Currently, the favorite plant name is pollinator. That term includes the many varieties of bees, their relatives, hummingbirds, and butterflies. The early weeds, which do not bloom long, are perfect for the bees trying to earn their reputation for hard work. Ajuga is a purplish mint and stickyweed is another.
Instead of a hummingbird showing up at its feeder, a woodpecker is stopping by for some sips. Tiny butterflies are flitting about the Rose Garden already. The most fun and relaxing visitors are the bees. The patio is open, shaded overhead, and only inches above the garden.
A hummingbird can be watched from inches away as it checks out its food supply from the feeder. Bees do the same wherever the flowers are blooming. Beneficial flower flies are always around but wary of windy days.
Some of the emerging plants for this three-ring circus of pollinators are:
- Bee balm
- Butterfly weed
- Roses
- Joe Pye Weed and Little Joe Pye Weed
- Poke Weed
- Clethra - total nine cinnamony shrubs, front and backyards
- Allium
- Mountain Mint
- Dandelions
- Clover
- A wide variety of hosta
- Crepe Myrtle
Shallow water is always present, either from watering or from the air conditioner.
Crepe Myrtle is a favorite with robins, cardinals, bees, and butterflies. |