Saturday, January 18, 2020

WELS Enthusiasm Day Lacks...Enthusiasm

 "So we ran out of Germans, see, and I began organizing ELCA-WELS-LCMS conferences where pro-abortion, selective diversity women pastors could teach the conservatives the Gospel."

"Thank you, Mark Jeske, for having me wise up your brethren and sistern." ELCA Pastor Heidi Neumark

WELS' Martin Luther College has been quite shy about sharing their so-called Evangelism Day with the Ichabod audience. However, someone slipped a link via a highly secured internet or possible postal source.

I was warned that the program induced vomiting, so I simply left it on the earphones (on the desk) while grading some homework. Glancing at the screen, I saw a small audience packed into the front of the chapel. They looked like they were on that try-out for Benadryl, which is good for coughs, sneezing, and falling asleep.

This will continue, neglecting the Means of Grace, until they pack up and merge with another school - just like Andover-Newton.

 Some WELS pastors think Nadia is really cool.