Saturday, December 26, 2009

Not Sure If Your Ears Can Handel This Cacophony from St. Marcus

Christmas Day 2009 Thanks to everyone for doing such a great job!!! This selection is from Handel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration:


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Not Sure If Your Ears Can Handel This Cacophony fr...":

It's kinda like singing "Amazing Grace" to the tune of "Gilligan's Island." (Try it, it works both ways. I.e. sing "Gilligan's Island" to the tune of "Amazing Grace.")

However, criticizing musical style can be dangerous territory. I was once criticized after a Christmas service for having the congregation sing "O Little Town of Bethlehem" to "English melody, adapt." (Christian Worship #66) rather than the tune by Lewis Redner (Chrisitian (sic) Worship #65).


GJ - This video should be withdrawn as a favor to the public.

Singing "Amazing Grace" to the Gilligan's Island tune is appropriate. "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear" is typical Calvinism - Law/Law. Almost everyone can sing "Amazing Grace" without squirming, so it has become the pan-religious hymn of choice.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Not Sure If Your Ears Can Handel This Cacophony fr...":

"At first it was modern harmonies and then it was translation into English. And then they did away with the service conducted in German. Now this.

- M. Luther

Not Every Reader Is a Facebook Friend

Facebook tells me to link up with potential friends, based on mutual friends. I was using that tonight and harvesting a lot of new contacts, people fun to know. Most of them are conservative Lutherans, divided by a common faith - ELS, LCMS, WELS, and independent. A few are school friends.

I clicked off some new ones and had some new conversations started. Then I got this message (the only one like this from Facebook):

Re: Do I know you?

Ah, then you have smeared me without even recognizing me.

Or did you not compose this wee bon-bon of gossip?

And did you not use my image to suit your own purposes, or has another written and made editorial choices for your inglorious sausage-making?

You may go jump in a lake. Or repent, as best suits you.

I wrote back, irenic as always:

My, my. Touchy. The only thing that does NOT offend the ELS is false doctrine.

I was going to let it go at that and not blog about it. But he responded:

James sent you a message.

Re: Do I know you?

"That'll be quite enough from you.  You are a liar and a fool."

I am providing this information because it is so typical of synodical bullying. First of all, the initial post was well researched and not "gossip." Not only are there eye-witnesses to the ELS and WELS pushing women towards ordination, but the latest episode at Willow Creek Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel is another datum to chart the feminist trend among the Shrinkers.

Secondly, the photo was a funny way to illustrate the point made so often in the Little Sect and WELS - "This never happened. We all agree on it." No one ever went to the hoosegow for murder. No DP served time for felonies. No money ever disappeared. No women led the worship services in the ELS or WELS. No women celebrated Holy Communion. There is no Church Growth in either synod. Ask anyone from either synod who went to Fuller Seminary.

Thirdly, the name-calling is unbecoming someone so distinguished that he can shake hands with Pope John the Malefactor. A papal audience is not granted to just anyone. I clicked off about 20 potential friends tonight and only one replied with venom. The rest said, "Sure" and linked up.

Suet for Christmas

Suet cakes can be provided in a wire feeder or in mesh bags.

I found the Luther quote mentioned before:

"Early in the morning it rises, sits upon a twig and sings a song it has learned, while it knows not where to obtain its food, and yet it is not worried as to where to get its breakfast. Later, when it is hungry, it flies away and seeks a grain of corn, where God stored one away for it, of which it never thought while singing, when it had cause enough to be anxious about its food. Ay, shame on you now, that the little birds are more pious and believing than you; they are happy and sing with joy and know not whether they have anything to eat." Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed. John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 114. Trinity 15, Matthew 6:24-34.

In Midland I noticed everyone feeding the birds and having great results. For instance, one prominent bush in a backyard featured seven bags of suet, with birds taking turns feeding, all day long. In those days, someone could get suet for almost nothing from the grocery store and some nylon citrus bags. A few dollars fed the birds all winter. Besides, suet is listed in an Old Wives Tales book on gardening for planting at the base of roses bushes. In Midland I planted the leftover suet below the new roses. I did not have a control bed of roses so I have no idea how effective it was.

The suet arrived on Christmas Day, from Duncraft. Duncraft emails me twice a day now, realizing that someone who buys suet will buy almost anything else.

They included mesh bags on top of each package of suet. Very small cakes of suet can be found at Wal-Mart, pet stores, and grocery stores. I really hate to think what those cost per pound. The stores also sell the wire cages. My first cake and cage set disappeared, perhaps purloined by raccoons or squirrels.

I figured the large packages put me in the professional leagues of bird-feeding. We were set to watch the Chipmunk Squeakquel, after lunch, so I hurried to get some ready. Birds are slow to feed on something new, so I wanted to get it started. I had one hanging from a bush in the front yard and another around the railing on the back porch.

Sassy watched me cut the suet out of the plastic containers and put it in the bag. She is half-German and a good supervisor. I did not think her interest was unusual, even though peanut butter aroma made it smell rather tasty.

We were getting ready to go when I went looking for Sassy. She was busy on the back deck, eating the aromatic suet from the bag.

I moved the bag to a much higher location. The next challenge will be setting up a birdbath where we can enjoy the bathing without having Sassy use it as her bubbler (Wisconsin for water fountain). She has her own five-galloon water dish, but she is known for raiding the bird bath. We kept the one in Arizona behind the pool fence.

To enjoy the most birds, feed them at various levels. Ground feeders will often glean from the seeds dropped from the birdfeeder, but people will scatter extra seed for them. Sunflower is the best all-around seed. Suet is best food for insect-eating birds.

Birdbaths at different locations provide for different species. Cardinals are fairly shy, so they might bathe far away while a bluejay will come up close and demand his breakfast. A lot of wasted food can be used to provide for birds: old popcorn, bread crusts, the remains of corn on the cob, fruit.

God provides most of their food in abundance. Trees and bushes harbor insects waiting to be reborn in the spring. We never think of them hiding in the bark, but the birds know how to look for them. The only time a bird is really desperate for food is when a sleet storm covers all the bark in all the bushes and trees. Brutally cold weather will also demand more food calories than a bird can find to keep alive.

I will write more about God's use of rot to recycle elements of His Creation.

Al Barry Resume

LCMS President Al Barry - How Little We Know!

The Concordia Historical Institute is less than candid about Al Barry's education.

"Born: 4 August 1931, Woodbine, Iowa
Died: 23 March 2001, Orlando, Florida
Alvin Barry attended Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois, finished his studies through the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Thiensville, in 1956, and was ordained the same year."

Barry also attended Bethany Seminary in Mankato (ELS) and a church basement seminary in Minneapolis. The church basement school may have been the Orthodox Lutheran Conference. I am not an expert in the mini-micro synods, which tend to splinter and scatter.

Barry vicared in the Wisconsin Synod. There is no Barry listed in the graduates of the Sausage Factory, yet he "finished his education there." Did Barry lack an MDiv? The honorary DD is listed, but no MDiv. College degree? Not listed.

His positions are listed as:
  1. Pilgrim, Minneapolis (1956-1960).
  2. St. John and Peace Lutheran Churches, Claremont, California (1960-62).
  3. Trinity Lutheran Church, Trimont, Minnesota (1962-67).
  4. Iowa District West executive positions (1967-82).
  5. DP (1982-92).
  6. Synod President (1992-2001).

We know more about Obama's educational background than we do about Al Barry. The CHI site is rather stingy with details about all the recent Synod Presidents. Note that the photo is a scan of a half-tone, really amateurish for a Missouri institution devoted to history. They cannot mail over a glossy of Barry? Perhaps they were all used up for target practice by the Kieschnick staff.


PS - There is a Pilgrim Lutheran listed on the Net, but I am not sure if that is where Barry served. I could not find any synod affiliation at first, but I stumbled on a reference to LACE, which is WELS. The WELS acronym is built into the template, as one reader noted. I missed that. I was looking for distinctive content, and this website tended toward the generic. This could be the wrong church, but it is worth reading the websty to see how artfully the congregation has downplayed synodical affiliation and Lutheran doctrine. They have some very big money plans.

Check this out:

Ask the Pastor

Ask the Pastor

   Do you have a question about doctrine, values, denominations, world religions, church practices, the Bible, what brand of coffee we use at our coffee hours...

   Well this is your chance to have our pastor
Rev. Peter Leyrer
give you a well thought out, informative, theologically astute and plain English answer to that question that has been just nagging at you.

    Pastor Pete will be answering your questions
       during the sermon time of both services, on the first Sunday of each month. 

Just click on Pastor Petes nose to submit your question  
 If you have a question of a more personal nature or would like to make an appointment to talk with Pastor Pete please click here  


Also, read More Fun Than Lutheran's (sic) Should Have. Am I right about Chicaneries being illiterate? Notice that the fun page is full of dumb, secular, power-of-positive-thinking quotations.

The Late Father Neuhaus - Still Attracting Notice

Richard John Neuhaus was first and most prominent Lutheran to become a Roman Catholic priest.

The American Spectator has taken note of Neuhaus' last book, published at the time of his death a year ago.

Neuhaus began in the LCMS, working with Robert Wilken to displace Herman Otten and Kurt Marquart as student editors at Our Lady of Sorrows (aka Concordia Seminary, St. Louis).

Missouri is very tough on apostates. Father Neuhaus was invited to speak at The Surrendered Fort (aka Concordia, Ft. Wayne) on the topic "How I Became the Catholic I Always Was." About half the audience nodded in agreement as he spoke. As Pope B-16 said, "Ach, those Missouri Synod Lutherans."

Missouri Lutherans must be curious about being stuck with Kieschnick as their all-powerful but incompetent leader, an Enthusiast among Enthusiasts. How many seminaries can call themselves The Fort and invite a man famous for leaving to join:
  1. the Come-Outters of Seminex,
  2. the High Church Unitarians of the LCA/ELCA,
  3. and finally the Church of the Antichrist?
To cap this display of idiocy, Concordia and the LCMS allowed Neuhaus to speak on becoming Roman Catholic.

The last time Rome let a Lutheran speak, 1517, they had the stake and kindling ready. Luther had to be kidnapped and presumed dead to keep him alive.

Paul McCain, MDiv, wrote that his buddy Neuhaus allowed Missouri to communicate with His Excellency the Pope. Anyone who wants to see the polite side of McCain can visit the ELCA discussion group, ALPB.