Monday, June 24, 2013

Wings for Jesus - But No Real News.
Selling Wings To Support the Stinky Old Bar, Which WELS Already Paid For

Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser Day
WhenMonday, Jun 24, 2013
Where3201 E Calumet St; Appleton, WI (map)
DescriptionHungry? Want your food purchase to benefit the CORE's building fund? Visit Buffalo Wild Wings on Calumet Street in Appleton….tell them you're there to support the CORE. BWW will donate a portion of their food sales to our church! Happy eating! (Email for your ticket to take to BWW with you!)


St. Peter Lutheran School
N2740 French Road, Appleton, WI 54913

2013-14 School Year Tuition Information for 5K - 8th Grade
St. Peter/Core Member 1st Child $1690
St. Peter/Core Member 2nd Child $1590
St. Peter/Core Member 3rd Child $1490
St. Peter/Core Member 4th Child $1390

2013-14 School Year Tuition Information for 5K - 8th Grade
Friend of St. Peter 1st Child $3750
Friend of St. Peter 2nd Child $3650
Friend of St. Peter 3rd Child $3550
2013-14 School Year Tuition Information for 5K - 8th Grade

Friend of Area WELS Church $4550 per child
2013-14 School Year Tuition Information for 4K Program

Full Day with Extended Care: 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
 3 days a week: $2600 full year cost
 5 days a week: $3800 full year cost
Full Day Program: 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
 3 days per week: $2200 full year cost
 5 days per week: $3400 full year cost
Morning Program: 7:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
 3 days per week: $1100 full year cost
 5 days per week: $1700 full year cost

Episcopal Church and the New Morality - VirtueOnline - News

VirtueOnline - News:

The Episcopal Church and the New Morality
How pansexuality has affected the whole Anglican Communion

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue 
June 22, 2013

Watching the Episcopal Church struggle with morality is a bit like watching an alcoholic who still resists the idea that something drastic needs to happen for him to turn his life around. 

The truth is there isn't much left to argue over. The Episcopal Church, like the alcoholic, is sodomizing itself out of existence, slowly but surely, with closing parishes and merging dioceses. It has resisted calls for spiritual cure and the idea of intervention is not on anybody's radar screen. It may take another 20 years or so, but the trajectory is there and the decline inevitable. Shrinkage is everywhere. More and more parishes have part time retired non-stipendiary priests and more dioceses will merge. The average age of Episcopalians is in their mid-Sixties, their congregations under 70.

It was revealed this week that The Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, which is about to get a new bishop and is the sixth largest in the nation, has 47,092 baptized congregants but an ASA of only 14,000. If this diocese was traded on NASDAQ, you certainly wouldn't buy stock in the company.

A diocesan profile, published last July, mentions "institutional decline," "cultural change" and "economic distress" as some of its most pressing issues. Some 67 congregations (out of 151) in the diocese function on less than $150,000 a year, and are, therefore, unable to hire full-time priests or carry out effective missions. Many have closed as a consequence. Attendance among those aged 20 to 40 is at its lowest in years. As a whole, communication between congregations and the diocese is fractured, a recent profile revealed. Inclusivity and diversity (pandering to sodomy) has not brought about the desired growth a liberal and revisionist TEC leadership had hoped for. New Jersey is not the only diocese in this state. The Diocese of Newark is having exactly the same problems only worse. Most dioceses are suffering in one form another from the same statistical decline.

TEC has gone the whole nine yards of LGBTQI sexualities with the only "immorality" left being adultery, unless of course you leave your wife for a man. In that case, you can plead you were really gay all along like Otis Charles and Gene Robinson and become a hero in your own eyes and the eyes of the church. Your story will end well with tons of empathy, a better job, and international travel to tell your "story" about your newfound sexual preference. You will hit the big time with a US president; make The New York Times and the Huffington Post. 

Of course, these two men are not strictly homosexuals. They are bisexuals having married women and fathered children, but that is conveniently overlooked by revisionists and might be deemed nit picking. We certainly don't want that.

We should not overlook the fact that when she was Bishop of Nevada, Katharine Jefferts Schori brought into the church a known pedophile, a certain Bede Parry and allowed him to function as a priest, which we now see revealed her true hand. She would later reinforce this by deposing orthodox bishops who did not share her less than transcendent views on pansexuality.

Of course, you can up the media stakes if you imply or infer that Jesus might himself be gay because of his relationship with John the Beloved who "leaned on Jesus' breast", thus enhancing the story with innuendo and lies. This, of course, gets instant press and you solidify yourself as a foremost theological thinker in the avant-garde of progressive Christian thought. Blessed are the pansexualists for they shall obtain media attention.

On the lesbian front, (the Rev.) Susan Russell was also married, had a couple of kids and then discovered she had a preference for her own species. She has been bleating her lesbian inclusiveness far and wide ever since from the pulpit of her California parish to people who simply want an endorsement of their aberrant sexual behaviors. She now has reinforcement from a lesbian bishop in Los Angeles. Fiat Lux.

VOL is still trying to figure out how one can have a committed, loving, affirming, procreative, lifelong Bi-sexual relationship approved of by General Convention.

Still and all, pansexuality does exclude bestiality and pedophilia, but there are efforts underway to lower the age of consent and someone is trying to find a gene to say they were born that way. How helpful.

This has outraged Global South Anglicans who have, to all intents and purposes, disassociated themselves from the West, perhaps permanently. No formal schism of course, but no shows are now common and will only increase if the perception is that Archbishop Justin Welby cannot or is unwilling to rein in a growing revisionist west that has, to all intents and purposes, abandoned the gospel. (Does one really think that Katharine Jefferts Schori is a Christian with her comments about personal salvation, the spirituality of the demon-possessed girl, et al?).

It is hard for us to believe that Welby is not fully aware of the situation in North America. He recently spent four hours in private talks with ACNA Archbishop Robert Duncan in London where one can only assume Duncan laid it all out for him. The fact that Welby is part Jewish gives him a leg up on the intelligence ladder. He can surely spell SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST and EPISCOPAL/ANGLICAN REVISIONISM without consulting a dictionary.

Whether he likes it or not, the whole pansexual agenda of the west remains the lightning rod issue for Anglican anger and division.

The US, Canada, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Europe, Mexico, New Zealand, most of Australia, Brazil and most of Central America have bought into the gay agenda, hook, line and sinker. There is no going back. Both the state and the churches in many of these countries are in sync with each other. As the state goes, so go many of the mainline churches. The churches are no longer a counter culture; they have drunk the cultural Kool Aid.

Only the small (but growing) orthodox Anglican parishes in the US and Canada, Recife in Brazil, Sydney Australia (perhaps Melbourne),Nelson, New Zealand, ALL of Africa except Southern Africa (Central Africa was touch and go for a while but stepped back from the brink) Egypt, but not the rest of the Middle East, India and the Indian Ocean, Honduras in Central America, South East Asia and nearly all of Latin America have resisted the siren call to sodomite acceptance. 

Some may yet roll with money from TEC, and the increasing cry of gays yelling and screaming homophobia and hate at any perceived resistance.

Africa remains the strongest bulwark against full inclusion of homosexual behavior. The two strongest voices are Archbishop Nicholas Okoh of Nigeria, who heads the largest (21 million) Anglican province in the communion, and Kenyan Archbishop Eliud Wabukala who heads FCA/GAFCON. Other archbishops include those from Rwanda, Uganda, West Africa et al. Together (with the rest of Africa) they make up more than 75% of the Anglican Communion.

That is what Welby must reckon with.

To a large extent, he has already blown it by endorsing civil partnerships in England while eschewing gay marriage. The Pope praised him for that, but what of their private conversations. Rowan Williams felt blindsided when Pope Benedict announced an Ordinariate as a safe harbor for under siege Anglo-Catholics. Williams proved wishy washy over homosexuality. He tried to maintain the fiction that he could maintain what he held privately about homosexuality in his book The Body's Grace, while publicly upholding the church's received teaching on the subject. That did not work. He resigned nine years before he had to. His Covenant lies in ruins.

It would appear that Welby is heading down the same road. If and when he and Nigerian Primate Nicholas Okoh meet to talk about his recent actions, one might see Lambeth Palace implode. It'll make Guy Fawkes Day look mild.

The West can run up the victory flag over pansexuality and the Holy Spirit may have departed for more receptive spiritual climes, but the game is not over. We are told that the gates of Hell will not prevail against His church. 

The irony should not be missed. The very gospel Western missionaries took to Africa, Asia and Latin America is now coming back to the West with an educated fervor for the Good News that even the Wesley's could not match. It is darkest before the dawn, but the dawn we do know comes. We only have to wait, be faithful and pray.


'via Blog this'

Edward Preuss, Who Left Concordia St. Louis To Join the Papists, Is Still Cited in Favor of UOJ

Paul McCain, MDiv, recently posted this
on his blog.
He is a constant promoter of UOJ.

David Boisclair has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Enthusiasts Are All Law - Except for Themselve...":

In the mentioning of Eduard Preuss we have displayed for us another classic fallacy: GUILT BY ASSOCIATION. Just because he later became a Romanist, the masterful study he did on the Justification of the sinner before God is wrong. Gregory Jackson too is a fanatic by the way.

Jack Cascione posted this to show
that Robert Preus was a UOJ advocate.
I have stated that fact many times,
but Robert Preus also repudiated UOJ in Justification and Rome,
a fact never mentioned by Cascione.

UOJ Enthusiasts Are All Law - Except for Themselves - When They Are Antinomian

This mom sees nothing but spots,
just as UOJ sees nothing but UOJ.
The Universal Objective Justification fanatics teach that everyone is forgiven and saved, before they are born. Their expert on this issue is Edward Preuss, who saw a brilliant sunset and joined the Church of Rome,
spending the rest of his life publishing against Lutheran doctrine.

The Keller farrago in favor of UOJ can be found here.

Pastor Paul Rydecki's answer to it can be found here.

Born forgiven and saved, end of story, period. That is WELS DP Jon Buchholz' line.  That sounds like all grace at first, especially when it is applied to every single person in the world. Tis funny how the older term--General Justification--sounds vague in English but is quite specific in German, where allgemeine means "every single one." I can see where English-only seminary students would think that General Justification means the Atonement, but that is simply not true. Universal is a better translation for the German word allgemeine; hence, Universal Justification = every single Hindu, atheist, and cannibal is justified and saved.

Various Mequon graduates said to me, "You read German?!" They imagine they are the best ejukated students in the world, because their lazy professors tell them that all the time. My reply was, "You don't?!"

They do not know enough about Calvinism to realize that their UOJ sounds very much like the first part of the Horrible Decree of Double Predestination. Calvin called it horrible and I have to agree. Which book in the Bible teaches that a certain percentage of the human race was forgiven, saved, period, end of story before the Creation of the world? But Calvin taught it in every single edition of his Institutes. UOJ simply broadens the definition and extends the Enthusiasm to every single person. But they are crafty. They say - "justify all sinners" rather than saying "justification without faith."

No one stops to ask, "How could God justify non-sinners? That is impossible?" So they stroke and pet their favorite phrase, justify all sinners, knowing what they really mean.

Anger and Deceit - UOJ Attributes
I can promise this - If anyone dares to teach justification by faith alone, the UOJ fanatics will jump on that person like hobos on a hotdog. They will vilify the individual and look for every possible means of vengeance.

Their defense of UOJ, if it can be called that, consists of a stream of venom and a repetition of the Halle University talking points. Jay Webber "proved" UOJ from Rambach, failing to mention that the hymn-writer was Mr. Pietist at Halle. That makes us much sense, academically, as proving UOJ from Preuss. "Nevermind!" they say, and continue the attack.

No Gospel Fruits in UOJ
If you wonder why the ELS-WELS-LCMS leaders work so well with ELCA, and why the "conservative" synods are abusive, just look at their dogma of UOJ.

There is no room for Luther in their imaginations, no concept of the efficacy of the Word, no mention of the Means of Grace, except a brief nod when they are done with their latest praise of Enthusiasm.

I hear about the brutal treatment of pastors and members, and the "conservative" synods brush this off as routine. They are right about that, in their own perverse way. The abuse is routine.

DP Doug Engelbrecht has been a constant source of protection and promotion for Pastor Ski, the high school buddy of Tim Glende and a staffer at St. Peter in Freedom, Wisconsin.

When a married couple tried to get something done about Ski's constant abusive behavior, Engelbrecht and his evil district rose to attack the couple and anyone who thought discipline was in order. Multiple sources tell me Engelbrecht is not finished getting even. I would not be surprised to find DP Doug sneaking Ski back into the CORE job or any job, just to display his almighty power.

Does anyone wonder where the lawsuits come from? Does the synod report where the millions go to pay the lawyers and to settle out of court? If your parish has not paid off a victim through the insurance policy, then it is still paying from increased policy charges. Nothing is free.

Here is some irony. Jeske wanted Ski replaced immediately - everyone knows that. Ski got two calls at once because he was on the board of Jeske's Church and Change. Ski saw that as proof of his great abilities. Now no DP will call Ski, and the Fox Valley pastors support him.

This situation is a repetition of WELS getting behind Floyd Stolzenburg and even making sure he had a new parish to destroy, even though Floyd never joined WELS and made it clear he despised WELS.

Ski bragged on his blog about worshiping with gay Babtist activist Andy Stanley, and the post was available for years. But when I linked worthwhile Lutheran materials on Ichabod, Glende went hysterical on his anonymous blog. He raved about how wonderful UOJ was too.

The Ski/Engelbrecht coalition is also similar to DP Buchholz and Jeff Gunn. Church and Change loved Gunn on their fetid websty, before they hid it away. If anyone wondered where the stink  in WELS came from, a few reads of Church and Change got that question answered pronto.

Buchholz was against Gunn, it is claimed. One pastor wrote that Gunn was being defunded by Buchholz, that Gunn was looking for a new job at Wisconsin Lutheran College. Schroeder put his little toe down, hard, and asked them not to. So Gunn was put on the WLC board (where Valleskey and Larry Olson served) and Kelm got the job.

After years of indecision - give Buchholz time!  - the DP suddenly saw the light and endorsed Gunn while shaming his opponents. No, do not condemn Buchie. That is how WELS pastors become DPs and how DPs operate. He is no different from Seifert.

The problem is not with the aberrant pastors at the bottom of food chain, but the corrupt and dishonest leaders at the top, who are guided by false doctrine. The blind lead the blind and everyone falls into the pit.