Friday, January 29, 2010

Crystal Cathedral - Home of Church Growth Movement - Hammered by Plunge in Giving

"Dad, if you fire me, I will totally put a hex 
on this Synagogue of Satan.

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. – The Southern California megachurch founded by televangelist Robert H. Schuller Sr. is selling property, laying off workers and pulling its signature TV program "Hour of Power" from some markets to offset a nearly $8 million drop in revenue.

The church saw revenue drop 27 percent from roughly $30 million in 2008 to $22 million in 2009, church spokesman Mike Nason told The Associated Press. The church had projected an 18 percent revenue drop.

Church leaders blamed the decline on the struggling U.S. economy. They intend to save $4.9 million and stave off further financial collapse by selling 170 acres in southern Orange County, including a retreat and wedding center, laying off 50 employees and cutting "Hour of Power" from eight of the 45 domestic broadcast TV stations that air it.

Church officials declined to name the cities where the program would be cut because station managers have not yet been notified.

The 10,000-member church will also cancel this year's "Glory of Easter" pageant, which attracts thousands of visitors and is a regional holiday staple along with the church's "Glory of Christmas" show.

"Hour of Power," which has aired for 40 years, will continue to appear on cable networks such as Lifetime and TBN, and on broadcast TV in markets including California, Colorado, Florida and Ohio, said John Charles, director of development and public relations.

"If we can just hang in there and be smart about surviving the downturn in the economy, this storm will pass and we will be OK and we can begin to grow again as a ministry," Sheila Schuller Coleman, Schuller's daughter and the church's recently appointed leader, said in a prepared statement.

The disclosure mirrors the troubles in recent months at other megachurches that have suffered from the downturn and reduced charitable giving.

Rick Warren, best-selling author and founder of Saddleback Church, made an appeal on New Year's Eve for urgent donations after finding his organization was nearly $1 million in the red. Parishioners raised $2.4 million for Saddleback and its ministries within days.

The Crystal Cathedral doesn't expect a similar outpouring from its members or viewers of "Hour of Power."

"It would be nice, but we understand the economy and people are hurting and our audience are not rich people," Charles said. "There's a lot of people on fixed incomes and they're giving what they can."

That aging membership base, along with the bad economy, could be a big part of the Crystal Cathedral's problem, said Richard Flory, a senior research associate for the Center for Religion & Civic Culture at the University of Southern California.

The era of blockbuster televangelists is fading and viewership is declining even as the age of the average viewer creeps upward, he said.

"I can't imagine anybody younger than 40 watching some sort of televangelist," he said. "Younger people are worshipping in smaller venues. I think the megachurch is always going to appeal to groups of people, but the television piece of it, I just don't see that as a growth market anymore."

The church, founded more than 50 years ago, and its internationally known telecast have been bleeding dollars and members for years — a trend that accelerated when Schuller Sr. stepped down and passed his senior pastor role to his son, Robert A. Schuller Jr.

Schuller Jr. became engaged in a bitter family feud, disappeared from "Hour of Power" broadcasts and abruptly left the church in 2008, less than three years after he took over for his father.

Schuller Jr. announced his own weekly show on AmericanLife TV Network last summer. Coleman, his sister, was appointed as the ministry's top administrator.

"Hour of Power" changed formats, with Coleman and her father appearing on the show with a stable of up to six guest pastors. Last year, Schuller Sr. pleaded for donations in an open letter posted on the church's Web site, saying the final months of 2008 were devastating.

Nason rejected the idea that the losses were the result of turbulence among leadership. A random survey last fall of nearly 700 members showed the departure of Schuller Jr. was not a factor in reduced giving, he said.

"What was significant was the economic downturn, and they were giving 30 to 40 percent less dollars to the ministry in 2009 than they did in 2008," he said.

Flory, the professor, said the economy undoubtedly plays a large role in the church's troubles — but the leadership changes at the top don't help keep viewers tuned in.

"The turbulence at the top blows up and nobody's ever heard of the daughter," he said. "I think since the beginning it's been pretty much an entertainment, feel-good place and it probably doesn't feel very good right now."

The Crystal Cathedral has a storied history.

Schuller Sr., now 83, first formulated his outreach to the unchurched in the mid-1950s when he opened a ministry at a drive-in theater in the suburbs of Orange County that catered to Southern California's emerging car culture. He pulled people in with his sermons on the power of positive thinking.

The little church later grew into the Crystal Cathedral, a worship hall with a soaring glass spire that opened in 1970 and remains an architectural wonder and tourist destination.

The "Hour of Power" telecast, filmed in the cathedral's main sanctuary, at one point attracted 1.3 million viewers in 156 countries. Charles said he didn't know what viewership is now but suspected it's lower.

Nason said the property to be sold is a church campus in southern Orange County known as Rancho Capistrano.

About 150 acres of the property — including 80 acres of open space — are already in escrow, he said.

The remaining 20 acres, which contain a spiritual retreat center with hotel rooms, a church building, acres of gardens and a Spanish mission-style hacienda popular for weddings, will also go on sale.

The Family Life Center on Crystal Cathedral's main property in Garden Grove, has been on the market for a year with no buyers, Charles said.

Employees who will be laid off received pink slips Friday and were given 60 days notice, he said.


Kenneth J. Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "Crystal Cathedral - Home of Church Growth Movement...":

Basing your ministry on self-esteem rather than the gospel is a recipe for disaster. When the charismatic leader dies, the church dies with him. Churches based on sound doctrine can survive the retirement or semi-retirement of a pastor. When Shuller gives up the ghost I think he will mutter "Rosebud."


GJ - Citizen Kane he is not.

Mequon Class Photo, Zehms and Oelhafen

Left-click to enlarge the Shrinkers.

Roger Zehms ended up at St. Marcus in Milwaukee - no surprise. His Grace stops by, from time to time, between tapings of Time of Generic Grace.

Wally Oelhafen swooned over CG in the Michigan District. His son gave the memorable sermon, "I Am So Glad Jesus Rode a Hog." No, that was not a novelty song. It was even posted on the website. Fortunately, I saved it on this blog. 

Wally O. and Fred Adrian both had a fit  when my paper (last chapter of Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure) was read at the pastoral conference. They went bezonkers, yelling, "Just because we studied at Fuller Seminary..."

Columbus was a real beehive of WELS corruption:
  1. Wally Oelhafen was the DMB chairman and gushed over CG.
  2. Fred Adrian took over as DMB chair and had a vicar go to state prison for an affair with a minor girl. He left the ministry but he is back. Talent like that is hard to find.
  3. Roger Zehms, part of the Wayne Mueller gang, headed LPR, which was started to promote the CG Movement.
  4. Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, was the supposed second banana of LPR, but he was allowed to act like the DP, bossing everyone around. He was openly anti-WELS, anti-Lutheran, and totally CG. Both LPR gurus were divorced.
  5. John Chworsky, the mission staff meddler, was CG everywhere but in my presence. He told me he finally understood what I was writing in CN. Then he was shipped out of the country.
  6. DP Mueller knew how to talk against CG (like Deputy Doug Engelbrecht and Glaeske) but promoted it right and left. Mueller worked hard to close NWC.
  7. VP Kuske loved CG as much as Oelhafen, Stolzenburg, and Zehms combined. The boys were going to show everyone how to do it with Pilgrim Community Church. It closed faster than a saloon in Wheaton, Illinois.
  8. Marc Schroeder (divorced and remarried) loved CG and eventually moved to Missouri, after having WELS pay for his entire mission start. Nice stewardship.
  9. Roger Kovaciny supported CG and claimed to help start it in WELS. Really?
  10. The big church in town, St. Paul in German Village, had never been WELS up to that point. Schumann, Nitz, Zehms, and Stolzenburg made a bad situation worse.

WELS Walking Together in the 1980s - The Blind Leading the Blind.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mequon Class Photo, Zehms and Oelhafen":

Nitz was not in agreement with CG at St. Paul's, Columbus. He stayed to try to add balance to the ministrations of Schumann. When he couldn't take it any longer, his dad (Az-CA DP) got him a call to AZ which he took immediately.


GJ - Nitz was a real lion-heart, like all the Nitz clan. He had a woman teaching men in the adult Bible study on Sundays. He complained that Church Growth was in such disrepute in Columbus that he could not even mention the word. He was not as far gone as the rest of them, but he was hardly a cure.

Sierra Pacific, ELCA, Tears Itself Apart Over Gay Vote:
MLC, Take Note

Presiding Bishop Hanson:
"Does this outfit make me look...Roman?"

Dear ELCA Congregation [name omitted, for good reasons]

Since the Church wide Assembly in Minneapolis this past summer, there have been many and varied responses across the ELCA and across the Sierra Pacific Synod to the votes on the Social Statement on Human Sexuality and the implementing resolutions regarding ministry policies.

While some congregations and members have celebrated this change in the ELCA's policies for which they have long advocated, others have registered strong objections and taken action, including members who are moving their membership to other congregations and congregations which are voting to separate from the ELCA. And somewhere in between, there are many congregations and members for whom this has neither been acause for celebration nor a source of concern. There have also been reports from some congregations which are welcoming new members who have come to find out more about the churches of the ELCA in the wake of the Churchwide Assembly.

I ask for your prayers for all of the people and congregations and ministries of the Sierra Pacific Synod as we move through this time. I especially ask your prayers for the leaders and congregational members of the 11 congregations who have decided to enter into a two vote, 90 day consultation process which would end their interdependent relationship with the conference, synodical and churchwide expressions of the ELCA.

Please remember in prayer . . .

* these congregations as they seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this important decision for their mission and ministry, especially as the date for their vote approaches.

* the pastors of these congregations who do not wish to leave the ELCA, whose calls will officially terminate if the process to leave the ELCA is approved.

* the members of these congregations who do not wish to see their congregation leave the ELCA, as they consider their options for the future should the vote succeed.

* the pastors and members of these congregations who do wish to leave the ELCA, that they may know it is our desire that other options might be considered.

* the lay leaders, staff and bishops of the synods of the ELCA, and Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson and the staff of the churchwide offices, as they seek to lead our church in this time.

The congregations and the dates for their 1st or 2nd votes are listed below:

Concordia, Kingsburg - 2nd vote  - 1/31

Emanuel, Lodi - 1st vote - 1/31

Mt. Zion, Yreka - 1st vote - 2/14

Sierra, Auberry - 2nd vote - 2/28

Gloria Dei, San Jose - 2nd vote  - 3/21

Life, Richmond - 2nd vote - 4/11

Chinese, San Francisco - 2nd vote - 4/11

St. John's, Los Banos - 2nd vote - 4/18

Shepherd of the Valley, Galt - 2nd vote - 4/18

In addition to these congregations, Grace, Redway, voted 19-5 to finalize leaving the ELCA on January 3rd, and St. Stephen's, El Dorado Hills, voted but did not reach the required 2/3 majority when they held their first vote last fall.

The Office of the Bishop, partnering with members of the Synod Council and Conference Deans, is currently in a consultation process with all of these congregations as they move through this process. Thank you for your prayerful support of these and all the ministries of our synod.

Lastly, I would ask for your prayers for my ministry as bishop. It is a difficult and challenging task to meet with lay and ordained leaders of our congregations, some whom I have known and worked with for many years and whom I have valued as friends and colleagues, as we find ourselves in very different positions with regard to the actions of the Churchwide Assembly. I am saddened that some of our congregations and pastors may choose to leave the ELCA, but do not feel it is my "job" to talk them out of their intentions, only to reflect Christ as I walk with them through this process, and ensure they will be making a fully informed decision when that time comes. I pray that I have and will continue to do so on behalf of all of you - the sisters and brothers of the Sierra Pacific Synod who are answering the call to share Christ each day in the places where the Spirit leads us.

God's Peace,

Bp. Mark


GJ - From what I have read, the larger congregations are leaving fast. Perhaps the quasi-merger with the Episcopal Church gave them the guts to do whether their brethren and sistern were doing in Anglicanism. Also, like Church and Change in WELS, the ELCA people had many different networks established years ago, with various outgrowths working together.

I left in 1987, before ELCA began, while WELS and Missouri were working feverishly with ELCA on a variety of religious projects, from evangelism to worship.

This blog gives some insight about what has been going on in ELCA since its inception. WELS was very embarrassed that I kept bringing these things up. WELS wanted their insurance loot from Thrivent.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Sierra Pacific, ELCA, Tears Itself Apart Over Gay ...":

Don't confuse laughing at a stupid video with following in ELCA's footsteps. I guarantee there isn't a single member of MLC's faculty or student body who condones homosexuality or supports ELCA's decision.


GJ - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In 1987, most in the newly formed ELCA would have been shocked at its stance today, but it was already in the works. Franklin C. Fry would not even discuss women's ordination. Robert Marshall, his protege, got that approved about 15 minutes after the funeral service. Baby steps.

The response has not been encouraging. MLC did nothing about it. One of the recent mouthy comments was "You failed to get it removed." In other words, they are too clueless to realize how it makes them, their college, their synod, and the Christian faith look.

Mequon Yielded Three Shrinkers in 1953

Left-click to enlarge the Shrinkers.

This was a tiny class, compared to later ones, but the yield was impressive. Gerlach and Johne came back to teach at Mequon. Oddly, Gerlach left the Wisconsin Synod for a period of time, but came back when his father-in-law threatened to disown him.

Johne is a safari partner with Dom Perignon Patterson. He is also the second father-in-law of Marc Schroeder (son of Salty) who fell hard for Church Growth, changed wives, and joined the LCMS, all under the watchful gaze of the Michigan District, WELS.

Paul Kuske got the first CG agency in Columbus going, helped found Pilgrim Community Church (attendance at 3 when it closed), and engaged in plenty of typical Wisconsin dastardly mischief while First VP of the District. The district was so appalled that they voted him out of office, which is almost as rare as WELS admitting wrong-doing. Kuske tried to bring Floyd Luther Stolzenburg into WELS and failed, but his patronage helped get Robert Schumann, now an atheist, out of WELS. Let us not forget the founding of CrossRoads Evangelical Covenant Church in S. Lyons, begun with WELS/LCMS members and money.


Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Mequon Yielded Three Shrinkers in 1953":

Is the Paul Kuske in this class the same Paul Kuske that taught at Michigan Lutheran Seminary in the 60s and 70s? And where and when did Robert Schumann serve? I'm sure I ran into Schumann somewhere in my Synod studies.


GJ - Kuske was at MLS. I recall that Schumann had been a campus chaplain somewhere and had a parish that he reduced to nothing before coming to Columbus. Oelhafen rejoiced that someone even more lit up about Church Growth was coming to rescue the heathen in Columbus. Schumann polarized the congregation. His faction created a shrine office for him in the church, after he was booted for false doctrine. He must have seen it coming a long time, because he studied for the CLU and ChFC, joining AAL as an agent. Schumann is from the Jungkuntz family of heretics.

The Vulpine Circuit - A Skulk of Foxes

"It is by your silence and cloaking that you cast suspicion upon yourself. If you believe as you declare in my presence, then speak so also in the church, in public lectures, in sermons, and in private conversations, and strengthen your brethren, and lead the erring back to the right path, and contradict the contumacious spirits; otherwise your confession is sham pure and simple, and worth nothing. Whoever really regards his doctrine, faith, and confession as true, right, and certain cannot remain in the same stall with such as teach, or adhere to, false doctrine; nor can he keep on giving friendly words to Satan and his minions. A teacher who remains silent when errors are taught, and nevertheless pretends to be a true teacher, is worse than an open fanatic and by his hypocrisy does greater damage than a heretic. Nor can he be trusted. He is a wolf and a fox, a hireling and a servant of his belly, and ready to despise and to sacrifice doctrine, Word, faith, Sacrament, churches, and schools. He is either a secret bedfellow of the enemies, or a skeptic and a weathervane, waiting to see whether Christ or the devil will prove victorious; or he has no convictions of his own whatever, and is not worthy to be called a pupil, let alone a teacher; nor does he want to offend anybody, or say a word in favor of Christ, or hurt the devil and the world.”
F. Bente, Concordia Triglotta, Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 94.


GJ - For those who graduated from the Sausage Factory or the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie - the name for a group of foxes is a "skulk."

Advice Given Before, But Ignored


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Maybe Bethany Should Be Sold or Closed Too: The Ap...":

Here's some advice to the college- aged. If you are commenting negatively (or confrontational)on this blog then you better make sure your t's are crossed. If you are posting as an authority on a subject then assume you just might be googled to see what kind of creditable character you bring to the discussion. If you are brave enough to publish your name then please double check your profile on my space, facebook, blog posts, youtube videos of you are all worthy of your Christian mother's approval. If it's not than maybe you better just post anonymous.

I've been in some situations when I was your age and I certainly don't want to that to reflect on my character today, but I also don't boast about the sins I've committed or joked about committing with pictures and videos on the internet. Honestly, I would have blushed (if not from guilt, out of embarrassment) if I acted as Matthias did in the video and my mother watched. 


GJ - Published means public, as in world-wide public, 24/7. So-called security levels do not mean much on Facebook or anywhere else. Some people are just too smart to know that. Erasing the file and latching the door are often too late to matter and too obvious to the discerning.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Advice Given Before, But Ignored":

The arguments don't change based upon the person delivering them. If someone is arguing with you, it is not an excuse to tear apart their character.


GJ - This has to come from a Shrinker, so the hilarity doubles. Their only arguments are:
  1. Evasion,
  2. Denial,
  3. Eighth Commandment,
  4. Matthew 18,
  5. Verbal abuse.
  6. Repeat and vary the order.

The Foxes of Fox Valley

More Poison To Cure the Patient:
Church and Changer Schuppe To Help Doebler and Krohn

Ed Schuppe

Left click to enlarge the Shrinkers.
There are more than the ones marked.

11) Christ the Rock – Round Rock, Texas. Pastor Matt Doebler.
• The congregation is working with Mission Counselor Ed Schuppe on the mission’s future plans and vision
• Prof. David Bauer is on sabbatical from MLC and is working onsite with the mission this year.
DMB Report.

From Ichabod's vast research facility in Arkansas:

Jars of Clay Ministries (JOCM), a non-profit, self-supporting outreach effort “born” in November 2002, is the result of God calling two Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) laywomen Sharon Buck [Steve Witte's sister] and Karen Harmon, to connect and prepare other spiritually mature women to use their God-given “relational and nurturing gifts” to share the gospel.

[GJ - Women's ordination arrived in WELS about 20 years ago. Notice that these women have been called directly by God to be evangelists - just like apostles. Their pastoral advisors are Shrinkers Schuppe and Witte, so no one noticed. Nor did anyone dare to object. Brug solemnly declared in the Quarterly that there is nothing in the Bible against women's ordination. Lux fiat. Erat lux.]

Resources Page - WELS Pots of Pietism

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association – Evangelism and discipleship training.
International Coalition of Workplace Ministries - Founded by Os Hillman to help men and women identify and fulfill their God-given calling by applying biblical faith to their life and work.
Prison Fellowship Ministries (Chuck Colson, Founder), an outreach to convicts, victims of crime, and justice officers….exhorting, equipping and assisting the church in it’s ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families.
CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: A nondenominational ministry founded by the late Bill Bright. The sole purpose of this organization is to evangelize the world for Christ. It is an international ministry with Reformed roots, but still provides a wide variety of Christian books, tapes, music, pamphlets, etc. that are effective tools for outreach and spiritual growth.

Campus Crusade for Christ, c/o Keynote,18005 Sky Park Circle, Suite K, Irvine, CA 92614.
Phone: 800-352-8273

Check out their resource list at
JONI AND FRIENDS: Joni Eareckson Tada has been a quadriplegic for more than 30 years. Injured in a diving accident as a teenager, she has used this tragedy in her life to reach out to others with God’s message of love and encouragement. Her non-profit organization is dedicated to accelerating Christian ministry in the disability community. She has an International outreach called WHEELS FOR THE WORLD that has distributed over 14,000 wheelchairs in 50 countries. During the summer months in the US, she holds retreats for the disabled and their families in a variety of states. She has developed Area Ministries in 11 states to help localize support for people with disabilities. She provides inspiration and encouragement on a 5 minute daily radio spot. Her organization is a well spring of resources for outreach to the disabled and their families.
Joni and Friends, P.O. Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376.

Phone: 818-707-5664

TIME OF GATH is a Christian outreach ministry whose sole purpose is winning souls for eternity. Time of Gath shares the great news of Jesus Christ's gospel message via a weekly half hour television program originating from St. Marcus Lutheran Church (WELS) in the heart of Milwaukee and is broadcast throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota. One of the ministry’s 5 year goals is to broadcast throughout the entire United States, reaching millions in the towns, cities and rural areas of our nation.

Mark Jeske is the featured pastor for Time of Gath Fund-Raising Ministry which also provides a variety of wonderful trinkets to buy that can bring you or others closer to God. Mark has written several booklets and brochures that are evangelistic in nature and very “consumer friendly”. In addition, Time of Gath makes inspirational videos and transcripts available to purchase.
To request resources call: TIME OF GATH MINISTRY at 1-800-661-3311. Have your credit card out - make sure it is not maxed out already.


Schuppe digs Victory of the Movie Theater, blogged by Tim Felt-Needs and Pastor Ben:

Yesterday also my Mission Counselor, Pastor Ed Schuppe, visited our church and worshiped with us for the first time at Showtime Cinema. Ed is a consultant and a mentor to me. He oversees dozens of newly planted churches, travels extensively, and devotes all his time to reading and studying and helping new churches.

When he visits churches he always comes as a "secret shopper" of sorts. He writes very detailed reports on everything from signage to friendliness of people to the music, the sermon, etc.

Ed is a man I highly respect and whose opinion I know I am always wise to seek. And with that said I want to thank God for all of you in the spirit of the apostle Paul and encourage you all to keep up the good work!

Ed wrote me a comprehensive 3 page report on his experience at VotL which he concluded by saying "Thanks for the great worship experience!"

In three pages of his report, nearly every comment was praise and encouragement. It was in every respect a glowing report and that is to your credit. Thank you! As a church committed to loving and reaching the unchurched with the gospel it is so important to do the little things to welcome people…and you’re doing them. Continue to look beyond yourselves to others and do these things more and more!

Here’s just a small sample of his comments to give you an idea of the things Ed from experience knows are vital to a church’s health in being able to reach others:

Before the service: Greeter outside at the door was very welcoming and conversant. Great job!

People were very friendly, even the teens. They often initiated the greeting and were willing to talk.

Very welcoming atmosphere before the service. Ushers were also welcoming and conversant.

The bulletin: Very nicely laid out, informative, and easy to follow. I especially appreciated the back of the bulletin. Nice format and very well worded. Nice use of VICTORY.

The service: Great welcome and greeting. I appreciate the energy and enthusiasm you project. Your people did a great job with the greeting time.

Great music! The Apostles’ Creed song – Great! Great use of video clip in the sermon.

— Like I said, these are just a sample of Ed’s comments. Ed also has been a great help to me in evaluating my own attitudes, preaching, leadership, vision, etc. I appreciate this very much.

So…I pray that y’all have a great week in the Lord. I’ll be at a pastor’s (sic) conference in Two Rivers Tuesday – Wednesday but I will be back for our Adult Bible Fellowship Group on Wednesday evening. I hope to see you there and I look forward to worshiping our Savior with you again this Sunday.

Remember that if you happen to miss a Sunday or two you can go to our website and get the sermon. We’re also more frequently updating our music as well. Yesterday’s sermon should be posted by this evening.

God bless! Pastor Ben


Schuppe blogged the convention:

Ed Schuppe
By admin: on Jul.26.2009
Filed In: Bio

Schuppe, age 58, has been in the ministry 24 years. He has been a mission counselor for the last eight years and currently serves the South Atlantic, South Central, and Southeastern Wisconsin Districts. He and his wife, Joyce, attend a new mission congregation: Hope in Hampton, Ga.

Schuppe will be serving on the floor committee dealing with miscellaneous memorials. “I am looking forward to see how we, as a synod, will continue to reach out to the lost with limited funded, mindful that outreach is and will remain a primary focus of our church body,” he says. “I am also looking forward to seeing the future course we delegates will set, trusting God rather than financial forecasting, and committing ourselves to reach more of the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ through personal outreach and innovative ways of attracting the unchurched.”



      Presenter: Rev. Ed Schuppe - Mission Counselor for the South Atlantic and Southeastern Wisconsin Districts of WELS.  He has presented repeated for the Congregational Team Workshops.
      Description: Mission Counselor Ed Schuppe will deliver our key note address this year on empowerment.  He will look at the biblical encouragement for unity.  He will also direct our attention to the frustrations we may feel as both lay persons and called workers.  He will show us ways in which we can draw empowerment from the Holy Spirit through the Means of Grace.
Taking Risks
    And Failing Forward

      Presenter: Rev. Ed Schuppe - Mission Counselor for the South Atlantic and Southeastern Wisconsin Districts of WELS.
Description: Mission Counselor Ed Schuppe will encourage us to take risks.  He will give us practical tips on how to get the congregation on board in regard to new programs.  At the same time, he will share with us the fact that not every program “succeeds.”  How do we respond to those failures in our ministry and in the life of our congregation?  If you are looking for answers to that question, this workshop is for you.

Pots of Pietism:

About Us - Jars of Clay Ministries

Two WELS pastoral advisers Steve Witte and Ed Schuppe provide ongoing support and spiritual guidance to help JOCM meet its goals.
Project Airport:

MC Schuppe offered some useful helps on mentoring, gleaned from his personal experience and study, and MC Huebner led us through some coaching approaches (with assistance from Mrs. Christy Geiger’s materials) which seem to be bringing blessings to many. Districts were then asked to work together to decide on which kind of approach (shepherd/mentor/coach) or combination of approaches they might use to best serve their missions/missionaries.
May God continue to bless the after-effects (jetwash?) [flatulence!] of Project Airport!

MC’s Schulz, Schuppe, and Huebner and CCC Kehl

Of course, the mission counselor corps has been a crucial part of the newsletter; gathering, writing, encouraging others to submit, and helping oversee its course.
We owe them a great debt of thanks:
Pastor Gene Ahlswede
Pastor Wayne Schulz
Pastor Ed Schuppe
Pastor John Huebner
[GJ - Thanks for keeping Church Shrinkage alive, boys. We all owe you, big time.]
Church and Change Conference:

8:45-10:00 a.m....Workshops
register online at
102...... When Oprah Came to Class–Tadd Fellers
103...... Growing Your Congregation’s Staff from
Within–Lawrence Otto Olson, D.Min. (Fuller Seminary)
111...... Develop the Courage not to Plan your
Ministry–Steve Witte
203...... Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places
–Sharon Buck and Karen Harmon. GJ - This wins the Original Title Award.
301b....Which Niche?–Paul Steinberg
403b.... What’s Going On?
–Ed Schuppe and John Huebner
502...... A Movie is Worth a Million Words
–ELS Pastor Nathan Krause
505...... Seeing Visions–Peter Schaewe. GJ - Or, WELS Gone to Pot.
507...... What do you Mean, “Blended Worship?”
–Mark Jeske. GJ - He means - Pentecostal-Baptist 
Dr. Steve Witte (Schwaermer DMin) serves as pastor of Beautiful Savior, Green Bay, Wisconsin. He is co-founder of the WELS Prayer Institute. In addition, Steve serves the WELS as a part time lead consultant through Perish Assistance. Together with Ed Schuppe, he also serves as spiritual advisor to Jars of Clay Ministries co-founded by his sister, Sharon Buck, and Karen Harmon. 

No, Really, It's Jet-Lag:
I Was Pulling Weed


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No, Really, It's Jet-Lag: I Was Pulling Weed":

Then I piled up the weed and burned it. I love that smell of weed burning.


Kilgore: Smell that? You smell that?
Lance: What?
Kilgore: Weed, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that.
Kilgore: I love the smell of weed in the morning. You know, one time we had a class bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' Luthrun body. The smell, you know that agricultural smell, the whole room. Smelled like
[sniffing, pondering]
Kilgore: graduation. Someday this degree's gonna end...