This mom sees nothing but spots,
just as UOJ sees nothing but UOJ. |
The Universal Objective Justification fanatics teach that everyone is forgiven and saved, before they are born. Their expert on this issue is Edward Preuss, who saw a brilliant sunset and joined the Church of Rome,
spending the rest of his life publishing against Lutheran doctrine.
The Keller farrago in favor of UOJ can be found here.
Pastor Paul Rydecki's answer to it can be found here.
Born forgiven and saved, end of story, period. That is WELS DP Jon Buchholz' line. That sounds like all grace at first, especially when it is applied to every single person in the world. Tis funny how the older term--General Justification--sounds vague in English but is quite specific in German, where
allgemeine means "every single one." I can see where English-only seminary students would think that General Justification means the Atonement, but that is simply not true. Universal is a better translation for the German word
allgemeine; hence, Universal Justification = every single Hindu, atheist, and cannibal is justified and saved.
Various Mequon graduates said to me, "You read German?!" They imagine they are the best ejukated students in the world, because their lazy professors tell them that all the time. My reply was, "You don't?!"
They do not know enough about Calvinism to realize that their UOJ sounds very much like the first part of the Horrible Decree of Double Predestination. Calvin called it horrible and I have to agree. Which book in the Bible teaches that a certain percentage of the human race was forgiven, saved, period, end of story before the Creation of the world? But Calvin taught it in every single edition of his
Institutes. UOJ simply broadens the definition and extends the Enthusiasm to every single person. But they are crafty. They say - "justify all sinners" rather than saying "justification without faith."
No one stops to ask, "How could God justify non-sinners? That is impossible?" So they stroke and pet their favorite phrase,
justify all sinners, knowing what they really mean.
Anger and Deceit - UOJ Attributes
I can promise this - If anyone dares to teach justification by faith alone, the UOJ fanatics will jump on that person like hobos on a hotdog. They will vilify the individual and look for every possible means of vengeance.
Their defense of UOJ, if it can be called that, consists of a stream of venom and a repetition of the Halle University talking points. Jay Webber "proved" UOJ from Rambach, failing to mention that the hymn-writer was Mr. Pietist at Halle. That makes us much sense, academically, as proving UOJ from Preuss. "Nevermind!" they say, and continue the attack.
No Gospel Fruits in UOJ
If you wonder why the ELS-WELS-LCMS leaders work so well with ELCA, and why the "conservative" synods are abusive, just look at their dogma of UOJ.
There is no room for Luther in their imaginations, no concept of the efficacy of the Word, no mention of the Means of Grace, except a brief nod when they are done with their latest praise of Enthusiasm.
I hear about the brutal treatment of pastors and members, and the "conservative" synods brush this off as routine. They are right about that, in their own perverse way. The abuse is routine.
DP Doug Engelbrecht has been a constant source of protection and promotion for Pastor Ski, the high school buddy of Tim Glende and a staffer at St. Peter in Freedom, Wisconsin.
When a married couple tried to get something done about Ski's constant abusive behavior, Engelbrecht and his evil district rose to attack the couple and anyone who thought discipline was in order. Multiple sources tell me Engelbrecht is not finished getting even. I would not be surprised to find DP Doug sneaking Ski back into the CORE job or any job, just to display his almighty power.
Does anyone wonder where the lawsuits come from? Does the synod report where the millions go to pay the lawyers and to settle out of court? If your parish has not paid off a victim through the insurance policy, then it is still paying from increased policy charges. Nothing is free.
Here is some irony. Jeske wanted Ski replaced immediately - everyone knows that. Ski got two calls at once because he was on the board of Jeske's Church and Change. Ski saw that as proof of his great abilities. Now no DP will call Ski, and the Fox Valley pastors support him.
This situation is a repetition of WELS getting behind Floyd Stolzenburg and even making sure he had a new parish to destroy, even though Floyd never joined WELS and made it clear he despised WELS.
Ski bragged on his blog about worshiping with gay Babtist activist Andy Stanley, and the post was available for years. But when I linked worthwhile Lutheran materials on Ichabod, Glende went hysterical on his anonymous blog. He raved about how wonderful UOJ was too.
The Ski/Engelbrecht coalition is also similar to DP Buchholz and Jeff Gunn. Church and Change loved Gunn on their fetid websty, before they hid it away. If anyone wondered where the stink in WELS came from, a few reads of Church and Change got that question answered pronto.
Buchholz was against Gunn, it is claimed. One pastor wrote that Gunn was being defunded by Buchholz, that Gunn was looking for a new job at Wisconsin Lutheran College. Schroeder put his little toe down, hard, and asked them not to. So Gunn was put on the WLC board (where Valleskey and Larry Olson served) and Kelm got the job.
After years of indecision - give Buchholz time! - the DP suddenly saw the light and endorsed Gunn while shaming his opponents. No, do not condemn Buchie. That is how WELS pastors become DPs and how DPs operate. He is no different from Seifert.
The problem is not with the aberrant pastors at the bottom of food chain, but the corrupt and dishonest leaders at the top, who are guided by false doctrine. The blind lead the blind and everyone falls into the pit.