Monday, July 8, 2013

Canada: Lutherans face looming crisis with hope.
Going Away Like the ELS

 Bishop Susan Johnson addresses the delegates at the 14th Biennial National Convention in Ottawa.
Photo: Simon Chambers

Canada: Lutherans face looming crisis with hope:

[Anglican Journal] Lutheran delegates were shown a sobering portrait of their church’s present and future prospects during the first business session of the ELCIC’s National Convention.
In her opening address, National Bishop Susan Johnson shared the results of a financial and demographic study of the denomination commissioned by the ELCIC’s Conference of Bishops.
It shows that 54 congregations have closed since the ELCIC was established in 1986, and that individual membership has dropped from more than 262,000 to about 139,000 during the same time period. Future projections are equally grim. The study suggests a further 64 ELCIC congregations will close by 2020.
An aging membership explains part of the drop in numbers. An especially sharp decline came following the ELCIC’s decision in 2011 to authorize congregations to offer same-sex marriages.
The projected drop in membership would have financially catastrophic consequences for an already cash-strapped denomination, with annual revenues to the national church estimated to plunge by $400,000 by 2020.
Johnson described the demographic and financial projections as “a worst-case scenario” that could result in major cuts to national staff, programming and global partnerships, and even curtailing the full communion relationship with the Anglican Church of Canada.
At the same time, the national bishop struck a hopeful tone, suggesting the ELCIC’s membership and money crisis could also be a moment of opportunity for Canada’s Lutherans to “define what our core mission is and how we can best accomplish it.”
“We need to be open to the creative power of the Holy Spirit,” Johnson told delegates. “God is calling us, and indeed all the churches in North America and much of Europe, to a new thing. What’s hard is that we don’t know what that new thing is going to be.”
Nevertheless, Johnson offered some suggestions as to what that “new thing” might look like in the ELCIC. They include creating more flexible models of local ministry, deepening partnerships and reducing the size of some national church structures. [GJ - So you are broke, eh?]

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GJ - I did not know Susan Johnson. She graduated from Waterloo Lutheran Seminary some years after I did. In fact, finding biographical details about her (my specialty) is almost impossible. I could phone some people I know from there, but my curiosity is not that great.

Susan Johnson is the current (since 2007) National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). She is the first woman to hold the post.
Prior to her ordination to the episcopate, she was an Assistant to the Bishop in Eastern Synod, which covers Central Canada and the Maritimes. From 2001 to 2005, she was Vice-President of the ELCIC. [1]
Johnson was consecrated by fellow Lutheran and Anglican bishops in Winnipeg on the feast of Michael and All Angels, 2007. She is an honorary canon of Christ's Church Cathedral (Hamilton).

Normally ELCA news releases are quite precise about education, but not with Bishop Susan. Nada.


Born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, National Bishop Susan C. Johnson is the daughter of The Rev. Donald and Lois Johnson, and comes from a long line of pastors on both sides of her family.
 In 1981 she received  a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia followed in 1992  (age 34) by  a Masters of Divinity from Waterloo Lutheran Seminary in Ontario and in 2012 received her Doctorate of Divinity (jure dignitatis) from Huron University in Ontario. In 2011 she was named one of one hundred Alumni of Achievement by Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario.
New ELCA bishop and spouse.
ELCA violated their own rules to rush him into ordination,
and soon after - bishop.

She was made assistant to the Eastern Canada bishop only two years after ordination, probably a quota pick to satisfy the lavender lobby. So her mid-life crisis vocation turned into two years in the parish, 13 years as a bishop's assistant, and now 6 years as "national bishop" of a group in financial and numerical collapse.
This is just like the new ELCA bishop in California, ELCA, and several similar cases. The quota position is filled by someone with almost no experience but a boatload of agenda items to get done. In a few years the downhill slide is an avalanche.

Episcopalian Website Uses Ichabod Photoshop.
VirtueOnline - News - Presiding Bishop Deposed

VirtueOnline - News:

PB Jefferts Schori Deposed after denying Episcopalians need personal Salvation

A satirical essay

By David W. Virtue
July 6, 2013

In a shocking end to a less than illustrious ecclesiastical career, U.S. Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori has been deposed for denying that Episcopalians need personal salvation. That she spent tens of millions of dollars on property lawsuits did not help her case. Episcopalians were finally fed up.

Jefferts Schori, who seemed calm and composed during the announcement that she was being fired, angrily left 815 2nd Avenue, NY the church’s national headquarters in her limousine firing over her shoulder that the trouble with the church was its abject fundamentalists.

After being told she was out and that TEC’s CEO Bishop Stacy Sauls would temporarily step in till a new PB is elected, Jefferts Schori seemed resigned to her fate.

"She went quietly," her media spokesperson Neva Rae Fox said. "She muttered something like, I don't want to run a church filled with homophobes, anti-inclusivists, traditionalists, evangelicals, fundamentalists and those lacking in diversity." She also had some tough words about the Apostle Paul and demon possession, suggesting he might have had a bad cosmic dude floating around in him.

Back at national headquarters, some of her colleagues expressed relief she was gone. They also hoped that she would get the necessary theological relief to recover her faith before she dies and faces the Last Judgment with nothing to show for her life, as she doesn’t believe in the salvation of nominal Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, homosexuals, lesbians and people into threesomes.

On hearing the news, former Archbishop Rowan Williams also expressed relief that she is gone saying that she had been a royal pain in the a** when he was ABC, but refused to be more specific as he was reading poetry to his wife as they punted down the Cam.


FOOTNOTE: The chauffeur her drove her to LaGuardia Airport and witnessed her departure in her private CESSNA said that after the plane took off the wings wobbled a bit but then she disappeared into a cloud of unknowing.

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GJ - Repeat after me - "No one reads Ichabod."

Intrepid Lutherans: Impressions from My Visit with ELDoNA at their 2013 Colloquium and Synod – PART V.3

"Kudu Don is too busy to hunt now."

Intrepid Lutherans: Impressions from My Visit with ELDoNA at their 2013 Colloquium and Synod – PART V.3:

MONDAY, JULY 8, 2013

Impressions from My Visit with ELDoNA at their 2013 Colloquium and Synod – PART V.3

(Continued from PART V.2, yesterday)

ELDoNA and a Return to Balanced confessional Lutheran Scholarship
My comparison of WELS and LCMS scholarship cultures, in the previous post in this series, is meant to express mygeneral impressions based on my observations, as I have been exposed to WELS and LCMS scholarship, not as a characterization of every single author, nor as an absolute or “objective” conclusion regarding their character. I know for a fact that there are many individuals in both WELS and LCMS who are very capable, well-balanced, orthodox scholars.Nor is it meant to say that it is necessary for every single author in the ministerium to be a “top scholar;” there are many simple parish pastors – good, faithful pastors – who, though perhaps called upon to deliver a paper, do so making no pretenses. But on the whole, based on my exposure to them, my subjective appraisal is as a I had expressed it, which, when compared to the traditional reputation of scholarship of confessional Lutheranism – that of “having the most learning” (as I had indicated at the beginning of PART V) – seems to exhibit a general character not quite living up to our reputation or our confession.

What I observed while at the 2013 Colloquium and Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA) confirmed for me that many of what I consider to be the best characteristics of both LCMS and WELS cultures of scholarship are present within the Diocese, and for me, form my impression of its own culture of scholarship.
  1. They're small (and in my experience, from the standpoint of maintaining unity and fostering collegiality, smaller is better), but the individuals are unrelated to one another, and seem to be mostly unknown to one another outside of their “professional association” – so it is their status as fellow-confessors, as fellow-students of the Word and as fellow-workers in the Ministry, and their history together as fellow-collaborators, that seem to serve as the primary factors in their credibility with one another, rather than, say, family reputation, long personal or family history, or gossip.
  2. There is a statistically significant percentage of doctoral degree attainment among ELDoNA clergy, along with other, additional academic pursuit – so there is strong academic experience to drive and maintain the high standards they have set for themselves.
  3. While centered on the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, their academic investigation also includes areas of study which impact the Church and her teaching from outside these two norms – areas of study like philosophy, history or sociology. Such investigation, however, does not appear to be the product of a discontentedness with the strictures of a static text and a fixed theology, or motivated out of a desire to “discover” additional meaning and room for broader or alternate application, but to preserve pure doctrine and conserve catholic and evangelical practice.
  4. Their research displays an exceptional cultural awareness.
That last point may be surprising to some, but, quite honestly, I was expecting it, and was delighted to have had my expectations met. But that may not be an obvious expectation for many – after all, they are a post-Synodical-Conference church body known for confessing and practicing a Lutheran Confession that fastidiously conserves a fidelity to the past (a “past” where Lutheran history begins at least a few hundred years before 1848), and not only that, the publishing house that is associated with them is actually named “Repristination Press!” Most contemporary-minded folks would more than likely think that they are far from culturally aware, but that instead, they are just a bunch of repristinationalist luddites, stuck in a romanticized past!

A conclusion like this is not necessarily unfounded, if one is under the impression that the study of history has as its purpose merely the cataloging of stale trivia. But this is not its purpose, and the scholarship that I was exposed to during the Colloquium, and that I have taken in from their books, and papers on the internet, testify to the fact that they understand very well the purpose for studying history: to understand the present. Many folks forget this fact. The reality is, our “present” is merely a position on a continuum of events, which extend to our position from the past and are carrying us to the next position in the future. That is to say, if we want to understand the present, and have an idea of where the future leads, we must understand our position on the arc of history – must have some understanding of the forces that have brought us to the place and time that we occupy. And knowing position and arc, it is thus also possible to have some reasonable idea of our trajectory. Such a perspective cannot help but be eminently more culturally aware and relevant than that which advocates of the Church Growth Movement boast as “Real, Relational and Relevant,” to the exclusion of anything historical: a narrow and shallow perspective which descends from a studious fixation on the microcosm of the present. Such perspectives say nothing about our true position, dismiss any “arc of history,” and can thus give no indication of where we might be going.

There were nine papers delivered at the Colloquium. I will conclude this series of posts, by briefly reviewing five of them.

Bishop James Heiser:
An Overview of the Distinction of Grades of Sin in the Book of Concord and the Early Lutheran Fathers

Grades of Sin... I've always wondered about this, since my Bible distinguishes between certain kinds of sins and others, and certain kinds of sinners and others. My Bible teaches me that God is not blind to sin, and that on account of their sin, He turns His gracious countenance from certain kinds of sinners, instead turning them over to the lusts of their own flesh. My Bible even has a special word for these types of sinners: my Bible identifies them as Reprobates. These are different from apostates, or those guilty of a positive denial of evangelical doctrine – or otherwise known as, “those who are guilty of the sin against the Holy Spirit.” Reprobates, do not deny but confess the doctrine of Christ, yet act in utter disregard for it.
    18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do themRomans 1:18-32 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates2 Cor. 13:5
As the bolded sections indicate, reprobates are those who “hold the truth in unrighteousness,” who are therefore “given up by God,” and who are thus outside salvation regardless of whatever truth they hold. Indeed, in the 2 Corinthians reference above, St. Paul even warns fellow-believers to examine themselves, not only as to what what they believe, but also what they personally do: “Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are a reprobate sinner.”

Inquiring of Lutheran pastors over the years, I've received only dismissive and totally inadequate responses: “All sin separates mankind from God. God has atoned for all sin. All sin is forgiven through Jesus Christ. It is a pointless exercise to divide sin into grades. Focus on the forgiveness.”

Bishop Heiser, in his brief essay, however, makes clear that neither Chemnitz, nor Melanchthon, nor Luther, nor first-generation Wittenberg theologians, like Professor Leonard Hutter, thought that observing “grades of sin” in the teaching of Scripture, such as what I have just pointed out, was a pointless exercise. Indeed, they seem to have agreed with C.F.W. Walther, who Bishop Heiser quoted as saying:
    “We have already seen that a distinction must be made between mortal and venial sins. A person failing to make this distinction does not rightly divide Law and Gospel” (The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel, pg. 325.).
After reminding the Lutheran reader of the fundamental divisions of sin which are still commonly taught among confessional Lutherans – Original Sin and Actual Sin – Bishop Heiser then proceeds, with the help of Professor Leonard Hutter, to define Venial Sin and Mortal Sin as the two primary divisions of Actual Sin. Quoting Melanchthon, Chemnitz and the book of Romans, he writes regarding Venial Sin:
    In the case of venial sin, one is dealing with actual sins, where the sinner is not deliberately acting against conscience. ‘At this point if you fight against sin so that you do not give way against your conscience, you shall retain grace and the Holy Spirit’ (Melanchthon, Loci Communes, 127). In this context, Melanchthon directs his readers to St. Paul's words in Romans 7: ‘But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.’ In such a person, sin is not being willfully tolerated; rather, its unwelcome presence torments the Christian. As Chemnitz explained, ‘Therefore there is sin dwelling in us which tries to keep us in captivity... But if they fight against it and are in Christ Jesus, even though sin is still in their members, yet for them there is no condemnation’ (Chemnitz,Loci Theologici, 672).”
Likewise Hutter:
    “A venial sin, therefore, is a fall or action of the regenerate, which conflicts with the law of God, but does not cause the loss of grace, the Holy Ghost, and faith; for those who have been born again, in their spirit strive that they may not be led astray contrary to conscience, and they grieve over their corruption, and believe that for the sake of their Mediator, God regards them with favor, and gratuitously forgives them all their sins, through and on account of Christ” (Compend of Lutheran Theology, 70.).
Mortal Sin, on the other hand, Bishop Heiser distinguishes as follows:
    “The point at issue in the distinction between venial and mortal sins is that there are some sins which are so grievous that they can cause a person to lose their salvation. ...[T]he distinction between venial and mortal sins is found in the cooperation of the will in the commission of the sin.
He then proceeds to marshal Luther, Melanchthon and Chemnitz, via the Book of Concord, and Hutter from the generation immediately following that of the Confessors, to support this statement:
    Luther: “It is, accordingly, necessary to know and to teach that when holy men, still having and feeling original sin, also daily repenting of and striving with it, happen to fall into manifest sins, as David into adultery, murder, and blasphemy, that then faith and the Holy Ghost has departed from them. For the Holy Ghost does not permit sin to have dominion, to gain the upper hand so as to be accomplished, but represses and restrains it so that it must not do what it wishes. But if it does what it wishes, the Holy Ghost and faith are certainly not present” (S3:III:43-44). Melanchthon: “Nor, indeed, is this faith an idle knowledge, neither can it coexist with mortal sin, but it is a work of the Holy Ghost, whereby we are freed from death, and terrified minds are encouraged and quickened” (AP:IV:115). Chemnitz: “We believe, teach, and confess that, although the contrition that precedes, and the good works that follow, do not belong to the article of justification before God, yet one is not to imagine a faith of such a kind as can exist and abide with, and alongside of, a wicked intention to sin and to act against the conscience” (FC:EP:III:11 Hutter (borrowing from Melanchthon's Loci):“In those who have not been born again, every sin is mortal, whether it be original or actual, internal or external. But in those who have been born again, a mortal sin is either a fundamental error, or an internal action, contrary to the law of God, committed against conscience, and depriving its subject of the grace of God, faith and the Holy ghost.” (Compend of Lutheran Theology, 69).
God is not blind to sin. This fact underlies the confession of the Lutheran Church in regard to Mortal and Venial sins, as adduced in Bishop Heiser's paper. The distinction is not just a pointless exercise, as the gravity of Mortal Sin in a Believer is one of eternal impact. Bishop Heiser concludes:
    “The most important thing for us to remember as Christians is that the door of repentance remains open for all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ as their Saviour. David's adultery and murder offer a striking example of mortal sin, but his restoration shows us that even those who fall away in mortal sin can be restored. As we are promised in 1 John 1: ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness’ (v.9)... The Christian can, however, by the grace of God avoid mortal sin. All sin needs to be repented of, and there is a particularly pressing need in the case of a lapse into mortal sin that we repent and believe again the promises of the Gospel.”

PERSONAL THOUGHTS: Up to this point, I had been under the uneasy suspicion that contemporary Lutheran preachers have divested their preaching of God's Law. After taking in this paper, I have become convinced that this is increasingly the case. “In such a person [a Christian, conscious of his dual nature and the war his old man wages against the new man], sin is not being willfully tolerated; rather, its unwelcome presence torments the Christian.” That is, because sin inheres in the fleshly nature, because sin is always with the Christian, he ought to be tormented by it and earnestly desire to be rid of it! Yet, evidence of such a conviction is almost entirely absent from Lutheran preaching these days, where many are loathe to mention the Law in a way that might even make people feel just a bit “uncomfortable.” One of the most egregious examples of this that I have personally witnessed, occurred in 2009, when a WELS Circuit Pastor preached a sermon in which he stated, sheepishly, “and we all commit sins,” and immediately fell over himself making sure no one was offended by that statement, “but that's okay, it's okay, shh shhh shhhhhh, don't worry, don't worry, we are all forgiven...” Yes. He actually shushed the congregation like people were mortally terrified by his statement that “we all commit sins.” That statement was the only Law in the sermon. I was infuriated not only with his condescension but the man's clear misunderstanding of real human sin and complete non-application of the Law. I remember it because this sermon was the straw that broke this camel's back, and left me completely disillusioned with the WELS ministerium. Up to that point, noticing the obvious encroachments of evangelical sectarianism into the preaching and practice of WELS congregations, I had been making note of it as an exception (though growing in frequency), rather than the rule. Not after this. As a result of hearing this man's wretched sermon, I have since regarded the opposite as true, and finally acknowledging the opposite as the rule, have discovered it increasingly difficult to find exceptions to it.

Absent a genuine torment over Venial Sin, and an earnest desire to repent and be rid of it, Christians fall into Mortal Sin – into the habit of sinning against what their better judgment tells them is wrong, and excusing such actions: “It's really okay – I am already forgiven. I'll just focus on the forgiveness and be happy.” This attitude strikes me as imbalanced, approaching an Antinomian regard for sin and grace, and threatening to lead people into excusing and becoming comfortable with a lifestyle of manifest habitual sin.

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LPC has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: Impressions from My Visit with...":

Absent a genuine torment over Venial Sin, and an earnest desire to repent and be rid of it, Christians fall into Mortal Sin – into the habit of sinning against what their better judgment tells them is wrong, and excusing such actions: “It's really okay – I am already forgiven. I'll just focus on the forgiveness and be happy.” This attitude strikes me as imbalanced, approaching an Antinomian regard for sin and grace, and threatening to lead people into excusing and becoming comfortable with a lifestyle of manifest habitual sin.

But is this not the fruit of being forgiven before we are born and before we could repent and believe - the fruit of UOJ?

Lindee should examine UOJ more which IMHO he is still attached.

Because if we are forgiven without faith and before faith, we are not led to worry if we could ever lose it.


Upcoming WELS Convention. July 29th at MLC.
Chasing Evangelical-Pentecostal Apostasy.

This baby elephant is hugging its trainer.

WELS, Missouri, and the ELS are chasing Evangelical-Pentecostal apostasy, but WELS is easily the worst of a bad lot.

WELS is a good example of the problems created by a hierarchy, where a few people have too much power
and not enough brains. As one layman said recently, "We have good pastors and members, but the bad ones are in control." The WELS leaders lack brains and integrity, and they make sure their minions are worse. As they say in business, "A's hire A's, but B's hire C's."

The July 29th WELS convention will fake making a decision about the NNIV, but the decision has already been made. There might be enough of a fuss to block an immediate Halleluia Chorus endorsement of the NNIV, but the Sausage Factory has already decided. Mequon and the Church and Changers love the NNIV, and they control everything.

WELS pastors do not have enough spine to fight the Twelve Apostate District Presidents and the Changer management team.

The inevitable fallout will be:
1. Far less trust of the seminary than ever before. They have earned a bad reputation on this issue.
2. Catastrophic loss of business at NPH.
3. Additional pruning of WELS as the plum parishes dry up and turn into Evangelical-Pentecostal training camps.