Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Service - 4 PM - Thanksgiving Eve.

Thanksgiving, 2013

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Worship, 4 PM Central Standard Time 

The Hymn # 558                 All Praise to Thee   4.44
The Order of Vespers                                             p. 41
The Psalmody            Psalm 100                             p. 144
The First Lection                       1 Timothy 2:1-8
The Second Lection           Luke 17:11-19       
 The Sermon Hymn # 574               Come Ye Thankful            4.9

Thanksgiving Comes from Faith

The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer                         p. 44
The Collect for Peace                                           p. 45
The Benediction                                                   p. 45
The Hymn #361   O Jesus King             4.1

KJV 1 Timothy 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. 7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. 8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

KJV Luke 17:11 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: 13 And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. 14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. 15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? 18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

Thanksgiving Comes from Faith in God

Sermon Text
Luke 17: 16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? 18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

This is a familiar passage, since it is also used during the church year. But the miraculous healing sticks in our minds because of two points. One point is that 10 lepers were healed. The other is – the stranger or Samaritan, the outcast among outcasts – returned to give thanks. Jesus commended his faith – Your faith has healed you.

Thanksgiving means, for our nation today, being thankful in general. That translates into being thankful for good things, for material blessings. But this text makes us think of a more important kind of thankfulness – thanking God for everything.

Like all Scriptural lessons, this one makes us think of the bad guys as being really ridiculous in their attitude. After all, they had a life-threatening and loathsome disorder, one that separated them from family and friends. They were unclean according to Jewish law and condemned to live apart. They were miraculously healed after asking for healing, but nine did not return to give thanks.

Luther said that he would have turned them into lepers again.

But here we see that we are far more like the nine than we are like the Samaritan. We have so much from God, but others shame us for being far more grateful for the little they have materially. Or even worse for us, they are far more grateful for the Gospel as the true treasure of God, distributed by the Word and Sacraments.

It is well known that Christians in the Third World face constant persecution and death. And they are thankful for the Gospel, not resentful about the cross they must bear.

One of my students has been helping out in China, where restrictions and problems abound. She has been working in one of the poorest areas of Beijing. According to their traditions, certain people get all the benefits while the others do not, based on where they are from. She is helping among the poorest outside of Beijing proper. It is very difficult for everyone, and yet they persist.

Others have noted how the handicapped will show so much thanks toward God even though they seem to be denied what we call a normal life. Those with Down Syndrome are a good example. We taught a group of three students so they could be confirmed. Each one had a learning disability. The young man with Downs already looked older from his physical problems. All three memorized the Creed (no complaining). The young man with Downs knelt at the altar and prayed after the service. It was very touching. I have seen a lot of confirmations, but that was the only time that happened. It was quite a lesson for everyone. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

The handicapped are lepers among us, and yet he was not healed. Instead he was given an adult role in his congregation, after wishing for that for many years. He was no longer regarded as a little child. He received Holy Communion.

Of course the parents were joyful too, because they cared that much more that their special child was able to have a different standing in the congregation.

This all relates to an emphasis in Luther and Chytraeus. Thankfulness comes from trusting in God’s goodness and wisdom, no matter what may develop at the moment.

Faith in God is not limited to believing in God. That seems to be the stopping point for the Old Adam. I believe in God but I will figure out the future for myself. That has led to many kinds of compromises with false doctrine and bad practice, simply because the prospect of bearing the cross is too burdensome.
Chytraeus put it this way – It is a sin to doubt the goodness of God. The often-overlooked Book of Concord editor was eloquent in expressing himself this way. Anyone can go through the motions of faith in God and being thankful, but bad times make us doubt the goodness of God, and bearing the cross tempts us to ask if God is showing thankfulness toward us for believing in Him.

Prayer is the fruit of faith, just as thankfulness is. To pray to God as a loving, gracious forgiving Father means trust in His goodness. It also means trusting in His infinite power. God can change a situation in an instant or over time, depending on His wisdom. When we look back upon certain events we can how great the gap is between our expectations and God’s actions.

Experience told me the solution to the teaching problem – reduced work. I had a solution but the person who became a friend was a gadfly in that very area of work – the community college. He directed me toward what he knew, which was different, fun, challenging, and beneficial to young Christian students. I almost expected to hear a tinkling bell (“It’s a Wonderful Life) when he got his angel wings and disappeared.

Luther said he often prayed away calamities, because he trusted in God's great power to avert them. Gerhardt wrote a beautiful hymn (only found in German) about how God blesses us in so many ways, each and every day:
Lobet den Herren. That hymn reminds people about God providing daily blessings we do not often count because they represent the absence of evil.

I often write a prayer on FB for people facing difficult situations, especially when they are suffering from the illnesses of their spouses.

If anyone doubts the power of God in watching over the faithful, look at those without faith and note the calamities they face constantly, without knowing how to avoid them. Lack of faith means blindness toward God-pleasing actions and attitudes. Church leaders often have the least faith in God among all His subjects.

Trust in God is the real meaning of giving God all the glory. Trust in His Word means that it will bring about the best possible results in God’s eyes rather than in ours. What He can accomplish is often instant and yet just as often takes decades or centuries.

The epistle lesson also notes that we should pray for our leaders and give thanks for what God has ordained in our particular world. The decadent Roman Empire of the apostles served as a royal road for the Gospel across the world. The long-lasting Byzantine Empire (the Eastern part of the Roman Empire) survived for another 14 centuries after Christ to preserve the Greek heritage and keep Islam from Europe.

So God's will is accomplished through His Word – and we are thankful for it.

Classic Ichabod - Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 22, 2007

History Channel - The First Thanksgiving

Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving

First Thanksgiving

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. This harvest meal has become a symbol of cooperation and interaction between English colonists and Native Americans. Although this feast is considered by many to the very first Thanksgiving celebration, it was actually in keeping with a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful bounty of crops. Native American groups throughout the Americas, including the Pueblo, Cherokee, Creek and many others organized harvest festivals, ceremonial dances, and other celebrations of thanks for centuries before the arrival of Europeans in North America.

Food preparation
Historians have also recorded other ceremonies of thanks among European settlers in North America, including British colonists in Berkeley Plantation, Virginia. At this site near the Charles River in December of 1619, a group of British settlers led by Captain John Woodlief knelt in prayer and pledged "Thanksgiving" to God for their healthy arrival after a long voyage across the Atlantic. This event has been acknowledged by some scholars and writers as the official first Thanksgiving among European settlers on record. Whether at Plymouth, Berkeley Plantation, or throughout the Americas, celebrations of thanks have held great meaning and importance over time. The legacy of thanks, and particularly of the feast, have survived the centuries as people throughout the United States gather family, friends, and enormous amounts of food for their yearly Thanksgiving meal.

What Was Actually on the Menu?

What foods topped the table at the first harvest feast? Historians aren't completely certain about the full bounty, but it's safe to say the pilgrims weren't gobbling up pumpkin pie or playing with their mashed potatoes. Following is a list of the foods that were available to the colonists at the time of the 1621 feast. However, the only two items that historians know for sure were on the menu are venison and wild fowl, which are mentioned in primary sources. The most detailed description of the "First Thanksgiving" comes from Edward Winslow from A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in 1621:

"Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. They four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, among other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed upon our governor, and upon the captain, and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakersof our plenty.

Did you know that lobster, seal and swans were on the Pilgrims' menu? Learn more...

Seventeenth Century Table Manners:
The pilgrims didn't use forks; they ate with spoons, knives, and their fingers. They wiped their hands on large cloth napkins which they also used to pick up hot morsels of food. Salt would have been on the table at the harvest feast, and people would have sprinkled it on their food. Pepper, however, was something that they used for cooking but wasn't available on the table.

In the seventeenth century, a person's social standing determined what he or she ate. The best food was placed next to the most important people. People didn't tend to sample everything that was on the table (as we do today), they just ate what was closest to them.

Serving in the seventeenth century was very different from serving today. People weren't served their meals individually. Foods were served onto the table and then people took the food from the table and ate it. All the servers had to do was move the food from the place where it was cooked onto the table.

Pilgrims didn't eat in courses as we do today. All of the different types of foods were placed on the table at the same time and people ate in any order they chose. Sometimes there were two courses, but each of them would contain both meat dishes, puddings, and sweets.

More Meat, Less Vegetables
Our modern Thanksgiving repast is centered around the turkey, but that certainly wasn't the case at the pilgrims's feasts. Their meals included many different meats. Vegetable dishes, one of the main components of our modern celebration, didn't really play a large part in the feast mentality of the seventeenth century. Depending on the time of year, many vegetables weren't available to the colonists.

The pilgrims probably didn't have pies or anything sweet at the harvest feast. They had brought some sugar with them on the Mayflower but by the time of the feast, the supply had dwindled. Also, they didn't have an oven so pies and cakes and breads were not possible at all. The food that was eaten at the harvest feast would have seemed fatty by 1990's standards, but it was probably more healthy for the pilgrims than it would be for people today. The colonists were more active and needed more protein. Heart attack was the least of their worries. They were more concerned about the plague and pox.

Surprisingly Spicy Cooking
People tend to think of English food at bland, but, in fact, the pilgrims used many spices, including cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and dried fruit, in sauces for meats. In the seventeenth century, cooks did not use proportions or talk about teaspoons and tablespoons. Instead, they just improvised. The best way to cook things in the seventeenth century was to roast them. Among the pilgrims, someone was assigned to sit for hours at a time and turn the spit to make sure the meat was evenly done.

Since the pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians had no refrigeration in the seventeenth century, they tended to dry a lot of their foods to preserve them. They dried Indian corn, hams, fish, and herbs.

Dinner for Breakfast: Pilgrim Meals:
The biggest meal of the day for the colonists was eaten at noon and it was called noonmeat or dinner. The housewives would spend part of their morning cooking that meal. Supper was a smaller meal that they had at the end of the day. Breakfast tended to be leftovers from the previous day's noonmeat.

In a pilgrim household, the adults sat down to eat and the children and servants waited on them. The foods that the colonists and Wampanoag Indians ate were very similar, but their eating patterns were different. While the colonists had set eating patterns--breakfast, dinner, and supper--the Wampanoags tended to eat when they were hungry and to have pots cooking throughout the day.

Source: Kathleen Curtin, Food Historian at Plimoth Plantation
All Photos Courtesy of Plimouth Plantation, Inc., Plymouth, Mass.

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Not What They Meant about Theme and Parts

Please keep all scrotums and sweaty oozey Jesus' away please.
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