Monday, May 8, 2017

Why Would Anyone Shun Christian News ? Herman Otten Asks Disingenuously

 Herman Otten is consistent - he bans all Lutheran books.
The only Lutheran articles in CN are from the late R. Surburg.

Why Do The Organized Conservatives Shun Christian News
Christian News, March 3, 2014. Reprinted May 8, 2017.

This week’s lead story on the 40th Anniversary of Seminex lists some of the articles which appeared in Christian News during the months in 1974 as Seminex was being formed. Many of the articles were reproductions of newspapers reports which appeared in St. Louis and elsewhere throughout the nation about Seminex. CN’s own reports explained the theological issues involved which the secular press often missed. The AP insisted it was a struggle between power and scholarship. The conservatives were supposed to have the “power” and the liberals the “scholarship.” CN showed that the confessional Lutheran minority had the real scriptural scholarship on their side.

No, you cannot fool us with a graphic.
They are all on the same UOJ team.
Bucky's photo is older than Christian News.

Today at least some of those who sided with Seminex such as Dr. Charles Mueller, Sr., Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn, and Rev. Richard Neuhaus are considered orthodox and held in high esteem while, according to the LCMS bureaucracy, the editor of CN is an impenitent sinner on the road to hell, banned from preaching in any LCMS church, communing in the LCMS and banned from pastoral conferences. The LCMS’s organized conservatives have remained silent about this “excommunication.” He is a “Journalistic Wolf” out for blood as the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau already said years ago.

SP Matt Harrison was once a seminary student.Two phony doctorates in one synod -
Kintz bought a drive-by online doctorate in education,
in little more time than it takes to earn a real MA,
but he was working full-time at CPH. Astonishing!
Harrison dropped out of the seminary doctoral program,
but won an honorary for his electioneering
and winning the SP prize.
An honorary doctorate is worth one mass,
or in this case, one banjo ballad sung to Herman Otten.

“Noland Doesn’t Mention CN as a Resource for Learning About Seminex” was the title of a discussion of Seminex on the Steadfast Lutheran blog sent to Christian News by David Becker.

It simply is not politically correct for anyone who wants to be in favor with the LCMS’s Harrison administration and the LCMS’s high salaried ($186,000 a year) “unelected ruler,” Paul McCain, to quote Christian News or report what the CN editor has been saying in various publications beginning with the 1950s. With the exception of the Confessional Lutheran edited by Paul Burgdorf, and its supporters, theologians like Theodore Dierks, Harold Romoser, Arthur Drevlow, Fred Bartling, etc. most conservatives remained silent. The LCMS’s administration despised the Confessional Lutheran and few conservatives wanted to be out of favor with the LCMS administration and the district presidents.

 Buy your Reformation 500 shot-glass and other trinkets from CPH.
They refused to print Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant,
because the author (moi) published in CN.

Today most of those who want to be in favor with the Schwan supported Harrison administration act as if what the editor has written since the 1950’s about those who formed Seminex does not exist. Seldom are the 1961 and 1962 State of the Church Book of Documentations, which CN compiled before it began in 1962, the News and Views four part series on “What Is Troubling the Lutherans?” published by the Church League of America and written by Herman Otten with suggestions from a few others, including Kurt Marquart, A Christian Handbook on Vital Issues, the Five Volume Christian News Encyclopedia, Crisis in Christendom- Seminex Ablaze ever mentioned. There is no more complete source of information about Seminex than what appeared in Christian News week after week all during the years Seminex was much in the news. Hundreds of articles in CN were photographically reproduced from a large variety of sources, left, center, right.

Did Otten mention his free review copy of Creation Gardening

“A Sharp Difference-ON EVALUATING Christian News” on p. 13 of the December 10, 2012 CN shows the sharp difference of opinion in the LCMS about CN. The founder of the Steadfast Lutheran, who is close to the LCMS president, urged CN to close up shop after Harrison used CN to get about twice as many nominations for LCMS president than incumbent Jerry Kieschnick. Since then Harrison has refused to speak or meet with CN.

Did Otten mention his free review copy
of The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine?
Did the book's emphasis on Justification by Faith
annoy and appall him?
He has no trouble promoting Roman Catholic, Babtist, and Calvinistic books.

Noland claims that the best source of information about Seminex is Affirm, which he says is still in existence. CN helped Affirm when it began, often published its address and reprinted articles from Affirm. Now Affirm claims to publish everything conservatives need to know about the LCMS. Just compare what Affirm published with what CN published. Most of the issues of CN are now available on line. Check the index in the last issue of each year of CN since it began in 1962 with the indexes or content of Affirm. Affirm began when it was considered safe in the LCMS to challenge the liberals in public. CN gave Affirm its mailing list at its request to help Affirm reach laymen who could finance Affirm. CN did this without charge. Affirm said it would give CN it’s mailing list once it had one. Affirm never kept its promise. Affirm said it would not name names as CN was doing and would then “come up smelling like a rose” when compared to Christian News. When a founding editor of Affirm resigned because of a divorce, he sent CN some articles to publish. Dr. Tom Baker...

Paul McCain and Otten worked together to elect Al Barry,
both heatedly denying their collusion, but bragging about it
separately to me. They are both in the bag with UOJ

Otten is a true ecumenist -
he loves every doctrine except Luther's.

GJ - Otten treats the duplicitous and hypocritical synod politicians as his equals, as he should. He has spent 50 years getting them into office, including Jack Preus, Ralph Bohlmann, Kieschnick, McCain and Harrison.

UOJists like Otten, McCain, and Heiser+ (a recent convert to the Chief Article) ban every book and author that unhinges them, but they show an impressive breadth of interest in every false dogma that tickles their short attention spans.

In contrast, I promote all the books that might interest readers and try to find free or inexpensive copies for our ever-growing audience. For example, even though the ELDONA priests got their chasubles in a knot and spent their last conference denouncing me and hiding my books from view, I still promote Rydecki's translations.

He had to be the top dog, the only dog,
the synod president, the seminary president, the magazine editor,
the dogmatics text editor, and the censor who decided who
would succeed him in his role as SP/Sem Prez/dogmatics monopolist: F. Pieper.

More Silliness This Year at Emmaus,
Where Lutheran Eyes Are Closed to Justification by Faith

 Supper at Emmaus - by M. Caravaggio
Luke 24:30 - 
30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.

The Tenth Annual Emmaus Conference

The 10th Annual Emmaus Conference is Friday, April 28th, 2017, with a banquet the evening prior on Thursday, April 27th. The topic for the 2017 Emmaus Conference will be: “The Unsuspecting American Luthers”. The backgrounds, challenges, and impact of several Lutheran theologians in the 20th Century will be explored and discussed.

Wherever two or three LCMS leaders are gathered together, CFW Walther worship begins. This Emmaus debacle was held in late April, but the papers are not posted yet. In this day of instant publishing, the papers could have been linked on the website. I recall Mirthless Mark Schroeder did not want his shared, years ago, not that he said anything worth publishing. Here is the non-archive archive.

The May 8th Christian News must be the archive, because they posted some promotional bits and photos about the event...afterwards. Oh dear, I missed the conference altogether. David Becker found the event disappointing, albeit without being there. Compared to WELS Luther Days, where Jay Webber spoke to one (1) person - and Natalie Pratt disappeared with the money - Emmaus 2017 was probably a smash hit.

We all know that Preus descendants are the Agent Orange of Justification by Faith. Whenever they suspect that Luther's doctrine is being taught somewhere, they spray their toxic dogma from Halle Rationalists all over, until nothing is left living: no faith, no Gospel, no fruits of the Gospel.

Does anyone wonder why the ELS is almost gone and WELS is corrupt beyond measure? To those who are kicked out of WELS, I always say, "Good for you. They did you a great favor." Alcoholism and adultery are not problems among WELS clergy and teachers - they are resume enhancers, if someone has the right friends and the wrong doctrine.

The strength of the LCMS is its mix of Pentecostal, ELCA wannabees, Walther worshipers, and Lutherans. The Missouri Synod is such a rainbow coalition that the bureaucrats do not have the power or urge to crack down on the Chief Article of the Christian Faith. Anyway, they have Otten to do their work for them. And Logorrhea - and their Fuller/Rome seminaries.

 You were born forgiven kids,
now don't ask any probing questions about this.

How bad is WELS? At Mordor Seminary in Mequon, Wendland is the salesman-in-charge of the New NIV. Valleskey was the previous president, based on years of gushing about Church Growth and studying at Fuller with his pal Bivens (also on the faculty). When I was there in 1987, I did not hear Church Growth promoted in the classroom. But once everyone was "finished," they were also required to attend the post MDiv training, which was all Church Growth. Besides that, when I accepted the call to Shepherd of Peace in Columbus, Ohio, the congregation had me attend Paul Kelm's Church Growth "evangelism seminar," which lasted a week. That event was stocked with such CG kahunas as Valleskey, Hartman, Kelm, Larry Olson, and such like.

The message was clear 30 years ago - the only people who understood evangelism were from Fuller Seminary, although seminarians could also attend the Billy Graham evangelism events. The poster in President Panning's office said, "See Paul Kelm for more information."

Need I say this? - WELS is more fanatical about UOJ than any other sect. Just as the Babtists have dogma that can be taught in five minutes, WELS has their "everyone is forgiven and saved," now make a decision for UOJ. Nothing really matters after that is confessed, and WELS has nothing to talk about in Christian doctrine, except to steal the precious gems, gold, and silver from the Egyptians (as Valleskey gushed) - Fuller, Willowcreek, and the Calvinists.

Thirty years ago, Tim Buelow ('87) said to me, "All the books in your library are Lutheran. All our required reading was Reformed." And yet, WELS brain-washed pastors are quick to say, "Lenski is not good about justification." That really means, "From what I have heard, because I never study, Lenski teaches faith in Christ and opposes our precious UOJ."

Fun fact - When I gave Christian News the Corky paper to reprint, Buelow phoned me to scream at me for doing it. That is how WELS works - a friend is designated to do the hit - just like the Mafia. Of course, the WELS leaders do not mind killing the hitman later, just in case he talks.

The ELS is totally owned by WELS, which is why it previously prospered under the shadow of the LCMS and is dying faster than zoot suits. The ELS leaders actually  stood up to Missouri, in print no less, long ago. Today, Pope John the Malefactor is a WELS mouthpiece.

Pope John and Mirthless Mark are promoters of Mark Jeske's Church and Changers, a merry band of alcoholic false teachers, who will always be pulled out of their drunken messes by the synodical officials. What earns a security firing in secular life - being walked out of the building with personal belongings in a cardboard box - is reason to promote a pastor as the speaker at the national teachers' conference.

Does anyone notice that WELS-ELCA Pastor Mark Jeske has a conflict of interest sitting on the Thrivent board, earning a ton of money, and voting on giving Thrivent money to his projects? No, not at all. That is how the synods work. The leaders are like harpies, as Luther noting, using their claws to scrape money out of everyone's pockets - "for the Lord."

If anyone has a copy of the Emmaus 2017 conference papers, send them to me. No questions will be asked. No identities will be revealed. All fingerprints will be carefully removed. Thanks in advance. That will help my future essay on Two Felons and a Christian Leader: Stephan, Walther, and Loehe.