Thursday, November 15, 2012

Paul McCain Probably Does Not Like the Photoshops, In Spite of His Claims.
Why Should We Believe a Plagiarist about Anything?

This is Luther's paraphrase of Paul's inspired words.
They must be every pastor's own confession of faith.
This is from a CPH publication - Paul McCain should read it sometime.

Paul McCain has left a new comment on your post "Christian News: The current debate in the WELS con...":

Poor old Greg Jackson.

Greg, remember the day you came to the International Center and tried to sell me Northwestern Mutual insurance? What a pathetic site it was.

[GJ - A sermon never written - Paul McCain on the Apostle as a Tent-Maker. Paul, I remember you running  up to meet me at a bookstore, writing me a long letter that still resides in my drawer, praising my writing against Church Growth. At the Purple Palace you boasted about your lies about "never working secretly with Otten." You also bragged about undercutting Robert Preus, with Barry's help. I thought, "What an evil, vindictive little man."]

Now you lie about using a copyrighted photo, even your own "investigator" proved that it was taken with the very camera I was using that day.

[GJ - This is getting comical. You got your fancy camera out and photographed a book photo. You did not photograph a painting way up on the wall. If you had done that and watermarked it, I would have observed the warning on Martin Crease-Face. I recall seeing my Photoshop appear on your blog, but your endless plagiarisms are so easy to forget that I am not going to swear on a stack of NNIVs that you would plagiarize me. I am not Roman Catholic. Please explain to the public how you copyrighted a photo owned by someone else when the Wikimedia restriction was clearly stated. Are you so hardened by your UOJ dogma that you cry "Thief!" while stealing shamelessly?

The expert responded already -

He says you used a "copyrighted photo," but there's no proof of that, since McCain did not post a copyright notice by his Chemnitz photo until recently. A de facto posting of a notice doesn't mean prior use is a violation.

McCain must not want to release the full Chemnitz photo since, I believe, it is a picture taken out of a gift shop book. Also, it's odd that he'd take down his pictures from his 2006 post. I wonder is some German publisher contacted him with a Take Down Notice, or maybe even the St. Martini Kirche itself contacted  him.]


Everyone I know considers you a complete laughing stock.

[GJ - That is the key, Paul. Your few UOJ friends have a common bond. You and Bruce Kintz are raking in $500,000 a year while charging far too much for CPH books Have you no shame?]

You claim to be a "pastor" out of a spare room in hour (sic) rental house.

[GJ - Paul, you claim to be an editor and cannot spell. The congregation called me. Check your Walther since you reject the Word of God and the Book of Concord. I enjoy preaching and teaching about 60 times a year to many people, who have used the service and recordings thousands of times. Rental? Everything is rented. Look around your posh surroundings. All your guns and ammo will belong to someone else some day. So will your house. But - what congregation do you serve, oh collared one?]

You claim to give communion to your disciples, like Brett Meyer over the Internet.
[GJ - The Word consecrates. Members distribute Holy Communion. You have no concept of the efficacy of the Word. But that was already established in your UOJ rants.]

Face it Greg, you never have known what confessional Lutheranism is, or was.
[GJ - Paul, do you mean as defined by the syphilitic founder of your sect? or as defined by his pimp, the Great Kidnapper Walther? I have have studied UOJ at great length and found it completely opposed to the Gospel, as you are.]

You never received any credible Lutheran education.
[GJ - Many of your Ft. Wayne seminary professors got their doctorates from Notre Dame. The former president did too. And Robert Preus went to...Luther Seminary (now ELCA). But you loathed and pitied him, too. I think you loathe and pity people who can earn graduate degrees. Paraphrasing Herman Melville, the Synodical Conference was my Harvard and Yale. I learned the most from all the errors being taught by the Church Growth/UOJ false teachers.]

You wasted your money and your family's time getting degrees from non-Lutheran institutions.
[GJ - I am so ashamed of the $2,000 I borrowed to earn an STM from Yale University. And worse, I am doubled over in grief that I received free tuition and a grant for an MA and PhD from Notre Dame. I actually studied American Lutheran synodical history for my dissertation. Advisors were a famous Roman Catholic historian, which McCain would love. I also had Stanley Hauerwas as an advisor - he is probably the most distinguished modern theologian in America today. And I also had John Howard Yoder, the Mennonite historian, as my main advisor. Nothing promotes study more than trying to explain Lutheran mergers to a Mennonite and a Catholic. That was one of 15 books I have published, and I give 14 of them away.]

[GJ - Your comments always bring a smile to my face, Paul. 

I confess, sometimes I burst into tears - of laughter.]

Editor McCain - Copying it is fine.
Stealing original work and pretending it is your own - that is illegal,
unethical, and contrary to the Seventh Commandment.
False accusations are slander.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Paul McCain Probably Does Not Like the Photoshops,...":

And he said...You wasted your money and your family's time getting degrees from non-Lutheran institutions.


Rev.(sic) McCain, you are a sour grape because you did not get a well rounded proper education like Dr. Jackson. You are really astounding.

You consider the following a good thing:
a.) engaging in fallacy
b.) intellectual-in-breeding

In your world what is good is considered evil and you hold what is considered by decent people as evil, good.

Your smugness reminds me of Pentecostal pastors I know when I was a Pentecostal.

They think to themselves they are not heretics because they are card carrying member of their denomination, another form of Romanism.

Yet, I do not think you are convinced of your Lutheranism either since you often laud Roman Catholic dignitaries and use RC sources in your blog.


The UOJ Tree of UnFaith Does Not Bear Good Fruit

Mrs. Ichabod sat next to one of the Walmart staff at the famous Saturday Morning Meetings. He said, "I deal with apples."

She thought Apple computers and began talking about them.

He said, "No, apples for eating." So I began talking about my favorite, Honey Crisp. They are really quite tart but also juicy. They often sell out, so I chided him about that.

Meeting people at a college, I was impressed how friendly and thoughtful they were, especially since I came from a different background.

It made me think about the SynCon efforts to promote Friendship Evangelism, surely an example of trying to find apples where there are no trees. As Luther said at great length, the good tree is faith is Christ, the good tree that produces good, worthwhile fruit.

Love does not produce conversions - only the Word can do that. Faith in Christ generates love - for God and neighbor.

We can ask of a loveless sect and congregation, why are they so hateful, vindictive, corrupt, and greedy?  The answer is - no faith. The sermons are mostly law, so they do not generate the fruits of the Spirit. The pastor opposes faith, but tacks it on the end of his little UOJ rant - but you have to believe UOJ.

Those who are convinced  by UOJ are also Antinomians. The Law of God is obsolete to them, even though they adore their own man-made laws.

Before UOJ and greed triumphed in the Synodical Conference, pastors and teachers worked for almost nothing. They taught the Gospel and earned great respect. The parochial school teacher was an honored member of his community, even though he made very little money. Respect for the Word means respect for the one who brings that Word.

The Gospel bore fruit and people gave generously. The current SynCon leaders like to skim the money for themselves while burdening the next generations of pastors and teachers. I hope the leaders do not criticize the president and Congress for following their example in higher education. The SynCon seminaries are sinfully corrupt, lazy, and greedy.

Concordia Publishing House is run by plagiarists and Mequon wants a horrible Leftist Biblical paraphrase called the New NIV.

I feature the nastiness of the SynCons because people need to know about their abusive sects. Someone is always trying to prove me right, so I publish what they say. They are ashamed to quote me or to borrow my Luther graphics. I am happy to quote them.

Did Jon Buchholz stop to wonder how many WELSians said "No way" to a church vocation when they heard about his abusive, dishonest behavior toward Pastor Paul Rydecki's family? Buchholz is just one more bad example of the impoverished leadership of today.

A "love" program is not going to do it - nor will constant exhortations that members are obliged by law to witness to others so the sect can grow.

The Synodical Conference tree cannot bear the fruit of the Gospel when the Gospel is not taught.

BREAKING NEWS: Pastor Herman Otten leaving Trinity Lutheran Church after 55 years |

Pastor Otten died April 24th, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Pastor Herman Otten leaving Trinity Lutheran Church after 55 years |

New Haven, Mo. –PastorHerman Otten officially announced in a press release this morning the he will be leaving Trinity Lutheran Church after 55 years.
Otten will remain editor of Christian News “To promote 21st century reformation and realignment in all of Christendom."
In a “Farewell Address” that Otten had presented in a voters meeting at Trinity Lutheran Church on July 15 announced that he would be leaving Trinity after 55 years as pastor on Easter 2013. He said he wants to give Trinity time to call a new pastor. Few congregations have kept their same pastor for so many years.
Otten, however, will not be retiring from the ministry. He will continue serving as editor of Christian News, now in its 50th year with issue No. 2,326, until a new editor takes over. Otten said once he no longer has weekly pastoral duties he plans to travel promoting the need for a realignment in Christendom and a 21st Century Reformation as the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s

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The Facts About Luther
Otten promoted this book for the Reformation,
because he said, he "sells both sides of the issue."


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "BREAKING NEWS: Pastor Herman Otten leaving Trinity...":

Before Al Gore invented the Internet, Christian News certainly filled an information void left by official denominational publications and rags like Christianity Today. I used to read CN from front page to back every week. It was there that I discovered a middle aged Lutheran pastor who was selling cassette tapes and other materials, including posters, which opposed the Church Growth Movement. Needless to say, I eventually stopped being a synod minder. Corky Koeplin also had his essay, "Whither WELS" published in CN.

News travels a whole lot faster these days. But I wonder whether the Intrepid Lutherans would have been possible if all that there was for alternative news was CN. By the way, that Lutheran Pastor wore a roman collar. We all know who that was.


GJ - Little Ichabod helped me get started with Martin Chemnitz Press. I did a "This is your brain on Church Growth" poster. Someone reported seeing that hanging in a seminary dorm room. I also wrote an article on amalgamation and lead, which was cut out of CN and posted in a dorm. Little things like that made me think the good yeast was leavening the dough.

I sent Corky's essay to Christian News and got reamed out by a "friend" for doing so. My name was not associated with the article, but I picked up the phone and got the usual WELS rant - not unlike Cascione's accusation that I wrote the anti-UOJ essay composed by his LCMS colleague. However, I was guilty as sin and free as a bird.

Don't laugh. They market to everyone now,
by giving away Lutheran dollars.

Required Reading for Intrepid Lutherans and Cyber-Brethren:
QUAERITUR: Are priests required to wear clerical dress at all times? | Fr. Z's Blog – What Does The Prayer Really Say?

"Have you given all that money your reported on your tax return?
If not, you soon will, my child."

QUAERITUR: Are priests required to wear clerical dress at all times? | Fr. Z's Blog – What Does The Prayer Really Say?:

Are preist (double-sic)  required to wear them at all times?

I'm sure you’ve been asked this before. I’m a new reader I cant find the answer on your blog. I’ve tried for two months. Can you answer or refer me to it? Thank you. P.S I really like your site.

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hn160 has left a new comment on your post "Required Reading for Intrepid Lutherans and Cyber-...":

I believe that pastors should look like a pastor when they are on official business or in his office. He should not look like one of the boys. It is said that familiarity breeds contempo.

Christian News: The current debate in the WELS concerning universal, objective Justification

The Anti-Otten gun is cardboard, since he secretly worked with Otten to elect Barry.
Confidential to Paul - This is an example of copying a post and being honest about it.
Try it some time.

Christian News: The current debate in the WELS concerning universal, objective Justification:


The current debate in the WELS concerning universal, objective Justification

Christian News, October 29, 2012, Vol. 50, No. 42

The conference of presidents, on the recent call list, Oct. 2012, reports that Paul Rydecki has been suspended from ministry of the WELS. No further information is given, and one is left to wonder what did he do????

On the Intrepid Lutherans web page there appeared the announcement that one of its contributors, Rev. Paul Rydecki, has been suspended from the WELS. Following articles and an explanation from Rydecki explained that the reason was because of Rydecki’s views concerning objective, universal, justification. He stated and defended his position in a paper given last June in Oshkosh, “Are You A Dresden Lutheran?” A copy of the DP letter of suspension to Rydecki was also posted.

One wonders why more information concerning suspensions for doctrinal reasons cannot be given. It seems that in order to understand what is going on in the Synod one must go to unofficial sources.

What Paul Rydecki (also the egocentric synergist Greg Jackson) is teaching on justification is nothing new to the Lutheran Church and something which Confessional Lutherans have always rejected.

The position that Rydecki is promoting has its origin back in Melanchthon’s teachings on the three causes of conversion — the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the will of man. In the discussions in the 50s between the old American Lutheran Church and the LCMS concerning justification, the ALC wanted to teach that God had secured and provided salvation for all people. This is objective or universal redemption, not objective justification. The LCMS along with the WELS insisted on the words, that God has not only secured and provided salvation for all, but that God has declared the whole world righteous in Christ Jesus. This they called objective Justification. (A term that is preferred over universal justification, which can cause some misunderstandings.) By only saying “secured and provided salvation” the door is open for some cooperation or contributions on the part on man. Good, God has provided it, how do I get it? But by insisting on the term God has DECLARED the whole world righteous, all works or cooperation on man’s part are removed.

The men in the ALC, from the old Ohio Synod, wanted to teach “Erst muss der Mensch glauben, dann wird er gerechtfertigt (first must the man believe, then he becomes justified). This old error taught that first one must believe that Christ died for all, then he will be justified. This puts the cart before the horse, my faith before my justification. Against this old heresy Walther and others maintained the formula – Justificatio non post fidem, sed per fidem(Justification not after faith, but through faith). This is the position of Lutheran Orthodoxy. Today we use the term objective justification to teach this truth. God has declared the whole world righteous in Christ Jesus (God so loved the world, John 3:16; The Lutheran church sings, “Christ thou Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on me.”)

Of course now, the other side, the Holy Spirit working through the means of Grace must now change the hard and disobedient will of man which is dead in sin and an enemy of God. The Holy Spirit moves the will of man to accept and believe this objective justification. This we call subjective justification. The two must go together; — and you can’t have one without the other!!! If one rejects the objective, universal justification, he cannot be saved. He is lost. We do not believe in universalism, everyone is going to heaven.

The Bible connects universal redemption and universal, objective, justifi- cation and treats them as the same.For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:5-7. Christ died for all. This Rydecki does not reject. But in the same book, a chapter earlier, Paul writes, But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, Romans 4:4-6

God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. 19 For as by one man’s disobedience many (i.e., all) were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many (i.e., all) will be made righteous. (Rom 5:18,19)

The Lutheran Confessions, although not using the term objective justification, teach this concept.

But when the Lord Jesus Christ came, He forgave to all people the sin, which no one could avoid. … Christ took away the sin of the whole world, as John testified saying in John 1:29, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” Apology, Art IV, Justification, 103 Concordia, page 99

Just as the preaching of repentance is universal, so also the promise of the Gospel is universal, that is, it belongs to all people. Formula of Concord, Art XI, 28, Concordia, p. 606

All have sinned and (all) are justified freely. Smalcald Articles, second part, Art. I,3, Concordia, page 263.

By way of illustration: A man pays my entire debt, gives me a check, and declares me debt free. But I must believe this, cash the check. It does me no good until I cash it. But I cannot cash it before he declares me debt free.

This clear teaching that God has declared all people righteous, Objective Justification (WELS catechism, question 253) Rydecki refuses to accept and teach. Thus he is rightly to be removed from the ministry of the WELS!

Pastor M.F. Bartling
Onalaska, WI, Oct. 2012 

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Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel said...
Ichabod -

By reading Rev. Bartling's commentary and pathetic thumbs down pronouncement of Pastor Rydecki, it is obvious that he has now cushioned himself in good stead with his synodical higher-ups. It is so frustrating to read how such Lutheran pastors so easily diss the importance of the Holy Spirit and faith and in the process miss out on Scripture's clear teaching of grace through faith alone. Luther would slap him up the back side of his head.........

Nathan M. Bickel


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Christian News: The current debate in the WELS con...":

It’s important to see that those who have chosen synod to be lord and master have in the same moment rejected Christ

I believe there is so much truth in this and it leads to Romanism.

This is what happened to the late Fr. Neuhaus, ex-Lutheran clergyman. He saw the synods operating like the Roman Magisterium and comparing it with his synod(s) behaving the same way, the natural question arises, why not go for the one who has a pedigree? So he turned Roman.


Clerical Shirts - The Fabric of Our Lies

I looked at Intrepid Lutherans to see if more comments were appearing about Gerhard on Romans 5:19 - one of many places the Enthusiasts have "discovered" UOJ.

The translation still has only five comments, even though the lies about UOJ being orthodox Lutheran doctrine gravitate around such key atonement passages.

Which new article has nine comments? Clerical attire!

Lutherans do not want to face the main issue of today. They have a Squirrel! response whenever the Gospel comes up as a disputed topic. (Our Sassy can be distracted from anything if someone says, "Squirrel!")

That reminds me of the ELCA merger, when the largest share of memorials concerned the pension fund, which continued to be a contentious topic for some time after 1987. No one recognized the gay quotas and false doctrine propping up the new beast, conceived by Diaprax, the process of involving everyone in moving toward the assumed end-point, even letting them vote on it.

There is an inverse relationship between attire and doctrine. Those who must - or must not - wear a Roman collar are also those who dodge the doctrinal issues. I remember John Seifert, the future DP at the time, scowling at me because I wore a Friar Tuck to the WELS district convention. He had no scowls for clergy adultery or Fuller doctrine. But a black shirt made him see red.

The confusion about attire parallels that about education. What we wear or where we wen to school are truly matters of indifference. But we believe and teach - that is number one. If incense is number one, sound doctrine below that by definition. 

If the right degree from the right school from the right synod from the right person from the right clerical family equals orthodoxy - then Paul Wendland stands at the fulcrum of the ages. 

Christ is the same whether grasped by the faith of a baby, a teen, or senior citizen. Education may help in explaining Christian doctrine, but it often gets in the way, since people feel obliged to honor their relatives, professors, and institutions rather than the Word of God. They do not know that they do not know, because everyone around them says, "This is the right way to think."

In a corrupt, degraded, abusive sect like WELS, someone with a few questions feels like a prophet. He can pretend to be "confessional" after assuming the role of conformist again. After all, few were intrepid enough to say anything. Spurning the cross, he dons a store-bought Medal of Honor when he only earned a good conduct medal.

As everyone knows, WELSians are experts on every denomination on earth (all bad). They often comment about others in their misguided, proud way, a Latourettee tirade of abuse. I received one email about someone's relative who is WELS. The LCMS relatives have to make sure the WELS person gave the blessing at dinner, because he could not let a Missouri member lead the prayer.

I wrote, in effect: "You! Must! Be! Kidding! Their New NIV is total unionism at work."

WELS and Missouri clergy meet with ELCA pastors at Fuller and Willow Creek to learn about how to do real ministry. Moreover, WELS and Missouri leaders work constantly with ELCA and follow ELCA rules in their joint endeavors. Those who have qualms about gay and women pastors best hush up - not that WELS and Missouri leaders really care about that anyway.

WELS and Missouri preserve their exquisite practice of pan-denominational unionism while practicing it without ceasing.

Ski and Tim Glende get their liturgical jeans in a knot if I quote from a Lutheran author not on their required reading list from Mequon. Scholars are divided about whether they read anything there, but that is not the point. They routinely channel Groeschel verbatim, just as Paul McCain channels the Catholic Encyclopedia verbatim. And both plagiarism teams unite to denounce me for teaching Luther's doctrine of justification.

SynCon Lutheran leadership:
a blind clown leading the blind.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Clerical Shirts - The Fabric of Our Lies":

Ichabod -

My compliments of your Ski pic!

At least you chose a pic of Ski with his shirt draped down upon his pants. That way your web viewers were spared the popular cultural ____ ______ look........