Monday, December 11, 2023

People Should Abandon the Apostate Synods


 Grouped Around ELCA - LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic)

The plunge to the bottom must be exhilarating, because the named synods above are holding hands together and declaring their singular incompetence and dependency on Thrivent, another victim of self-inflicted merger. Once upon a time, Thrivent combined Lutheran Brotherhood and Aid Association for Lutherans, not out of strength but weakness. 

I was told that AAL suffered so badly from their own "Universal Life" that they had to merge to get rid of the stench, after gobbling up so much cash from the policies of individuals. Who was going to tell? - each sect had its claws in the cookie jars of both insurance companies. Pastors who lost half of their money raged about it, but that was then and this is now. We erase the past faster than we invent the future.

An agent forced his concept of Universal Life on me, and I knew in a few minutes it was nothing but fraud, whether LB or AAL. The companies projected 10% or greater gain from UL. "Just let me know - how about 15% gain?" He was jabbering like it was his fifth coffee with sugar and cream that morning. 

Therefore, grants came from the pockets and estates of trusting members, leaving them with iron pyrite - a pretty mineral known as fool's gold. Everything has been crumbling since. The precious Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic) covets somewhat larger sects, just like the ELS and WELS do. Lo, the LCMS looks longingly at ELCA, which is so much bigger and ripe for Lutheran larceny. The plunge to the bottom has ELCA copying and even surpassing the radical sister churches of the National Council of Churches.

Our little congregation has never tried to be anything more than traditional Lutheran - the efficacy of the Word of God through the Means of Grace. We have only one robe and no miters (fish-hats). We are presenting initial video lectures on the Reformation - Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz - so people can organize themselves in clusters for their own individual ministries or groups. The Internet, Zoom, and Vimeo make that possible.

The Reformation Seminary will provide lessons on topics carefully avoided by the apostate synods. The lessons will not be hidden by a secret portal.