Thursday, August 5, 2010

Clueless in West Wachagootchie

KFax has left a new comment on your post "English 101 - Editor Edit Thyself":

How come you didn't (sic) Brett or bored? Especially bored, with his absolute slaughtering of the English punctuation system.

Or did Brett really mean that the good doctor "heard" something early this morning? You did a stealthy job of hiding his fourth grade error though.

And please publish my post this time, there's no reason to be afraid of your bias.


GJ - Bored did that on purpose, something which the slow-witted failed to notice.

Brett Meyer and Church Lady write better than Paul McCain, MDiv, who is an alleged CPH editor and faux pastor. Brett and Church Lady understand justification, while a significant number of Syn Conference clergy agree with ELCA's crypto-Universalism.

I cannot edit comments posted underneath, but I mentioned long ago that I edit messages from people I like and (sic) the rest. Many find it endlessly amusing that the Wisconsin sect claims a superior educational system while turning out Fuller/Mars Hill clones who cannot spell, parse, or explain the Small Catechism.

I publish juvenile messages like this one just to reveal how some people waste their time.