Saturday, May 4, 2013

ChurchMouse on Becoming Missional

ChurchMouse relaxes.

churchmousec ( has left a new comment on your post "The New Legalism: Missional, Radical, Narcissistic...":

Thank you, Dr Jackson, for this timely post. I shall be borrowing from it in the days to come.

This is an excellent summary of what Christianity faces today in the West. It also answers several questions of mine, as I observe from across the pond.

I am very happy that David Platt was mentioned. (I've always had my suspicions ...) He gets a lot of mistakenly positive traction on Protestant blogs written by those in their twenties and thirties.

Thank you also for citing the Aquila Report (one of the most popular Calvinist news/opinion sites in the US ;) ).

May God continue to bless you and yours.



GJ - You are welcome. The article was impressive in its detail and discernment.

This becoming missional fanaticism is the new law on Mt. Sinai, without the benefit of God's inspiration. I saw it in the Church Growthism in WELS in Columbus, Ohio, and it worse in Fox Valley, Wisconsin.

I will link that Aquila Report and catch up on the news there.

PS - I just read some of the report about Wesley's marriage - another great article.

After Welcoming Time of Graceless Coaching into LMCS RSO Status,
That Status Is Demi-Semi Revoked. Wink. Wink.
WELS Is Pure Again. Ecclesia Immaculata

Worshipful Master Mark Jeske will lead you into all truths.
Do not be distracted by the Dollar Sign Constellation, which orbits around him.
Or does he orbit around it?

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Efficacy of the Word and Justification by Faith. ":

I vote in the affirmative for "church-sin" to be added to the Icha-Slang Lexicon.

Speaking of "Time of (Dis)Grace," this is interesting (from the WELS COP Page):

"Time of Grace, a media ministry affiliated with WELS, is no longer considered to be a “Recognized Service Organization (RSO)” of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). “RSO” is the designation that the LCMS gives to organizations it considers to be consistent with its aims and can be utilized and supported by LCMS members.

"The LCMS informed Time of Grace of this change in status because its board of directors does not meet the criteria necessary for Recognized Service Organizations. One of those requirements is that a significant number of RSO board members must be members of Missouri Synod congregations.

"Even though it no longer has RSO status, the LCMS still considers Time of Grace to be a useful Gospel-media company that LCMS members and congregations may utilize and support."

This is humorous. The SynCons roll their eyes in disgust at the other SynCons, but still are allowed to work with them. The LCMS should be discouraging its members from supporting such purpose-driven rubbish. This is no different than Thrivent, LWR, and LWF. No, the LCMS is not an LWF member, but they fellowship with LWF members, the ELCK for one.

I recall my days as the "trouble-making" stewardship director at my former parish. Part of my training was learning to jump through the hoops to get Thrivent loot. At the most, it was probably fifteen-hundred dollars per year. When I became educated about Thrivent, I brought up at a council meeting the fact that we were essentially working with ELCA, while always condemning them. The response I received was, "Do you boycott Ford and Chevy for doing bad things?"

This proves that money is the SynCon Sacrament.


Is that Katy Perry's bosom buddy in Oompa Loompa make-up?

GJ - Lutheran organizations and their relationships are an amusing hobby of mine. I have spent a lot of time reading reports and looking over figures. WELS, Missouri, the Little Sect, and ELCA are all involved in interlocking relationships so memberships as such are meaningless.

All of them are part of the Lutheran World Federation, which overlaps with Lutheran World Relief and other agencies. LWF is a communion of communions, so they are all part of ELCA. The National Council of Churches and World Council of Churches are dear to ELCA plans and budgets, so the communication of attributes shows that WELS, ELS, yea even the micro-mini sects participate in the WCC and NCC.

Thrivent is an even larger umbrella, embracing the United Nations, the Unitarian-Universalist Association, all religions, and heaven only knows what else.

Money is laundered back and forth so the right people can be told that "We are not part of that but we do support it through back channels." The wrong people (who like Ichabod) are told, in horrified tones, "No! We have never been members of that demonic agency."

For instance, a large grant will go from the Marvin Schwan Foundation to the WELS Kingdom Workers. Where does it go from there?

Marvin Schwan - 2011 report to the IRS:

WELS Kingdom Workers - 2005 report to the IRS:

According to WELS Kingdom Workers, the individual chapters get their dough and spend it. How do they spend it? That would be an interesting quest.

And they are all working together. Those who cooperate also benefit from the grants. Those who object are frozen out.

Efficacy of the Word and Justification by Faith.

Who faithfully interprets the Word of God?
Dr. Martin Luther or
CFW Walther, BA,
Stephan's pimp and enforcer.

Luther devastated all future UOJ claims by teaching the true meaning of the Cantate Gospel.

"The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, because they do not utterly trust in Me for the forgiveness of sin." [New Jackson Living Paraphrase]

KJV John 16:8 And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of
judgment: 9 Of sin, because they believe not on Me;

As most readers know, the Holy Spirit can often be replaced with the Word of God, because they always work together.

"The Word of God will convict the world of sin, because they do not utterly trust in Me for the forgiveness of sin." [New Jackson Living Paraphrase Commentary]

There is a distinct difference, so no one can say, the Father, the Son, and the Word of God. Such distinctions are never imagined by the UOJ Storm-Brownies, who think the atonement and justification are exactly the same. They even imagine that their favorite word grace removes faith from justification and election, so they will quote Ephesians on "saved by grace" but eliminate faith from that quotation - as one WELS congregation did on their church-sin. [A church-sin is a church sign used to promote false doctrine or cutesy-wutesy coaching tips. Please vote if this term is worthy of the Icha-slang dictionary.]

What's missing on this WELS church-sin: faith!
As of today, this is the timeline cover photo for faith-less Faith Church.

The Word of God is always efficacious, just like the rain and snow coming down from heaven. Just as the rain and snow will inevitably have an effect, so will the Word of God. Isaiah 55:8ff.

Those who deny John 16:8-9 also oppose the doctrine of the Holy Spirit at work through the Word. Those who think they have to help the Word of God through entertaining, screaming, and bawling, are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. They have taken the first steps toward complete unbelief and they have started their blind followers on the same journey.

Justification by faith is quite simple. The preaching of the Gospel plants and sustains faith by the work of the Holy Spirit in the Word. Those words are often recited by Church Growth Enthusiasts, at least in part. The late Waldo Werning was famous for copying Church Growth insights and adding "through the Holy Spirit in the Word," but the message was attenuated at best.

We had an issue with our Ustream broadcasts. Speaking came through well, but music had all varieties of distortions and sour sounds. This shift came with better Ustream technology. The answer was moving the plug away from the interference on the back of the computer, where interference from various sources mangled the music. LI suggested the plug on top, far away from the others on the back of the computer, completely apart - just as the Word must be completely apart from human books and not mingled and distorted by them.

The entire Bible is a sermon about Jesus, as Luther said. The only purpose of the Bible is to create faith in Christ, which is why the Holy Spirit wrote, published, and promoted the Scriptures. If God is going to write only one book, He is going to give it 100%. No other book is written by God, so no other book or conference essay should be regarded as equal or superior to the Scriptures.

Every verse of the Bible is hyper-linked to all other verses, so that sections that baffle us are illuminated by the ones clear and simple for us to understand. The baffling passages are not God's fault, but ours for sticking with our human assumptions and supposed wisdom.

John 16:8-9 teaches us to cast aside all human wisdom and trust only in the Word that gives us faith and forgiveness. The Word, whether visible in the Sacraments or invisible in teaching and preaching, gives us Christ. The visible and invisible Word is the Instrument of God's Grace.

Therefore, preaching the Gospel, which includes separating the Law from the Gospel, is always going to have a positive effect, which can often include dividing a congregation or synod. The ELCA finally woke up to this when the 2009 convention approved homosexual ordination and marriage. One faction continues on its merry--or rather--gay journey, while the other faction has worked hard to depart. Although many remnants of the old liberalism remain in LCMS and NALC, the departing ELCA members have found the pruning to be productive and fruitful.

The SynCons major in doing rather than believing. They do not care what someone teaches and believes, as long as he belongs to the right group (theirs) or the right three groups (in Jeske's case). A corollary is that a leader in the right group cannot be wrong, because the Holy Spirit will not allow a leader of their group to wrong (exactly as Rome teaches).

The answer to "What must I do to be saved?" is clear. "You must join our sect." Therefore, the sect is efficacious and the Word is not. The Law saves. Moses is the savior and Jesus is the law-giver.

No wonder people are leaving in droves. When the sheep are being flogged, scattered, slaughtered, and poisoned, the flock will diminish.

The Word of God turned water into wine,
so why do we need secular methods and man's wisdom?

Ski Still Welcomes People to the CORE on Their Websty.
Katy Perry Is the Wrong Message - From Narrow-Minded.


Since some of the WELS clergy like to schmooze with Katy Perry, I thought I would share some of the research I have found.  The kids at work have her blaring on the radio, along with Kesha and other assorted floozies, so I catch some of the lyrics.  Fortunately, I am getting old and can't understand most of the words.  She is appalling, so I understand if you don't want to share the lyrics and cleavage shots on Ichabod.  

We wonder why Western Civilization is crumbling; and I wonder why Pietists want to affiliate with the likes of Katy Perry.  This is evidence that Pietism leads to Antinomianism: 

[The first two links contain offensive content - Perry's lyrics.The third describes Katy's father's reaction to her career and concerts.]
Katy's father is Pentecostal minister, so they are actually very similar to WELS.

Church and Changers grab all the money - they even have training sessions
on how to do this better than the rest.

GJ - I am sure DP Doug Engelbrecht is pulling a fast one again, just as he did when a group of pastors and laity made an appointment to meet with him years ago. Glende and Ski always get their way with Engelbrecht.

Click on the tedious websty of The CORE. The first page begins with "A Message from Pastor Ski." 

But he resigned as of April 12, 2013, so he is no longer a pastor and no longer at The CORE.

And his face is used to talk to visitors as well - oh so funny. The only change is the obvious contact information being removed.

All the Ski material was removed when the charges began to surface. No opening welcome, etc. Then Ski came back to stay.

Insiders can log in and find out the rest of the story...perhaps. Engelbrecht is not known for telling the truth, but what WELS DP has that reputation? Like all bullies, they are spineless when confronted. "They fight without discipline and run without shame," as Gibbon wrote about the Muslim warriors who became too comfortable.

Ski was thrilled to pose with Andy Stanley, Babtist gay activist
and mentor to Fox Valley WELS.