Friday, November 30, 2012

Brett Meyer to the Intrepid Lutherans

From: Brett Meyer <>
Date: Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Intrepid Lutherans] New comment on Christian Charity and Provisions for Amiable Separ....
To: Intrepid Lutherans <>

Thank you for your response and explanation Mr. Lindee.  It is difficult to be objective about the situation when you don't know what I wrote.  In fact it was simply the Scriptural extrapolation of what Daniel Baker stated in the second most recent post - to the effect that Universal Justification is a heresy.  Does IL disagree that teaching a heretical gospel removes the individual from Christ, the forgiveness of sins and salvation?  General Justification does exactly that as DP Buchholz clearly showed - those who teach Justification solely By Faith Alone are heretics and anathema in the (W)ELS.  Am I really breaking new ground by stating that as a fact?

Five years ago I began discussing the doctrine of Justification with Lutheran laity and clergy online and in my personal life and the most common thread of thought was that the differences between JBFA and UOJ were insignificant, despite my contention to the contrary.  A few weeks ago my contention was proven correct in a most vile and violent way in an open and public attack on Christ and His Church from within the (W)ELS.  Since the doctrine of General Justification has no Scriptural or Confessional support can it not be said that those who truly believe and confess it, to the point of excommunicating those who reject it, are not of Christ and therefore are not forgiven of their sin or eternally saved?  Is the preaching of God's Law restricted to the clergy as in the RCC or was it given to the priesthood of all believers?

You state, "I'm not convinced that any of these men, having an honest disagreement with you over the central message of Scripture, are offended to the point of literally hating you for any of these reasons."

Since we're talking about complete disagreement concerning the central doctrine of Scripture: Justification I disagree with your statement and refer to John 7:7, "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil."  Your statement implies that someone can teach a false gospel and not be affected to the point of hating by teaching contrary to the Triune God.  I am directly stating that I am correct in my confession of the doctrine of Justification and in the identification of those teachings that depart from it.  I have defended it from Scripture and the Confessions and have shown where the contrary teachings have contradicted both. 

I must disagree with your contention that I've condemned specific individuals to Hell.  That accusation is unfounded.  My public and private statements have always tied a specific confession to its Scriptural conclusion and not an individual as though I've decreed who is damned and who is saved.  There is a significant portion of the Lutheran Synod's slide into apostasy which is averse to absolutes.  I can no longer count the number of Lutheran's who disagree that those individuals in the Catholic church who truly confess and believe exactly what the RCC officially teaches stand condemned and under the wrath of God.  This is the same knee-jerk reaction that spawns the claim that I am condemning individuals to Hell.  You should ask them to prove it by providing my quotes. That being said,  I certainly hope that you are not saying that we cannot condemn confessions of belief that oppose the central doctrine of Scripture.

You state, "To be engaged in honestly, both parties need to display a willingness to be corrected."  I don't think I've ever engaged in a doctrinal discussion where the opposing view was not allowed to establish their contentions.  But if a Christian is defending verbatim quotations of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions how could there be a show of correctability?  In a discussion of subjective opinions, then yes, I agree completely.  But in regard to Scripture and the Confessions I disagree.  It is also typical of those who are teaching from authority that is not of Scripture to cry foul and claim their opponent is not willing to be corrected.  Was this same tactic not used against Pastor Rydecki?  You simply need to read the Bailing Water, LutherQuest and Extra Nos discussions concerning UOJ to see that I have been uterly patient and consistent in my defense of Scriptural and Confessional Justification while suffering the ad hominem and personal attacks so prevalent with UOJists.

I do appreciate the time you gave me in writing such a thorough response I find most of it to be driven by the opinions of third parities of which you received only their side of the story.  And considering the fact that most if not all of them have a long history of teaching and defending the false gospel of Universal Justification is it any wonder that they would "hate" me for publicly opposing their central doctrine?  Pr. Rydecki was just excommunicated by those men and women.  There are only a handful of men in the world (LITERALLY) who are publicly opposing the faith destroying false gospel of UOJ and IL chooses to reprimand me for being contentious to the point of people hating me.  Can there be enough opposition to that doctrine when your own IL founder has been excommunicated for opposing it?  And again, I have consistently condemned the doctrine and not the individuals. 

The problem Pastor Spencer has with me has been clearly taken to the point of utter childishness.  To remove one of my comments for the sole reason it was written by me, without regard to its veracity and faithfulness to Scripture is a practice that should be relegated to school yards and not theological blogs.  I'm offended that you recommend I apologize to Rev. Spencer when you don't even know what I'm being asked to apologize for.   That he would justify his deletions of my comments with the reason that I've offended him without explaining to the rest of the IL management what that justification entails is absurd.   I publicly contended against his public promotion of UOJ on the IL blog by posting a public statement against such promotion on Ichabod.  He complained to Pastor Jackson to which I replied and we exchanged two brief emails.  Neither of which contained any false accusations or false teachings and to which I cannot apologize.  (attached email files). 

You state, "Second, referring to those with whom you find yourself in disagreement as hell-bound reprobates, proclaiming them to be under Satan's dominion, declaring them the Gospel's enemy, or condemning them to an eternity of suffering in the torments of hell, simply will not be tolerated by us -- we can't tolerate such comments from anyone. And frankly, I'd suggest that you cease commenting on the internet like this in general."  I find this statement to completely disregard the specific doctrine at issue (Justification) which if one confesses faithfully to Scripture he is a Christian, receives the adoption of Sons, forgiven of all sin and saved eternally and which if one confesses contrary to Scripture he is not a Christian and remains under God's wrath and condemnation.  You may wish to boil the issue down to "those with whom you find yourself in disagreement" but it is wholly unfair, a false statement and slanderous.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer


GJ - I recall, since I got emails from Brett and Steve Spencer, that the issue was this - Brett saying UOJ was a minor or superficial matter was worse than Hochmuth's crime against children.

Spencer was extremely upset about that, even though that is precisely Luther's point about sins against the First Table. As Luther wrote, carnal sins harm the sinner (Hochmuth) but false doctrine murders souls. 

To cap the discussion, Spencer solemnly declared--about UOJ versus justification by faith--"a pox on both your houses."

In Shakespeare, a pox is syphilis. Spencer's prayer means - I hope you get syphilis. That may be Shakespearean, even Waltherian (given the STD of Bishop Stephan). 

I was extremely disappointed about this attitude of the Circuit Pastor and titular head of the Intrepid Lutherans. Indifference about the Chief Article of the Christian Faith makes me wonder, "Why be a pastor? To defend Holy Mother WELS? To get a classmate into the synod presidency?"


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer to the Intrepid Lutherans":

My exact statement to Pastor Spencer was, "If you won’t take a public stand against UOJ in the (W)ELS as your call requires of you then you’re no better than Hochmuth in the ongoing spiritual abuse of the laity you are responsible for."

The comparison is between WELS Communication's director Hochmuth sitting in Synod Headquarters watching young boys being homosexually raped and molested (specific charges by the United States FBI) and Lutheran clergy who have taken an oath before God to purely teach and defend Scripture and in accordance with the faithful Christian Book of Concord but instead sit silently by and refuse to publicly condemn the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification (UOJ) as their call requires. UOJ being a new and different gospel and way to righteousness before God which when truly confessed separates men, women and children from Christ, the forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation - Galatians 1. Those who knowingly sit by and watch silently as the sheep are slaughtered are called hirelings in the Bible. That was true in the Apostle John's day as it is in ours - John 10:12-13.

As to Doug Lindee's contention, "Doctrinal discussion/debate between parties with opposing views amounts to mutual admonition and correction. To be engaged in honestly, both parties need to display a willingness to be corrected,..." - I quote Martin Luther:

"Therefore, do not speak to me of love or friendship when anything is to be detracted from the Word or the faith; for we are told that not love but the Word brings eternal life, God's grace, and all heavenly treasures." 19 " In matters concerning faith we must be invincible, unbending, and very stubborn; indeed, if possible, harder than adamant. But in matters concerning love we should be softer and more pliant than any reed and leaf and should gladly accommodate ourselves to everything." 20 "Doctrine is our only light. It alone enlightens and directs us and shows us the way to heaven. If it is shaken in one quarter (in una parte), it will necessarily be shaken in its entirety (in totum). Where that happens, love cannot help us at all." 21 " But this tender mercy is to be exercised only toward Christians and among Christians, for toward those who reject and persecute the Gospel we must act differently; here I am not permitted to let my love be merciful so as to tolerate and endure false doctrine. When faith and doctrine are concerned and endangered, neither love nor patience are in order. Then it is my duty to contend in earnest and not to yield a hairbreadth." What Luther Says, II, 637f.

"However, if anything is undertaken against the Word, faith, and the honor of God, we are in no wise to preserve silence, are to bear it far less patiently. Then we should offer stubborn resistance."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, III, p. 1308. Sermon, 1523. 

Ecclesia Augustana: One of These Things Is Not Like The Others...

Ecclesia Augustana: One of These Things Is Not Like The Others...:

One of These Things Is Not Like The Others...

“We believe that God has justified all sinners, that is, he has declared them righteous for the sake of Christ. This is the central message of Scripture upon which the very existence of the church depends.”  ~  This We Believe, IV:1 

“Never does Paul teach universal justification. For as far as concerns 2 Corinthians 5, the words ‘not imputing their trespasses unto them,’ they are not to be understood universally about all men regardless of faith.”  ~  St. Aegidius Hunnius on behalf of the Wittenberg Faculty (as quoted in T. Hardt, "Justification and Easter").

“In the elect, who are justified by Christ and reconciled with God, God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who is the eternal and essential righteousness, dwells by faith (for all Christians are temples of God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who also impels them to do right), yet this indwelling of God is not the righteousness of faith of which St. Paul treats and which he calls iustitiam Dei, that is, the righteousness of God, for the sake of which we are declared righteous before God; but it follows the preceding righteousness of faith, which is nothing else than the forgiveness of sins and the gracious adoption of the poor sinner, for the sake of Christ's obedience and merit alone.”  ~ The Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord, III:54 

"[Psalm 130] Verse 4.--But mercy is with Thee, that Thou mayst be feared. [. . .] If God should deal sharply with us, then should our transgressions daily and continually move him to mark straitly, and sharply to punish us.  But he will not mark our iniquities.  This he requireth, that we believe in Christ.  Then will he bear with us, then will he wink at our weakness, and pardon our transgressions, yea, in respect of our faith in Christ, he will accept us as righteous.  [. . .]  Wherefore I will not despair, I will not suffer myself to be swallowed up with heaviness; but I will turn unto the Lord, who hath promised mercy, who also hath commanded that I should trust and believe in him.    Thus David setteth forth in this verse the sum and effect of all true Christian doctrine, and that sun which giveth light unto the church.  For whilst this doctrine standeth the church shall stand and flourish.  But when this doctrine faileth, the church must needs fail and fall to ruin.   ~ Blessed Martin Luther's Commentary on Psalm 130:4, (A Commentary on the Psalms called the Psalms of Degrees, pp. 358-359).

'via Blog this'

Let's Put a Few District Presidents in Prison for the Same Length of Time.
WELS DP Ed Werner Already Did Time in the Big House

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "LCMS Lay Pastor Convicted - But the Synod Official...":

The article says Schauer waived his right to having the jury decide whether his 1983 conviction constitutes aggravating circumstances that would ensure he gets a stricter (or maximum) sentence. I would bet the prosecutor demanded a jury trial because ever since 1983, Schauer was saying he was innocent, and people in the LCMS believed him, so just having a judge say he was guilty wasn't good enough this time. This other article says the jury trial lasted three days:

Former Lake George lay minister convicted of six sex crimes:

The Hubbard County Attorney's office on November 29, 2012, completed a three day jury trial concerning the case of State v. Darwin Frederick Schauer, DOB 09/21/1941 from Laporte.

Working That Didie-Changing Academy into the Documents

I miss those ads.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Day Care Dreams":

At my present tiny WELS congregation, we have had our first full time pastor since its formal charter was signed way back in 1974. He has been with us for four years now. After his first year, the synod cut off our home mission subsidy. I consider that to be a blessing. Within the past year, there has been something here called long range planning. Being a member there for three and a half years, I know most of the members well enough to know that this effort certainly did not come from the laity. Buried in the long range planning presentation was all of the usual tripe Kelmed from business methods. One detail raised a red flag right away. One of the goals was a day care center. I wondered if that was not part of the agenda from synod HQ. After all, we can barely support a full time pastor. Hmmmmm.


GJ - The concept of day-care being a money maker is absurd and dangerous. When everyone is in the business, the prices are beaten down. But why should a congregation be in the market place, competing against legitimate business while using its tax-favored status?

As I showed in the ELCA post, the motivation is money pure and simple.

WELS Circuit Pastor Steve Spencer is in a position to know about a lot of congregations. He wrote me that day-care is most often the death of a congregation.

Besides the obvious problems of stealing from the congregation to support jobs among a favored few, there is the alienation created by day-care versus the congregation. The members are not supporting a ministry to others but part-time and full-time jobs for a few. So who benefits? The favored few and the non-members who get subsidized baby-sitting.

Questions to Ask in the Parish

Is the day-care above all criticism?

Do people really know the total cost of the day-care business?

Are the day-care costs and contributions separated from the rest of the budget?

Are non-day-care staff allowed in that part of the building - or do they have their own domain?

Is it called a Christian academy when it is just another day-care business?

Paul McCain Has Another Roman Catholic Plagiarized Post - St. Andrew

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Paul McCain Has Another Roman Catholic Plagiarized...":

The Festival of St. Andrew the Apostle

And I quote:

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"Roads Go Ever, Ever On" - The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings

We were called the Garfield Gashouse Gang when we went to junior high.
Our elementary school produced engineers, lawyers, a doctor, an opera star,
a Broadway performer, teachers, and a psychologist.
When unpacking at our new home, I came across the high school newspaper that listed which colleges we were going to attend. There was my name, listing Augustana in Rock Island, where my mother graduated.

I thought, "How odd." That college choice meant I met the future Mrs. I. on the first day in class. We  married a few minutes after graduating from Augie. Because Chris' relatives lived in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, I had an interest in their seminary and went there. That led to Yale, because of a professor who came to visit the seminary and write a report on it.

There are many other coincidences, such as my sister-in-law babysitting for Stan Hauerwas, when he went from Augie to Notre Dame. She encouraged me to visit Stan, where I gleaned enough to apply there. One feature was - no application fee! I saved money by not applying anywhere else.

Notre Dame gave me access to an entire Protestant library they bought from a seminary closing, so I had the chance to study American Lutheran church history, doctrinal statements, the Social Gospel movement, and more. That opened my eyes to the gap between LCA claims and Lutheran doctrine.

My mother's class, two years younger than my own.
I hear from two of these families all the time, on Facebook.

LCMS Lay Pastor Convicted - But the Synod Officials Who Promoted Him Skate

LCMS sex offender Darwin Schauer was convicted.
Why are synod officials not going to prison?

Former minister convicted in northern Minnesota child sex case

A Hubbard County jury found Darwin Frederick Schauer, 71, of Laporte, guilty on six charges after a trial this week.
By: Forum Communications staff, Forum Communications
PARK RAPIDS, Minn. – A former minister in Cass Lake and Lake George was convicted Thursday after a jury found him guilty of six sex crimes involving a child.

A Hubbard County jury found Darwin Frederick Schauer, 71, of Laporte, guilty on six charges after a trial this week.

Schauer sexually assaulted his victim during a three-year period, starting in spring 2009.
The jury of eight women and four men finished deliberating Thursday, returning guilty verdicts against Schauer for two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, two counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct and two counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct. All the charges related to contact with a minor at least 13 years old, but less than 18, while Schauer was in a position of authority.

Schauer was charged with Fourteen Counts of Criminal Sexual Conduct of a minor at least thirteen but less than 18 years of age while being in a position of authority over the minor.
Prior to the jury receiving the case for deliberation, a judge dismissed eight allegations on the grounds of duplicity of the charges.

The most serious convictions of first-degree criminal sexual conduct each carry a maximum penalty up to 30 years in prison.

According to a news release, Hubbard County Attorney Donovan Dearstyne and Assistant County Attorney Erika Randall said they’ll seek an aggravated sentence for Schauer. At a Dec. 28 court hearing, the prosecutors plan to present evidence to support a stricter sentence, including criminal sexual conduct in 1983 in Nicollet County.
Schauer waived his right to have a jury determine whether or not he should receive an aggravated sentence.

Now Judge Paul Rasmussen will determine whether aggravating factors apply for Schauer’s sentencing.

The Park Rapids Enterprise reported Schauer, formerly a minister at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake George, retired from the church in 2008.

His arrest came after a complaint was filed March 4 with the Hubbard County Sheriff’s Office and an investigation was launched. Don Kirchner, who replaced Schauer as the church’s pastor, reported the incident that led to Schauer’s arrest.

At the time of that arrest, Kirchner issued a statement saying: “The congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake George is devastated by this terrible news. I’ve seen and shared in the members’ emotions that have moved from shock, to tears of grief, even to anger... But most of all and most importantly, our hearts and prayers go out to the young victim of these horrific acts.”
Schauer has been jailed since April in Hubbard County on $1 million unconditional bond.
The Enterprise also reported earlier this year that Schauer reached out to the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod’s South District and sought to continue work as a minister after the 1983 conviction.

By decade’s end, Schauer was admitted into a program for certification as a lay minister. Schauer’s first placement was with Immanuel Lutheran Church of Cass Lake, then Trinity Lutheran Church of Lake George, where he was commissioned as a lay minister. Initially a Black duck pastor mentored or supervised him, allegedly aware of Schauer’s criminal history. The Trinity and Immanuel parishes merged in 2000.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "The LCMS Case - Darwin Schauer - Convicted Sex Off...":

Interestingly, Schauer didn't do a plea deal (or bargain). Either the prosecuting attorney refused to offer him a deal, or he opted for a jury trial:

Former minister convicted in northern Minnesota child sex case

A Hubbard County jury found Darwin Frederick Schauer, 71, of Laporte, guilty on six charges after a trial this week:

Don Kirchner, who replaced Schauer as the church’s pastor, reported the incident that led to Schauer’s arrest.