bedrock of Roman Catholicism today. Wherever converts are made and
old fashioned Romanism is promoted, the Immaculate Concept of Mary is renewed
with fervor and Enthusiasm.
Isaiah 7:14ff is one of
those special passages in the Bible that stands out so clearly that false
teachers must change the words to make it sound more pleasing to their ears
(like Romans 3 for the NNIV ecumenists and UOJ Lutherans).
The point is – God will give
a great miracle. We use “sign” far too often, although we should see those
special interventions as signs of God’s good will and angelic help. But still –
this event is far more than a sign. It is the One Great Miracle. The narration
brings this out, because haughty Ahaz will not ask for a miracle.
The prophet in rebuke says,
GOD will give you the miracle. So, instead of man asking for a miracle, God on
His own declares the miracle for all of mankind. That is justice, because no
man is wise and holy enough to ask for what God was pleased to do. No one could
imagine it to ask, which Paul reminds us about our prayers (and Isaiah too) –
that God gives more than we can imagine and does so before we even think to
ask. (Eph 3 and Isaiah 65:24)
KJV Ephesians 3:20 Now unto
him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the
church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
KJV Isaiah 65:24 And it
shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear.
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the
Lord himself shall give you a sign;
Behold, a virgin shall
and bear a son,
and shall call his name
God in His grace will give
His people a miracle they never expected, never requested, and never deserved.
People ask for rain in the midst of a drought, and for rain to stop in the
midst of flooding. They pray for food, for peace. They do not pray for the
God-man Jesus to born of a Virgin.
The God-decreed miracle
(already prophesied in Genesis 3:15) is three-fold –
A virgin will conceive,
She will give birth to a son
(the Messiah)
He will be called God With
The miracle is one of
salvation, one of grace, one of prophecies fulfilled. We hear these words so
often in Christmas pageants and programs, but this is a baby who is God. Human
and divine nature, born of a woman.
KJV Isaiah 9:6 For unto
us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon
his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty
God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government
and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his
kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
This passage gives me
goose-bumps because the many descriptions of Jesus simply defy any other
Not just a king or the
Messiah they expected – the increase of His government will never end. It will
grow continuously and never end. So from the Old Testament foundations and
Jesus’ ministry came the world-wide religion of peace, the peace of
forgiveness, that has created millions of saints forgiven through faith alone.
There have been many
conquering kings, not through grace and forgiveness but through slaughter. It
is said that some areas have never recovered from Genghis Khan (who has
returned as a restaurateur, by the way). His kingdom was enormous but did not
last and grow. It fell apart, as all human kingdoms must.
And this leader is called
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts
will perform this.
This is not man’s work, but
God’s. As I told one pastor, what he does and how he does it will not determine
the outcome. God’s Word, faithfully taught, will accomplish God’s will because
it belongs to God alone.
No one can figure it out.
Sometimes it blinds and hardens. It drives people crazy with anger against it.
And yet the same Word converts and softens hardened hearts through the same
Gospel, with the same power of the Holy Spirit.
If we try to make it work
better, through man’s wisdom, it will no longer be God’s Word, but man’s word.
That may seem impressive in its effect at first, but it is dangerous work to
do. Many ministers have hardened themselves while playing this game. Rob Bell
(Fuller) made his sermons so appealing that he talked himself into
Universalism. His own congregation found him appalling rather than appealing
and he “decided on his own” to go elsewhere.
All the good done by the
Gospel is simply impossible to measure. I would say that 99% of the good is simply
beyond prediction or expectation. It is easy to list disappointments or
hardships. But the power to draw people together in God’s love is the entire
purpose of the Gospel. To generate Gospel fruits in the family – that belongs
to God. To reconcile enemies – only God can do that through forgiveness and
grace, faith and prayer.
KJV Romans 1:3 Concerning
his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to
the flesh; 4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the
spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:
Paul made many references to
the Two Natures of Christ. The revelation of God is not like a textbook. These
statements seem to pop up in various places. They are not organized in ranks
and rows, which would be boring and easy to forget, perhaps too easy to study
and forget. We can read the same passage many times and then we notice – that
is yet another example of the Trinity, or the Two Natures, or the Word/Spirit
Here is it – the seed of
David according to the flesh.
Declared the Son of God with
power by the Spirit.
God and Man.
How are we forgiven our
sins? Christ, as God and Man, died for our sins. The preaching of this Gospel creates
and sustains faith in our hearts, by the power of the Holy Spirit. This Word-Spirit
created faith receives the blessings God has graciously provided for us.
The Word conveys Jesus to us.
The Word in all its forms is the Instrument of God’s grace.
"Melanchthon, the Hamlet of the Reformation, shrinking from action into contemplation, with a dangerous yearning for a peace which must have been hollow and transient, had become more and more entangled in the complications of a specious but miserable policy which he felt made him justly suspected by those whose confidence in him had once been unlimited."
Charles P. Krauth, The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology, Philadelphia: 1913 (1871), p. 85.
"If we would be Christians, therefore, we must surely expect and reckon upon having the devil with all his angels and the world as our enemies, who will bring every possible misfortune and grief upon us. For where the Word of God is preached, accepted, or believed, and produces fruit, there the holy cross cannot be wanting. And let no one think that he shall have peace; but he must risk whatever he has upon earth--possessions, honor, house and estate, wife and children, body and life. Now, this hurts our flesh and the old Adam; for the test is to be steadfast and to suffer with patience in whatever way we are assailed, and to let go whatever is taken from us."
Large Catechism, The Lord's Prayer, Third Petition, #65, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 715.
"That forbearance which is a fruit of the Spirit retains its characteristic kindness whether directed toward friend or enemy, toward rich or poor."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VI, p. 103.
"Prayer is made vigorous by petitioning; urgent, by supplication; by thanksgiving, pleasing and acceptable. Strength and acceptability combine to prevail and secure the petition."
Sermons of Martin Luther, VI, p. 107.
"The Lord's Prayer opens with praise and thanksgiving and the acknowledgement of God as a Father; it earnestly presses toward Him through filial love and a recognition of fatherly tenderness. For supplication, this prayer is unequaled. Hence it is the sublimest and the noblest prayer ever uttered."
Sermons of Martin Luther, VI, p. 107.
"This, mark you, is the peace of the cross, the peace of God, peace of conscience, Christian peace, which gives us even external calm, which makes us satisfied with all men and unwilling to disturb any. Reason cannot understand how there can be pleasure in crosses, and peace in disquietude; it cannot find these. Such peace is the work of God, and none can understand it until it has been experienced."
Sermons of Martin Luther, VI, p. 111.
"The reference [the Votum] is simply to a disposition to trust and love God sincerely, and a willingness of heart and mind to serve God and man to the utmost. The devil seeks to prevent this state by terror, by revealing death and by every sort of misfortune; and by setting up human devices to induce the heart to seek comfort and help in its own counsels and in man. Thus led astray, the heart falls from trust in God to a dependence upon itself."
Sermons of Martin Luther, VI, p. 111.
"Thus we have two parts, preaching and believing. His coming to us is preaching; His standing in our hearts is faith. For it is not sufficient that He stand before our eyes and ears; He must stand in the midst of us in our hearts, and offer and impart to us peace."
Martin Luther, Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., xd., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, II, p. 355. John 20:19-31.
"For the devil will not allow a Christian to have peace; therefore Christ must bestow it in a manner different from that in which the world has and gives, in that he quiets the heart and removes from within fear and terror, although without there remain contention and misfortune."
Sermons of Martin Luther, II, p. 380.
"Joy is the natural fruit of faith. The apostle says elsewhere (Galatians 5:22-23): 'The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control.' Until the heart believes in God, it is impossible for it to rejoice in Him. When faith is lacking, man is filled with fear and gloom and is disposed to flee at the very mention, the mere thought, of God. Indeed, the unbelieving heart is filled with enmity and hatred against God. Conscious of its own guilt, it has no confidence in His gracious mercy; it knows God is an enemy to sin and will terribly punish the same."
Sermons of Martin LutherVI, p. 93.
"To rejoice in the Lord--to trust, confide, glory and have pride in the Lord as in a gracious Father--this is a joy which rejects all else but the Lord, including that self-righteousness whereof Jeremiah speaks (9:23-24): 'Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he hath understanding, and knoweth Me.'"
Sermons of Martin Luther, VI, p. 95.
"Now, suppose some blind, capricious individual intrudes, demanding as necessary the omission of this thing and the observance of that, as did certain Jews, and insisting that all men follow him and he none--this would be to destroy equality; indeed, even to exterminate Christian liberty and faith. Like Paul, in the effort to maintain liberty and truth, everyone should refuse to yield to any such demand."
Sermons of Martin Luther, VI, p. 98.
"Christ's kingdom grows through tribulations and declines in times of peace, ease and luxury, as St. Paul says in 2 Cor. 12:9 'My power is made perfect in weakness, etc.' To this end help us God! Amen."
Sermons of Martin Luther, II, p. 99.
"The ultimate purpose of afflictions is the mortification of the flesh, the expulsion of sins, and the checking of that original evil which is embedded in our nature. And the more you are cleansed, the more you are blessed in the future life. For without a doubt glory will follow upon the calamities and vexations which we endure in this life. But the prime purpose of all these afflictions is the purification, which is extremely necessary and useful, lest we snore and become torpid and lazy because of the lethargy of our flesh. For when we enjoy peace and rest, we do not pray, we do not meditate on the Word but deal coldly with the Scriptures and everything that pertains to God or finally lapse into a shameful and ruinous security."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, I, p. 18.
"The church is recognized, not by external peace but by the Word and the Sacraments. For wherever you see a small group that has the true Word and the Sacraments, there the church is if only the pulpit and the baptismal font are pure. The church does not stand on the holiness of any one person but solely on the holiness and righteousness of the Lord Christ, for He has sanctified her by Word and Sacrament."
Martin Luther, What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, I, p. 263. Matthew 24:4-7.
"When you preach or confess the Word, you will experience both without, among enemies, and also within, in yourself (where the devil himself will speak to you and prove how hostile he is to you), that he brings you into sadness, impatience, and depression, and that he torments you in all sorts of ways. Who does all this? Certainly not Christ or any good spirit, but the miserable, loathsome enemy...The devil will not bear to have you called a Christian and to cling to Christ or to speak or think a good word about Him. Rather he would gladly poison and permeate your heart with venom and gall, so that you would blaspheme: Why did He make me a Christian? Why do I not let Him go? Then I would at last have peace."
Martin Luther, What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 928.
The Lutheran Hymnal
Advent Services Start Tonight at 7 PM Central
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Future chapel plan. |
Starting tonight.
Use this link for Ustream - also embedded in the masthead.
Bethany Lutheran Church
Two Old Posts Being Read Again
Sudden interest in two posts:
This did not kelm very well, according to Vicar Meyer, so I am posting just the link.
This gentleman is one of the key speakers (with Jeske and Ski) at the WELS Willowcreek Chapel college event.
No one has the guts to do anything, but at least you can read about it.
It's a good thing WELS has this blog so people can find out what is really happening, mutter at coffee hours, and sit on their hands.
The Changers are busy little devils.

Home Page
Rogue Lutheran wrote:
Your most recent post about KW Steffen post is disturbing, the first one was nagging at me.
Steffen is an independent contractor/facilitator retained by management (WELS); so, he will naturally move team building along the lines of the person that signs his check, WELS.
This reminds me of the 'conflict manager' para church operations working over the flock in the LCMS (like Les Stroh, Cornerstone Consulting, buddy of SP JK, & Wheatridge (RSO) conflict management expert Pr Fangmier, who was trained by Stroh).
Control the opposition, control the outcome----- the church leaders are not playing fair.
I'm not sure, from reading the two articles if Steffen is even a Lutheran?
At least in LCMS they make an attempt to wear a cloak of conformity as to appear as Lutheran.
I don't know what's worse?
As an aside, KW Steffen cites Toffler, the futurist, which should raise a red flag.

west59wy (http://west59wy.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "WELS Kingdom Workers Work-Righteousness":
The highlighted sentence drips of a proud, pietistic, boastful spirit that loves to pin awards on those who say they are "sharing the Word" while slamming those who, in their exalted view, aren't because they haven't enrolled in the latest evangelism training session, hung doorhangers, etc. Tell it to the widowed mother who is raising her difficult teenage sons, paying the bills by toiling at a thankless job, who comes home exhausted after she's punched out the clock, who maybe has a enough gas left in the tank to read a devotion before nodding off, and who manages to come to church but is not much "involved" beyond that. Calling her a "church watcher"? Her church is her home, her altar is her family, her font is her job! Making such artificial distinctions as that of "church workers and "church watchers" reminds one of the haughty Corinthian spirits who looked down on the apostle Paul because he didn't measure up to their pre-determined standards of what qualified for a real apostle and a fake one. Yet,God uses the lowly...
GJ - I wonder what happened to the memory of the housemother, a poor widow, who raised a bunch of boys while doing menial labor. Her last name was Pieper. I suppose that is forgotten when WELS leaders slaver over such names as Drucker, Stetzer, Beeson, Stanley, Wagner, Hybel, and Sweet.
Rev. Fr. Spencer has left a new comment on your post "Contra - The WELS KW Heretics":
As much as I appreciate some of the work of WKW in the past, especially the Builders for Christ, I'm afraid they have now been completely taken over by church growth nuts and fanatics. Their material simply drips of Pietism. And watch out, ladies, LWMS could easily head off in the same direction. Be vigilant!
KJV Matthew 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
west59wy (http://west59wy.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "WELS Kingdom Workers Work-Righteousness":
The highlighted sentence drips of a proud, pietistic, boastful spirit that loves to pin awards on those who say they are "sharing the Word" while slamming those who, in their exalted view, aren't because they haven't enrolled in the latest evangelism training session, hung doorhangers, etc. Tell it to the widowed mother who is raising her difficult teenage sons, paying the bills by toiling at a thankless job, who comes home exhausted after she's punched out the clock, who maybe has a enough gas left in the tank to read a devotion before nodding off, and who manages to come to church but is not much "involved" beyond that. Calling her a "church watcher"? Her church is her home, her altar is her family, her font is her job! Making such artificial distinctions as that of "church workers and "church watchers" reminds one of the haughty Corinthian spirits who looked down on the apostle Paul because he didn't measure up to their pre-determined standards of what qualified for a real apostle and a fake one. Yet,God uses the lowly...
GJ - I wonder what happened to the memory of the housemother, a poor widow, who raised a bunch of boys while doing menial labor. Her last name was Pieper. I suppose that is forgotten when WELS leaders slaver over such names as Drucker, Stetzer, Beeson, Stanley, Wagner, Hybel, and Sweet.
Rev. Fr. Spencer has left a new comment on your post "Contra - The WELS KW Heretics":
As much as I appreciate some of the work of WKW in the past, especially the Builders for Christ, I'm afraid they have now been completely taken over by church growth nuts and fanatics. Their material simply drips of Pietism. And watch out, ladies, LWMS could easily head off in the same direction. Be vigilant!
KJV Matthew 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
This did not kelm very well, according to Vicar Meyer, so I am posting just the link.
This gentleman is one of the key speakers (with Jeske and Ski) at the WELS Willowcreek Chapel college event.
No one has the guts to do anything, but at least you can read about it.
It's a good thing WELS has this blog so people can find out what is really happening, mutter at coffee hours, and sit on their hands.
The Changers are busy little devils.

Home Page
Rogue Lutheran wrote:
Your most recent post about KW Steffen post is disturbing, the first one was nagging at me.
Steffen is an independent contractor/facilitator retained by management (WELS); so, he will naturally move team building along the lines of the person that signs his check, WELS.
This reminds me of the 'conflict manager' para church operations working over the flock in the LCMS (like Les Stroh, Cornerstone Consulting, buddy of SP JK, & Wheatridge (RSO) conflict management expert Pr Fangmier, who was trained by Stroh).
Control the opposition, control the outcome----- the church leaders are not playing fair.
I'm not sure, from reading the two articles if Steffen is even a Lutheran?
At least in LCMS they make an attempt to wear a cloak of conformity as to appear as Lutheran.
I don't know what's worse?
As an aside, KW Steffen cites Toffler, the futurist, which should raise a red flag.
Grammar Is Good But the Plain Word of God in Any Language Refutes UOJ
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Casus belli = reason for war, for Mequon graduates. |
Gregory L. Jackson has left a new comment on your post "Extra Nos: Hunnius proves Steadfast Waltherians ar...":
The grammatical arguments for UOJ fall flat because "there is no there there."
But we do not need Greek grammar textbooks to show that UOJ is completely bogus.
Romans 4:24 and Romans 4 and Romans 5:1-2 all refute UOJ.
That proves someone can "study" Greek, as they call it in the SynConference, and be utterly and foolishly wrong, when the goal is to inject dogma foreign to the Word of God.
That alone should make people LOL when the Brief Confession of 1932 is mentioned in hushed tones, because that piece of politicking said Romans 4:25 taught the absolution of the entire world.
Simpleman Jones has left a new comment on your post "Grammar Is Good But the Plain Word of God in Any L...":
Sure, context helps tell us that there is no such thing as an objective justification, but Lutheran pastors are so used to seeing the clash of human reason and theology that objective justification is seen as just another one of those clashes.
But seeing how the Greek actually dictates against UOJ in the very "proof passages" themselves for objective justification......it's eye opening.
I've looked over each "proof passage" and am astonished at what is overlooked. (But then again, I am simpleminded and may be missing something myself.)
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By Norma Boeckler |
GJ - Well played, Simpleman. Luther argued that we must take away the weapons of the false teachers and defeat the opponents with their favorite tools. If that is not done, the toxic arguments remain.
Luther disparaged philosophy as the guarantor of good theology, but he could debate the papists with their own philosophical terms until who laid the rails (to quote Music Man).
WELS argues UOJ with grammar (not too well, but too often) and so must be defeated the same way.
Each passage has to be examined on its own merit and in the context of the Bible as one unified message of truth, the Book of the Holy Spirit.
Justification by Faith,
WELS Needs an NNIV Salesman for Northwestern Publishing House President
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Rob Bell is no ding-a-ling. He knows how to market Universalism and make big money at it. |
Rob Bell would be good. He is one of those Fuller products promoted and advanced by WELS leaders. Rob started a rock music group, another plus, and became a minister for an enormous congregation. His Mars Hill congregation did not like his Love Wins book. He is another one of those quasi-neo-crypto-Universalists, but he lacks the courage to admit it. He could make UOJ sound like magic, because he really has a way with words, more like a necromancer.
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NPH could distribute McCain's 138 gun videos. |
Paul McCain is comfortable with Thrivent and ELCA, but loves UOJ most of all. Some will object and say, "But McCain hates the NNIV and loves the ESV."
The genius of McCain, if any can be found, comes from his ability to pivot on any issue except UOJ. One day he will join farces with Tim Glende and publish on Tim's emergent church blog. The next day McCain will post a copied article against emergent church concepts.
Some days, McCain is death on Romanism. The next day he is plagiarizing anew that Roman Catholic website aimed at creating converts - New Advent.
As they say at Concordia Publishing House, while shopping from their high end catalogs, "Luther? Who he? ROTFLOL!"
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So much can be learned from Ski and Glende. |
Who better than Ski and Glende, that tag-team of Lutheran confidence artists, to run Northwestern Publishing House?
WELS has not had a decent leader or original idea since Hoenecke and Gausewitz died. Hoenecke was finally translated and promptly forgotten. Gausewitz was simply erased from synodical memory, after a polite eulogy. Didja know Gausewitz served Grace in Milwaukee? No? Neither does the current pastor, whose favorite topic is hisself.
Ski and Glende fit the WELS profile of rewarding the guilty and punishing the innocent.
Ski bombed at St. Marcus in Milwaukee. Was he kicked out? No, the whale called Jeske TOG Inc vomited him on the shores of Appleton, with Bishop Katie, where he was given enormous amounts of money to start an evening service at St. Peter Freedom, to tickle the itching ears of Fox Valley WELS members.
Fox Valley needed a ninth emergent church.
Glende has the kind of resume that WELS admires most. Ask Mark Freier, the highly paid consultant for John Parlow, also known for wrecking congregations. Glende took a large, thriving campus church with a building right on the U. of Illinois campus, and converted it into an insolvent, debt-ridden congregation (with a new name!) on the outside of town, next to a corn field and hog wallow.
Glende does not know anything about Lutheran doctrine, but he defends UOJ with all his might. As NPH co-president, he could just run a T1 line to Craig Groeschel's servers and copy everything.
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Paul Kelm invented kelming. copying without attribution while changing a few words. |
Paul Kelm is retiring from his chaplain's job at Wisconsin Lutheran College, a campus which has always maintained the cutting edge of Lutheran apostasy.
- Promote Church Growth? NWC.
- Hire a homosexual Roman Catholic archbishop to give public lectures? NWC.
- Defend the Martin Luther College gay video? NWC.
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Kelm is old enough to draw Social Security and earn a full-time income. Church Growth never sacrificed nothing for the cause. They make sure they go first class. This job would be a breeze for Kelm. He is a Leonard Sweet promoter. In fact, as host of the Sweet conference he would not even lower himself to answer those unwashed critics who dared to question his wisdom.
WELS appreciates leaders like that.
He is a true ecumenist. Kelm loves every dogma except his own.
There is nothing like a stole on an academic gown, combined with unearned doctoral stripes, to express the awkwardness of Larry Olson, DMin, Fuller Seminary.
If you want to know who worships Holy Mother WELS, just mention Larry Olson. The idolater will immediately defend Olson. "He's harmless. Everyone knows he's a heretic."
He cannot write or teach, so he is due for a promotion.
Job Details
Job Title: President
Department: Administration
Reports To: The NPH Board of Directors through the synod president or his designee.
JOB PURPOSE: The President is responsible for providing strategic leadership for NPH by working with the Board and other management to establish long-range goals, strategies, plans, and policies. This role is also responsible to plan, develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate the organization’s fiscal function and performance. Oversees all functional areas of Northwestern Publishing House including product development and production, Distribution, Order and Subscription services, NPH Christian Books and Gifts store, non proprietary merchandise buying, Human Resources, Finance/accounting, Information systems, Print buying, and Sales and marketing.
• In conjunction with division/department heads and the NPH Board of Directors annually review/revise the objectives and strategies of the NPH Strategic Plan.
• Recommend strategic direction to the NPH Board of Directors.
• As needed, recommend changes to the NPH investment policy established by the board.
• Recommend annual corporate and capital expenditure budgets for board approval.
• Develop agendas for Board and executive committee meetings and ensures compiled in a timely manner.
• Oversee that recommendations to the board from management are presented in a clear and organized manner.
• Oversee that the minutes from board meeting are accurate and archived properly.
• Develop the annual schedule of board meetings for approval.
• Provide reports/information/advice to the board as needed.
• Oversee that the mission and all operations of Northwestern Publishing House are carried out effectively.
• Oversee Human Resources, Finance/Accounting, and Information Systems in collaboration with the WELS Chief Financial Officer, Director of Human Resources and Chief Technology Officer, respectively.
• Evaluate and advise on the impact of the NPH long range plan and introduce new strategies as appropriate.
• Enhance and/or develop, implement and enforce policies and procedures of the organization that will improve the overall operation and effectiveness of NPH.
• Provide leadership and management to ensure that the mission and core values of the NPH are put into practice.
• Coordinate the strategic planning process with division and department heads.
• Establish and maintain contacts outside NPH to enhance the acceptance of Publishing House objectives, goals, products and services throughout the WELS.
• Ensure optimum utilization of the Publishing House's financial, physical, and human resources.
• Dispense advice, guidance, direction and authorization to carry out major plans and procedures that are consistent with established policies.
• Periodically review the by-laws and other documents that establish the legal status of the organization.
• Oversee that the organization meets all laws, regulations (local, state, national, international), and licensing or accreditation standards above and beyond the bare minimum required, including quality and safety.
• In conjunction with the NPH Director of Human Resources, monitor and determine staffing levels throughout the organization.
• Oversee that salaries/wages for each NPH employee are appropriate. Approve all wage increases.
• Recommend an annual corporate compensation plan to the board.
• In conjunction with the Director of Human Resources oversee that personnel policies and job descriptions are up-to-date and easily accessible.
• Oversee all capital building/grounds projects.
• Oversee the pricing of NPH products. Initiate increases in selling prices when necessary.
• Oversee sales and marketing efforts. Seek ways to increase sales and margins.
In collaboration with the Synod’s Chief Financial Officer:
• Oversee accounting, planning, financial reporting, tax filing, inventory and risk management functions.
• Develop and monitor accounting, planning, financial reporting, tax filing, inventory and risk management policies and procedures.
• Develop, maintain, and monitor the internal control structure and environment.
• Develop, maintain, and monitor financial reporting systems that provide timely, transparent, and accurate financial reports.
• Review short range and long range cash flow projections to maintain proper levels of working capital and to maximize investment returns.
• Review monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports and tax filings.
• Evaluate the long-term viability of the company's financial position.
• Develop, maintain and monitor risk management programs and measures.
• Develop, maintain, and monitor operating and capital budgets.
• Provide financial assessment of the impact of new products planned for by the Publishing Review Committee.
• Evaluate operational efficiency and effectiveness.
• Report and interpret corporate financial results to all levels of management and the Board of Directors. Take steps to insure that appropriate measures are taken to correct unsatisfactory conditions.
• Together with the Director of Accounting develop an annual corporate budget.
• Lead the NPH management team in formulating an annual operating budget for board approval that reflects an increase in net assets from operations.
• Prepare and present annual budget proposals for the Board of Directors.
• Review costs related to all publishing and advertising projects.
• Advise the Publishing Review Committee (PRC) regarding the financial impact of all matters relating to new products.
In collaboration with the WELS Chief Financial Officer;
• Develop maintain and monitor inventory management and control systems.
• Oversee the management of proprietary and non proprietary inventory to assure attainment of corporate goals regarding customer service, gross margin, and inventory turnover.
• Oversee that overall proprietary and non proprietary inventory is in line with sales.
• Oversee that slow moving proprietary and non proprietary inventory is addressed in a timely manner.
• Oversee product donations, special discounts, and discards of proprietary products.
• Oversee the timely reprinting of NPH products.
• Oversee the print buying area.
• Determine print quantities for all proprietary products.
• Together with the Director of Accounting update the corporate obsolescence policy when necessary.
• Annually prepare a list of products to be written off.
This position reports to the NPH Board of Directors.
Reporting directly to this office are:
• Vice President of Publishing Services
• Director of Human Resources and Customer Services
• Director of Accounting
• Director of Sales and Marketing
• Director of Information Systems
• An active member of the WELS
• An understanding of the mission of the WELS and Northwestern Publishing House
• Masters’ degree or equivalent; or a minimum of ten years related experience or equivalent combination of education and experience
• An experience leader and financial executive with appropriate experience preferably in the publishing industry
• A strategic visionary with sound technical skills, analytical ability, good judgment and strong operational focus
• An understanding of technology and how it applies to operating NPH and the products published
• A well-organized and self-directed individual who has the ability to effectively execute change when necessary
• Demostrated (sic) ability relate to people at all levels of an organization and possesses excellent communication skills [GJ - spelling don't count]
PS - Policy at corporations where resumes come in by the hundreds -
Reject any resume with a misspelled word.
Thus - Northwestern Publishing House.
Need I mention? Paul McCain cannot spell or edit worth a hoot. I would put his resume at the top of the pile.
Job Title: President
Department: Administration
Reports To: The NPH Board of Directors through the synod president or his designee.
JOB PURPOSE: The President is responsible for providing strategic leadership for NPH by working with the Board and other management to establish long-range goals, strategies, plans, and policies. This role is also responsible to plan, develop, organize, implement, direct and evaluate the organization’s fiscal function and performance. Oversees all functional areas of Northwestern Publishing House including product development and production, Distribution, Order and Subscription services, NPH Christian Books and Gifts store, non proprietary merchandise buying, Human Resources, Finance/accounting, Information systems, Print buying, and Sales and marketing.
• In conjunction with division/department heads and the NPH Board of Directors annually review/revise the objectives and strategies of the NPH Strategic Plan.
• Recommend strategic direction to the NPH Board of Directors.
• As needed, recommend changes to the NPH investment policy established by the board.
• Recommend annual corporate and capital expenditure budgets for board approval.
• Develop agendas for Board and executive committee meetings and ensures compiled in a timely manner.
• Oversee that recommendations to the board from management are presented in a clear and organized manner.
• Oversee that the minutes from board meeting are accurate and archived properly.
• Develop the annual schedule of board meetings for approval.
• Provide reports/information/advice to the board as needed.
• Oversee that the mission and all operations of Northwestern Publishing House are carried out effectively.
• Oversee Human Resources, Finance/Accounting, and Information Systems in collaboration with the WELS Chief Financial Officer, Director of Human Resources and Chief Technology Officer, respectively.
• Evaluate and advise on the impact of the NPH long range plan and introduce new strategies as appropriate.
• Enhance and/or develop, implement and enforce policies and procedures of the organization that will improve the overall operation and effectiveness of NPH.
• Provide leadership and management to ensure that the mission and core values of the NPH are put into practice.
• Coordinate the strategic planning process with division and department heads.
• Establish and maintain contacts outside NPH to enhance the acceptance of Publishing House objectives, goals, products and services throughout the WELS.
• Ensure optimum utilization of the Publishing House's financial, physical, and human resources.
• Dispense advice, guidance, direction and authorization to carry out major plans and procedures that are consistent with established policies.
• Periodically review the by-laws and other documents that establish the legal status of the organization.
• Oversee that the organization meets all laws, regulations (local, state, national, international), and licensing or accreditation standards above and beyond the bare minimum required, including quality and safety.
• In conjunction with the NPH Director of Human Resources, monitor and determine staffing levels throughout the organization.
• Oversee that salaries/wages for each NPH employee are appropriate. Approve all wage increases.
• Recommend an annual corporate compensation plan to the board.
• In conjunction with the Director of Human Resources oversee that personnel policies and job descriptions are up-to-date and easily accessible.
• Oversee all capital building/grounds projects.
• Oversee the pricing of NPH products. Initiate increases in selling prices when necessary.
• Oversee sales and marketing efforts. Seek ways to increase sales and margins.
In collaboration with the Synod’s Chief Financial Officer:
• Oversee accounting, planning, financial reporting, tax filing, inventory and risk management functions.
• Develop and monitor accounting, planning, financial reporting, tax filing, inventory and risk management policies and procedures.
• Develop, maintain, and monitor the internal control structure and environment.
• Develop, maintain, and monitor financial reporting systems that provide timely, transparent, and accurate financial reports.
• Review short range and long range cash flow projections to maintain proper levels of working capital and to maximize investment returns.
• Review monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports and tax filings.
• Evaluate the long-term viability of the company's financial position.
• Develop, maintain and monitor risk management programs and measures.
• Develop, maintain, and monitor operating and capital budgets.
• Provide financial assessment of the impact of new products planned for by the Publishing Review Committee.
• Evaluate operational efficiency and effectiveness.
• Report and interpret corporate financial results to all levels of management and the Board of Directors. Take steps to insure that appropriate measures are taken to correct unsatisfactory conditions.
• Together with the Director of Accounting develop an annual corporate budget.
• Lead the NPH management team in formulating an annual operating budget for board approval that reflects an increase in net assets from operations.
• Prepare and present annual budget proposals for the Board of Directors.
• Review costs related to all publishing and advertising projects.
• Advise the Publishing Review Committee (PRC) regarding the financial impact of all matters relating to new products.
In collaboration with the WELS Chief Financial Officer;
• Develop maintain and monitor inventory management and control systems.
• Oversee the management of proprietary and non proprietary inventory to assure attainment of corporate goals regarding customer service, gross margin, and inventory turnover.
• Oversee that overall proprietary and non proprietary inventory is in line with sales.
• Oversee that slow moving proprietary and non proprietary inventory is addressed in a timely manner.
• Oversee product donations, special discounts, and discards of proprietary products.
• Oversee the timely reprinting of NPH products.
• Oversee the print buying area.
• Determine print quantities for all proprietary products.
• Together with the Director of Accounting update the corporate obsolescence policy when necessary.
• Annually prepare a list of products to be written off.
This position reports to the NPH Board of Directors.
Reporting directly to this office are:
• Vice President of Publishing Services
• Director of Human Resources and Customer Services
• Director of Accounting
• Director of Sales and Marketing
• Director of Information Systems
• An active member of the WELS
• An understanding of the mission of the WELS and Northwestern Publishing House
• Masters’ degree or equivalent; or a minimum of ten years related experience or equivalent combination of education and experience
• An experience leader and financial executive with appropriate experience preferably in the publishing industry
• A strategic visionary with sound technical skills, analytical ability, good judgment and strong operational focus
• An understanding of technology and how it applies to operating NPH and the products published
• A well-organized and self-directed individual who has the ability to effectively execute change when necessary
• Demostrated (sic) ability relate to people at all levels of an organization and possesses excellent communication skills [GJ - spelling don't count]
PS - Policy at corporations where resumes come in by the hundreds -
Reject any resume with a misspelled word.
Thus - Northwestern Publishing House.
Need I mention? Paul McCain cannot spell or edit worth a hoot. I would put his resume at the top of the pile.
Northwestern Publishing House,
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