A Travesty Examined, Part Eight
Another presentation at the Experience is It Takes Faith to Build a New Ministry. This presentation will be given by Mark Cares, who, by the way, is an antinomian who recently wrote paper claiming that the law shouldn't be preached to believers.
So, according to Mark Cares, what do you need to start a new ministry? Well, obviously the first thing you need is a divine call, right? You can't just take a new ministry upon yourself, you have to be called by the Holy Spirit to that ministry, right? And then, once you have received a divine call to begin a new ministry, what do you need to build it? This one's a no-brainer, right? You need the gospel in Word and Sacrament, right? Only the Spirit can build a ministry, right?
Nope. Not even close. You don't need a divine call. You don't need the gospel. Here's what you actually need, according to Mark Cares:
Joel Dusek said...
Anonymous said... said...
So, according to Mark Cares, what do you need to start a new ministry? Well, obviously the first thing you need is a divine call, right? You can't just take a new ministry upon yourself, you have to be called by the Holy Spirit to that ministry, right? And then, once you have received a divine call to begin a new ministry, what do you need to build it? This one's a no-brainer, right? You need the gospel in Word and Sacrament, right? Only the Spirit can build a ministry, right?
Nope. Not even close. You don't need a divine call. You don't need the gospel. Here's what you actually need, according to Mark Cares:
- Having a bold vision that excites people
- Building a board and staff of bold, passionate, and competent people
- Instilling a “Go” and “Do” mentality
- Striving for excellence in all facets of the work
- Being flexible to the Lord’s leading
It is all about the money, as I will reveal in the newest post. |
So, evidently it take faith in one's self, organization, and board members. Failure is God's way of teaching you flexibility. That's not ministry, it a self-help group.
Not to mention that the last point is pure enthusiasm. The Lord doesn't do any leading outside of the Word.
Saddened is right. A lot more Gospel work could get done. IF our leaders would "Just say NO!!!" To ALL and EVERY CGM piece of junk that arises, right away. Just stop it immediately! Then we could get back to just preaching and teaching. There, easy fix!
Very blunt, Pastor Spencer. But correct, and so simple, as you said. Stop preaching the wisdom of men; instead preach God's Word. We say it here on these blogs, just as many of us have said it in church council meetings, in voters' meetings, in gatherings of members of our congregations. And increasingly, when it is said in these settings, it is rejected. Rejected as in "That's not good enough". Rejected as in "We've tried that, it's not working, we're not growing". Rejected as in no longer trusting in the power of God and His Word, alone, to bring people to faith and grow the Church.
RE: My Worthless Blog
Here's a nice comment:
I'm saddened to see that this blog is much like every other blog that addresses issues in the WELS. It is filled with the same old names of people who spout the same old criticisms. While there is much belly-aching and condemnation of the Wisconsin Synod, there is a woeful lack of actual rhetoric that looks to do something beneficial, to improve the WELS or to fix the problems. If many of you spent half the time actually working for solutions as opposed to just criticizing or calling out everything that is evil in the WELS, perhaps the Synod wouldn't be so bad and more gospel work would be done. Until that happens, blogs like this are pretty worthless.
Before someone can get to work fixing a problem, one must be willing to admit that there is a problem. Most in the WELS aren't willing to admit that there are problems in the WELS. Until that's the case, there's very little that can actually be done to fix things. I'm so sorry that it saddens you to face the fact that there are actual problems in the WELS, but there must be mourning before there is laughing.
This problem is compounded by the fact that not only are most in the WELS unwilling to admit that there are problems, they are even unwilling to tolerate others who dare to claim that there are problems. Telling the truth about the WELS and honestly pointing out problems is grounds for removal from the WELS.
So how can I work to fix the problems when the simple act of identifying problems in need of fixing is grounds for termination?
"Saddened" fails to recognize that most posts in these blogs and many of the comments offer "something beneficial, to improve the WELS or to fix the problems". It's called the "Means of Grace". I suspect "Saddened" must be lumping the "Means of Grace" into what he says is "just criticizing or calling out everything that is evil in the WELS".
I apologize if I mis-stated the gender of "Saddened", since "Anonymous" is gender neutral.
I apologize if I mis-stated the gender of "Saddened", since "Anonymous" is gender neutral.
Very well put, Vernon. With every new examination of this conference, it just becomes plain as the nose on one's face: If you want to be a leader in the church, lead with the Scriptures and the Confessions. Use the Means of Grace. Grow in the Word and let the Holy Spirit continue to do His work in your heart. Start with these tools that you should already have at your disposal.
Why are some so quick to jump on the secular flavor of the month bandwagon when it comes to ministry? Is not God's Word sufficient? Would it have been so terribly difficult to have a leadership conference that is set up with actual pastors, teachers, and missionaries talking about their individual fields? They could talk about their challenges and how with the Lord's help they learned from mistakes and continued to study the Word.
Why not have a Bible study that shows the great leaders in the Old and New Testaments and what made them great leaders of God's people and His Church? Why not go over the historical record in order to see what Luther went through in becoming a leader?
That would have been a conference that wouldn't draw objections. It would have been Bible based with discussion about actual experiences in actual congregations and classrooms and missions. Faith would have been strengthened and fellow believers would be encouraged.
Instead the Word apparently isn't good enough anymore in order to have a successful church and successful church leadership. You need business consultants, metrics, and holistic medicine to be effective in today's McChurches. How disgusting.
Why are some so quick to jump on the secular flavor of the month bandwagon when it comes to ministry? Is not God's Word sufficient? Would it have been so terribly difficult to have a leadership conference that is set up with actual pastors, teachers, and missionaries talking about their individual fields? They could talk about their challenges and how with the Lord's help they learned from mistakes and continued to study the Word.
Why not have a Bible study that shows the great leaders in the Old and New Testaments and what made them great leaders of God's people and His Church? Why not go over the historical record in order to see what Luther went through in becoming a leader?
That would have been a conference that wouldn't draw objections. It would have been Bible based with discussion about actual experiences in actual congregations and classrooms and missions. Faith would have been strengthened and fellow believers would be encouraged.
Instead the Word apparently isn't good enough anymore in order to have a successful church and successful church leadership. You need business consultants, metrics, and holistic medicine to be effective in today's McChurches. How disgusting.