2138 has left a new comment on your post "Ominous - No Views for The CORE's Video Announceme...":
Preached 2-17-13. The Core, Appleton, WI:
Could compare it with the original for a dollar (no thanks):
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Notes page from the Core:
Cody Church of the Nazarene, Cody, WY. Something looks familiar here:
Preached 5-30-10. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Joplin, MO:
Preached 3-7-11. Creekside Community Church, Katy, TX. This guy at least said where he adapted it from:
Keywords: believe the best, assume the worst, gaps
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GJ - The plagiarized sermons - all denominations - have the same sound to them: multi-part series, cutesy titles, the same text with the same cutesy title, often the same text and title preached in various denominations on the same Sunday.
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Plagiarism at The CORE - Approved by DP Doug Engel...": Ichabod - This is one of the things that was revolting to me at Bethel Lutheran here in Bay Co. Michigan. I was able to confirm one plagiarized sermon. But, where there is one; it logically follows: e pluribus unum. Nathan M. Bickel www.thechristianmessage.org www.moralmatters.org |