Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Mother of a Quadriplegic Wrote

To Dr. Greg Jackson,  you taught both me and my daughter online with Grand Canyon University many years ago.  I don't know if you would remember her.. L.D. and she was a quadriplegic.  You were kind enough to send each of us one of your beautiful books Angel Joy.  thank you.

 Erin Joy had many seizures so we got her distracted with jokes about everything, including falling, messes, and someone (not her) in trouble.

I wanted to let you know that my daughter passed away in 2013.  She had earned her bachelors degree with honors.  She is free and flying high with our Lord and nothing could make me happier.  I will be joining her in the not too distant future as I am fighting COPD and lung cancer.  I just wanted you to know how much we both appreciated you when you were our teacher.  M.D.

 Bethany and her nurse Ida - they loved each other so much, which is one of many reasons we admire and respect nurses.

Staggering Dishonesty in WELS Biblical Fraud

The EHV is currently doing well in WELS.

The navigation for Defeat the New NIV Translation can be found here. 

The post links to many other informational articles and remains one of the most read, in spite of the 2011 date.

Supposedly their new Extra High Voltage is surging to 50,000 copies. They call it Evangelical Heritage Version, which is not hip enough for me.

I came across some documents used to foist the New NIV on WELS. They show the poverty of Biblical knowledge in WELS, the abundance of deception use to get their way - and they did.

The Translation Evaluation Committee (Supplemental Report, 2011 Convention) was a farce.

"Why would anyone want to revise a translation as popular as the NIV?" - they ask with feigned innocence.

The NIV was planned for future improvements. WELS decided not to do its own translation, at first, but went ahead with the EHV.

They used a public domain base to get the work done, so it was not really "their" translation. The EHV tendency overall is to repair the idiocy of the old NIV and the worse idiocy of the New NIV. But the EHV fouls up the Great Commission, so the CG force is stronger than translation precision. Jesus taught His disciples to "teach all nations" - not to "make disciples" (Fuller Seminary) or "gather disciples" (EHV).

 The Southern Baptists rejected the New NIV and ordered it not put on the shelves of their bookstores. The WELS wolves sheepishly posing by the sign did not listen to the Baptists. The New NIV is official, baked in, love it or enjoy the Left Foot of Fellowship from WELS.

WELS Staggering Dishonesty
The Translation Evaluation Committee 2011 gives away the plot and reveals why the seminary was slavering to make the New NIV official - Romans 3:22-24!

The bad old NIV translated it as "all have sinned and fallen short...and are justified freely by his grace..."

But the wonderful New NIV has - "all have sinned and fallen short...and all are justified freely by his grace..." [GJ - all is bolded and underlined in the printed copy I have.]

The Greek text did not change, but the mainline apostates (which include WELS, LCMS, and ELCA) clamored for the extra all.

The dogma of Universalism is far more important to them, even in the guise of Objective Justification, than Biblical truth is.

The section means simply, as Luther explained - all have sinned and those who are justified are only justified through faith in Jesus.

For the pinheads in WELS, grace means universal forgiveness and opposes faith. However, St. Paul clearly stated -
Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace...

Their denial and rejection of faith is obnoxious and wrong, but now they have their New NIV to comfort them in their apostasy.

Quoting the WELS false teachers in battle array against the Gospel -

"The addition of the little word "all" is significant, since it clarifies Paul's intended meaning: God has declared all guilty sinners not guilty by his gracious, saving work in Christ Jesus." [bold and underlining in the original printed copy]

 Note the WELS language in large print above the graphic, clearly a case of the sect "building and correcting" by adding an all that is not in Romans 3 or anywhere else in the Scriptures. Paul really intended to teach universal absolution, WELS is saying, and now they can make him say it.

The Justification by Faith Deniers Had Their Summer Camp Experience

They deny the Chief Article - Justification by Faith - what makes them Lutheran? Or even Christian?

 Heiser is wearing his purple bishop shirt. Rolf seems fine with that. Preus was/is a constant Objective Justification advocate, as Heiser knew, and Bishop Jim is not bothered at all.

Happy Campers came together at Camp Trinity, to celebrate their common bond. Calvinism. As one publication of Northwestern Publishing House (WELS) said, "The Calvinists are not crypto anymore." Thanks to Otten's business zig-zagging between Walter Maier and Walther, the path has been smoothed to complete apostasy.

 St. John is the church and endowment WELS stole, after kicking it out years ago. More importantly, here is Wayne pontificating about "not being restricted" to doctrines (sic). There is only one doctrine. Note the item in question - Election - which Walther abused to turn his drones toward Geneva, to back up his Halle OJ. Cited is fellow dunce Harold Wicks. If someone else wrote it in WELS, it is the ruling norm, unless the man's name is Gausewitz. Who he? they all say now.

The genius of Pietism is the blend of Lutheran identify and Calvinistic rejection of the Confessions. Even today, WELS struts about the Book of Concord outwardly but inwardly despises the Confessions and Luther.

Pietism concentrates on appearances. "Are you a WELS member? Good! Are you from Wisconsin? Even better?"

Long ago when WELS was not collapsing, they had the seminarians saying, "We will not sit down with Missouri until they are straight about the ministry!" That was said to me verbatim, with some venom, many times at Mordor. It was like pushing a button on a display at a DC museum, only the button was self-activating.

Both synods are equally OJ, equally anti-Luther, equally terrified of the judgment facing them as members and seminaries flee.

Wayne Mueller's Church Growth and Rolf Preus' OJ are the twin devils of this catastrophe. Both Boomers pranced around as experts while they were dipping the silver and gold of Biblical doctrine in toxic mercury - to make it better, clearer, more relevant and effective.

 Read the Calvinists to yak people into WELS. That worked like a charm. When will the Boomers meet to apologize to everyone.