Saturday, November 13, 2010

LPC from Extra Nos - Asking Intrepid Questions

Calvin and Zwingli were also Enthusiasts, bogged down by rationalism.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Book of Concord Study":

What I wrote to Rev. Rydecki just recently...
Pr. Paul,

Can we be confident that you are the official and proper expositor of UOJ/OJ?

If so, why do you think you have the proper handle on this?

Would Becker, Beckman, Walther, Pieper agree with you?

I am not trying to be disrespectful, I am just questioning you on this because these posts remind me a lot of things when I was in Calvinism.

When I was in Calvinism, there was a question of who was the "real Calvinist". So much so there was a joke asking for the "real Calvinist" to stand up.

Also this reminds me of damage control in Calvinism. Some tried to do a sales job on the bluntness for example of Limited Atonement and Sovereignty of God. They wanted to retain the label and redefine what it means so that the rugged edges are smoothened.

Also in history, Calvin tried to be the via-media between Zwingli and Luther on the Supper. Did he succeed? Nope, he failed.

I think you are trying to be the via-media also, but my best wishes for your efforts. Lessons from history has not been encouraging on via-media folk.

Lastly on the concept of Jesus winning justification for all sinner. Jesus did win the victory for all sinners by his death and resurrection. Atonement has gifts and benefits attached to that wonderful sacrifice. That is a fact.

However, your insisting to call this "objective justification" (if I am correct) IMHO is at best misguided if not problematic. Why? Because justification in the Bible is always connected with faith. This labeling allows one to stretch like a rubber band the semantic meaning of justification which the Scripture does not allow for. Let me illustrate. If one calls the fact that Jesus won justification for all as objective justification, one can easily also make the slide to saying that everyone has been forgiven automatically by what Jesus has won. This is exactly what has been happening. Why? Because the word objective and justification has that usual meaning and you are redefining its usual meaning and putting the label in the wrong spot.

WELS TWB IV 1, 1. We believe that God has justified all sinners, that is, he has declared them righteous for the sake of Christ. This is the central message of Scripture upon which the very existence of the church depends. It is a message relevant to people of all times and places, of all races and social levels, for "the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men" (Romans 5:18). All need forgiveness of sins before God, and Scripture proclaims that all have been justified, for "the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men" (Romans 5:18).

Do you believe this is an accurate reflection of what the Bible teaches?

My answer: NO, what is yours?

LS-MS Brief Statement...17 Scripture teaches that God has already declared the whole world to be righteous in Christ, Rom. 5:19; 2 Cor. 5:18-21; Rom. 4:25; that therefore not for the sake of their good works,

Do you believe this is an accurate reflection of what the Bible teaches?

My answer: NO, what is yours?

Mt 5:37


CEO Promotion via Church and Change

CEO Brian Lampe, from St. Marcus Jeske, of CEO Ministries.

Article XIV: Of Ecclesiastical Order.

Of Ecclesiastical Order they teach that no one should publicly teach in the Church or administer the Sacraments unless he be regularly called. 

Or is on the Board of Jeske's Church and Change organization.

Led by Kudu Don and Jeff Gunn???

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: brianandtracey
Sent: Thu, October 21, 2010 6:05:00 PM
Subject: [church_and_change] CEO Ministries

Dear Church and Changers,

The only way to achieve change is to let go of fear!

But what if this constant battle makes one tired?

What are the options?

A) Give In?

B) Give up?

C) Give it away and let someone else fight?

D) Give it to God and His will be done?

Our CEO ministries group chooses letter (D) because it's Biblically
correct! We continue to fight the good fight in the name of Jesus
Christ! If your interested in joining us on the volunteer battle lines
or behind the scenes your help would be appreciated and welcomed.

The call to get involved, and engaged in ministry is its own journey
of adventure, risk, and discovery—is likewise a calling unsuited to
the faint of heart.

Building relationships, and helping people become all they can be for
Christ, not just programs or organizations. Our vision integrates all
Christians into the whole life of the church to share ministry ideas,
and provide encouragement that acts as a bridge to close the gap
between lost and saved.

Its only the Gospel motivation and empowerment that spurs our team to
become involved; to offer a creative, emotional and physical growth
that develops critical spiritual skills for family, school and
community service.

Our is vision is based on serving, not sitting like a pew potato.
Member ministry is not just parties and socials; it is equipping
Christians to be world changers for Christ.

Everyone is welcome and we are satisfied with how God created you.
Trained our untrained, no college degree , or experience necessary!
Ministry without executive style politics, just simply spreading the
Gospel message to as many as God allows. Not everyone gets this

What a concept? We got that idea from God's Word as well.

Below our idea's (sic)

CEO Ministries Strategy & Focus:

1. To provide Christ Empowered Opportunities for fellowship, spiritual
growth through traditional time tested ministry tools, and
connect creative expression to innovative ministries that will
build - up and strengthen others in one true faith in Jesus Christ.

2. To foster and promote God enabled ideas and potentials of service
in the church and community.

3. Through our monthly Grill Kings encourage and promote through
prayer and Bible study a greater awareness of our Triune
God’s Kingdom values in living exemplary lives as demonstrated
by Jesus Christ.

4. To foster and encourage growth in love and unity within the body of Christ.

5. To develop and encourage integration of the cultural, social and
spiritual gifts within the body of Christ through our annual
interactive youth, youth leadership, marriage, and men's rally.

6. To provide a forum for discussion on issues inherent in the social,
moral, spiritual development of adults through our (bridge-
site) and annual innovative workshop.

7 Create a bridge - site presents opportunities to develop
friendships, dialogue, and that introduction to Christ that may never
existed. Common interests, hobbies, life situations, work
experiences, health conditions, causes, etc. can be used as the
“BRIDGE” to establish contact, and communicate resources.

Upcoming Presentations:

Fearless Faith Men's Workshop
Feb 4th - 6th 2011 Camp Shiloh TX

Men of His Word Conference Feb 26th 2011
Appleton WI

Battle Filled Life April 9th 2011
Frontanec MN

Youth Rally July 23-24 2011
Wisconsin Dells WI

Battle Filled Life November 5th 2011
Milwaukee, WI

Check out what God is doing through regular lay people;

Whole Health Healing

Mike Hallman
"Navigating Life's Lost and Found"

Sincerely Christ
Brian Arthur Lampe
An Ambassador for Christ

Extreme Statements About Justification

KJV Genesis 15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

KJV Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be

KJV John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

KJV John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shallnot see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

KJV John 16:8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of
judgment: 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me; 10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, andye see me no more; 11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

KJV Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven givenamong men, whereby we must be saved.

KJV Romans 4:23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;  24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;  25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.  5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:  2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

KJV Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confessionis made unto salvation.

KJV 1 John 5:10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not
God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Extreme Statements About Justification":

UOJ's treatment of faith is foundational and results from UOJ's teaching that everything (Christ's righteousness distributed to the whole unbelieving world, that world declared guiltless, sinless and justified by God's divine verdict) was already accomplished and declared at Calvary. Here is a comparison between UOJ's teaching and the Luther and the Confessions.

WELS AZ/CA DP Pastor Jon Buchholz
"Faith doesn’t bring anything into existence that doesn’t already exist. Faith doesn’t cause something to happen. Faith simply grasps— trusts—something that already is in place." Page 14

WELS Siegbert W. Becker
"Faith does nothing more than accept the forgiveness proclaimed in the Gospel. It is not a condition we must fulfill before we can be forgiven. It is not a cause of forgiveness on account of which God forgives us. The forgiveness comes first. Faith is merely the response to the message. God says to us, "Your sins are forgiven." This is objective justification, and God’s message to us is true whether we believe it or not. Faith makes God’s message its own and says, "My sins are forgiven." This is subjective justification. The whole doctrine is just as simple as that." Page 12, The Place of Faith

WELS Our Great Heritage
"And yet many Lutherans still labor under the delusion that God does not forgive us unless we believe. Instead of seeing faith as nothing more than the spiritual hand with which we make the forgiveness of God our own, they see it as a reason why God forgives us. They believe that Christ has indeed provided forgiveness for all men, that God is willing to forgive them, but before he really forgives he first of all demands that we should be sorry for our sins and that we should have faith. Just have faith they say, and then God will forgive you. All the right words are there. The only thing wrong is that the words are in the wrong order. God does not forgive us IF we have faith. He has forgiven us long ago when he raised his Son from the dead." (p. 59)"

WELS MLC President Mark Zarling
"Faith does nothing more than receive the forgiveness which is offered in the Gospel. It is not a condition we fulfill nor is it a cause of forgiveness. We are already forgiven. God's message of justification in Christ is there whether we believe it or not. Faith then receives the blessings." And, "Faith that accepts the good news of universal justification is the work of God the Holy Ghost." And, "The other extreme is to stress subjective justification without understanding the objective reality. This error leads to synergism in one form or the other. Stressing faith as the cause of justification makes it a meritorious work. We have then destroyed the sola gratia of the Gospel, and cause men to look within themselves for the assurance of salvation." Page 7

Compare and Contrast:

12. As before said, they regard faith of slight importance; for they do not understand that it is our sole justifier. To accept as true the record of Christ--this they call faith. The devils have the same sort of faith, but it does not make them godly. Such belief is not Christian faith; no, it is rather deception.

15. ...You see how they make faith of no value to themselves, and so must regard as heresy all doctrine based upon it. Thus they do away with the whole Gospel. These are they who deny the Christian faith and exterminate it from the world. Paul prophesied concerning them when he said (1 Tim 4, 1): "In later times some shall fall away from the faith." The voice of faith is now silenced all over the world. Indeed, faith is condemned and banished as the worst heresy, and all who teach and endorse it are condemned with it. The Pope, the bishops, charitable institutions, cloisters, high schools, unanimously opposed it for nearly four hundred years, and simply drove the world violently into hell. Their conduct is the real persecution by Antichrist, in the last times.

22. Now, the Cain-like saints have not, as they themselves confess, the Christian faith which would assure them of being the children of God. [Refer to 2 Cor. 13:5 for Scriptural declaration of this condemnation of UOJ's faith (read Zarlings quotes above) - Brett Meyer]

29. You cannot extricate yourself from unbelief, nor can the Law do it for you. All your works in intended fulfilment of the Law must remain works of the Law and powerless to justify in the sight of God, who regards as just only believing children.

37. Note, Paul everywhere teaches justification, not by works, but solely by faith; and not as a process, but instantaneous. The testament includes in itself everything--justification, salvation, the inheritance and great blessing. Through faith it is instantaneously enjoyed, not in part, but all. Truly is it plain, then, that faith alone affords such blessings of God, justification and salvation--immediately and not in process as must be the case with works

74. But what is the process whereby Christ gives us such a spirit and redeems us from under the Law? The work is effected solely by faith. He who believes that Christ came to redeem us, and that he has accomplished it, is really redeemed. As he believes, so is it with him. Faith carries with it the child-making spirit. The apostle here explains by saying that Christ has redeemed us from under the Law that we might receive the adoption of sons. As before stated, all must be effected through faith. Now we have discussed the five points of the verse.

Defense of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV Of Justification

67] "Faith cometh by hearing. And proof can be derived even from this that faith justifies, because, if justification occurs only through the Word, and the Word is apprehended only by faith, it follows that faith justifies."

71] "but we maintain this, that properly and truly, by faith itself, we are for Christ's sake accounted righteous, or are acceptable to God. And because "to be justified" means that out of unjust men just men are made, or born again, it means also that they are pronounced or accounted just. For Scripture speaks in both ways. [The term "to be justified" is used in two ways: to denote, being converted or regenerated; again, being accounted righteous. Accordingly we wish first to show this, that faith alone makes of an unjust, a just man, i.e., receives remission of sins".

Church and Change Listserve

----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 9:47:27 PM
Subject: RE: [church_and_change] Men's Ministry

As a Christian WELS woman, I've seen women recognize the desire and need to worship, study, fellowship with and encourage each other (ie. retreats, LWMS, women's bible studies).  It is awesome to see Christian WELS men recognizing that men need encouragement too!  We, women benefit as our men are lifted up by one another to use their gifts, talents and love for the Lord in their families, their churches, their "world."  While starting new things may need to be preceeded (sic) by some discussion of mission and goals, always keeping Christ central, I hope we don't get overwhelmed by the challenges but pray alot (sic) and take steps as God allows and leads.   Thanks for bringing up the idea.


Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 20:47:52 -0600
Subject: RE: [church_and_change] Men's Ministry

Hi all,

I have always assumed that this list serve was for WELS/ELS/Ichabod members only.  I’ve been on ChurchAndChange since Dec 2004 and do not remember any posts indicating otherwise.

Even if there are some of our ELCA brothers and sisters in Christ on ChurchAndChange, then I still stand behind my previous post on this thread (there are at least 2 Marks who posted to this thread, I am Mark Bergemann).  So many of the ELCA laity do not know that their church body, and possibly their own pastor, teaches things that directly attack the Gospel itself, such as all religions lead to the true God, and that Jesus did not physically rise from the dead.  I personally know people in such a situation.

So many ELCA pastors preach and teach in ways that are acceptable to the two types of members in their congregations, those that believe they are sinners who are saved through the life and death of Jesus in their place, and those who believe that we should help others in this life and not worry about what happens after death.

I cannot in good conscience sit idly by and watch those I know who attend ELCA churches be lead (sic) away from Jesus.  I am generally more careful and less blunt when reaching out to those in heterodox churches such as ELCA.  If ChurchAndhange (sic) is open to anyone regardless of their religious affiliation, then I’ll have to change my future posts accordingly, as some of what I say may be misunderstood.

In Christian love for all people,

Mark Bergemann

From: [] On Behalf Of Carl Graf
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [church_and_change] Men's Ministry


Greetings all,

I have been a WELS Lutheran through my entire half century of life.  I have two uncles who were WELS ministers, a cousin-in-law who is a WLES (?) minister and two cousins who teach Christian day school.  My father served on the WELS Synod Finance committee for almost 25 years.  I myself was a signature away from attending seminary myself, when my youngest son was born with Down Syndrome and the Lord told me that he had other plans for my discipleship and put me on a new path.   

I'm relatively new to this group.  If I may humbly comment on a word that was recently used.  That word is "WELS-ify".   Hearing that word and further discussions regarding being "too close to ELCA" and others who don't share our fellowship, made me feel a little unsettled, almost embarrassed, knowing that there very likely are members of the ELCA silently listening to our discussions just as I was until now.

While it is very important to be true to what the Word teaches, I also believe that we must ask God to help us guard against an arrogance which  pushes others away, rather than living a Christlike life where others are drawn to us and want to have what we have.  People who call themselves WELS lutherans (sic) are not the only people that will go to heaven, Heaven will be filled with Baptist, Catholics, Methodists, and others who have in their hearts accepted Jesus as their savior.   In fact considering WELS short existence on this little planet, we will very likely be a very small minority once we get there.   I always try to remind others in my own church when the discussion sways to talking about those "other" churches, that Jesus wasn't a WELS luthern (double sic), neither was Abraham, Noah, Moses... etc... 

If Jesus were alive today [GJ - note the doctrinal ignorance of the participants!] he wouldn't be only in a listserve with WELS lutherans (sic), but groups for pedophiles, homosexuals, and other groups whom appear to us as resisting God's love more than others.

Finally, I want to humbly remind us all that when we push others way, we judge them, and God was pretty clear about who is qualified to do the judging.  With that said, I agree that there are probably individuals who are members of the ELCA in this group and I would invite them to share their thoughts, so we can find our similarities and grow towards the Truth from that point.

Think about it.  A member of an ELCA church in this listserve.  If that isn't a God given opportunity to share His Truth, then I don't know what is. :)

Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts.


On 11/12/2010 10:56 AM, Matthew Krenke wrote:


Thanks Chris, I too agree with everything you wrote.
My concern is that if this is being used to advertise or promote a gathering within our fellowship (and I know some of the history was explained in earlier postings), a person could easily do what I did, Google "Lutheran Men in Mission," and go striaght (sic) to an ELCA site. There are plenty of people not of our fellowship on this list serve, and I don't take it lightly when we are tied too closely to ELCA, unless they one day get their house in order. Even if it weren't tied to ELCA, I would much have preferred seeing a vignette of someone who explained how he was taken back to the Word of God, and encouraged to examine his relationship with the Lord, and lifted up by the message of forgiveness in Christ. This may very well be what happens at this event.. then say that. Then we're giving testimony to our value of and trust in God's word.
Please forgive me if my original posting seemed to harsh,no offense was intended.
- Matt


Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 08:15:38 -0800
Subject: Re: [church_and_change] Men's Ministry


>we can certainly do better by adding the word of God and how it strengthens faith.

I think this is the crux of the issue - do we view sanctification as our work, with God's Word "added" in as an ingredient - or is it solely the work of God's Word?  The problem with most of these Evangelical-style programs is not that they explicitly espouse false doctrines (those are easy to fix and "WELS-ify"), but that they are founded on assumptions that undermine the efficacy of Scripture/Means of Grace.

That said, I sometimes come down on either side of these kinds of debates, and I haven't had time to investigate the particulars of what is being discussed here - just making a general observation.

- Mark


From: Christopher Hoppe
Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 9:58:00 AM
Subject: RE: [church_and_change] Men's Ministry


I agree with everything Matt said, but I also think we need to be careful we don't become too critical of other ministries, so as not to extinguish the fire that the Holy Spirit has started in the hearts of others.  We know the ELCA has gotten too social at times and have put activity above the word and I don't agree with that either.  Keep it Christ centered and let the word ignite your faith!

The video is usually a way to get people in the door, a teaser per se. It would certainly be better that they say that it's God's Word that is the source of all our strength, we as pastors know that, and I hope and pray that it's there!  Getting together with like minded men is certainly something that can bolster faith as we share experiences in life and how we can tackle real life issues with God's help and the help of fellow brothers in the faith.  A support system is not necessarily bad - as God encourages us to carry each other's burdens and build each other up.

There are many men out there who are not living their faith, but are running away from it.   How can we get to men where they are?  How can we reach out to them to help them speak their faith and live in the calling they have received?  It it's through a venue like this -- then praise God from whom all blessings flow!  Let's not get too critical or jump to conclusions. 

And if it's a WELS member getting it going - we should take their words and actions in the kindest possible way and trust that they are Christ centered.  I am encouraged as a pastor to teach my people to go out with their faith and share it, but I put a yoke around their necks and tell them what they can and cannot do, and sometimes we end up choking out the faith the Holy Spirit has put there. [GJ - Pietism can sound pretty nutty at times, with pastors fighting the Holy Spirit and winning.]  Let's encourage.... let's dig into the word... and let's pray that God would open doors for us to reach out with the love of Christ!  The video was just a template and idea for us to put into action in our midst, we can certainly do better by adding the word of God and how it strengthens faith. 

Chris Hoppe

--- On Fri, 11/12/10, Matthew Krenke wrote:

From: Matthew Krenke
Subject: RE: [church_and_change] Men's Ministry
Date: Friday, November 12, 2010, 9:34 AM


I watched the video. I learned that real men wear pink. I learned that if you go to this "One Year to Live" program you might be moved to take part in some social gospel enterprise (that's what the ministries mentioned sounded like). I heard lots of talk about how they grew in their faith. I don't quite know how this video was to give me proof of this internal, spiritual growth, but what I did see had no mention of sin and grace, of which increasing your understanding is the only way to grow in faith. I heard an appeal to financially support a ministry I don't feel I could. I understand the intent, that as Christian men we need our brothers to rely on, and I commend its intent. I recommend getting into the Word and being strengthened, in the Bible studies and activities that are probably already going on in your own congregation. What do we do with this great wonderful truth? We share it. We don't need to huddle together with like-minded brothers to do that.

Pastor Matt Krenke -  Zion Lutheran , Valentine, Nebraska

GJ -  Lutheran Men in Mission is ELCA, but hey, WELS has worked with ELCA for decades.

 ELCA likes Susan B. Komen because SBK has given millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.

Komen and Planned Parenthood.

More here.


Schuller Not So Positive Now

"Dad, about that idea of replacing me with my sister...She is not even ordained! Give me a break."

Crystal Cathedral had its day

When religion is reduced to a collection of gimmicks, there is little to stop it falling victim to changing fashions
  • Harriet Baber
  • On 18 October 2010, Southern California's landmark Crystal Cathedral, the prototype of all late 20th Century American Megachurches, filed for bankruptcy. I drove up the following Sunday to get a look at the place while it was still in operation.
    The Crystal Cathedral proper, a spectacular glass structure designed by Philip Johnson and completed in 1980, dominates a landscaped campus that includes the congregation's original church building, designed by Richard Neutra, Richard Meier's "Welcoming Center", and a variety of other buildings, reflecting pools and religiously themed statuary. A German tourist prevailed on me to take a picture of him and his wife posing in a larger-than-life tableau of Jesus as Good Shepherd.
    The campus and decor are the culmination of a high-church revival in American Protestantism that began in the 19th century. It was then that evangelical Christians, who had traditionally assembled in meeting houses and preaching halls, constructed faux-Gothic edifices, dressed their preachers in gowns, and "beautified" their services, exchanging tedium for vulgarity. By the mid-20th century, they had appropriated all the "potent symbols of cinema secularism" theologian Reinhold Niebuhr described in his rendition of an evangelical Easter service conducted, as was not uncommon, in a movie theatre:
    The service began with the house in darkness and the gradual lighting of the stage, symbolising the Easter dawn. The organist appeared with the spotlight upon him as his console emerged trickily and automatically from its cubicle to full view. The choir was for some obscure reason gowned in a symphony of colours from deep blue on the outside to bright red in the centre… Here was a church service with so little of its own to go on that movie technic could dominate the spirit of it completely.
    The walls of the Welcoming Center were covered with words – with optimistic platitudes, rendered in raised metallic lettering, like Arabic calligraphy decorating a mosque. Words were not vehicles for conveying new information. They were icons to be gazed at, sacraments to be consumed – over and over again. Bible verses were talismans, working their magic; slogans were mantras.
    The Crystal Cathedral's trademark joy was subdued that Sunday. The church had not been able to raise enough cash through the sale of assets to satisfy its creditors. It was operating on a strictly cash-and-carry basis: a sign at the Welcoming Center bookstore announced that credit cards would no longer be accepted. Worst of all, Rick Warren's nearby Saddleback megachurch had appropriated a 170-acre package of prime real estate in Rancho Capistrano, which the Crystal Cathedral had sold months earlier to help offset its $55m dollar debt.
    Of course we don't expect popular entertainments to last. Fashion is arbitrary. There was no particular reason why hip-hop replaced disco or why the 1970s favoured earth tones while the 1990s featured violet and teal. We look in vain for some underlying social circumstance to explain why at a particular time and in a particular place popular culture takes the form it does: fashions change because they are fashions and so have nothing to recommend them but their relative novelty.
    Fashion dominates the world of evangelical Christianity and its therapeutic penumbra. The Crystal Cathedral, that glitzy architectural marvel, has become a 1980s nostalgia item. Now Rick Warren is the anointed leader of America's "People of Faith" and, for the time being, Orange county crowds are flocking to Saddleback's dull preaching halls.
    But there is nothing new under the sun. Saddleback and the Crystal Cathedral, Willow Creek and all the other evangelical megachurches that have had their time in the sun sell the same product: mind-power through talk-magic, which in secular packaging is just what all the innumerable therapies and self-help programmes on the market promise.
    In the US, where school psychologists are almost as common as school nurses, we are obsessed with talk therapies because they are in fact ecumenical and secularised versions of evangelical Christianity, our old time religion. Twelve-step programmes, beginning with Alcoholics Anonymous, appropriated the conversion scenario of revivalism, eliminating references to Jesus in favour of appeals to a generic "higher power". Later self-help programmes and therapies dispensed with supernatural intermediaries altogether. Learning the right tricks and gimmicks, thinking the right thoughts and acquiring the proper attitudes would directly, by a law of nature, make good things happen for you.
    Schuller, Warren and other new-style evangelical preachers, who focus on this-worldly improvement rather than otherworldly salvation, have not sold out Christianity in favour of secular self-help. They have simply reappropriated those bits of evangelical Christianity that cycled through the secularisation process and emerged as therapies, having in the process acquired the veneer of science.
    So if you wonder why Americans are, anomalously, religious it is because we have evacuated religion of all content. There are of course theological doctrines on the books, which church members tick off, in the way that they agree to accept screenfuls of conditions for installing new software. But most have no serious interest in these theoretical matters. Whether signing on for a new therapy or self-help programme, trying out a new diet or a new church, they are looking for a bag of tricks, a collection of gimmicks and recipes that will get them the material prosperity, perfect health, beautiful bodies, ideal relationships and complete happiness to which they believe they are entitled.
    I never understood the appeal of these programmes, whether religious or secular: they claimed to produce plain empirical results but were never empirically confirmed. For all the cheerful platitudes and possibility thinking, the Crystal Cathedral was bankrupt.
    Beyond that, as a religious believer I was disheartened. Was this all religion was: Cheerful platitudes and advice for successful living? Recipes for doing well in this world and the next? A pleasant place to pass an hour or two: an uplifting programme, brunch in the Welcoming Center and a stroll through the grounds?
    I thought religion was a window into heaven, into another world of power, glory and intensity, to the contemplation of divine beauty. When I got religion, I never imagined this flat, dull evangelicalism.