Thursday, August 7, 2014

Narrow-Minded Lutheran Finds a Strange Harmony with Grace in Action (WELS) and ELCA

Greetings in our Triune God, Pastor Jackson!
I pray all is well with you and yours.  Please give Sassy a kiss for me.

Please check out ELCA's homepage, then read the quote from WLC President Johnson:
"GIA is passionate about leadership training and support - their coaching model is both impactful and practicable. I really appreciate their focus on supporting initiatives that powerfully share Jesus...or supporting the men and women who are God's hands and feet who take Christ to a hurting world. I am honored to partner with GIA."

"God's work, our hands," on ELCA's home page is very similar to President Johnson's, "...supporting the men and women who are God's hands and feet ..."  Are they going to the same gimmick seminars?

While I am not trying to downgrade helping others and telling the Gospel,  is raising children not pleasing to God?  Is being a husband or wife not pleasing to God?  Is being a good employer or employee not pleasing to God?  Are our earthly vocations in which we have been placed not ways to serve our neighbor?

Also,  note ELCA and LWF sending help to the Palestinians in Gaza.  While I feel sorry for the innocent people on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,  the key to fixing that problem is for both Jews and Mohammedans to repent and stop rejecting Christ.  We pray in our home every day for the Holy Ghost to bring them to faith in Christ.  However, I wonder if ELCA and LWF going to help the Christians being slaughtered and forced from their homes in Iraq?
Thanks for your work.  Your "little blog" is one of the few bastions of Lutheran orthodoxy.
Regards in Christ,



GJ - I am glad you mentioned that, Narrow. I am almost numb from all the blasphemies erupting from the Jeske coven.

You identified the old "God has no hands but yours," which the Methodists used until they melted like a July frost.

Pietism degenerates into rationalistic do-goodism, as Rick Warren and others have already demonstrated. WELS and Missouri figure they can work with all of ELCA - and you know what I mean - and not be polluted. However, if the archbishop of the Church of the Augsburg Confession showed up at one of their enchantments, they would go bezonkers with rage and fear.

Meanwhile, page-views are way up on the blog nobody reads.

3500 views yesterday and today,
consistently above 3,000 every day.
The Ichabod classroom without walls is expanding.