Tuesday, September 16, 2014

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Pastor at Christ the Rock - Round Rock, Texas
 Hutto, TX
 Joined September 2008

Never Disturb the Soil Under a Tree

I saw the typo.

IN THE story of "My Grandfather's Earthworm Farm" George Sheffield is quoted as saying, in regard to the care of trees, "Never disturb the soil under a tree." The wisdom of this remark is appreciated fully only when a study is made of the subject of orcharding. When we go to nature where primeval forests have stood for centuries, we find the ground riddled to great depth by earthworm burrows. Earthworms like to work in the shade, among the fine roots of trees, finding sustenance in the organic debris and bacterial life of the soil, in the dead bacteria as well as the products of bacterial life. Aside from vegetation, there is a vast world of unseen bacterial life in the soil, amounting in aggregate weight in the case of fertile agricultural lands to much more than all animal life which crawls, creeps, walks, runs, and flies on numbers will reach astronomical figures within a few hours, with a bulk and weight of such magnitude that the human mind cannot grasp the total. The number of bacteria in an ounce of fertile topsoil is variously estimated as from eighteen million to twenty-four billion. When we consider that bacteria appear as dots under the microscope when magnified one thousand times, the results of such multiplication become still harder to grasp.

Barrett, Jason Thomas (2014-08-20). Harnessing the earthworm: a practical inquiry into soil-building, soil-conditioning and plant nutrition through the action of earthworms (Kindle Locations 1027-1028).  . Kindle Edition.

Where is the expensive stuff I must buy to make my garden grow?
And the chemicals to treat the damage I caused with the expensive stuff?

Before people realized the value of soil fungi in feeding the roots, two old battlewagons of organic gardening (Sheffield and Barrett) realized the need to leave soil alone. Now scientists realize how much is accomplished in that fragile zone immediately around the plant roots, where bacteria, protozoa, and fungi team up to gather and exchange nutrition.

Mineralization of nutrients is crucial to the survival of plants in a natural system. Our premise is that by interfering with or destroying the soil food web, the gardener has to step in and do extra work, making gardening a chore instead of an enjoyable hobby. If you are not convinced, then consider that as much as 80% of the nitrogen a plant needs comes from the wastes produced by bacteria- and fungi-eating protozoa . Since bacteria and fungi are attracted by plant exudates to the rhizosphere, and that is where protozoa consume them, a huge source of plant food is delivered, right around the roots.

Lowenfels, Jeff (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1178-1180). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

Nominate Someone for WELS Prison Ministry

Scott Zerbe was a guest in the Michigan State Prison System,
thanks to his vicarage affair with a minor girl.
Fred Adrian - supervisor. $400,000 initial judgment against WELS, Inc.

N O M I N A T I O N L I S T 

The Conference of Presidents invites all voting members of WELS to nominate a qualified pastor, male teacher, male staff minister, or male lay member for the called position of administrator of WELS Prison Ministry. This position is under the Commission on Special Ministries, part of the Congregation and Ministry Support Group.

Candidates may be pastors, teachers, staff ministers, chaplains, or lay members with jail ministry experience and at least five to ten years ministry experience. He must be able to faithfully teach and apply the Word of God, to train adults for volunteer service, to work with correctional institution administrators, and to administer a small staff in New Ulm, Minnesota.

He will also assist the Prison Ministry Committee in developing face-to-face jail and prison ministries and oversee its Bible study publication work. He must have a passion for reaching the lost with the gospel, enthusiasm for working with and encouraging volunteers in ministry, and strong communication skills. Nominations must be received by Sept. 29, 2014. Access the nomination form at: http://www.wels.net/about-wels/synod-reports/nomination-alert Or call the President's Office, 414-256-3202. The list of candidates will be published at: http://www.wels.net/about-wels/synod-reports/nomination-alert


Joel Hochmuth was absolved by Mark Schroeder and given a top dollar lawyer (by whom?).
He pleaded not guilty, repented (see Stormtrooper above), and offended again.
His incredibly light sentence for file swapping was revoked and he went back to government housing with bars in every room.

Fred would be a good candidate.
How many pastoral supervisors see their vicar off to state prison?
Spell that "stupor-visor."
DP Ed Werner also went to state prison. when he began molesting a second generation of girls,  the mothers hauled him to court.
Honorable Mention

Al Just went to prison for murdering his wife, but he was not there long enough to gain real experience in prison ministry.

William Tabor participated in the murder of his wife, but he never spent a day in prison. His mistress was sentenced but he went as a pastor and widower to Escanaba, Michigan.

Various synod staff members and at least one Synod President should have gone to state prison for obstruction of justice in capital cases.

WELS's Meditations, March-May 2014, for Monday, 17 March 2014.  
The second column has a great recipe for murder, molestation, and abuse - 

"No matter what you did yesterday -- or failed to do -- and no matter what you will do tomorrow, God has forgiven you."

What better words to keep people coming back to prison and continuing this worthwhile effort!


Pastor Leon Piepenbrink was initially convicted of multiple felonies in slipping a large chunk of change away from the WELS. Great software you installed, Mark Schroeder. It cost almost as much as this one theft, which happened long afterward the controls were established. Controls? - that did not happen before, did it? Why aren't those men in prison?

 Pastor Leon Piepenbrink was convicted of multiple felonies in slipping a large chunk of change away from the WELS. Great software you installed, Mark Schroeder. It cost almost as much as this one theft, which happened long afterward the controls were established. Controls? - that did not happen before, did it? Why aren't those men in prison?

He was "helping the needy" and was sentenced to only one year in the hoosegow. Does he have the experience to become the head of prison ministry?