Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 2012: 74,100 Page-Views.
Higher Than Previous Record by 10%

A quotation from Chemnitz is in the graphic.
Graduation at Notre Dame provided this Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant photo-op.

The top two posts since June of 2010:
1. A Luther quotation.
2. A collection of Luther quotations.


This is the SynCon costume for Halloween.
Luther is boring and irrelevant to them.

Support for the Hunnius Book against UOJ

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Reformation Message from WELS Church Lady. GJ - Wh...":

Singapore approved and posted my comment regarding thier brief review of Pastor Rydecki's translation of Hunnius' refutation of Samuel Huber's UOJ.!/2012/05/new-book-by-aegidius-hunnius-champion.html

They also posted my link to Pastor Rydecki's faithful refutation of the false doctrine and practice of (W)ELS District President Pastor Jon Buchholz.!/2012/10/lutheran-justification-controversy.html

By the grace and mercy of the Triune God they will apply Scripture and the faithful Lutheran Confessions when studying the central teaching of the American Lutheran Synods.

Reformation Message from WELS Church Lady.
GJ - Why Are So Many Men Silent?

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Letter to WELS District President Jon Bucholz, Pre...":

My prayers go out to Pastor Rydecki and to all those who support him. Funny that those "other" pastors "ain't" been suspended (?) Pastor Buchholz has dishonored his position as District President; this is not acceptable behavior on his part. I am very VERY disappointed in the COP and seminary leaders actions of not wanting to have an honest discussion over the Doctrine Of Justification. This issue has been brewing for some time, and did not just come to light earlier in the week!

Sorry about the comment that Pastor GJ had to moderate. (aka he did not post it) I'm sure the drugstore will provide you with more smelling salts. Everyone needs to read that letter. I will pass it up the line....WAY UP! The WELS is in trouble, and the leaders must face issues that dwarf the perils of the Intrepids.(well at least one Intrepid for now) See the verses from Galatians chapter 3:

"Even as Abraham BELIEVED GOD AND IT WAS COUNTED TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. And the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, IN THEE SHALL ALL NATIONS BE BLESSED. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham."

"That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."

"But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith is come, we are no longer under a school master. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

Here are some passages form David J Valleskey's We Believe-Therefore We Speak: (Warning, it is not like the Galatians verses.)

"It is important for the evangelist to understand what faith is. Perhaps the simplest definition is that faith is the hand that receives the the benefits of the finished work of Christ. It is the hand into which God places the forgiveness of sins and justification won by Christ."

"Faith is not the cause of justification. To say, "A person is declared righteous in the sight of God...because of having believed," is to fail to distinguish properly the relationship between faith and justification. Faith is not in any way that which brings about the sinner's justification. The cause of justification is the perfect life and sacrificial death of Christ. Faith is simply the way by which the individual sinner apprehends the salvation won by Christ."

Brother David, you got's some splainin' to do! Yes you borrowed from Pieper, Walther, and Millard J Erickson. I/we cannot let this go, and one cannot hide behind Matthew 18. The Matthew 18 crawl space is getting a little crowded these days.

In Christ,

Here You Stand, WELS - With McCain and Cascione Cheering You On

Where is this nonsense in Luther
or the Bible?

Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Letter to WELS District President Jon Bucholz, Pre...":


It was being discussed privately between the District President, Pastor Rydecki, and other pastors. He was finally booted from the WELS for teaching that sinners are justified by faith alone. Does that not raise a red flag? Especially during the Reformation month?

He certainly didn't need to do anything in private, but he did, probably in the attempts to have the WELS see their error. He could have gone public right away, but didn't. Public error certainly needs public rebuke so others won't be led astray. All the WELS publications that proclaim their "universal justification" are public. Why on earth do we discuss public sin privately? Have you read Luther's explanation of the 8th Commandment?

"All this has been said regarding secret sins [Febreeze - Matt. 18:15]. But where the sin is quite public so that the judge and everybody know it, you can without any sin avoid him and let him go, because he has brought himself into disgrace, and you may also publicly testify concerning him. For when a matter is public in the light of day, there can be no slandering or false judging or testifying; as, when we now reprove the Pope with his doctrine, which is publicly set forth in books and proclaimed in all the world. For where the sin is public, the reproof also must be public, that every one may learn to guard against it."

It turned from a matter of discussion to him being labeled a heretic. Does anything in this letter stand out to you? The only thing you have concern with is Pres. Buchholz' integrity? How about Pastor Rydecki after falsely being charged with heresy? The WELS has shown itself to teach a different Gospel than what has been handed down to us.

P.S. This isn't mudslinging.

Will the Lutheran Church Be Able to Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation?

Holy Mother Church wanted more cash, so she was selling forgiveness of sin to build one more church  - the shockingly ugly St. Peter's in Rome.

Today is remembered as the turning point in history, when Luther objected to sale of indulgences with his 95 Theses. He might have been another Savonarola, largely forgotten for daring to defy Rome, but the newly invented printing press and hunger for the Gospel fueled a revolt against Holy Father Antichrist.

The gap between Rome and the Scriptures became too great to be explained away to people who could read and study the Word of God.

The wealth and armed power of the papacy could not withstand the efficacy of the Word. Like the Roman Empire it replaced, the Church of Rome was knocked into the dustbin by the Gospel. The massive remnants are still visible, to fill the ignorant with awe, but the Church of Rome is a corpse compared to its glory days.

The Synodical Conference must miss Rome, because the same corruption of doctrine and character has been imitated with obsessive devotion.

The Lutheran Tetzels sell indulgences to wealthy adulterers like Marvin Schwan. The high profile SynCon leaders are men who took this guilt-money from Schwan to make themselves look good.

  • Look at all our Marvin Schwan buildings.
  • Look at all our Marvin Schwan projects.
  • Look at all our Marvin Schwan clergy jobs.

Above the evil fruit rotting on the ground is the corrupt tree of false doctrine. The SynCon Lutherans of today cannot stand Luther's Biblical doctrine.

  1. They despise justification by faith, excommunicating those who teach it.
  2. They cannot discuss the efficacy of the Word, the Means of Grace, or the Holy Spirit's work in the Word..
  3. They venerate Martin Stephan's pimp and enforcer as a saint, the Great Kidnapper Walther, gathering around statues of the Pietist to murmur, "You made us what we are today."

Weeds look like productive plants at first, perhaps to remind us about the nature of false teachers. When a weed matures and fruits, its seed is obvious evil. The tomato-mimic (woody nightshade) produces a poison berry after blooming with a delicate flower.

UOJ has produced a Lutheran editor, Herman Otten, who sells an anti-Luther book, The "Facts" about Luther, as part of his Reformation special. Why not sell books on atheism as well?

An editor of Concordia Publishing House, named after the Book of Concord, promotes Roman Catholicism by regularly featuring articles--verbatim--from the Catholic Encyclopedia, and even posts a painting of St. Bernard receiving the miraculous lactation of the Virgin Mary.

What is the main difference between the Purple Palace of the LCMS and the Vatican? Answer - the Purple Palace has more Roman Catholics employed there.

The Epic Fail of Paul McCain