Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WELS Conference of Presidents Has an Annual Deluxe Vacation in the Tropics

Black macaques in Indonesia
The Missouri Synod is not alone in having a luxury vacation for their mini-popes.

WELS has one every year in the Tropics, when it costs the most. 

Fie on goodness. The WELS leaders lap up the cream. They devour the living of widows and orphans.

They will probably congratulate Buchholz for being a stalwart leader of UOJ Enthusiasm.

They will give Engelbrecht Humperdink tips on plagiarism.

They will give Mark Schroeder new advice on how to act helpless.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Same Sex Blessing Spreads throughout The Episcopal Church.
Lenski: "Resist the Beginnings

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Same Sex Blessing Spreads throughout The Episcopal Church:

Same Sex Blessing fever spreads throughout The Episcopal Church 
More than two thirds of the domestic dioceses give their blessing to partnered same gender relationships

By David Virtue with Mary Ann Mueller
November 28, 2012 

Since The Episcopal General Convention passed A049 at last July's General Convention in Indianapolis, the trickle of Episcopal dioceses that have authorized Same Sex Blessings has now become a veritable flood. According to Virtueonline's exhaustive research, 69 domestic dioceses have decided to fully embrace and allow for the provisional Same Sex Blessing ceremony to be celebrated within their borders.

Virtueonline called each diocese or churches within the diocese to ascertain if SSB was permissible; checking diocesan and congregational websites for their posted information on SSB; and researching the Internet for published stories about Episcopal bishops who have announced their intensions - for or against - concerning a pastoral response for partnered same-gender relationships.

VOL learned those dioceses giving a nod to SSB include: Arizona, Arkansas, Bethlehem, California, Central New York, Central Pennsylvania, Chicago, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, East Tennessee, Eastern Michigan, Eastern Oregon, Easton, El Camino Real, TEC Fort Worth, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indianapolis, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Long Island, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Newark, North Carolina, Northern California, Northern Michigan, Northwestern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Olympia, Oregon, Pennsylvania, TEC Quincy, Rio Grande, Rochester, San Diego, TEC San Joaquin, Southeast Florida, Southern Ohio, Southern Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, Spokane, Texas, Upper South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington DC, West Missouri, West Tennessee, Western Michigan, Western New York, Western North Carolina, and Wyoming.

Even though these dioceses permit or will be permitting SSB, there are some tight guidelines. These guidelines vary from diocese to diocese. In some dioceses, the bishop is the final determiner on which couples can participate in the ceremony. Some dioceses allow for SSB in certain churches only. So there is a wide variation in how SSB is being implemented throughout The Episcopal Church. 

As Advent approaches, the 19 dioceses which said that SSB is not a part of their liturgical offerings included: Alabama, Alaska, Albany Central Florida, Dallas, East Carolina, Eau Claire, Florida, Fond du Lac, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Northern Indiana, Oklahoma, Springfield, Tennessee, West Texas, Western Kansas, and Western Louisiana. 

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VirtueOnline - News. Laity Turn Down Women Bishops in the Church of England!

The agony - holding back the tears of pain, betrayal, and rage.

VirtueOnline - News:

And so it came to pass that the laity in the Church of England rose up and declared they would not have women bishops to reign over them. The vote was admittedly only six votes, but six votes are six votes. The issue cannot be revisited until a new Synod is elected in 2015.

Liberals and progressives along with homosexuals and lesbians are in "tears" and "agony" over this defeat. So is the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and the soon to be Archbishop Justin Welby who both spoke up in favor of the measure. It was a bitter pill for Williams to swallow as he is out the door in five weeks, another example of his failed incumbency. His legacy lies in ruins. It's a bad start for Welby.

Williams said in the aftermath of that decision, the church risks being seen as "willfully blind" to the demands from wider British society; it must do away with institutional and theological sexism.

"We have, to put it very bluntly, a lot of explaining to do," he told the General Synod. "Whatever the motivation for voting yesterday, whatever the theological principle on which people acted and spoke, the fact remains that a great deal of this discussion is not intelligible to our wider society. Worse than that, it seems as if we are willfully blind to some of the trends and priorities of that wider society."

He added, "We have some explaining to do, we have as a result of yesterday undoubtedly lost a measure of credibility in our society."

What sort of explaining to society is it that the church is supposed to do exactly? The church is a counter culture. We are told not to "conform to this present age", we are not to be lovers of the world system, we stand in opposition not apposition to society. The church is not supposed to embrace the mood of a transient culture; to do so will soon enough make it a widow. He makes it sound as though it was a power play and he and his fellow liberals lost.

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Extra Nos: Hunnius proves Steadfast Waltherians are Huberites

Extra Nos: Hunnius proves Steadfast Waltherians are Huberites:

Hunnius proves Steadfast Waltherians are Huberites
UOJers, all of them, teach that there is a justification that has occurred 2000 years ago to the whole human race. Since this occurred before you were born, then this occurred outside of faith. They call this objective justification.

What is the favorite Scripture they use to promote this?

 It is Romans 4:25. They believe right here in this verse, St. Paul is teaching a justification that occurred without any reference to faith

 Here is an example.

 1.) From again Steadfast Waltherian group found here, Jim Pierce writing:

In wrapping up my answer, we can talk about the entire human race, or the world, being justified—just as the Scriptures do (Ro 4:25)—as the action God took in response to Jesus’ resurrection from the dead where the Law is concerned
2.) From my interaction with one adherent of UOJ:

ME: "Joe it is different because Brett and I do not believe in the starting point that there is justification that has happened FOR all men without faith or without regard to faith. That is difference. The difference is that we do not posit or assert a universal justification."
Joe: You are speaking against Romans 4:25.

3.) Again from a post just recently by a Steadfast Waltherian blogger found here. To prove the existence of an objective justification that occurred outside of faith, the blogging pastor says this (apparently taken from Francis Pieper):

Romans 4:25: He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. “To refer to the words: Who was raised again for our justification,” to the so-called subjective justification, which takes place by faith, not only weakens the force of the words, but also violates the context.”3

It is evident just from the sampling on how Romans 4:25 is being used that without a doubt, UOJers in general and the Steadfast Waltherians in particular believe in a justification that occurred without reference to faith.

What does Aegidius Hunnius say?

Hunnius :
Thesis 6
Hence Paul, when he expressly discusses justification in Romans 3 and 4, does not know of a justification apart from faith, and especially as Galatians 2 plainly says, "Man is not justified except by faith in Jesus Christ."

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Episcopal Conservative Gives Some Historical Perspective

Bow, bow to the Episcopal PB Katie Schori.

1236 Waterford Rd., West Chester, PA  19380
(610) 431-2823 | www.VirtueOnline.org
                                                                                                             December 2012
Dear VOL Friend and Loyal Supporter,
In 1979 I wrote my first editorial as Managing editor of the Virginia CHURCHMAN. It was titled Gay is Not Okay. Needless to say, my stay in the diocese was short-lived. At the time I was dubbed extreme, shrill and strident.

Who would have thought that 33 years later The Episcopal Church would have openly gay and lesbian bishops, even more closeted homosexual bishops, and now a growing number of transgendered priests in Episcopal pulpits! A public bathroom at the recent Indianapolis General Convention was marked “Neutral Gender Restroom”. One can only imagine what a St. Paul, an Athanasius, a Cranmer or a Wesley would have had to say looking at this and then exploding with wrath and indignation at how this violated Scripture, Tradition, Reason, the righteousness and character of God and the holiness we are called to put on – however imperfectly we may wear that mantle.

Who would have thought that entire dioceses would, in time, up and leave (the most recent being South Carolina), following The Episcopal Church’s sordid consecration of a homosexual bishop! After that, they would watch as the small trickle of Episcopalians leaving TEC become a massive flood leading to the formation of a new Anglican missionary province in North America (ACNA) that is recognized by a large number of Global South provinces and archbishops who represent the vast majority of the Communion’s 77 million Anglicans.

A decade ago no one would have believed this possible. So it has become. The end is still not in sight. Today millions of dollars are being spent litigating for properties that rightfully belong to those who built and paid for them and who worshipped and honored God in them. Archbishops in provinces of the Anglican Communion will no longer sit at the same table with Episcopal Church leaders. Still the Episcopal Church stumbles blindly forward hoping it can steer a way through the ecclesiastical minefield offering canards of inclusivity and d

The Global South has distanced itself from North American Anglican jurisdictions they believe have become heterodox in faith and morals. A new Archbishop of Canterbury could be a game changer for the Anglican Communion starting in 2013.

VOL is the largest, most widely read, Internet online media news service for Anglican orthodoxy. We bring you the news from local, national and global reporters. We are the primary source of news for Anglicans in more than 200 countries.

We operate on a very slender budget. We make it work on only a tiny fraction of what corporate newsrooms have to spend. We use the widow’s mite to the fullest. As we go into 2013, we need your generous and prayerful financial support. We honestly cannot do this gospel work without you. Even though the news is free it costs money to find it, write it, maintain a world-class website and send out weekly digests to thousands of you, our VOL readers every week. There are no paid subscribers, just supporters like you, so every contribution counts no matter how small.

Please take a moment to first remember us in prayer and then, if you are able to make out a check, send it to:

1236 Waterford Rd.,
West Chester, PA 19380

ELCA PB Mark Hanson and Episcopal PB Schori
have decimated their denominations.
WELS and Missouri work with both groups - happily, joyfully, greedily -
through Thrivent Insurance.


GJ - Virtue Online has been my reliable source of Episcopal news for some years. Years before the 2009 vote in ELCA, I was publishing VO and asking why ELCA was still together,

Hanson and Schori have worked together to ruin whatever was left of their denominations. I was impressed that current Episcopal bishops were willing to risk everything and take their dioceses out of the denomination.

Courts have set aside the law to let Schori grab property that belonged to congregations long before The Episcopal Church existed as a corporation. That said, the Presiding Bishop does not own any congregation's property. But the Great Dragon went ahead and stole whatever she could and slandered her own bishops. She even took out a large loan against the headquarters building to use as cash for endless lawsuits.

This matters to "conservative" Lutherans because they support continued religious work with ELCA and The Episcopal Church. Missouri and WELS are in bed with the gay activists and loving it.


bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Episcopal Conservative Gives Some Historical Persp...":

A liberal Episcopal church in CA, in fellowship with the main E.P. body, is letting Islamists have their convention in their church.

The Muslim Public Affairs Council’s choice of location for its 12th Annual Convention on December 15 is telling: The All Saints Episcopal Church of Pasadena, California.

s an Episcopal Church, All Saints is also connected to a wider network of faith communities locally, nationally and globally.

• We are one of the 147 congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.
• The Diocese of Los Angeles is one of 110 dioceses in The Episcopal Church.
• The Episcopal Church is one of 38 provinces in the worldwide Anglican Communion.