Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hide Your Kids From This WELS Youth Rally

"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, why Appleton?
I forgot - the fix is in.
That's why."

One Eponymous Archon ( has left a new comment on your post "Missouri Synod's Rock N Roll Youth Rally - And Hig...":

Rev. GJ,

Found out a few days ago that the Minnesota - repeat, Minnesota - District (WELS) Youth Rally will be held in Appleton, WI. No doubt that the fake "rev." Ski person and Soul-killer Glende will be main attractions. Maybe they will even get their Bible boobs (opps, excuse me, babes) to attend.

WELS is so dead its (sic) really beginning to stink like last month's baloney!

One Eponymous Archon


GJ - Don't fail to miss this one. Entertainment:
1. Doug the Unready will send a letter to be read, explaining that the low attendance is the fault of Ichabod and its eeevul author, Greg Jackson.
2. John Parlow will give Hybels' latest sermon and channel Willow Creek emotions most effectively.
3. Paul Calvin Kelm will explain that his Fuel Bible study failed at The CORE because of Ichabod and the eevul Greg Jackson.
4. Tim Glende will warn the youth about the dangers of reading Ichabod, urging them instead to read the fake Ichabod, wink wink.
5. Bishop Katie will have a cameo appearance so no one finds out why she quit at The CORE, even though she did all Ski's work for him.
6. Ski will deliver an original message - gasp - on celebrities he has known and hugged. Later, he will narrate a tour of his office and explain each celebrity photo for the drooling teens.


St. Peter's features Schwaermer-Vision:



At St. Peter Lutheran Church our mission is to love God, love one another, and share God’s love with whole world

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was he replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” He continued, “And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-29 NIV) Jesus made our mission as Christians pretty simple: love. First God, then others.

Jesus Christ is the leader of our church at St. Peter. He guides the lives of his people through the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. In addition to loving God and others Jesus commands us to reach out with the Good News of salvation through faith in Jesus to those who do not know the Lord and to nurture our members with God’s Word. We want to be faithful to God’s mission here at St. Peter and so we strive to first Love God and our fellow Christians and then share that love with the entire world who (sic) has not yet heard of the wonderful story of Salvation.

GJ - For examples of Pastor Tim's love of God's Word, see his cloning of Craig Groeschel sermons and materials. For examples of his love for others, read the fake Ichabod blog and the late, unlamented Anonymouse Shrinker blog.


Pastor Tim Glende a.k.a. Pastor Tim

5 ways to describe you: Blessed by God. Loves his family. Passionate about sharing Jesus in the Valley. Hard worker. Obsessive about Ohio State Football – “Go Bucks!”.

What you do at St. Peter: Lead pastor and main preacher for weekly worship, with main ministry responsibilities being administration, worship, and working with our school board, staff, and students.

Before St. Peter: Attended High School at Michigan Lutheran Seminary (Saginaw, MI) - Class of 1990; Attended Northwestern College (Watertown, WI) - Class of 1994, Graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (Mequon, WI) with a Masters in Divinity – Class of 1998; 1998-2006 - pastor of Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Urbana & Savoy, IL.


GJ - I can imagine the sweat breaking out as Pastor Tim copies Groeschel. That is so much harder than writing a sermon.

It is hard work to deceive people all the time. Deception requires a great memory, remembering all the lies and keeping them sorted out.

Defending The CORE is not so difficult. Money talks, doctrine walks - in WELS. Patmos is not an island of suffering and persecution in Appleton, but Tim and Ski know that already.

Missouri Synod's Rock N Roll Youth Rally - And Higher Things

It is funny, the good guys picked a good hymn with a pagan background. I believe Freddy Finkelstein had the details about it. The official LCMS Youth Rally is just one step away from what ELCA is doing - having a big Gay Lesbian group grope.

Missouri voted overwhelmingly to remain bedmates with ELCA.

Church Growth Methods,
Because They Care about Your Miserable Soul

"Lupine? No I am ovine.
Baaa-ah. See?"

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "New Gurgle-Patterson Site Less Than Three Bunny Ho...":

CGer disregard what are known as "parish boundaries." This was a major complaint against the Methodists and other revivalists (CG heroes) of the past--that they'd set up shop right on the doorstep of the traditional churches from which they wanted to, and would, draw members. In other words, Methodism didn't grow so fast legitimately, and any net gain of Methodists meant a net gain of zero Christians for Christendom. CG is a zero sum game at best.

CGers influenced by synodicalism still put church growth way ahead of the idea of serving a wider area of the US just so current WELS members wouldn't have to travel as far to church. Nor are they above competing with, or duplicating the efforts of a like-minded church in its own parish.

Synodicalism for CGers means not putting a church right across the street from a church of the same synod, while synodicalism for everyone else means serving the next town over.

A CGer who is slightly synodical will merge two churches into one (Kokomo), a CGer who is a bit more synodical will put his venue a block away (Appleton), while a CGer who wants to continue using the synod as an ATM will put a church 2 to 3 miles away (Austin), and a CGer who is about as synodical as they get will put a CG church a whole 5 miles away from other synod churches, provide it's smack dab between two WELS parishes on major roads (Rockford).

Watch WELS waste millions of dollars in the name of missions.

Bible Babes

Ski and Glende's Bible Babes

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Slaughter of the Lambs":

Hi Brett! Strange, I viewed Pastor Ben's Blog just yesterday. I was also going to post some things, but you BEAT me to it! Did you see the name of the ladies bible class? It is called, "Bible Babes." Now my pastor would NEVER allow anything like that.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady

Asking about the Murderers

Dr. Pangloss has left a new comment on your post "Happy Birthday, Bethany and Erin Joy":

Where can we find more information about the Just and Tabor murders?

This is very cryptic.

Love your blog, Greg!



GJ - WELS Pastor William Tabor was at Salem in Milwaukee when his mistress murdered his wife in their home. Most people assume he was directly involved, either pulling the strings or finishing the job. Tabor received a call to Escanaba, Michigan. I am not sure if it was before or after the murder. He went to Escanaba and served there for a year or two, messing up another group of people. The chief of police in Milwaukee retired, sorry that he never put Tabor away. The editor of the Northwestern Lutheran (Mischke's buddy) told me that Tabor's file was empty when the police came asking for it. I know from several sources, including Bischoff (Trinity, Bridgeton, Missouri) that people wrote WELS warning letters about his adultery in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. WELS took him in and set him up in a mission church in Cape, knowing he was unfaithful and fathered a child in his own parish.

Al Just was a WELS teacher at Arizona Lutheran Academy (Phoenix), where CrossWalk channels Andy Stanley. Just claimed his wife rolled over and over a steak knife in bed. The father of the First VP in WELS organized a busload of Just fans from New Ulm to back up poor Al at his trial. Huebner's father, president of DMLC, testified FOR Just. The jury voted to convict Just, who married his children's baby-sitter while in prison.

Just insisted he was innocent, and many WELS church workers still believe that lie. Just also confessed his guilt to someone. A staffer at MLS wrote me an angry email, telling me that his Uncle Al was an innocent man. I was slandering him. The murderer served only a few years in the clink.

WELS has an obligation to report major crimes within their synod. Covering them up with silence or denials is a new crime.

WELS District President Ed Werner went to state prison for molesting girls in his own congregation. All the pastors knew he was doing it, but they kept re-electing him. Finally, the previously molested mothers of the girls he was currently molesting called a stop to it.

In Michigan, WELS Vicar Scott Zerbe went to state prison for having an affair with a minor girl during his vicarage. Pastor Fred Adrian, who was chairman of the District Mission Board, wrote two versions of Scott's vicarage report - one knowing about the affair, the other not knowing. The girl's family sued WELS in court and won an initial amount of $400,000. Adrian wrote his congregation a letter, saying in effect, "Don't worry. Insurance will pay for it." The WELS lawyers immediately appealed the verdict.

In court WELS denied knowing about any other scandals involving their church workers. I supplied the girl's attorney with names, dates, places. When she gave that to the judge, the court ordered WELS to tell the truth. That is what broke the case open. The criminal element in WELS has been trying to get even with me ever since, not that they were very nice before.

Fred Adrian resigned from the ministry for another reason, but he is back in a call in Michigan. The Good Ol' Boy Network never fails one of their own.

The Werner and Zerbe stories should have been in FICL too.

The CLC (sic) is just as bad.

McCain said Missouri had to get tough because it was costing them so much money in lawsuits. I will let his fanbase absorb that insight from the Purple Palace.

There are many details that only hurt the victims of these crimes.

Ex-SP Gurgle was a DP when he managed to use up the entire estate of MilCraft, which was to support the man's widow during her lifetime. She had to sue to get some money from WELS. The WELS response was "We have to be more careful about which gifts we accept from now on." Robbing widows is mentioned in the Bible.

Gurgle was so good at managing money that WELS elected him SP to stop amalgamation, which he immediately pushed forward.

Now Gurgle is doing the same for Texas.

Someone could do a crime series on WELS.


Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Asking about the Murderers":

I was a DMLC student during the time of the Al Just murder trial. Somebody used the school's mailing list to ask for funds for his defense. My father received one of these letters. I tried to explain to him what happened after he asked.

About a year ago I had a WELS teacher tell me how he knew of someone else who accidentally rolled over on a steak knive in bed. See, it could happen! Therefore Al Just was not guilty.

Even after thirty years people still have a hard time believing that a called worker could do such a thing. Sad!

Time Is Running Out and Pastors Do Not Do Their Jobs

Meanwhile, future ELCA pastors are blessing their compost tumblers in the chapel
at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Bored Advice":

I agree with Brett Meyer and Bored in this respect - if the synod cannot face its doctrinal apostasy, there is no hope. That may happen in time, but many laity will have to force the issue.

A note about time. Many currently think they have time and will address the apostasy and blatant errors later, when time permits or the situation becomes such that they won't stand out as much as if they nipped the issue in the bud alone and at great cost now.

Time. There is very little of it left. A realistic view of what the current and future government(s) intend to allow as far as open confession and practice concerning Scriptural doctrine and how long they will allow the internet to be open and free will show that there is very little time left to benefit from such an expansive and informative resource. It's a reminder of the Biblical account of the bride grooms and the oil in their lamps. Many are putting off today what they will not be allowed to do tomorrow. If they will not promote and defend right doctrine and practice today (in alignment with Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions) for the price of a few skinned knuckles, what will they do tomorrow when the price is your life of the lives of those they love.

Time. There's very little of it left. And by the grace and mercy of God this continues to be more and more true as the glorious day of Christ approaches. May the Lord grant His Church an abundant harvest while it is still day and His Word continues to be taught in it's truth and purity.


viewpoint ( has left a new comment on your post "Rebuke False Doctrine":

Yes, reprove, rebuke, exhort false teachers and pastors with all longsuffering and doctrine wherever and whenever you find them. Failure to do so has led to the current state of apostasy. Truth be known such pastors and teachers do NOT know best. They do NOT even care about the truth.


GJ - The vast majority of clergy will do nothing.