- The Virgin Birth of Jesus - "not an important issue."
- Paul Tillich published a Christmas article where he sashayed into Christmas is all about babies. The Lutheran magazine, LCA. It is now called The Living Lutheran, a magazine for a dying denomination.
- The Resurrection of Christ - "the Easter faith of the disciples," code for the disciples imaging an empty tomb meant Jesus actually rose from the dead.
- The Ascension - those people had no concept of the stratosphere. They lived in a flat world.
This one verse has a lot to say in a few words. No one in a state of ecstasy, like Pentecostalism today, can call Jesus accursed and claim that comes from the Holy Spirit.
Note that this is a key, toxic factor in our society, especially because of the use of recreational drugs. It is claimed to be true if something is "true for you." We had an ancient history teacher in college who did not know the topic and used her professor's note cards. She confused one definition and made it the opposite of what the textbook said. When I pointed that out, she said, "In my class, this is the right definition." I was just trying to help!
The counter to the error, in Paul's words were that no one can say "Jesus is Lord", except by the Holy Spirit. This emphasizes that confessing the divinity of Christ is the act of the Spirit through the Word of God. It is not based on logic and experience and philosophical proofs, but only on the revelation of God the Holy Spirit.
We have so much confusion today because any "truth" - except the revealed truth of the Bible! - is true and something to be defended.
4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations [Greek - efficacy], but it is the same God which worketh [Greek efficacy] all in all.
The great marvel of Christianity is the variety of gifts given by the One Spirit. God parcels them out (Lenski's term) so that everyone has a gift or gifts, and they vary in each person. That means the work of Jesus Christ the Lord is performed in many different ways and is blessed by being faithful to Him and His Word.
People like to glorify themselves and they identify with glorious structures and decorations that fill others with awe (especially plaques with their names). They get carried away with the outward trappings while ignoring fidelity to the truth. God blesses people with artistic skills so they can honor His Name with their talents. Others are gifted with musical skills.
I keep running into clergy who are smitten by someone's corporate plans, which are promised to be "effective," showing numerical growth. They end up telling God what to do and when to do it. When God does not bow to their orders, they are crushed and despairing. Those who are full of themselves rush around until the bubble pops and their follies are exposed.
Virtually all the denominations have reached that point through using the same business-oriented guidelines, so they are failing together. As one Church Growth expert said, defending his own sect, "The Masonic Lodge is losing members too!" - an ironic statement, using the Lodge as metric. "As the Lodge goes, so do we."
Most clergy have been caught up in that, because it is taught so thoroughly. Luther was a certified member of the world's largest and richest corporation. But he saw it was the opposite of what is portrayed in the Scriptures.
If the gifts are discerned and used as God directs, then God's will becomes fulfilled over time and the blessings follow, sooner and later. There is no telling what God can do, because, as the children say, "God can do anything."
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
The elderly veteran in the neighborhood, distributing food and Bibles, suffers from various illnesses and troubles. He gave me boxes to give to someone else and gave away Bibles so he could give more away.
Today, even rarer, is to give the gift of time spent with someone.
When people look for something positive to offer, and God motivates them, then the results will be favorable for everyone.
8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working (Greek efficacy] of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
Those who wanted to dominate in Corinth with the Spirit, as they saw it, thought tongues were the only sign and they were the prize-winners. That is one reason why Pentecostalism became a fad in America. When the American Pentecostals identified speaking in tongues as the Chief mark of the Christian Faith, they made it the ONLY mark and everyone had to follow their rules. Paul - in 1 Corinthians 11, 12, 13 - is tamping down this fad and pointing the members toward a Scripture-based set of gifts.
Missouri and WELS became increasingly rationalistic, due to their reliance on dead dogmatics books and seminary lectures, ideal for those who loved to march in order and rank, right off the cliff. The dead dogmatics led to thirst for Pentecostalism and they formed little cells all over. One "conservative" magazine editor defended this and praised it, eying me with genuine animosity.
Believers do not need to buy copies of How To Grow Churches by Dancing on the Pews. They can remain faithful to the Word and pray for God's guidance rather than the latest, greatest, most praised materials.
11 But all these worketh [Greek - efficacy] that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
When people focus on themselves and what they favor, division follows. When they begin with the One-ness of the Triune God, they work in the same direction with different gifts.